Structuring a Python Project: Recommendations and a Template Example


The start of a new year is a good (albeit, relatively arbitrary) time to reassess aspects of your workflow.

I, like many people, taught myself Python by jumping into different projects. The consequence of this ad-hoc learning was that I did not learn some of the fundamentals until much later in my project development.

At the end of the Fall ’23 semester, I found myself spending a lot of time cleaning up repositories and modules that I had constructed in the preceding months. I ended up restructuring and reorganizing significant portions of the code base, implementing organizational practices that I had learned after it’s conception.

This post is intended to save the reader from making the same mistake. Here, I present a recommended structure for new Python projects, and discuss the main components. This is largely targeted at Python users who have not had a formal Python training, or who are working with their first significantly sized project.

I provide an example_python_project, hosted on GitHub, as a demonstration and to serve as a template for beginners.


  1. Recommended structure
  2. Example project repository
  3. Project components (with example project)
    1. Modules, packages,
    2. Executable
    3. README
    4. Documentation
    5. Tests
    6. Requirements
    7. LICENSE
  4. Conclusion

Recommended project structure

I’ll begin by presenting a recommended project structure. Further down, I provide some explanation and justification for this structure.

My example_python_project follows recommendations from Kenneth Reitz, co-author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Pythton (1), while also drawing from a similar demo-project, samplemod, by Navdeep Gill (2).

The project folder follows this structure:

├── sample_package/ 
│   ├── subpackage/ 
│   │   ├── 
│   │   └── 
│   ├── 
│   ├── 
│   └── 
├── docs/ 
│   └── 
├── tests/ 
│   ├── 
│   └── 
├── requirements.txt 

If you are just starting a project, it may seem unnecessary complex to begin with so much modularity. It may seem easier to open a .py file and start freewheeling. Here, I am trying to highlight the several reasons why it is important to take care when initially constructing a Python project. Some of these reasons include:

  1. Maintenance: A well-structured project makes it easier to understand the code, fix bugs, and add new features. This is especially important as the project grows in size and complexity.
  2. Collaboration: When working on a project with multiple developers, a clear structure makes it easier for everyone to understand how the code is organized and how different components interact with each other.
  3. Scalability: A well-structured project allows to scale up the codebase, adding new features and sub-components, without making the codebase hard to understand or maintain.
  4. Testing: A well-structured project makes it easier to write automated tests for the code. This helps to ensure that changes to the code do not break existing functionality.
  5. Distribution: A well-structured project makes it easier to distribute the code as a package. This allows others to easily install and use the code in their own projects.

Overall, taking the time to structure a Python project when starting can save a lot of time and heartache in the long run, by making the project easier to understand, maintain, and expand.

Example Project Repository

The repository containing this example project is available on GitHub here: example_python_project.

The project follows the recommended project structure above, and is designed to use modular functions from the module, helpers, and subpackage_module. It is intended to be a skeleton upon which you can build-up your own project.

If you would like to experiment with your own copy of the code, you can fork a copy of the repository, or Download a ZIP version.

Project overview

The project is a silly riddle program with no real usefulness other than forming the structure of the project. The bulk of the work is done in the main_module_function() which first prints a riddle on the screen, then iteratively uses the helper_function() and subpackage_function() to try and “solve” the riddle. Both of these functions simply return a random True/False, and are repeatedly called until the riddle is solved (when status == True).

Below is a visual representation of how the different functions are interacting. The green-box functions are contained within the main sample_package, while the blue-box function is stored in the subpackage.

The program can then be executed from a command line using the executable:

C:\<your-local-directory>\example_python_project> python

The output will first print out the riddle, then print statements indicating which functions are being used to “solve” the riddle. This is simply a means of demonstrating how the different functions are being activated, and not necessarily a recommended “Best Practice”.

A normal output should resemble something similar to the below, although there may be more or less print statements depending upon how many times it takes the random generator to produce a “True” solution:

Here is a riddle, maybe `sample_package` can help solve it:

   What runs but has no feet, roars but has no mouth?

Lets see if the helper can solve the riddle.
The helper_function is helping!
The helper could not solve it.
Maybe the subpackage_module can help.
The subpackage_function is being used now.
The subpackage solved it, the answer is "A River"!

Project components

Modules, packages,, oh my!

Before going any further, I want to take time to clarify some vocabulary which is helpful for understanding component interactions.

A module is simply a file ending in .py, which contains functions and or variables.

A package is a collection of modules (.py files) which relate to one another, and which contains an file.
Inclusion of a file (pronounced “dunder in-it”) within a folder will indicate to Python that the folder is a package. Often, the __init__ module is empty, however it can be used to import other modules, or functions which will then be stored in namespace, making it available for use later.

For example, in my sample_package/, I import all contents of the and

# Import the all functions from main and sub modules
from .module import *
from .subpackage.subpackage_module import *

This allows all of the functions stored within module to be callable from the primary sample_package directly, rather than specifying the various sub-structures needed to access various functions. For example, by including from .subpackage.subpackage_module import *, I able to run:

# IF __init__ imports all content from main and sub modules then you can do this:
import sample_package

Rather than requiring the following fully-nested call, which is necessary when the is empty:

# IF __init__ is EMPTY, then you need to do this:
import sample_package

Notably, an is not necessary to use modules and functions within a folder… however, customizing the imports present in the packages will provide increased customization to your projects use. As the project increases in complexity, strategic usage of imports within the __init__ can keep your main executable functions cleaner.


So, you’ve crafted a Python project with a sleek, modular package design. The next step is to setup a single file which will execute the package.

Inclusion of a single executable has the benefit of providing a single-entry point for other users who want to run the program without getting lost in the project.

In the example_python_project, this is done with

# Import the main package
import sample_package

def run():
    solved = sample_package.main_module_function()
    return solved

# Run the function if this is the main file executed
if __name__ == "__main__":

The program then can then be executed from a command line:

C:\<your-local-directory\example_python_project> python


The file is typically someone’s first encounter with your project. This is particularly true if the project is hosted on GitHub, where the is used as the home-page of a repository.

A file should include, at minimum, a brief description of the project, it’s purpose, and clear instructions on how to use the code.

Often, README files are written in Markdown, which includes simple text-formatting options. You can find a basic Markdown Cheat Sheet here. Although reStructuredText is often used, and even .txt files may be suitable.


Great code requires great documentation. Initializing a new project with a dedicated docs/ folder may help hold you accountable for documenting the code along the way.

For information on how to use Sphinx and reStructuredText to create clean webpage-based documentation, you can see Rohini Gupta’s post on Using Python, Sphinx, and reStructuredText to Create a Book (and Introducing our eBook: Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research!).


Bugs aren’t fun. They are even less fun when a code was bug-free yesterday but contains bugs today. Implementing automated tests in your project can help verify functionality throughout the development process and catch bugs when they may arise.

