MORDM VII: Optimality, robustness, and reevaluation under deep uncertainty

In the previous MORDM post, we visualized the reference set of performance objectives for the North Carolina Research Triangle and conducted a preliminary multi-criterion robustness analysis using two criteria: (1) regional reliability should be at least 98%, and (2) regional restriction frequency should be not more than 20%. Using these metrics, we found that Pareto-optimality does not guarantee satisfactory robustness, a statement that is justified by showing that not all portfolios within the reference set satisfied the robustness criteria.

In this post, we will explain the differences between optimality and robustness, and justify the importance of robust optimization instead of sole reliance on a set of optimal solutions (aka an optimal portfolio). To demonstrate the differences better, we will also reevaluate the Pareto optimal set of solutions under a more challenging set of states of the world (SOWs), a method first used in Herman et al (2013, 2014) and Zeff et al (2014). The formal term for this method, Deeply Uncertain (DU) Re-evaluation was coined in a 2019 paper by Trindade et al.

Optimality vs robustness

The descriptions of optimality are many. From a purely technical perspective, a Pareto optimal set is a set of decision variables or solutions that maps to a Pareto front, or a set of performance objectives where improving one objective cannot be improved without causing performance degradation in another. For the purposes of this blog post, we shall use the definition of optimality as laid out by Beyer and Sendoff in their 2007 paper:

The global optimal design…depends on the…(objective) functions and constraints…however, these functions always represent models and/or approximations of the real world.

Beyer and Sendhoff (2007)

In other words, a Pareto reference set is only optimal within the bounds of the model it was generated from. This makes sense; models are only approximations of the real world. It is difficult and computationally expensive to have bounds on the degree of certainty to which the model optimum maps to the true optimum due to uncertainties driven by human action, natural variability, and incomplete knowledge. Optimization is static in relation to reality – the set of solutions found do not change with time, and only account for the conditions within the model itself. Any deviation from this set of solutions or unaccounted differences between the actual system and model may result in failure (Herman et al, 2015; Read et al 2014).

This is why searching the set of optimal solutions for robust solutions is important. Herman et al (2015) quotes an earlier works by Matalas and Fiering (1977) that defines robustness as the insensitivity a system’s portfolio to uncertainty. Within the MORDM context, robustness was found to be best defined using the multi-criterion satisficing robustness measure (Herman et al, 2015), which refers to the ability of a solution to meet one or more requirements (or criteria) set by the decision-makers when evaluated under a set of challenging scenarios. More information on alternative robustness measures can be found here.

In this blog post, we will begin to explore this concept of robustness by conducting DU Re-evaluation, where we will perform the following steps:

Generate a set of ROF tables from a more challenging set of SOWs

Recall that we previously stored our Pareto-optimal solution set in a .csv file names ‘NC_refset.csv’ (find the original Git Repository here). Now, we will write a quick Python script (called in the Git Repository) using MPI4PY that will parallelize and speed up the ROF table generation and the bash script to submit the job. More information on parallelization using MPI4PY can be found in this handy blog post by Dave Gold.

First, create a Python virtual environment within the folder where all your sourcecode is kept and activate the virtual environment. I called mine python3_venv:

python3 -m venv python_venv
source python_venv/bin/activate

Next, install the numpy and mpi4py libraries:

pip install numpy mpi4py

Then write the Python script as follows:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tues March 1 2022 16:16
@author: Lillian Bei Jia Lau

from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import subprocess, sys, time
import os

# 5 nodes, 50 RDMs per node
# 16 tasks per node
# 5 RDMs per task
rank = comm.Get_rank() # up to 20 processes
print('rank = ', rank)

N_RDMs_needed = 100
N_RDM_PER_TASK = 2 # each task handles two RDMs
N_TASKS = 50 # rank ranges from 0 to 50

DATA_DIR = "/scratch/lbl59/blog/WaterPaths/"
SOLS_FILE_NAME = "NC_dvs_all_noheader.csv"
N_SOLS = 1


for i in range(N_RDM_PER_TASK):
    current_RDM = rank + (N_TASKS * i)

    command_gen_tables = "./waterpaths -T {} -t 2344 -r {} -d {} -C 1 -O rof_tables_reeval/rdm_{} -e 0 \
            -U TestFiles/rdm_utilities_test_problem_reeval.csv \
            -W TestFiles/rdm_water_sources_test_problem_reeval.csv \
            -P TestFiles/rdm_dmp_test_problem_reeval.csv \
            -s {} -f 0 -l {} -R {}\
            -p false".format(OMP_NUM_THREADS, N_REALIZATIONS, DATA_DIR, current_RDM, SOLS_FILE_NAME, N_SOLS, current_RDM)



Before proceeding, a quick explanation on what all this means:

  • Line 12: We are parallelizing this job across 5 nodes on Cornell’s THECUBE (The Cube) computing cluster.
  • Lines 19-28: On each node, we are submitting 10 tasks to each of the 5 nodes requested. Each task, in turn, is handling 2 robust decision-making (RDM) multiplier files that scale up or scale down a hydroclimatic realization make a state of the world more (or less) challenging. In this submission, we are creating 400 different variations of each hydroclimatic scenario using the 400 RDM files, and running it across only one solution
  • Line 16 and 31: The ‘rank’ is the order of the tasks in which there are submitted. Since there are 10 tasks over 5 nodes, there will be a total of 50 tasks being submitted. Note and understand how the current_RDM is calculated.
  • Lines 32 to 37: This is the command that you are going to submit to The Cube. Note the -C and -O flags; a value of 1 for the -C flag tells WaterPaths to generate ROF tables, and the -O tells WaterPaths to output each ROF table file into a folder within rof_tables_reeval/rdm_{}for each RDM. Feel free to change the filenames as you see fit.

