PyCharm and Git for productive multi-project workflows

I wanted to write this blogpost because I’ve seen great improvements to my workflow when I transitioned to this system and thought others might benefit also. My everyday research tasks require the following:

  • a Python development environment on my local machine
  • management of project-specific dependencies
  • version control my changes
  • execution on some high-performance computing resource.

My local machine runs on Mac OS, but everything I show here should be directly translatable to Windows or other operating systems. My setup is the following:

  • Anaconda – to manage my Python environments and packages
  • PyCharm – the Python development environment
  • Git(Hub) – for version control

These are the steps I follow every time I start a new project:

  1. Create an empty repository on GitHub
  2. Clone the empty repository on my local machine
  3. Open PyCharm and select the directory of the repository I just created

When it opens, the PyCharm project will be empty and will have a default Python interpreter associated with it. What I do is I create a separate Conda environment for each of my projects, so there’s a clean separation between the packages used by each.

4. Create python environment specific to this project, by going to Preferences and selecting your current project. There, you can define your project’s (Python) interpreter. Clicking on it just shows the default Python 2.7 interpreter, which we would like to change.

As you can see, I have a separate Conda environment for each of my projects, so I manage packages and dependencies for each one.

Here I create a new environment for my new project.

5. Manage packages needed. There’s two ways for this: either through PyCharm or through Anaconda. Through PyCharm, you can use the same page to install, uninstall or update packages as needed.

Through Anaconda, you can use the Navigator, which also allows you to customize several other things about your environment, like which applications you’d like to work with.

6. Set up version control and use code on other computing resources. PyCharm has Git features integrated (overviewed already in this blog here and here) and creating a project the way I showed also ensures that PyCharm knows which repository you’re working with, without you having to set it manually. I use the built-in PyCharm functionality to commit my changes to my repository, but you can also do it through the Terminal or other means.

7. Set up project on computing resources. To do so, you need two main components. A clone of your repository in the cluster you’re working on and an environment .yml file (I explain what this is and how to generate it with one command here), listing all your environment’s dependencies. Create a virtual environment for the project in the cluster and pull any updates from your local machine.

This is more or less all I do. I have virtual environments for each of my projects both locally and on the clusters I am working on and use PyCharm and Git to manage all the dependencies and versions. I have been using this setup for the past 5-6 months and I have seen a lot of improvements in my organization and productivity, so hopefully others will find it helpful also.

Remote terminal environment using VS Code for Windows and Mac

On Windows machines, the application MobaXterm is a valuable tool for computing on virtual machines and working through SSH clients. David Gold’s blog post walks through the installation and use of this app, which works well in Windows environments.

Working remotely on my Mac laptop, I have been struggling to achieve the same workflow as in the office, with a Windows machine. Unfortunately, MobaXterm is not available for download on Mac OS. Looking for alternatives, I discovered that using VS Code with the “Remote – SSH” extension is a great replacement with significant advantages to MobaXterm, as it an SSH client interface and code editor in one.

A screenshot from my VS Code remote interface, with the graphical file browser on the left panel, the SSH server terminal on the bottom-right, and the VS Code editor on the top-right.

Here’s how you can set up a remote session on Mac (and Windows) using VS Code: 

  1. Install the VS Code application here. For installation help and a brief overview of the app, check out this video.
  2. With VS Code opened, go to View -> Extensions, and search “Remote – SSH.” Click on the extension and press the green “Install” button. You should see the message “This extension is enabled globally” appear. Check out this extension’s description below (I’ll run through the basics in this post).
  3. On the bottom left of your screen, there should be a small green box with two opposite pointing arrow heads. Click this.
The green box is the Remote – SSH extension.
  1. Choose the first pop-up option “Remote-SSH: Connect to host…” and then select “Add New SSH Host…”.
Click the first box and then the “Add New SSH Host” button to connect to your SSH client.
  1. Here, enter your remote SSH username@serverid (here at Cornell, this would be to connect to our remote computing cluster, the Cube).
  2. In the same pop-up window, click the remote server that you just added. A new window will open and prompt you to enter your password for the server.
  3. Now, you in are in your remote SSH environment. Click “Open folder…” and select “OK” to see your remote directory on the left. You can navigate through these files in your remote machine the same way as MobaXterm. Click View -> Terminal to see your SSH command line on the bottom of the screen (here’s where you can actually run the programs on your cluster).

Now using VS Code, you can install other extensions to aid in code editing in different languages (here’s an article with a few good ones for various uses). This environment has the same functionality as MobaXterm, without having to switch applications for editing code. Run your cluster programs in the terminal window and edit the code in the main VS Code editor!

Introducing Julia: A Fast and Modern Language

In this blog post, I am introducing Julia, a high-level open-source dynamic programming language. While it has taken root in finance, machine learning, life sciences, energy, optimization, and economic realms, it is certainly not common within the water programming realm. Through this post, I will give an overview of the features, pros, and cons of Julia before comparing its performance to Python. Following this, I give an overview of common Julia development environments as well as linking to additional resources.

Julia: What’s Going On?