It is recommended to implement Unit Tests which verify individual components of the project. These tests should assert that function output properties align with expectations. As you develop your project in a modular way, you can go in and progressively add consecutive tests, then run all of the tests before sharing or pushing the project to others.

A standard Python instillation comes with the unittest package, which is intended to provide a framework for these tests. I provide an example test below, but deeper-dive into the unittest framework may require a dedicated future posts.

In the example_python_project, I include the to verify that the solution generated by main_module_function() is True using the unittest package:

import sample_package
import unittest

# Define a test suite targeting specific functionality
class BasicTestSuite(unittest.TestCase):
    """Basic test cases."""
    def test_that_riddle_is_solved(self):
        solved = sample_package.module.main_module_function()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running the basic_test module from the command line produce an “OK” if everything runs smoothly, otherwise will provide information regarding which tests are failing.

Ran 1 test in 0.004s

Currently, the example_python_project requires the basic_test module to be executed manually. To learn more about automating this process, you can see Andrew Dirck’s 2020 post: Automate unit testing with Github Actions for research codes.


The requirements.txt is a simple text file which lists the dependencies, or necessary packages that are required to run the code.

This can be particularly important if your code requires a specific version of a package, since the package verison can be specified in the requirements.txt. Specifying a particular package version (e.g., numpy==1.24.1) can improve the reliability of your code, since different versions of these packages may operate in different ways in the future.

Here is an example of what might be inside a requirements.txt, if the numpy and random packages are necessary:


Users can easily install all the packages listed in requirements.txt using the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


I’ll keep this section brief, since I am far from legally qualified to comment much on Licensing. However, general advice seems to suggest that if you are sharing code publicly, safest to include a license of some sort.

Inclusion of an open-source license allows other users to comfortably use and modify your code for their own purposes, allowing you to contribute and benefit the broader community. At the same time, protecting the original author from future liabilities associated with its use by others.

The GNU General Public License is the most common open-source license, however if you would like to know more about the different options, you can find some guidance here:


If you are an experienced Python user, there may not be anything new for you here but at the least I hope it serves as a reminder to take care in your project design this year.

Additionally, this is likely to be one part in a multi-part Introduction to Python series that I will be writing for future members of our research group. With that in mind, check back here later this spring for the subsequent parts if that interests you.

Best of luck!


(1) Reitz, K., & Schlusser, T. (2016). The Hitchhiker’s guide to Python: best practices for development. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”.
(2) Navdeep Gill. 2019. samplemod. (2023).

Automate remote tasks with Paramiko

This is a short blogpost to demonstrate a the Paramiko Python package. Paramiko allows you to establish SSH, SCP or SFTP connections within Python scripts, which is handy when you’d like to automate some repetitive tasks with on remote server or cluster from your local machine or another cluster you’re running from.

It is often used for server management tasks, but for research applications you could consider situations where we have a large dataset stored at a remote location and are executing a script that needs to transfer some of that data depending on results or new information. Instead of manually establishing SSH or SFTP connections, those processes could be wrapped and automated within your existing Python script.

To begin a connection, all you need is a couple lines:

import paramiko

ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()

The first line creates a paramiko SSH client object. The second line tells paramiko what to do if the host is not a known host (i.e., whether this host should be trusted or not)—think of when you’re setting up an SSH connection for the first time and get the message:

The authenticity of host ‘name’ can’t be established. RSA key fingerprint is ‘gibberish’. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

The third line is what makes the connection, the hostname, username and password are usually the only necessary things to define.

Once a connection is established, commands can be executed with exec_command(), which creates three objects:

stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command("ls")

stdin is write-only file which can be used for commands requiring input, stdout contains the output of the command, and stderr contains any errors produced by the command—if there are no errors it will be empty.

To print out what’s returned by the command, use can use stdout.readlines(). To add inputs to stdin, you can do so by using the write() function:

stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(“sudo ls”)

Importantly: don’t forget to close your connection, especially if this is an automated script that opens many of them: ssh_client.close().

To transfer files, you need to establish an SFTP or an SCP connection, in a pretty much similar manner:


get() will transfer a file to a local directory, put(), used in the same way, will transfer a file to a remote directory.

More Terminal Schooling

You are probably asking yourself “and why do I need more terminal schooling?”. The short answer is: to not have to spend as much time as you do on the terminal, most of which spent (1) pushing arrow keys thousands of times per afternoon to move through a command or history of commands, (2) waiting for a command that takes forever to be done running before you can run anything else, (3) clicking all over the place on MobaXTerm and still feeling lost, (4) manually running the same command multiple times with different inputs, (5) typing the two-step verification token every time you want to change a “+” to a “-” on a file on a supercomputer, (6) waiting forever for a time-consuming run done in serial on a single core, and (7, 8, …) other useless and horribly frustrating chores. Below are some tricks to make your Linux work more efficient and reduce the time you spend on the terminal. From now on, I will use a “$” sign to indicate that what follows is a command typed in the terminal.

The tab autocomple is your best friend

When trying to do something with that file whose name is 5480458 characters long, be smart and don’t type the whole thing. Just type the first few letters and hit tab. If it doesn’t complete all the way it’s because there are multiple files whose names begin with the sequence of characters. In this case, hitting tab twice will return the names of all such files. The tab autocomplete works for commands as well.

Ctrl+r for search through previous commands

When on the terminal, hit ctrl+r to switch to reverse search mode. This works like a simple search function o a text document, but instead looking in your bash history file for commands you used over the last weeks or months. For example, if you hit ctrl+r and type sbatch it will fill the line with the last command you ran that contained the word sbatch. If you hit ctrl+r again, it will find the second last used command, and so on.

Vim basics to edit files on a system that requires two-step authentication

Vim is one the most useful things I have came across when it comes to working on supercomputers with two-step identity verification, in which case using MobaXTerm of VS Code requires typing a difference security code all the time. Instead of uploading a new version of a code file every time you want to make a simple change, just edit the file on the computer itself using Vim. To make simple edits on your files, there are very few commands you need to know.

To open a file with Vim from the terminal: $ vim <file name> or $ vim +10 <file name>, if you want to open the file and go straight to line 10.

Vim has two modes of operation: text-edit (for you to type whatever you want in the file) and command (replacement to clicking on file, edit, view, etc. on the top bar of notepad). When you open Vim, it will be in command mode.

To switch to text-edit mode, just hit either “a” or “i” (you should then see “– INSERT –” at the bottom of the screen). To return to command mode, hit escape (Esc). When in text-edit more, the keys “Home,” “End,” “Pg Up,” “Pg Dn,” “Backspace,” and “Delete” work just like on Notepad and MS Word.

When in command mode, save your file by typing :w + Enter, save and quite with :wq, and quit without saving with :q!. Commands for selecting, copying and pasting, finding and replacing, replacing just one character, deleting a line, and other more advanced tasks can be found here. There’s also a great cheatsheet for Vim here. Hint: once you learn some more five to ten commands, making complex edits on your file with Vim becomes blazingly fast.

Perform repetitive tasks on the terminal using one-line Bash for-loops.