To accompany this script, first create the following folders: output, out_reeval, and rof_tables_reeval. The output folder will contain the simulation results from running the 1 solution across the 100 hydroclimatic realizations. The out_reeval folder will store any output or error messages such as script runtime.

Then, write the following bash submission script:

#SBATCH -n 50 -N 5 -p normal
#SBATCH --job-name=rof_tables_reeval
#SBATCH --output=out_reeval/rof_tables_reeval.out
#SBATCH --error=out_reeval/rof_tables_reeval.err
#SBATCH --time=200:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=all


module load openmpi3/3.1.4
module spider py3-mpi4py
module spider py3-numpy/1.15.3

START="$(date +%s)"

mpirun python3

DURATION=$[ $(date +%s) - ${START} ]

echo ${DURATION}

You can find the bash script under the filename Finally, submit the script using the following line:

sbatch ./

The run should take roughly 5 hours. We’re good for some time!

Re-evaluate your solutions (and possibly your life choices, while you’re at it)

Once the ROF tables are generated, it’s time to get a little hands-on with the underlying WaterPaths code. Navigate to the following PaperTestProblem.cpp file using:
cd /yourfilepath/WaterPaths/src/Problem/

Follow the next steps carefully.

  1. Delete PaperTestProblem.cpp and replace it with the file PaperTestProblem-reeval.cpp. It can be found in the the main Git Repository.
  2. Rename the latter file PaperTestProblem.cpp – it will be the new PaperTestProblem file that will be able to individually read each RDM scenario’s ROF tables.
  3. Re-make WaterPaths by calling make clean and then make gcc in the command line. This will ensure that WaterPaths has no problems running the new PaperTestProblem.cpp file.

Next, write the following Python script (called in the Git repository):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tues March 1 2022 16:16

@author: Lillian Bei Jia Lau

from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import subprocess, sys, time
import os

N_RDMs_needed = 100  # N_TASKS_PER_NODE * N_RDM_PER_TASK * num nodes
N_TASKS_PER_NODE = 10 # rank ranges from 0 to 15
N_RDM_PER_TASK = 2 # each task handles five RDMs
N_TASKS = 50

rank = comm.Get_rank() # up to 20 processes
print('rank = ', rank)

DATA_DIR = "/scratch/lbl59/blog/WaterPaths/"
SOLS_FILE_NAME = "NC_dvs_all_noheader.csv"
N_SOLS = 69

for i in range(N_RDM_PER_TASK):
    current_RDM = rank + (N_TASKS * i)

    command_run_rdm = "./waterpaths -T {} -t 2344 -r {} -d {} -C -1 -O rof_tables_reeval/rdm_{} -e 0 \
            -U TestFiles/rdm_utilities_test_problem_reeval.csv \
            -W TestFiles/rdm_water_sources_test_problem_reeval.csv \
            -P TestFiles/rdm_dmp_test_problem_reeval.csv \
            -s {} -R {} -f 0 -l 69\
            -p false".format(OMP_NUM_THREADS, N_REALIZATIONS, DATA_DIR, \
                    current_RDM , SOLS_FILE_NAME, current_RDM)



Note the change in the -C flag; its value is now -1, telling WaterPaths that it should import the ROF table values from the folder indicated by the -O flag. The resulting objective values for each RDM will be saved in the output folder we previously made.

The accompanying bash script, named is as follows:

#SBATCH -n 50 -N 5 -p normal
#SBATCH --job-name=mordm_training_du_reeval
#SBATCH --output=out_reeval/mordm_training_du_reeval.out
#SBATCH --error=out_reeval/mordm_training_du_reeval.err
#SBATCH --time=200:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=all

module load openmpi3/3.1.4
module spider py3-numpy/1.15.3

START="$(date +%s)"

mpirun python3

DURATION=$[ $(date +%s) - ${START} ]

echo ${DURATION}

This run should take approximately three to four days. After that, you will have 1000 files containing 69 objective value sets resulting from running the 69 solutions across 1000 deeply-uncertain states of the world.


In this post, we defined optimality and robustness. We demonstrated how to run a DU re-evaluation across 100 challenging SOWs to observe how these ‘optimal’ solutions perform in more extreme scenarios. This is done to show that optimality is bound by current model states, and any deviation from the expected circumstances as defined by the model may lead to degradations in performance.

In the next blog post, we will be visualizing these changes in performance using a combination of sensitivity analysis, scenario discovery, and tradeoff analysis.


Beyer, H. and Sendhoff, B., 2007. Robust optimization – A comprehensive survey. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196(33-34), pp.3190-3218.

Herman, J., Reed, P., Zeff, H. and Characklis, G., 2015. How Should Robustness Be Defined for Water Systems Planning under Change?. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(10), p.04015012.

Herman, J., Zeff, H., Reed, P. and Characklis, G., 2014. Beyond optimality: Multistakeholder robustness tradeoffs for regional water portfolio planning under deep uncertainty. Water Resources Research, 50(10), pp.7692-7713.

Matalas, N. C., and Fiering, M. B. (1977). “Water-resource systems planning.” Climate, climatic change, and water supply, studies in geophysics, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 99–110.