Julia is a high-level open-source dynamic programming language built for scientific computing and data processing that is Pythonic in syntax to ensure accessibility while boosting computational efficiency.  It is parallelizable on high performance computing resources utilizing CPUs and GPUs, allowing for its use in large-scale experiments.

With Version 1.1.0 recently released, Julia now stands amongst the established and stable programming languages. As such, Julia can handle matrices with ease while performing at speeds nearly comparable to C and Fortran. It is comparable to Cython/Numba and faster than Numpy, Python, Matlab, and R. Note that further benchmarking is required on a project-specific basis due to the speed of individual packages/libraries, but a simple case is shown in the following section.

The biggest case for implementing Julia over C/C++/Fortran is its simplicity in writing and implementation. Its language is similar Python, allowing for not only list comprehension but also ‘sloppy’ dynamic variable type declarations and use. Julia has the ability to move between dynamic and static variable types. Furthermore, Julia allows users to create unique variable types, allowing for maximum flexibility while maintaining efficiency.

Installing and implementing packages from the start is nearly seamless, simply requiring the name of the package and an internet connection. Most packages and libraries are hosted on GitHub and are relatively straightforward to install with just a couple lines of code. On the same hand, distributing and contributing to the opensource community is straightforward. Furthermore, Julia can access Python modules with wrappers and C/Fortran functions without, making it a very versatile language. Likewise, it can easily be called from Python (PyJulia) to speed up otherwise cumbersome operations.

Julia has relatively straightforward profiling modules built in. Beyond being able to utilize Jupyter Notebook commands, Julia has a range of code diagnostic tools, such as a @Time command to inform the user of wall time and memory allocation for a function.

One of the most obvious downsides to Julia when compared to Python is the relatively small community. There is not nearly the base of documentation that I am accustomed to; nearly every issue imaginable in the Python world has been explored on Stack Overflow, Julia is much more limited. However, because much of its functionality is based on MATLAB, similar issues and their corresponding solutions bleed over.

Additional transition issues that may be encountered is that unlike Python, Julia’s indexing begins with 1. Furthermore, Julia uses column-major ordering (like Matlab, Fortran, and R) unlike Python and C (row-major ordering), making iterating column-by-column substantially faster. Thus, special care must be taken when switching between languages in addition to ensuring consistent strategies for speeding up code. Another substantial transition that may be required is that Julia is not directly object-oriented since objects do not directly have embedded methods; instead, a given object must be passed to a function to be modified.

Overall, I see Julia as having the potential to improve computational efficiency for computationally-intensive models without the need to learn a more complex language (e.g. Fortran or C/C++). Between its ease of integration between other common languages/libraries to its ability to properly utilize HPC CPU/GPU resources, Julia may be a useful tool to utilize alongside Python to create more efficient large-scale models.

Julia Allows for Faster Matrix Operations

As a simple test to compare scalability of Julia and Python, I computed the dot product of increasingly large matrices using the base Julia language and Numpy in Python (both running in Jupyter Notebooks on a Windows desktop). You can find the code at the following link on Github.


As you can see in the generated figure, Julia outperforms Python for large matrix applications, indicating that Julia is more efficient and may be worth using for larger and larger operations. If you have any suggestions on improving this code for comparison, please let me know; I am absolutely game for improvement.

Development Environments for Julia

The first and most obvious variables on what development environment is best is you, the user. If you’re wanting all the bells and whistles versus a simple text-editing environment, the range of products to fulfill you desires exists.

Juno—an extension to Atom—is the default IDE that is incorporated with JuliaPro, a pre-packaged version of Julia that includes a range of standard packages—Anaconda is the parallel in the Python world.

Jupyter Notebooks  are my go-to development environment for experimenting with code in both Python and Julia, especially for testing small sections of code.  Between being able to easily create visuals and examples inline with your code and combining code with Markdown, it allows for clean and interactive approach to sharing code or teaching. Note that installation generally requires IJulia but can allow for easy integration into already existing Jupyter workflows.

JetBrains IDEs (e.g. CLion, PyCharm) support a Julia plugin that supports a wide range of the same features JetBrains is known for. However, it is still in beta and is working to improve its formatter and debugging capabilities.

JuliaBox is an online web interface using Jupyter Notebooks for code development on a remote server, requiring no local installation of Julia. Whether you are in a classroom setting, wanting to write code on your phone, or are just wanting to experiment with parallel computing (or don’t have access to HPC resources), JuliaBox allows for a nearly seamless setup experience. However, note that this development environment limits each session to 90 minutes (up to 8 hours on a paid subscription) and requires a subscription to access any resources beyond 3 CPU cores. Note that you can access GPU instances with a paid subscription.

Julia Studio is a default IDE used by a range of users. It is a no-frills IDE based on Qt Creator, resulting in a clean look.

For anyone looking to use Visual Studio, you can install a VS Code extension.

Vim is not surprisingly available for Julia.  And if you’re feeling up the challenge, Emacs also has an interface.

Of course, you can just use a texteditor of your choice (e.g. Sublime Text with an extension) and simply run Julia from the terminal.

Julia Resources


Thanks to Dave Gold for his assistance in giving guidance for benchmarking and reminding me of the KISS principle.