Instead of manually typing a command for each operation you want to perform on a subset of files in a directory (“e.g., cp file<i>.csv directory300-400 for i from 300 to 399 , tar -xzvf myfile<i>.tar.gz, etc.), you can use a Bash for-loop if using the is not possible.

Consider a situation in which you have 10,000 files and want to move files number 200 to 299 to a certain directory. Using the wildcard “*” in this case wouldn’t be possible, as result_2<i>.csv would return result_2.csv, result_20.csv to result_29.csv, and result_2000.csv to result_2999.csv as well–sometimes you may be able to use Regex, but that’s another story. To move a subset of result files to a directory using a Bash for-loop, you can use the following syntax:

$ for i in {0..99}; do cp result_2$i results_200s/; done

Keep in mind that you can have multiple commands inside a for-loop by separating them with “;” and also nest for-loops.

Run a time-intensive command on the background with an “&” and keep doing your terminal work

Some commands may take a long time to run and render the terminal unusable until it’s complete. Instead of opening another instance of the terminal and login in again, you can send a command to the background by adding “&” at the end of it. For example, if you want to extract a tar file with dozens of thousands of files in it and keep doing your work as the files are extracted, just run:

$ tar -xzf my_large_file.tar.gz &

If you have a directory with several tar files and want to extract a few of them in parallel while doing your work, you can use the for-loop described above and add “&” to the end of the tar command inside the loop. BE CAREFUL, if your for-loop iterates over dozens or more files, you may end up with your terminal trying to run dozens or more tasks at once. I accidentally crashed the Cube once doing this.

Check what is currently running on the terminal using ps

To make sure you are not overloading the terminal by throwing too many processes at it, you can check what it is currently running by running the command ps. For example, if I run an program with MPI creating two processes and run ps before my program is done, it will return the following:

bernardoct@DESKTOP-J6145HK /mnt/c/Users/Bernardo/CLionProjects/WaterPaths
$ mpirun -n 2 ./triangleSimulation -I Tests/test_input_file_borg.wp &
[1] 6129     <-- this is the process ID
bernardoct@DESKTOP-J6145HK /mnt/c/Users/Bernardo/CLionProjects/WaterPaths
 $ ps
 8 tty1 00:00:00 bash
 6129 tty1 00:00:00 mpirun    <-- notice the process ID 6129 again
 6134 tty1 00:00:00 triangleSimulat
 6135 tty1 00:00:00 triangleSimulat
 6136 tty1 00:00:00 ps

Check the output of a command running on the background

If you run a program on the background its output will not be printed on the screen. To know what’s happening with your program, send (to pipe) its output to a text file using the “>” symbol, which will be updated continuously as your program is running, and check it with cat <file name>, less +F<file name>, tail -n<file name>, or something similar. For example, if is a script that will print a number on the screen every one second, you could do the following (note the “> pipe.csv” in the first command):

bernardoct@DESKTOP-J6145HK /mnt/c/Users/Bernardo/CLionProjects/WaterPaths
 $ ./ > pipe.csv &
 [1] 6191

bernardoct@DESKTOP-J6145HK /mnt/c/Users/Bernardo/CLionProjects/WaterPaths
 $ cat pipe.csv

bernardoct@DESKTOP-J6145HK /mnt/c/Users/Bernardo/CLionProjects/WaterPaths
 $ cat pipe.csv

bernardoct@DESKTOP-J6145HK /mnt/c/Users/Bernardo/CLionProjects/WaterPaths
 $ tail -3 pipe.csv

This is also extremely useful in situations when you want to run a command that takes long to run but whose outputs are normally displayed one time on the screen. For example, if you want to check the contents of a directory with thousands of files to search for a few specific files, you can pipe the output of ls to a file and send it to the background with ls > directory_contents.txt & and search the resulting text file for the file of interest.

System monitor: check core and memory usage with htop, or top if htop is not available

If ps does not provide enough information given your needs, such as if you’re trying to check if your multi-thread application is using the number of cores it should, you can try running htop instead. This will show on your screen something along the lines of the Performance view  of Windows’ Task Manager, but without the time plot. It will also show how much memory is being used, so that you do not accidentally shut down a node on an HPC system. If htop is not available, you can try top.

Running make in parallel with make -j for much shorter compiling time

If a C++ code is properly modularized, make can compile certain source code files in parallel. To do that, run make -j<number of cores> <rule in makefile>. For example, the following command would compile WaterPaths in parallel over four cores:

$ make -j4 gcc

For WaterPaths, make gcc takes 54s on the Cube, make -j4 gcc takes 15s, make -j8 gcc takes 9s, so the time and patience savings are real if you have to compile the code various times per day. To make your life simpler, you can add an alias to bash_aliases such as alias make='make -j4' (see below in section about .bash_aliases file). DO NOT USE MAKE -J ON NSF HPC SYSTEMS: it is against the rules. On the cube keep it to four cores or less not to disturb other users, but use all cores available if on the cloud or iterative section.

Check the size of files and directories using du -hs

The title above is quite self-explanatory. Running du -hs <file name> will tell you its size.

Check the data and time a file was created or last modified using the stat command

Also rather self-explanatory. Running stat <file name> is really useful if you cannot remember on which file you saved the output last time you ran your program.

Split large files into smaller chunks with the split command and put them back together with cat

This works for splitting a large text file into files with fewer lines, as well as for splitting large binary files (such as large tar files) so that you can, for example, upload them to GitHub or e-mail them to someone. To split a text file with 10,000 into ten files with 1,000 lines each, use:

 $ split -l 1000 myfile myfile_part

This will result in ten files called myfile_part00, myfile_part01, and so on with 1,000 lines each. Similarly, the command below would break a binary file into parts with 50 MB each:

 $ split -b 50m myfile myfile_part

To put all files back together in either case, run:

$ cat myfile_part* myfile

More information about the split command can be found in Joe’s post about it.

Checking your HPC submission history with `sacct`

Another quite sulf-explanatory tile. If you want to remember when you submitted something, such as to check if an output file resulted from this or that submission (see stat command), just run the command below in one line:

$ sacct -S 2019-09-18 -u bct52 --format=User,JobID,Jobname,start,end,elapsed,nnodes,nodelist,state

This will result in an output similar to the one below:

bct52 979 my_job 2019-09-10T21:48:30 2019-09-10T21:55:08 00:06:38 1 c0001 COMPLETED
bct52 980 skx_test_1 2019-09-11T01:44:08 2019-09-11T01:44:09 00:00:01 1 c0001 FAILED
bct52 981 skx_test_1 2019-09-11T01:44:33 2019-09-11T01:56:45 00:12:12 1 c0001 CANCELLED
bct52 1080 skx_test_4 2019-09-11T22:07:03 2019-09-11T22:08:39 00:01:36 4 c[0001-0004] COMPLETED
1080.0 orted 2019-09-11T22:08:38 2019-09-11T22:08:38 00:00:00 3 c[0002-0004] COMPLETED

Compare files with meld, fldiff, or diff

There are several programs to show the differences between text files. This is particularly useful when you want to see what the changes between different versions of the same file, normally a source code file. If you are on a computer running a Linux OS or have an X server like Xming installed, you can use meld and kdiff3 for pretty outputs on a nice GUI or fldiff to quickly handle a files with huge number of difference. Otherwise, diff will show you the differences in a cruder pure-terminal but still very much functional manner. The syntax for all of them is:

$ <command> <file1> <file2>

Except for diff, for which it is worth calling with the --color option:

$ diff --color <file1> <file2>

If cannot run a graphical user interface but is feeling fancy today, you can install the ydiff Python extension with (done just once):

$ python3 -m pip install --user ydiff 

and pipe diff’s output to it with the following:

$diff -u <file1> <file2> | python3 -m ydiff -s

This will show you the differences between two versions of a code file in a crystal clear, side by side, and colorized way.