Read, L., Madani, K. and Inanloo, B., 2014. Optimality versus stability in water resource allocation. Journal of Environmental Management, 133, pp.343-354.

Zeff, H., Kasprzyk, J., Herman, J., Reed, P. and Characklis, G., 2014. Navigating financial and supply reliability tradeoffs in regional drought management portfolios. Water Resources Research, 50(6), pp.4906-4923.

Easy batch parallelization of code in any language using mpi4py

The simplest form of parallel computing is what’s known as “embarrassingly” parallel processes. These processes involve fully independent runs of a model or script where little or no communication is needed across parallel processes. A common example is Monte Carlo evaluation, when we run a model over an ensemble of inputs. To parallelize an embarrassingly parallel application we simply need to send a set of commands to the cluster telling it to run each sample on a different core (or set of cores). For small applications, this can be done by submitting each run individually. For larger applications, SLURM Job Arrays (which are nicely detailed in Antonia’s post, here) can efficiently batch large number of function calls to independent computing cores. While this method is efficient and effective, I find it sometimes can be hard to keep track of, as you may be submitting tens or hundreds of jobs at a time. An alternative approach to submitting embarrassingly parallel tasks is to utilize MPI with Python to dispatch and organize jobs.

I like the MPI / Python combo because it consolidates all parallel applications into a single job, meaning you have one job to keep track of on a cluster at a time, and one output file generated by the batch set of model runs. I also find Python slightly easier to edit and debug than Bash scripts (which are used to create job arrays). Additionally, it’s very easy to assign each computing core a set of function evaluations to run (this can also be done with Job arrays, but again, I find Python easier to work with). Though Python is the language used to coordinate parallel tasks, we can use it to parallelize code in any language, as I’ll demonstrate below.

In this post I’ll first provide some background on MPI and its Python implementation, mpi4py. Next I’ll provide an example I’ve developed to demonstrate how to batch run a Matlab code on a cluster. The examples presented here are derived from some of Bernardo’s code in his post on Parallel programming in C/C++, which you can find here.

A very light introduction to MPI

MPI stands for “Message Passing Interface” and is the standard library for distributed memory parallelization (for background, see this post). To understand how MPI works, it’s helpful to define some of it’s basic components.

  1. Tasks: I’ll use the term task to define a processor (or group of processors) assigned to perform a specific set of instructions. These instructions may by a single evaluation of a function, or a set of function evaluations
  2. Communicators: A communicator is a group of MPI task units that are permitted to communicate with each other. In advanced MPI applications you may have multiple communicators, but for embarrassingly parallel applications we’ll only use one. The default communicator is called “MPI_COMM_WORLD” (I don’t know why, if anyone does please feel free to share in the comments), and that’s what I’ll work with here.
  3. Ranks: Each MPI task is assigned a unique identifier within the communicator called a rank. The processors running each task can access their own rank number, which will play an important role in how we use MPI for embarrassingly parallel applications.

A example schematic of the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator with six tasks and their associated ranks is shown below.


MPI is implemented in Python with the mpi4py library. When we run an MPI code on a cluster, MPI creates the communicator and assigns each task a rank, then each task unit independently load the script. The processor/s associated with a task can then access their own unique rank.

The following snip of code loads this library, accesses the communicator and stores the rank of the given process:

# load the mpi4py library
from mpi4py import MPI

# access the MPI COMM WORLD communicator and assign it to a variable

# get the rank of the current process (different for each process on the cluster)
rank = comm.Get_rank()

Example of using mpi4py to batch parallel jobs

Here, I’ll parallelize the submission of a Matlab script called demoScript.m. This script reads an input file from a specific file location and prints out the contents of that file. For example purposes I’ve created 20 input files, each in their own folders. The folders are called “input_sample_0”, “input_sample_1” etc.. Each input_sample folder contains a file called “sample_data.txt”, which contains one line of text reading: “This is data for run <sample_number>”.

All code for this example can be found on Github, here:

Batching runs of demoScript.m process involves three components:

  1. Write demoScript.m so that it reads the sample number from the input.
  2. Write a Python script that will use mpi4py to distribute calls of demoScript.m. Here I’ll call this script “”
  3. Write a Bash script that sets up your MPI run and calls the Python function. Here I’ll call this script “”

1. demoScript.m

The demo Matlab script is found below. It reads in two arguments that are called from the command line. The first argument is the rank, which will vary for each task, and the second is the sample number, which will specify which input folder to read from.

% demoScript.m
% reads an input file from a given sample number (specified via command line)
% prints output from the sample file associated with the sample number
% also prints the rank for demonstration purposes

% read in command line input
arg_list = argv();
rank = arg_list{1,1}; % rank is the first argument
sample = arg_list{2, 1}; % sample number is the second argument

% Create a string that contains the location of the proper sample directory
sample_out = fileread(strcat("input_sample_", sample, "/sample_data.txt"));

% create a string to print the rank number
rank_call = strcat("This is rank_", rank, ", recieving the following input: \n");

% format the output and print
output = strcat(rank_call, sample_out);


The second component is a Python script that uses mpi4py to call demoScript.m many times across different tasks. Each task will run a number of samples equal to a variable called “N_SAMPLES_PER_TASK” which will be fed to this script when it is called.


