Nonstationary stochastic watershed modeling

In this post, I will describe the motivation for and implementation of a nonstationary stochastic watershed modeling (SWM) approach that we developed in the Steinschneider group during the course of my PhD. This work is in final revision and should be published in the next month or so. This post will attempt to distill key components of the model and their motivation, saving the full methodological development for those who’d like to read the forthcoming paper.


Before diving into the construction of the model, some preliminaries are necessary. First, what are SWMs, what do they do, and why use them? SWMs are a framework that combine deterministic, process-based watershed models (think HYMOD, SAC-SMA, etc.; we’ll refer to these as DWMs from here forward) with a stochastic model that capture their uncertainty. The stochastic part of this framework can be used to generate ensembles of SWM simulations that both represent the hydrologic uncertainty and are less biased estimators of the streamflow observations (Vogel, 2017).

Figure 1: SWM conceptual diagram

SWMs were developed to address challenges to earlier stochastic streamflow modeling/generation techniques (SSM/SSG; see for instance Trevor’s post on the Thomas-Fiering SSG; Julie’s post and Lillian’s post on other SSG techniques), the most important of which (arguably) being the question of how to formulate them under non-stationarity. Since SSMs are statistical models fitted directly to historical data, any attempt to implement them in a non-stationary setting requires strong assumptions about what the streamflow response might look like under an alternate forcing scenario. This is not to say that such an approach is not useful or valid for exploratory analyses (for instance Rohini’s post on synthetic streamflow generation to explore extreme droughts). SWMs attempt to address this issue of non-stationarity by using DWMs in their stochastic formulation, which lend some ‘physics-based’ cred to their response under alternate meteorological forcings.

Construction of an SWM

Over the years, there have been many SWM or SWM-esque approaches devised, ranging from simple autoregressive models to complex Bayesian approaches. In this work, we focus on a relatively straightforward SWM approach that models the hydrologic predictive uncertainty directly and simply adds random samples of it to the DWM simulations. The assumption here being that predictive uncertainty is an integrator of all traditional component modeling uncertainties (input, parameter, model/structural), so adding it back in can inject all these uncertainties into the SWM simulations at once (Shabestanipour et al., 2023).

Figure 2: Uncertainty components

By this straightforward approach, the fitting and parameter estimation of the DWM is accomplished first (and separately) via ‘standard’ fitting procedures; for instance, parameter optimization to minimize Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE). Subsequently, we develop our stochastic part of the model on the predictive uncertainty that remains, which in this case, is defined simply by subtracting the target observations from the DWM predictions. This distribution of differenced errors is the ‘predictive uncertainty distribution’ or ‘predictive errors’ that form the target of our stochastic model.

Challenges in modeling predictive uncertainty

Easy, right? Not so fast. There is a rather dense and somewhat unpalatable literature (except for the masochists out there) on the subject of hydrologic uncertainty that details the challenges in modeling these sorts of errors. Suffice it to say that they aren’t well behaved. Any model we devise for these errors must be able to manage these bad behaviors.

So, what if we decide that we want to try to use this SWM thing for planning under future climates? Certainly the DWM part can hack it. We all know that lumped, conceptual DWMs are top-notch predictors of natural streamflow… At the least, they can produce physically plausible simulations under alternate forcings (we think). What of the hydrologic predictive uncertainty then? Is it fair or sensible to presume that some model we constructed to emulate historical uncertainty is appropriate for future hydrologic scenarios with drastically different forcings? My line of rhetorical questioning should clue you in on my feelings on the subject. YES!, of course. ‘Stationarity is immortal!’ (Montanari & Koutsoyiannis, 2014).

Towards a hybrid, state-variable dependent SWM

No, actually, there are a number of good reasons why this statement might not hold for hydrologic predictive uncertainty under non-stationarity. You can read the paper for the laundry list. In short, hydrologic predictive uncertainty of a DWM is largely a reflection of its structural misrepresentation of the true process. Thus, the historical predictive uncertainty that we fit our model to is a reflection of that structural uncertainty propagated through historical model states under historical, ‘stationary’ forcings. If we fundamentally alter those forcings, we should expect to see model states that do not exist under historical conditions. The predictive errors that result from these fundamentally new model states are thus likely to not fall neatly into the box carved out by the historical scenarios.

Figure 3: Structural uncertainty

To bring this back to the proposition for a nonstationary SWM approach. The intrinsic link between model structure and its predictive uncertainty raises an interesting prospect. Could there be a way to leverage a DWM’s structure to understand its predictive uncertainty? Well, I hope so, because that’s the premise of this work! What I’ll describe in the ensuing sections is the implementation of a hybrid, state-variable dependent SWM approach. ‘Hybrid’ because it couples both machine learning (ML) and traditional statistical techniques. ‘State-variable dependent’ because it uses the timeseries of model states (described later) as the means to infer the hydrologic predictive uncertainty. I’ll refer to this as the ‘hybrid SWM’ for brevity.