Creating a .bashrc file for a terminal that’s easy to work with and good (or better) to look at

When we first login to several Linux systems the terminal is all black with white characters, in which it’s difficult find the commands you typed amidst all the output printed on the screen, and with limited autocomplete and history search. In short, it’s a real pain and you makes you long for Windows as much as for you long for your mother’s weekend dinner. There is, however, a way of making the terminal less of a pain to work with, which is by creating a file called .bashrc with the right contents in your home directory. Below is an example of a .bashrc file with the following features for you to just copy and paste in your home directory (e.g., /home/username/, or ~/ for short):

  • Colorize your username and show the directory you’re currently in, so that it’s easy to see when the output of a command ends and the next one begins–as in section “Checking the output of a command running on the background.”
  • Allow for a search function with the up and down arrow keys. This way, if you’re looking for all the times you typed a command starting with sbatch, you can just type “sba” and hit up arrow until you find the call you’re looking for.
  • A function that allows you to call extract and the compressed file will be extracted. No more need to tar with a bunch of options, unzip, unrar, etc. so long as you have all of them installed.
  • Colored man pages. This means that when you look for the documentation of a program using man, such as man cat to see all available options for the cat command, the output will be colorized.
  • A function called pretty_csv to let you see csv files in a convenient, organized and clean way from the terminal, without having to download it to your computer.
# .bashrc

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc

# Load aliases
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases

# Automatically added by module
shopt -s expand_aliases

if [ ! -z "$PS1" ]; then
PS1='\[\033[G\]\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[1;32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward'

set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set completion-ignore-case on
export PATH=/usr/local/gcc-7.1/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/gcc-7.1/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

history -a
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

sshd_status=$(service ssh status)
if [[ $sshd_status = *"is not running"* ]]; then
sudo service ssh --full-restart


extract () {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2)   tar xvjf $1    ;;
*.tar.gz)    tar xvzf $1    ;;
*.bz2)       bunzip2 $1     ;;
*.rar)       unrar x $1       ;;
*.gz)        gunzip $1      ;;
*.tar)       tar xvf $1     ;;
*.tbz2)      tar xvjf $1    ;;
*.tgz)       tar xvzf $1    ;;
*.zip)       unzip $1       ;;
*.Z)         uncompress $1  ;;
*.7z)        7z x $1        ;;
*)           echo "don't know how to extract '$1'..." ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file!"

# Colored man pages
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m'

# Combine multiline commands into one in history
shopt -s cmdhist

# Ignore duplicates, ls without options and builtin commands
export HISTIGNORE="&:ls:[bf]g:exit"

pretty_csv () {
cat "$1" | column -t -s, | less -S

There are several .bashrc example files online with all sorts of functionalities. Believe me, a nice .bashrc will make your life A LOT BETTER. Just copy and paste the above into a text file called .bashrc and sent it to your home directory in your local or HPC system terminal.

Make the terminal far less user-friendly and less archane by setting up a .bash_aliases file

You should also have a .bash_aliases file to significantly reduce typing and colorizing the output of commands you often use for ease of navigation. Just copy all the below into a file called .bash_aliases and copy into your home directory (e.g., /home/username/, or ~/ for short). This way, every time you run the command between the word “alias” and the “=” sign, the command after the “=”sign will be run.

alias ls='ls --color=tty'
alias ll='ls -l --color=auto'
alias lh='ls -al --color=auto'
alias lt='ls -alt --color=auto'
alias uu='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y'
alias q='squeue -u '
alias qkill='scancel $(qselect -u bct52)'
alias csvd="awk -F, 'END {printf \"Number of Rows: %s\\nNumber of Columns: %s\\n\", NR, NF}'"
alias grep='grep --color=auto'                          #colorize grep output
alias gcc='gcc -fdiagnostics-color=always'                           #colorize gcc output
alias g++='g++ -fdiagnostics-color=always'                          #colorize g++ output
alias paper='cd /my/directory/with/my/beloved/paper/'
alias res='cd /my/directory/with/my/ok/results/'
alias diss='cd /my/directory/of/my/@#$%&/dissertation/'
alias aspell='aspell --lang=en --mode=tex check'
alias aspellall='find . -name "*.tex" -exec aspell --lang=en --mode=tex check "{}" \;'
alias make='make -j4'

Check for spelling mistakes in your Latex files using aspell

Command-line spell checker, you know what this is.

aspell --lang=en --mode=tex check'

To run aspell check on all the Latexfiles in a directory and its subdirectories, run:

find . -name "*.tex" -exec aspell --lang=en --mode=tex check "{}" \;

Easily share a directory on certain HPC systems with others working on the same project [Hint from Stampede 2]

Here’s a great way to set permissions recursively to share a directory named projdir with your research group:

$ lfs find projdir | xargs chmod g+rX

Using lfs is faster and less stressful on Lustre than a recursive chmod. The capital “X” assigns group execute permissions only to files and directories for which the owner has execute permissions.

Run find and replace in all files in a directory [Hint from Stampede 2]

Suppose you wish to remove all trailing blanks in your *.c and *.h files. You can use the find command with the sed command with in place editing and regular expressions to this. Starting in the current directory you can do:

$ find . -name *.[ch] -exec sed -i -e ‘s/ +$//’ {} \;

The find command locates all the *.c and *.h files in the current directory and below. The -exec option run the sed command replacing {} with the name of each file. The -i option tells sed to make the changes in place. The s/ +$// tells sed to replace one or blanks at the end of the line with nothing. The \; is required to let find know where the end of the text for the -exec option. Being an effective user of sed and find can make a great different in your productivity, so be sure to check Tina’s post about them.

Other post in this blog

Be sure to look at other posts in this blog, such as Jon Herman’s post about ssh, Bernardo’s post about other useful Linux commands organized by task to be performed, and Joe’s posts about grep (search inside multiple files) and cut.

Remote terminal environment using VS Code for Windows and Mac

On Windows machines, the application MobaXterm is a valuable tool for computing on virtual machines and working through SSH clients. David Gold’s blog post walks through the installation and use of this app, which works well in Windows environments.