Called to batch demoScript.m across multiple MPI tasks

Reads in the total tasks and number of samples per task from command line.
# load necessary libraries
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import time

# locate the COMM WORLD communicator

# get the number of the current rank
rank = comm.Get_rank()

# read in arguments from the submission script
TOTAL_TASKS = int(sys.argv[1]) # number of MPI processes
N_SAMPLES_PER_TASK = int(sys.argv[2]) # number of runs per/task

# loop through samples assigned to current rank
for i in range(N_SAMPLES_PER_TASK):
	sample= rank + TOTAL_TASKS * i

	# write the command that will be sent to the terminal (here RUN will replace the {})
	terminal_command = "octave-cli ./demoScript.m {} {} ".format(rank, sample)

	# write the terminal command to the process

	# sleep before submitting the next command
	time.sleep(1) # optional, for memory intensive submissions


The final component is a Bash script that will send this MPI job to the cluster. Here I’ll use SLURM to create 4 MPI tasks across 2 Nodes (each node will have 2 associated task). This will create a total of 4 MPI tasks, and each task will be assigned 5 samples to run.

I wrote this for a local cluster at Cornell, note that I had to load two modules to run Python and a third to run Octave (which is used to call Matlab scripts on Linux). I’ll call the Python script with mpirun, and then specify the total number of MPI tasks before making the function call. The output of the script is printed to a text file called demoOutput.txt

# Set up your parallel runs
SAMPLES_PER_TASK=5 # number of runs for each MPI task
N_NODES=2 # number of nodes
TASKS_PER_NODE=2 # number of tasks per node

TOTAL_TASKS=$(($N_NODES*$TASKS_PER_NODE)) # total number of tasks

# Submit the parallel job
#SBATCH --time=0:01:00
#SBATCH --job-name=demoMPI4py
#SBATCH --output=output/demo.out
#SBATCH --error=output/demo.err
#SBATCH --exclusive
module load py3-mpi4py
module load py3-numpy
module load octave/6.3.0

mpirun -np $TOTAL_TASKS python3 $TOTAL_TASKS $SAMPLES_PER_TASK > demoOutput.txt

Additional resources

Putting some thought into how you design a set of parallel runs can save you a lot of time and headache. The example above has worked well for me when submitting sets of embarrassingly parallel tasks, but each application will be different, so take the time to find the procedure that works best for you. Our blog and the internet are full of resources that can help you parallelize your code, below are some suggestions:

Performing Experiments on HPC Systems

Scaling experiments: how to measure the performance of parallel code on HPC systems

Parallel processing with R on Windows

How to automate scripts on a cluster

Parallelization of C/C++ and Python on Clusters

Developing parallelised code with MPI for dummies, in C (Part 1/2)

Cornell CAC glossery on HPC terms:

A great MPI tutorial I found online:

Simple profiling checks for running jobs on clusters

The goal of this short blog post is to share some simple tips on profiling your (to be) submitted jobs on high performance computing resources. Profiling your jobs can give you information about how efficiently you are using your computational resources, i.e., your CPUs and your allocated memory. Typically you would perform these checks on your experiment at a smaller scale, ensuring that everything is working as it should, before expanding to more tasks and CPUs.

Your first check is squeue typically paired with your user ID on a cluster. Here’s an example:

(base) [ah986@login02 project_dir]$ squeue -u ah986
           5688212    shared <job_name>    ah986  R       0:05      1 exp-4-55 

This tells me that my submitted job is utilizing 1 node in the shared partition of this cluster. If your cluster is using the SLURM scheduler, you can also use sacct which can display accounting data for all jobs you are currently running or have run in the past. There’s many pieces of information available with sacct, that you can specify using the --format flag. Here’s an example for the same job:

(base) [ah986@login02 project_dir]$ sacct --format=JobID,partition,state,time,start,end,elapsed,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist,AllocTRES%32 -j 5688212
       JobID  Partition      State  Timelimit               Start                 End    Elapsed   NNodes      NCPUS        NodeList                        AllocTRES 
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------------- -------------------------------- 
5688212          shared    RUNNING   20:00:00 2021-09-08T10:55:40             Unknown   00:19:47        1        100        exp-4-55 billing=360000,cpu=100,mem=200G+ 
5688212.bat+               RUNNING            2021-09-08T10:55:40             Unknown   00:19:47        1        100        exp-4-55          cpu=100,mem=200G,node=1 
5688212.0                  RUNNING            2021-09-08T10:55:40             Unknown   00:19:47        1        100        exp-4-55          cpu=100,mem=200G,node=1 

In this case I can see the number of nodes (1) and the number of cores (100) utilized by my job as well as the resources allocated to it (100 CPUs and 200G of memory on 1 node). This information is useful in cases where a task launches other tasks and you’d like to diagnose whether the correct number of cores is being used.

Another useful tool is seff, which is actually a wrapper around sacct and summarizes your job’s overall performance. It is a little unreliable while the job is still running, but after the job is finished you can run:

(base) [ah986@login02 project_dir]$ seff 5688212
Job ID: 5688212
Cluster: expanse
User/Group: ah986/pen110
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 100
CPU Utilized: 1-01:59:46
CPU Efficiency: 68.16% of 1-14:08:20 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:22:53
Memory Utilized: 38.25 GB
Memory Efficiency: 19.13% of 200.00 GB

The information here is very useful if you want to find out about how efficiently you’re using your resources. For this example I had 100 separate tasks I needed to perform and I requested 100 cores on 1 node and 200 GB of memory. These results tell me that my job completed in 23mins or so, the total time using the CPUs (CPU Utilized) was 01:59:46, and most importantly, the efficiency of my CPU use. CPU Efficiency is calculated “as the ratio of the actual core time from all cores divided by the number of cores requested divided by the run time”, in this case 68.16%. What this means it that I could be utilizing my cores more efficiently by allocating fewer cores to the same number of tasks, especially if scaling up to a larger number of nodes/cores. Additionally, my allocated memory is underutilized and I could be requesting a smaller memory allocation without inhibiting my runs.