Working remotely on my Mac laptop, I have been struggling to achieve the same workflow as in the office, with a Windows machine. Unfortunately, MobaXterm is not available for download on Mac OS. Looking for alternatives, I discovered that using VS Code with the “Remote – SSH” extension is a great replacement with significant advantages to MobaXterm, as it an SSH client interface and code editor in one.

A screenshot from my VS Code remote interface, with the graphical file browser on the left panel, the SSH server terminal on the bottom-right, and the VS Code editor on the top-right.

Here’s how you can set up a remote session on Mac (and Windows) using VS Code: 

  1. Install the VS Code application here. For installation help and a brief overview of the app, check out this video.
  2. With VS Code opened, go to View -> Extensions, and search “Remote – SSH.” Click on the extension and press the green “Install” button. You should see the message “This extension is enabled globally” appear. Check out this extension’s description below (I’ll run through the basics in this post).
  3. On the bottom left of your screen, there should be a small green box with two opposite pointing arrow heads. Click this.
The green box is the Remote – SSH extension.
  1. Choose the first pop-up option “Remote-SSH: Connect to host…” and then select “Add New SSH Host…”.
Click the first box and then the “Add New SSH Host” button to connect to your SSH client.
  1. Here, enter your remote SSH username@serverid (here at Cornell, this would be to connect to our remote computing cluster, the Cube).
  2. In the same pop-up window, click the remote server that you just added. A new window will open and prompt you to enter your password for the server.
  3. Now, you in are in your remote SSH environment. Click “Open folder…” and select “OK” to see your remote directory on the left. You can navigate through these files in your remote machine the same way as MobaXterm. Click View -> Terminal to see your SSH command line on the bottom of the screen (here’s where you can actually run the programs on your cluster).

Now using VS Code, you can install other extensions to aid in code editing in different languages (here’s an article with a few good ones for various uses). This environment has the same functionality as MobaXterm, without having to switch applications for editing code. Run your cluster programs in the terminal window and edit the code in the main VS Code editor!

Establishing an Effective Data Backup Strategy for Your Workstation

When determining your data management strategy for your workflow, considering a range of backup options for your data beyond just a single copy on your workstation or your external hard drive is paramount. Creating a seamless workspace that will easily transition between workstations and while maintaining durability and availability is easily achievable once you know what resources might be available and a general guideline.

General considerations for how you will be managing and sharing data is crucial, especially for collaborative projects when files must often be accessible in real time.

Considering how long you might need to retain data and how often you might need to access it will drastically change your approach to your storage strategy.

3-2-1 Data Backup Rule

If you walk away form this with nothing else, remember the 3-2-1 rule. The key to ensuring durability of your data—preventing loss due to hardware or software malfunction, fire, viruses, and institutional changes or uproars—is following the 3-2-1 Rule. Maintaining three or more copies on two or more different mediums (i.e. cloud and HDD) with at least one off-site copy.


An example of this would be to have a primary copy of your data on your desktop that is backed up continuously via Dropbox and nightly via an external hard drive. There are three copies of your data between your local workstation, external hard drive (HD), and Dropbox. By having your media saved on hard drive disks (HDDs) on your workstation and external HD in addition to ‘the cloud’ (Dropbox), you have accomplished spreading your data across exactly two different mediums. Lastly, since cloud storage is located on external servers connected via the internet, you have successfully maintained at least one off-site copy. Additionally, with a second external HD, you could create weekly/monthly/yearly backups and store this HD offsite.

Version Control Versus Data Backup

Maintaining a robust version control protocol does not ensure your data will be properly backed up and vice versa. Notably, you should not be relying on services such as GitHub to back up your data, only your code (and possibly very small datasets, i.e. <50 MB). However, you should still maintain an effective strategy for version control.

  • Code Version Control
  • Large File Version Control
    • GitHub is not the place to be storing and sharing large datasets, only the code to produce large datasets
    • Git Large File Storage (LFS) can be used for a Git-based version-control on large files

Data Storage: Compression

Compressing data reduces the amount of storage required (thereby reducing cost), but ensuring the data’s integrity is an extremely complex topic that is continuously changing. While standard compression techniques (e.g. .ZIP and HDF5) are generally effective at compression without issues, accessing such files requires additional steps before having the data in a usable format (i.e. decompressing the files is required).  It is common practice (and often a common courtesy) to compress files prior to sharing them, especially when emailed.

7-Zip is a great open-source tool for standard compression file types (.ZIP, .RAR) and has its own compression file type. Additionally, a couple of guides looking into using HDF5/zlib for NetCFD files are located here and here.

Creating Your Storage Strategy

To comply with the 3-2-1 strategy, you must actively choose where you wish to back up your files. In addition to pushing your code to GitHub, choosing how to best push your files to be backed up is necessary. However, you must consider any requirements you might have for your data handling:

My personal strategy costs approximately $120 per year. For my workstation on campus, I primarily utilize DropBox with a now-outdated version control history plugin that allows for me to access files one year after deletion. Additionally, I instantaneously sync these files to GoogleDrive (guide to syncing). Beyond these cloud services, I utilize an external HDD that backs up select directories nightly (refer below to my script that works with Windows 7).

It should be noted that Cornell could discontinue its contracts with Google so that unlimited storage on Google Drive is no longer available. Additionally, it is likely that Cornell students will lose access to Google Drive and Cornell Box upon graduation, rendering these options impractical for long-term or permanent storage.

  • Minimal Cost (Cornell Students)
    • Cornell Box
    • Google Drive
    • Local Storage
    • TheCube
  • Accessibility and Sharing
    • DropBox
    • Google Drive
    • Cornell Box (for sharing within Cornell, horrid for external sharing)
  • Minimal Local Computer Storage Availability
    Access Via Web Interface (Cloud Storage) or File Explorer

    • DropBox
    • Google Drive (using Google Stream)
    • Cornell Box
    • TheCube
    • External HDD
  • Reliable (accessibility through time)
    • Local Storage (especially an external HDD if you will be relocating)
    • Dropbox
    • TheCube
  • Always Locally Accessible
    • Local Storage (notably where you will be utilizing the data, e.g. keep data on TheCube if you plan to utilize it there)
    • DropBox (with all files saved locally)
    • Cornell Box (with all files saved locally)
  • Large Capacity (~2 TB total)
    • Use Cornell Box or Google Drive
  • Extremely Large Capacity (or unlimited file size)

Storage Option Details and Tradeoffs

Working with large datasets can be challenging to do between workstations, changing the problem from simply incorporating the files directly within your workflow to interacting with the files from afar (e.g. keeping and utilizing files on TheCube).

But on a personal computer level, the most significant differentiator between storage types is whether you can (almost) instantaneously update and access files across computers (cloud-based storage with desktop file access) or if manual/automated backups occur. I personally like to have a majority of my files easily accessible, so I utilize Dropbox and Google Drive to constantly update between computers. I also back up all of my files from my workstation to an external hard drive just to maintain an extra  layer of data protection in case something goes awry.