Finally, while your job is still running you can log in the node(s) executing the job to look at live data. To do so, you simply ssh to one of the nodes listed under NODELIST (not all clusters allow this). From there, you can run the top command like below (with your own username), which will start the live task manager:

(base) [ah986@r143 ~]$ top -u ah986

top - 15:17:34 up 25 days, 19:55,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 12.62, 40.64
Tasks: 1727 total,   2 running, 1725 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.3 us,  0.1 sy,  0.0 ni, 99.6 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 257662.9 total, 249783.4 free,   5561.6 used,   2317.9 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 716287.0 total, 716005.8 free,    281.2 used. 250321.1 avail Mem 

   PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                              
 78985 ah986     20   0  276212   7068   4320 R   0.3   0.0   0:00.62 top                                                                                                                                  
 78229 ah986     20   0  222624   3352   2936 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 slurm_script                                                                                                                         
 78467 ah986     20   0  259464   8128   4712 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 srun                                                                                                                                 
 78468 ah986     20   0   54520    836      0 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 srun                                                                                                                                 
 78481 ah986     20   0  266404  19112   4704 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.24 parallel                                                                                                                             
 78592 ah986     20   0  217052    792    720 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 sleep                                                                                                                                
 78593 ah986     20   0  217052    732    660 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 sleep                                                                                                                                
 78594 ah986     20   0  217052    764    692 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 sleep                                                                                                                                
 78595 ah986     20   0  217052    708    636 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 sleep                                                                                                                                
 78596 ah986     20   0  217052    708    636 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 sleep                                                                                                                                
 78597 ah986     20   0  217052    796    728 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 sleep                                                                                                                                
 78598 ah986     20   0  217052    732    660 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 sleep       

Memory and CPU usage can be tracked from RES and %CPU columns respectively. In this case, for the sake of an example, I just assigned all my cores to sleep a certain number of minutes each (using no CPU or memory). Similar information can also be obtained using the ps command, with memory being tracked under the RSS column.

 (base) [ah986@r143 ~]$ ps -u$USER -o %cpu,rss,args
 0.0  3352 /bin/bash /var/spool/slurm/d/job3509431/slurm_script
 0.0  8128 srun --export=all --exclusive -N1 -n1 parallel -j 100 sleep {}m ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
 0.0   836 srun --export=all --exclusive -N1 -n1 parallel -j 100 sleep {}m ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
 0.1 19112 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/parallel -j 100 sleep {}m ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
 0.0   792 sleep 3m
 0.0   732 sleep 4m
 0.0   764 sleep 5m
 0.0   708 sleep 6m
 0.0   708 sleep 7m
 0.0   796 sleep 8m
 0.0   732 sleep 9m
 0.0   712 sleep 10m

How to schedule massively parallel jobs on clusters – some basic ways

Massively (or embarrassingly) parallel are processes that are either completely separate or can easily be made to be. This can be cases where tasks don’t need to pass information from one to another (they don’t share memory) and can be executed independently of another on whatever resources are available, for example, large Monte Carlo runs, each representing different sets of model parameters.

There isn’t any guidance on how to do this on the blog, besides an older post on how to do it using PBS, but most of our current resources use SLURM. So I am going to show two ways: a) using SLURM job arrays; and b) using the GNU parallel module. Both methods allow for tasks to be distributed across multiple cores and across multiple nodes. In terms of how it affects your workflow, the main difference between the two is that GNU parallel allows you to automatically resume/rerun a task that has failed, whereas using SLURM job arrays you have to resubmit the failed tasks manually.

Your first step using either method is to configure the function representing each task to be able to receive as arguments a task id. For example, if I would like to run my model over 100 parameter combinations, I would have to create my model function as function_that_executes_model(sample=i, [other_arguments]), where the sample number i would correspond to one of my parameter combinations and the respective task to be submitted.

For python, this function needs to be contained within a .py script which will be executing this function when called. Your .py script could look like this, using argparse to parse the function arguments but there are alternatives:

import argparse
import ...

other_arg1= 1
other_arg2= 'model'

def function_that_executes_model(sample=i, other_arg1, other_arg2):
    #do stuff pertaining to sample i

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This function executes the model with a sample number')
    parser.add_argument('i', type=int,
                        help='sample number')
    args = parser.parse_args()

To submit this script (say you saved it as using SLURM job arrays:

#SBATCH --partition=compute   # change to your own cluster partition
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task       # number of cores for each task
#SBATCH -t 0:45:00            # max wallclock time
#SBATCH --array=1-100         # array of tasks to execute

module load python
srun python3 $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID

This will submit 100 1-core jobs to the cluster’s scheduler, and in your queue they will be listed as JOB_ID-TASK_ID.