  • Requirements for Data Storage
  • Local Storage: The Tried and True
    • Internal HDD
      • Installed on your desktop or laptop
      • Can most readily access data for constant use, making interactions with files the fastest
      • Likely the most at-risk version due to potential exposure to viruses in addition to nearly-constant uptime (and bumps for laptops)
      • Note that Solid State Drives (SSDs) do not have the same lifespan for the number of read/write as an HDD, leading to slowdowns or even failures if improperly managed. However, newer SSDs are less prone to these issues due to a combination of firmware and hardware advances.
      • A separate data drive (a secondary HDD that stores data and not the primary operating system) is useful for expanding easily-accessible space. However, it is not nearly as isolated as data contained within a user’s account on a computer and must be properly configured to ensure privacy of files
    • External Hard Drive Disk (HDD)
      • One-time cost ($50-200), depending on portability/size/speed
      • Can allow for off-line version of data to be stored, avoiding newly introduced viruses from preventing access or corrupting older versions (e.g. ransomware)—requires isolation from your workflow
      • May back up data instantaneously or as often as desired: general practice is to back up nightly or weekly
      • Software provided with external hard drives is generally less effective than self-generated scripts (e.g. Robocopy in Windows)
      • Unless properly encrypted, can be easily accessed by anyone with physical access
      • May be used without internet access, only requiring physical access
      • High quality (and priced) HDDs generally increase capacity and/or write/read speeds
    • Alternative Media Storage
      • Flash Thumb Drive
        • Don’t use these for data storage, only temporary transfer of files (e.g. for a presentation)
        • Likely to be lost
        • Likely to malfunction/break
      • Outdated Methods
        • DVD/Blu-Ray
        • Floppy Disks
        • Magnetic Tapes
      • M-Discs
        • Required a Blu-Ray or DVD reader/writer
        • Supposedly lasts multiple lifetimes
        • 375 GB for $67.50
  •  Dropbox
    • My experience is that Dropbox is the easiest cloud-storage solution to use
    • Free Version includes 2 GB of space without bells and whistles
    • 1 TB storage for $99.00/year
    • Maximum file size of 20 GB
    • Effective (and standard) for filesharing
    • 30-day version history (extended version history for one year can be purchased for an additional $39.00/year)
    • Professional, larger plans with additional features (e.g. collaborative document management) also available
    • Can easily create collaborative folders, but storage counts against all individuals added (an issue if individuals are sharing large datasets)
    • Can interface with both a web interface and across as operating system desktops
    • Fast upload/download speeds
    • Previous version control can allow access to previous versions if ransomware becomes an issue
    • Supports two-factor authentication
    • Requires internet access for online storage/backup, but has offline access
  • Google Drive
    • My experience is that Google Drive is relatively straight forward
    • Unlimited data/email storage for Cornell students, staff, and faculty
    • Costs $9.99/mo for 1 TB
    • Maximum file size of 5 GB
    • Easy access to G Suite, which allows for real-time collaboration on browser-based documents
    • Likely to lose access to storage capabilities upon graduation
    • Google Drive is migrating over to Google Stream which stores less commonly used files online as opposed to on your hard drive
    • Google File Stream (used to sync files with desktop) requires a constant internet connection except for recently-used files
    • Previous version control can allow access to previous versions if ransomware becomes an issue
    • Supports two-factor authentication
    • Requires internet access for online storage/backup
  • Cornell Box
    • My experiences are that Cornell Box is not easy to use relative to other options
    • Unlimited storage space, 15 GB file-size limit
    • Free for Cornell students, staff, and faculty, but alumni lose access once graduating
    • Can only be used for university-related activities (e.g. classwork, research)
    • Sharable links for internal Cornell users; however, it is very intrusive to access files for external users (requires making an account)
    • Version history retains the 100 most recent versions for each file
    • Can connect with Google Docs
    • Previous version control can allow access to previous versions if ransomware becomes an issue
    • Supports two-factor authentication
    • Requires internet access for online storage/backup, but has offline access
  • TheCube

Long-Term (5+ Years) Data Storage

It should be noted that most local media types degrade through time. Utilizing the 3-2-1 strategy is most important for long-term storage (with an emphasis on multiple media types and off-site storage). Notably, even if stored offline and never used, external HDDs, CDs, and Blu-Ray disks can only be expected to last at most around five years. Other strategies, such as magnetic tapes (10 years) or floppy disks (10-20 year), may last longer, there is no truly permanent storage strategy (source of lifespans).

M-Discs are a write-once (i.e. read only, cannot be modified) storage strategy that is projected to last many lifetimes and up to 1,000 years. If you’re able to dust off an old Blu-Ray disk reader/writer, M-Discs are likely the best long-term data strategy that is likely to survive the test of time—making two copies stored in two locations is definitely worthwhile. However, the biggest drawback is that M-Discs are relatively difficult to access compared to plugging in an external HD.

Because of the range of lifespans and how cheap storage has become, I would recommend maintaining your old (and likely relatively small) data archives within your regular storage strategy which is likely to migrate between services through time.

For larger datasets that you are required to retain and would like to easily access, I would maintain them on at least two offline external hard drive stored in separate locations (e.g. at home and your office) while occasionally (i.e. every six months) checking the health of the hard drives in perpetuity and replacing them as required.

Relying only on cloud storage for long-term storage is not recommended due to the possibility of companies closing their doors or simply deactivating your account. However, they can be used as an additional layer of protection in addition to having physical copies (i.e. external HD, M-Discs).

Windows 7 Robocopy Code

The script I use for backing up specific directories from my workstation (Windows 7) to an external HD is shown below. To set up my hard drive, I first formatted it to a format compatible with multiple operating systems using this guide. Note that your maximum file size and operating system requirements require different formats. Following this, I used the following guide to implement a nightly backup of all of my data while keeping a log on my C: drive. Note that I have only new files and versions of files copied over, ensuring that the back up does not take ages.

@echo off
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4\Desktop F:\Backups\Desktop /E /XA:H /W:0 /R:3 /REG > C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy E:\Dropbox F:\Backups\Dropbox /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4\Downloads F:\Backups\Downloads /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4\Documents F:\Backups\Documents /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4 F:\Backups\UserProfile /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy E:\Program Files\Zotero F:\Backups\Zotero /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log

Converting Latex to MS Word docx (almost perfectly)

Many of students and academics write academic papers and reports on Latex due to the ease of formatting and managing citations and bibliography. However, collaborative editing Latex tools have not reached the level of versatility and convenience of Microsoft Word and Google Docs. We then often begin writing the paper in Word when major comments, additions and changes are made, and later manually translate it to Latex, which is a tedious task and just a waste of time.