Alternatively, you can use your cluster’s GNU parallel module to submit this like so:

#SBATCH --partition=compute
#SBATCH --ntasks=100
#SBATCH --time=00:45:00

module load parallel
module load python

# This specifies the options used to run srun. The "-N1 -n1" options are
# used to allocates a single core to each task.
srun="srun --export=all --exclusive -N1 -n1"

# This specifies the options used to run GNU parallel:
#   -j is the number of tasks run simultaneously.

parallel="parallel -j $SLURM_NTASKS"

$parallel "$srun python3" ::: {1..100}

This will instead submit 1 100-core job where each core executes one task. GNU parallel also allows for several additional options that I find useful, like the use of a log to track task execution (--joblog runtask.log) and --resume which will identify the last unfinished task and resume from there the next time you submit this script.

Parallelization of C/C++ and Python on Clusters

There are multiple ways of parallelizing C/C++ and Python codes to be used on clusters. The quick and dirty way, which often gets the job done, is to parallelize the code with MPI and launch one process per core across multiple nodes. Though easy to implement, this strategy may result in a fair waste of results because:

  • With too many processes on one node, inefficient use of memory may make the code memory bottle-necked, meaning that a lot of time will be spent accessing memory and the cores will be sitting twiddling their thumbs.
  • If you have a 48-core node with 192 GB of memory (as the Skylake nodes on Stampede 2) and your code uses 10 GB of RAM per process, you will not be able to have more than 19 out of 48 cores working at the same time because more than that would exceed the node’s memory, which would crash the node, which would get you kicked out of the cluster for a while without a warning — if you do not know how much RAM your code requires, you should look into the Remora tool.

If you are working on big runs on systems that charge per usage time or if you are creating a code you will have to run multiple times, it may be worth looking into more clever parallelization strategies. Some of the techniques described in the next subsections will also make your code two to four times faster on your desktop/laptop and are rather straight-forward to implement. Most of the code in this blog post can be freely downloaded from this repository. Lastly, if the #include statements in the examples below are not displayed as followed by a library between “<>”, please refer to the mentioned online repository.

Hybrid Parallelization in C/C++

The word hybrid refers in this context to a mixed use of shared and distributed memory parallelization techniques. In distributed parallelization techniques, such as the Message Passing Interface (MPI), each process has its own dedicated chunk of memory within a RAM chip. This means that each process will have its own copy of the input data (repeated across processes), variables within the program, etc. Conversely, shared memory parallelization techniques such as OpenMP allow all threads (parallel unit of computation) to access the same block of memory, which can make a mess in your code with variables being changed seemingly out of nowhere by various parallel runs, but which lessens the amount of RAM needed and in some cases allow for more efficient memory utilization.

If running the Borg Master-Slave multiobjective evolutionary optimization algorithm (Borg MS) with hybrid parallelization, Borg MS will have each function evaluation performed by one MPI process, which could run in parallel with OpenMP (if your model is setup for that) across the cores designated for that process. As soon as a function evaluation is complete, the slave MPI process in charge of it will submit the results back to Borg MS’s master process and be given another set of decision variables to work on. The figure below is a schematic drawing of such hybrid parallelization scheme:



Parallelizing a for-loop in C or C++ in which each iteration is independent — such as in Monte Carlo simulations — is straight-forward:

#include "path/to/my_model.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int n_monte_carlo_simulations = omp_get_num_threads(); // One model run per core.
    vector system_inputs = ;
    vector results(n_monte_carlo_simulations, 0);
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < n_monte_carlo_simulations; ++i)
        results[i] = RunMonteCarloSimulation(system_inputs[i]);

The only caveat is that you have to be sure that the independent simulations are not writing over each other. For example, if by mistake you had written results[0] instead of results[i], the final value on results[0] would be that of whichever thread (parallel simulation) finished last, while the rest of the vector would be of zeros. It is important to notice here that the vector system_inputs is read only once by the parallel code and all n_monte_carlo_simulations threads would have access to it in memory.

Though this example is not rocket science, there is a lot more to OpenMP that can be found here and here.


MPI stands for Message Passing Interface. It creates processes which pass messages (information packages) to each other. The most basic MPI code is one that creates independent processes — each with its own allocated chunk of memory that cannot be accessed by any other process — and just has them running independently in parallel without communicating with each other. This is great to distribute Monte Carlo runs across various nodes, although it may lead to the limitations mentioned in the beginning of this post. Below is an example of a very basic MPI code to run Monte Carlo simulations in parallel:

#include "path/to/my_model.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);

    int world_rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);

    vector system_inputs = ;

    return 0;

I will not cover in this post how to pass the output of the RunMonteCarloSimulation function back to a results vector, as in the previous example, because details of MPI is outside the scope of this post — a good MPI tutorial can be found here and great examples, including ones for Monte Carlo runs, can be found here. To run this code, you would have to compile it with mpicc mpi_demo.c -o MPIDemo and call it with the mpirun or mpiexec commands, which should be followed by the -n flag to specify the number of processes to be created, or mpirun -n 4 ./MPIDemo. The code above would run as many MonteCarlo simulations as there are processes (four processes if -n 4 was used), each with a rank (here a type of ID), and can be spread across as many nodes as you can get on a cluster. Each process of the code above would run on a core, which may result in the memory and/or processing limitations listed in the beginning of this post.

Mixing OpenMP and MPI

The ideal situation for most cases is when you use MPI to distribute processes across nodes and OpenMP to make sure that as many cores within a node as it makes sense to use are being used. To do this, you can use the structure of the code below.

#include "path/to/my_model.cpp"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);

    int world_rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);

    int n_cores = omp_get_num_threads(); // get number of cores available for MPI process.
    vector system_inputs = ;
    vector results(n_cores , 0);
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < n_cores ; ++i)
        // printf("C hybrid. Process-thread: %s-%d\n", world_rank, omp_get_thread_num());
        results[i] = RunMonteCarloSimulation(system_inputs[i]);

    return 0;


If you comment lines 4 and 20 and uncomment line 19, compile the code with mpicc hybrid.c -o Hybrid -fopenmp, set the number of threads in the terminal to eight by running set OMP_NUM_THREADS=8, and call the resulting executable with the command mpirun -n 4 ./Hybrid, the executable will spawn four processes, each of which spawning eight threads and printing the following output:

C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-0
C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-1
C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-4
C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-5
C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-7
C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-6
C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-2
C hybrid. Process-thread: 0-3
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-6
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-0
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-1
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-3
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-5
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-4
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-7
C hybrid. Process-thread: 1-2
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-6
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-0
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-3
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-7
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-2
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-4
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-5
C hybrid. Process-thread: 2-1
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-0
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-1
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-3
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-4
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-6
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-7
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-2
C hybrid. Process-thread: 3-5

The code above can be used to have one process per node (and therefore one copy of system_inputs per node) using as many threads as there are cores in that node — depending on the number of cores, it is sometimes more efficient to have two or three MPI processes per node, each using half or a third of the cores in that node. Below is a PBS job submission script that can be used to generate the output above — job submission scripts for Slurm to be used on Stampede 2 can be found here.

#PBS -N test_hybrid
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16
#PBS -l walltime=:00:30
#PBS -o ./output/hybrid_c.out
#PBS -e ./error/hybrid_c.err
module load openmpi-1.10.7-gnu-x86_64

set -x

# Construct a copy of the hostfile with only 16 entries per node.
# MPI can use this to run 16 tasks on each node.
uniq "$PBS_NODEFILE"|awk -v TASKS_PER_NODE="$TASKS_PER_NODE" '{for(i=0;i nodefile

#cat nodefile
mpiexec --hostfile nodefile -n 4 -x OMP_NUM_THREADS ./Hybrid

Parallelizing Python on a Cluster

Python was not designed with shared-memory parallelization in mind, so its native parallelization library, the Multiprocessing library, does distributed-memory parallelization instead of shared. The issue with the Multiprocessing library is that it does not work across nodes, so you still need something like MPI. Here, we will use MPI4Py.

The code below parallelizes the function call across cores within the same node — please refer to this blog post for details about and other ways to use the Multiprocessing library.

from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count

def do_something_useful(rank, shared_process_number):
    # Do something useful here.
    print 'Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): {}-{}'.format(rank, shared_process_number)

# Create node-local processes
shared_processes = []
#for i in range(cpu_count()):
for i in range(8):
    p = Process(target=do_something_useful, args=(i,))

# Start processes
for sp in shared_processes:

# Wait for all processes to finish
for sp in shared_processes:

By adding MPI4Py to the code above, following the same logic of the C/C++ example, we get the following result:

from mpi4py import MPI
from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count

def do_something_useful(rank, shared_process_number):
    # Do something useful here.
    print 'Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): {}-{}'.format(rank, shared_process_number)

rank = comm.Get_rank()

print 'Calling Python multiprocessing process from Python MPI rank {}'.format(rank)

# Create shared-ish processes
shared_processes = []
#for i in range(cpu_count()):
for i in range(8):
    p = Process(target=do_something_useful, args=(rank, i))

# Start processes
for sp in shared_processes:

# Wait for all processes to finish
for sp in shared_processes:


Calling the code above with mpirun -n 4 python will first result in four MPI processes being spawned with ranks 1 through 4, each spawning eight local processes. The output should look similar to the one below:

Calling Python multiprocessing process from Python MPI rank 0
Calling Python multiprocessing process from Python MPI rank 1
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-0
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-0
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-1
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-1
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-2
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-2
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-3
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-3
Calling Python multiprocessing process from Python MPI rank 2
Calling Python multiprocessing process from Python MPI rank 3
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-4
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-4
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-5
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-5
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-6
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-6
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 1-7
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 0-7
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-0
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-0
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-1
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-1
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-2
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-2
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-3
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-3
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-4
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-4
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-5
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-5
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-6
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 3-7
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-6
Python hybrid, MPI_Process-local_process (not quite a thread): 2-7

Below is a PBS submission script that can be used with the code above:

#PBS -N test_hybrid
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16
#PBS -l walltime=00:01:00
#PBS -o ./output/hybrid_python.out
#PBS -e ./error/hybrid_python.err
module load python-2.7.5

set -x

# Construct a copy of the hostfile with only 16 entries per node.
# MPI can use this to run 16 tasks on each node.
uniq "$PBS_NODEFILE"|awk -v TASKS_PER_NODE="$TASKS_PER_NODE" '{for(i=0;i nodefile

#cat nodefile
mpiexec --hostfile nodefile -n 4 -x OMP_NUM_THREADS python

Parallelizing Monte Carlo Runs of C/C++ (or anything else) with Python

Very often we have to run the same model dozens to thousands of times for Monte-Carlo-style analyses. One option is to go on a cluster and submit dozens to thousand of jobs, but this becomes a mess for the scheduler to manage and cluster managers tend to not be very fond of such approach. A cleaner way of performing Monte Carlo runs in parallel is to write a code in Python or other language that spawns MPI processes which then call the model to be run. This can be done in Python with the subprocess library, as in the example below:

from mpi4py import MPI
import subprocess

rank = comm.Get_rank()

print 'Calling OpenmpTest from Python MPI rank {}'.format(rank)
function_call = ['./OpenmpTest', '{}'.format(rank)]


Here, OpenmpTest is an executable compiled from the C-OpenMP code below:


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < omp_get_num_threads(); ++i)
        printf("C OpenMP. Process-thread: %s-%d\n", argv[1], i);
    return 0;

Submitting the code above with following PBS job submission script should result in the output below.