A way around this hurdle is to use Pandoc to automatically convert Latex files to Word documents. To install Pandoc on Linux, open a terminal run sudo apt-get install pandoc pandoc-citeproc texlive, while Windows executables and MacOS instructions are available here. To run Pandoc on a Latex document:

  1. Open a terminal (on Windows, hold the Windows key and press “r,” then type “cmd” in the command bar)
  2. Use the “cd” command to navigate to the folder where your Latex document it.
  3. Type pandoc -s latex_document.tex --bibliography=bib_file.bib -o output_word_document.docx.

Now you should have a Word document with all your bitmap (png, jpeg, bmp, etc.) figures, equations in Word format and with a bibliography based on your citations and bib file. If the latest version of Pandoc does not work, try version 1.19.1.

There are some known limitations, though. Numbering and referencing equations, figures and tables, and referencing sections will not work and you will have to number those by hand. This limitation seems to apply only to outputting Word documents and you can circumvent them by outputting to other formats with Pandoc reference filters plus the appropriate Pandoc calls and specific latex syntax (see filters’ pages for details). Vectorized figures will not be included in the output document (svg, eps, pdf, etc.). On the other hand, bitmaps will appear in the output document and will preserve their captions.

Hopefully some skilled programmer feeling like generously volunteering his time for the Latex academic cause will address the mentioned limitations soon. Until then, we will have to go around them by hand.

Using HDF5/zlib compression in NetCDF4, part 2: testing the compression settings

There has been a previous post, courtesy of Greg Garner, on why HDF5/zlib compression matters for NetCDF4. That post featured a plot that showed how much you could compress your data when increasing the compression level. But the fine print also acknowledged that this data was for a pretty idealized dataset. So how much should you compress your data in a real-world application? How can you test what your trade-off really is between compression and computing time?

Follow this 4-step process to find out!

I’ll be illustrating this post using my own experience with the Water Balance Model (WBM), a model developed at the University of New Hampshire and that has served for several high-profile papers over the years (including Nature and Science). This is the first time that this model, written in Perl, is being ported to another research group, with the goal of exploring its behavior when running large ensembles of inputs (which I am starting to do! Exciting, but a story for another post).

Step 1. Read the manual

There is a lot of different software for creating NetCDF data. Depending on the situation, you may have a say on which to use, or be already using the tool that comes with the software suite you are working with. Of course, in the latter case, you can always change the tools. But reasonable a first step before that is to test them. Ergo, look up the documentation for the software you are using, to see how you can control compression on them.

Here, WBM uses the PDL::NetCDF Perl library, which has useful functions for adding data to a NetCDF file after every time step the model runs. Contrary to Greg’s post that uses C and where there are two flags (“shuffle” and “deflate”) and a compression level parameter (“deflate_level”), for PDL::NetCDF there are only two parameters. The SHUFFLE flag is the equivalent in Perl of the “shuffle” flag in C. The DEFLATE Perl parameter ihas integer values from 0 to 9, with a value 0 being equivalent to the C-flag “deflate” being turned off, and any value from 1 to 9 being equivalent to the “deflate”C-flag being on, the value of DEFLATE being then equivalent to the value of the “deflate_level” parameter in Greg’s post. Therefore, the DEFLATE variable from the PDL::NetCDF library in Perl lumps together the parameters “deflate” and “deflate_level” used in C.

I then located the DEFLATE and SHUFFLE variables within the auxiliary functions of the WBM. In the function write_nc, the following two lines of codes are key:

 my $deflate = set_default($$options{DEFLATE},1); # NetCDF4 deflate (compression) parameter</pre>
my $shuffle = set_default($$options{SHUFFLE},0); # NetCDF4 shuffle parameter 

Step 2. Set up a test protocol

This builds on Greg’s idea of recording time and resulting file size for all compression level. Here we are interested in these quantities for full-scale model runs, and not just for the generation of a single NetCDF dataset.

In this case therefore, we want to contrast the default setting above with stronger compression settings, for ensemble runs of WBM on the Cube (the local HPC cluster). For a better comparison, let us place ourselves in the conditions in which ensemble runs will be made. Runs will use all 16 cores of a Cube node, therefore for each compression setting, this experiment runs 16 instances of the WBM on a single node. Each of the 16 instances runs on a single core. All WBM runs are identical so the only differences between run times and result file size come from compression settings.

Compression settings for (SHUFFLE,DEFLATE) are (0,1) by default, and we compare that with all settings from (1,1) to (1,9).

Step 3. Run experiment, get results

Here are the results from this experiment. Results consider 47 output fields for WBM runs with a daily time-step for 8 years (2009-2016), plus 5 years of warmup (this is pretty common for hydrological models). All this in a spatial mesh of 148,500 grid cells. A folder containing binaries for a single input variable, for this time span and spatial coverage, has a size of 3.1GB. Therefore, the expected size for 47 variables in binary format is 146Go. Let us compare with our results:


As one can see the presence of the shuffle flag or the value of the deflate parameter have little influence on the size of the results files. Compressed results are 3 to 4 time smaller than binaries, which highlights the interest of compressing, but also means we do not have the order(s) of magnitude differences reported by Greg’s blog post. This is mainly because the binary format used for WBM inputs is much more efficient than the uncompressed ASCII that Greg used in his experiment. For a deflate parameter of 9, there is an apparent problem within the PDL library, and no output (note that a single-core run with shuffle=0 and deflate=9 did not lead to a similar problem).

Step 4. Conclude on compression parameters

Here the epxerimental setup has shown that carefully selecting the output fields will save more space than fine-tuning NetCDF compression parameters. For instance, some of the 47 output fields above are fully redundant with others. Others are residual fields, and the only interest of looking them up is to verify that a major development within the WBM code did not mess up with the overall water balance.

More generally, the effects of compression are situation-specific and are not as great when there is no obvious regularity in the data (as is often the case with outputs from large models), or when the binary format used is already much better than ASCII. This said, NetCDF still occupies much less space than binaries, and is much easier to handle: WBM outputs are contained in one file per year (8 files total) with very useful metadata info…



Using HDF5/zlib Compression in NetCDF4

Not too long ago, I posted an entry on writing NetCDF files in C and loading them in R.  In that post, I mentioned that the latest and greatest version of NetCDF includes HDF5/zlib compression, but I didn’t say much more beyond that.  In this post, I’ll explain briefly how to use this compression feature in your NetCDF4 files.

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert in any sense on the details of compression algorithms.  For more details on how HDF5/zlib compression is integrated into NetCDF, check out the NetCDF Documentation.  Also, I’ll be assuming that the NetCDF4 library was compiled on your machine to enable HDF5/zlib compression.  Details on building and installing NetCDF from source code can be found in the documentation too.

I will be using code similar to what was in my previous post.  The code generates three variables (x, y, z) each with 3 dimensions.  I’ve increased the size of the dimensions by an order of magnitude to better accentuate the compression capabilities.