#PBS -N test_hybrid
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16
#PBS -l walltime=00:01:00
#PBS -o ./output/hybrid_python_c.out
#PBS -e ./error/hybrid_python_c.err
module load python-2.7.5

set -x

# Construct a copy of the hostfile with only 16 entries per node.
# MPI can use this to run 16 tasks on each node.
uniq "$PBS_NODEFILE"|awk -v TASKS_PER_NODE="$TASKS_PER_NODE" '{for(i=0;i nodefile

#cat nodefile
mpiexec –hostfile nodefile -n 4 -x OMP_NUM_THREADS python


Calling OpenmpTest from Python MPI rank 0
Calling OpenmpTest from Python MPI rank 1
Calling OpenmpTest from Python MPI rank 2
Calling OpenmpTest from Python MPI rank 3
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-7
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-5
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-0
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-2
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-4
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-1
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-3
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 0-6
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-1
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-2
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-6
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-4
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-5
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-0
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-3
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 1-7
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-3
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-7
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-0
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-4
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-6
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-5
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-1
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 2-2
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-5
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-1
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-4
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-2
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-7
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-3
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-0
C OpenMP. Process-thread: 3-6

End of the Story

As highlighted in the examples above (all of which can be download from here), creating parallel code is not rocket science and requires very few lines of code. The OpenMP and Multiprocessing parallelization tricks can save hours if you have to run a model several times on your personal computer, and paired with MPI these tricks can save you from hours to days in time and thousands of node-hours on clusters. I hope you make good use of it.

Job scheduling on HPC resources

Architecture of a HPC Cluster

Modern High Performance Computing (HPC) resources are usually composed of a cluster of computing nodes that provide the user the ability to parallelize tasks and greatly reduce the time it takes to perform complex operations. A node is usually defined as a discrete unit of a computer system that runs its own instance of an operating system. Modern nodes have multiple chips, often known as Central Processing Units or CPUs, which each contain multiple cores each capable of processing a separate stream of instructions (such as a single Monte Carlo run). An example cluster configuration is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. An example cluster configuration

To efficiently make use of a cluster’s computational resources, it is essential to allow multiple users to use the resource at one time and to have an efficient and equatable way of allocating and scheduling computing resources on a cluster. This role is done by job scheduling software. The scheduling software is accessed via a shell script called in the command line. A scheduling  script does not actually run any code, rather it provides a set of instructions for the cluster specifying what code to run and how the cluster should run it. Instructions called from a scheduling script may include but are not limited to:

  • What code would you like the cluster to run
  • How would you like to parallelize your code (ie MPI, openMP ect)
  • How many nodes would you like to run on
  • How many core per processor would you like to run (normally you would use the maximum allowable per processor)
  • Where would you like error and output files to be saved
  • Set up email notifications about the status of your job

This post will highlight two commonly used Job Scheduling Languages, PBS and SLURM and detail some simple example scripts for using them.


The Portable Batching System (PBS) was originally developed by NASA in the early 1990’s [1] to facilitate access to computing resources.  The intellectual property associated with the software is now owned by Altair Engineering. PBS is a fully open source system and the source code can be found here. PBS is the job scheduler we use for the Cube Cluster here at Cornell.

An annotated PBS submission script called “” that runs a C++ code called “triangleSimulation.cpp” on 128 cores can be found below:

#PBS -l nodes=8:ppn=16    # how many nodes, how many cores per node (ppn)
#PBS -l walltime=5:00:00  # what is the maximum walltime for this job
#PBS -N SimpleScript      # Give the job this name.
#PBS -M # email address for notifications
#PBS -j oe                # combine error and output file
#PBS -o outputfolder/output.out # name output file

cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # change working directory to current folder

#module load openmpi/intel # load MPI (Intel implementation)
time mpirun ./triangleSimulation -m batch -r 1000 -s 1 -c 5 -b 3

To submit this PBS script via the command line one would type:


Other helpful PBS commands for UNIX can be found here. For more on PBS flags and options, see this detailed post from 2012 and for more example PBS submission scripts see Jon Herman’s Github repository here.


A second common job scheduler is know as SLURM. SLURM stands for “Simple Linux Utility Resource Management” and is the scheduler used on many XSEDE resources such as Stampede2 and Comet.

An example SLURM submission script named “” that runs “triangleSimulation.cpp” on 128 core can be found below:

#SBATCH --nodes=8             # specify number of nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16  # specify number of core per node
#SBATCH --export=ALL
#SBATCH -t 5:00:00            # set max wallclock time
#SBATCH --job-name="triangle" # name your job #SBATCH --output="outputfolder/output.out"

#ibrun is the command for MPI
ibrun -v ./triangleSimulation -m batch -r 1000 -s 1 -c 5 -b 3 -p 2841

To submit this SLURM script from the command line one would type:

sbatch SLURM

The Cornell Center  for Advanced Computing has an excellent SLURM training module within the introduction to Stampede2 workshop that goes into detail on how to most effectively make use of SLURM. More examples of SLURM submission scripts can be found on Jon Herman’s Github. Billy also wrote a blog post last year about debugging with SLURM.