  // Loop control variables
  int i, j, k;
  // Define the dimension sizes for
  // the example data.
  int dim1_size = 100;
  int dim2_size = 50;
  int dim3_size = 200;
  // Define the number of dimensions
  int ndims = 3;
  // Allocate the 3D vectors of example data
  float x[dim1_size][dim2_size][dim3_size]; 
  float y[dim1_size][dim2_size][dim3_size];
  float z[dim1_size][dim2_size][dim3_size];
  // Generate some example data
  for(i = 0; i < dim1_size; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < dim2_size; j++) {
                for(k = 0; k < dim3_size; k++) {
                        x[i][j][k] = (i+j+k) * 0.2;
                        y[i][j][k] = (i+j+k) * 1.7;
                        z[i][j][k] = (i+j+k) * 2.4;

Next is to setup the various IDs, create the NetCDF file, and apply the dimensions to the NetCDF file.  This has not changed since the last post.

  // Allocate space for netCDF dimension ids
  int dim1id, dim2id, dim3id;
  // Allocate space for the netcdf file id
  int ncid;
  // Allocate space for the data variable ids
  int xid, yid, zid;
  // Setup the netcdf file
  int retval;
  if((retval = nc_create(ncfile, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid))) { ncError(retval); }
  // Define the dimensions in the netcdf file
  if((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim1_size", dim1_size, &dim1id))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim2_size", dim2_size, &dim2id))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim3_size", dim3_size, &dim3id))) { ncError(retval); }
  // Gather the dimids into an array for defining variables in the netcdf file
  int dimids[ndims];
  dimids[0] = dim1id;
  dimids[1] = dim2id;
  dimids[2] = dim3id;

Here’s where the magic happens.  The next step is to define the variables in the NetCDF file.  The variables must be defined in the file before you tag it for compression.

  // Define the netcdf variables
  if((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, "x", NC_FLOAT, ndims, dimids, &xid))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, "y", NC_FLOAT, ndims, dimids, &yid))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, "z", NC_FLOAT, ndims, dimids, &zid))) { ncError(retval); }

Now that we’ve defined the variables in the NetCDF file, let’s tag them for compression.

  // OPTIONAL: Compress the variables
  int shuffle = 1;
  int deflate = 1;
  int deflate_level = 4;
  if((retval = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, xid, shuffle, deflate, deflate_level))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, yid, shuffle, deflate, deflate_level))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, zid, shuffle, deflate, deflate_level))) { ncError(retval); }

The function nc_def_var_deflate() performs this.  It takes the following parameters:

  • int ncid – The NetCDF file ID returned from the nc_create() function
  • int varid – The variable ID associated with the variable you would like to compress.  This is returned from the nc_def_var() function
  • int shuffle – Enables the shuffle filter before compression.  Any non-zero integer enables the filter.  Zero disables the filter.  The shuffle filter rearranges the byte order in the data stream to enable more efficient compression. See this performance evaluation from the HDF group on integrating a shuffle filter into the HDF5 algorithm.
  • int deflate – Enable compression at the compression level indicated in the deflate_level parameter.  Any non-zero integer enables compression.
  • int deflate_level – The level to which the data should be compressed.  Levels are integers in the range [0-9].  Zero results in no compression whereas nine results in maximum compression.

The rest of the code doesn’t change from the previous post.

  // OPTIONAL: Give these variables units
  if((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, xid, "units", 2, "cm"))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, yid, "units", 4, "degC"))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, zid, "units", 1, "s"))) { ncError(retval); }
  // End "Metadata" mode
  if((retval = nc_enddef(ncid))) { ncError(retval); }
  // Write the data to the file
  if((retval = nc_put_var(ncid, xid, &x[0][0][0]))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_put_var(ncid, yid, &y[0][0][0]))) { ncError(retval); }
  if((retval = nc_put_var(ncid, zid, &z[0][0][0]))) { ncError(retval); }
  // Close the netcdf file
  if((retval = nc_close(ncid))) { ncError(retval); }

So the question now is whether or not it’s worth compressing your data.  I performed a simple experiment with the code presented here and the resulting NetCDF files:

  1. Generate the example NetCDF file from the code above using each of the available compression levels.
  2. Time how long the code takes to generate the file.
  3. Note the final file size of the NetCDF.
  4. Time how long it takes to load and extract data from the compressed NetCDF file.

Below is a figure illustrating the results of the experiment (points 1-3).


Before I say anything about these results, note that individual results may vary.  I used a highly stylized data set to produce the NetCDF file which likely benefits greatly from the shuffle filtering and compression.  These results show a compression of 97% – 99% of the original file size.  While the run time did increase, it barely made a difference until hitting the highest compression levels (8,9).  As for point 4, there was only a small difference in load/read times (0.2 seconds) between the uncompressed and any of the compressed files (using ncdump and the ncdf4 package in R).  There’s no noticeable difference among the load/read times for any of the compressed NetCDF files.  Again, this could be a result of the highly stylized data set used as an example in this post.

For something more practical, I can only offer anecdotal evidence about the compression performance.  I recently included compression in my current project due to the large possible number of multiobjective solutions and states-of-the-world (SOW).  The uncompressed file my code produced was on the order of 17.5 GB (for 300 time steps, 1000 SOW, and about 3000 solutions).  I enabled compression of all variables (11 variables – 5 with three dimensions and 6 with two dimensions – compression level 4).  The next run produced just over 7000 solutions, but the compressed file size was 9.3 GB.  The down side is that it took nearly 45 minutes to produce the compressed file, as opposed to 10 minutes with the previous run.  There are many things that can factor into these differences that I did not control for, but the results are promising…if you’ve got the computer time.

I hope you found this post useful in some fashion.  I’ve been told that compression performance can be increased if you also “chunk” your data properly.  I’m not too familiar with chunking data for writing in NetCDF files…perhaps someone more clever than I can write about this?

Acknowledgement:  I would like to acknowledge Jared Oyler for his insight and helpful advice on some of the more intricate aspects of the NetCDF library.

Symbolic Links

A symbolic link (symlink) is a file that’s a pointer to another file (or a directory). One use for symlinks is to have a big file be in two places without using up twice as much space. ln -s /gpfs/home/abc123/scratch/big_file /gpfs/home/abc123/work/big_file

You can see another use in your home directory on the cluster: ls -l scratch gives us this directory listing:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 mjw5407 mjw5407 21 Jun 22 2011 scratch -> /gpfs/scratch/mjw5407.

The l right at the beginning of the line tells us that scratch is a symlink to /gpfs/scratch/mjw5407.

And if for some reason you see that scratch is not a symlink but a regular directory, something has gone wrong. (This happened recently to a cluster user. Check your directory listings!)

What’s taking up space on your cluster account?

A quick tip on finding and deleting big files on your cluster account. Use mmlsquota to inspect your quota usage on GPFS filesystems. This will tell you whether you really need to clean up. Use du -hs * to figure out how big your subdirectories are, and ls -lh to inspect the files in a directory. Use (with great caution) rm -rf <directory> to remove a big directory, and rm <filename> to delete a file (both commands are irreversible).