Implementation of the hybrid SWM

So, with backstory in hand, let’s talk details. The remainder of this post will describe the implementation of this hybrid SWM. This high-level discussion of the approach supports a practical training exercise I put together for the Steinschneider group at the following public GitHub repo: This training also introduces a standard implementation of a GRRIEN repository (see Rohini’s post). Details of implementing the code are contained in the ‘’ and ‘’ files in the repository. My intent in this post is to describe the model implementation at a conceptual level.

Model-as-truth experimental design

First, in order to address the problem of non-stationary hydrologic predictive uncertainty, we need an experimental design that can produce it. There is a very real challenge here of not having observational data from significantly altered climates to compare our hydrologic model against. We address this problem by using a ‘model-as-truth’ experimental design, where we fit one hydrologic model (‘truth’ model) to observations, and a second hydrologic model (‘process’ model) to the first truth model. The truth model becomes a proxy for the true, target flow of the SWM modeling procedure, while the process model serves as our proposed model, or hypothesis, about that true process. Under this design, we can force both models with any plausible forcing scenario to try to understand how the predictive uncertainty between ‘truth’ and ‘process’ models might change.

Figure 4: Conceptual diagram of ‘model-as-truth’ experimental design

For the actual work, we consider a very simple non-stationary scenario where we implement a 4oC temperature shift to the temperature forcing data, which we refer to as the ‘Test+4C’ scenario. We choose this simple approach to confine non-stationarity to a high-confidence result of anthropogenic climate change, namely, thermodynamic warming. We compare this Test+4C scenario to a ‘Test’ scenario, which is the same out-of-sample temporal period (WY2005-2018) of meteorological inputs under historical values. SAC-SMA and HYMOD are the truth model and process model for this experiment, respectively. Other models could have been chosen. We chose these because they are conceptually similar and commonly used.

Figure 5: Errors between truth and process models in 5 wettest years of Test/Test+4C scenarios.

Hybrid SWM construction

The core feature of the hybrid SWM is a model for the predictive errors (truth model – process model) that uses the hydrologic model state-variables as predictors. We implement this model in two steps that have differing objectives, but use the same state-variable predictor information. An implicit assumption in using state-variable dependencies in both steps is that these dependencies can exist in both stages. In other words, we do not expect the error-correction step to produce independent and identically distributed residuals. We call the first step an ‘error-correction model’ and the second step a ‘dynamic residual model’. Since we use HYMOD as our process model, we use its state-variables (Table 1) as the predictors for these two steps.

Table 1: HYMOD state variables

Short NameLong NameDescription
simSimulationHYMOD predicted streamflow in mm
runoffRunoffUpper reservoir flow of HYMOD in mm
baseflowBaseflowLower reservoir flow of HYMOD in mm
precipPrecipitationBasin averaged precipitation in mm
tavgAverage temperatureBasin averaged temperature in oC
etEvapotranspirationModeled evapotranspiration (Hamon approach) in mm
upr_smUpper soil moistureBasin averaged soil moisture content (mm) in upper reservoir
lwr_smLower soil moistureBasin averaged soil moisture (mm) in lower reservoir
sweSnow water equivalentBasin averaged snow water equivalent simulated by degree day snow module (mm)

Hybrid SWM: Error correction

The error-correction model is simply a predictive model between the hydrologic model (HYMOD) state-variables and the raw predictive errors. The error-correction model also uses lag-1 to 3 errors as covariates to account for autocorrelation. The objective of this step is to infer state-dependent biases in the errors, which are the result of the predictive errors subsuming the structural deficiencies of the hydrologic model. This ‘deterministic’ behavior in the predictive errors can also be conceived as the ‘predictive errors doing what the model should be doing’ (Vogel, 2017). Once this error-correction model is fit to its training data, it can be implemented against any new timeseries of state-variables to predict and debias the errors. We use a Random Forest (RF) algorithm for this step because they are robust to overfitting, even with limited training data. This is certainly the case here, as we consider only individual basins and a ~15 year training period (WY1989-2004). Moreover, we partition the training period into a calibration and validation subset and fit the RF error-correction model only to the calibration data (WY1989-1998), reducing available RF algorithm training data to 9 years.

Hybrid SWM: Dynamic residual model

The dynamic residual model (DRM) is fit to the residuals of the error correction result in the validation subset. We predict the hydrologic model errors for the validation subset from the fitted RF model and subtract them from the empirical errors to yield the residual timeseries. By fitting the DRM to this separate validation subset (which the RF error-correction model has not seen), we ensure that the residuals adequately represent the out-of-sample uncertainty of the error-correction model.

A full mathematical treatment of the DRM is outside the scope of this post. In high-level terms, the DRM is built around a flexible distributional form particularly suited to hydrologic errors, called the skew exponential power (SEP) distribution. This distribution has 4 parameters (mean: mu, stdev: sigma, kurtosis: beta, skew: xi) and we assume a mean of zero (due to error-correction debiasing), while setting the other 3 parameters as time-varying predictands of the DRM model (i.e. sigmat, betat, xit). We also include a lag-1 autocorrelation term (phit) to account for any leftover autocorrelation from the error-correction procedure. We formulate a linear model for each of these parameters with the state-variables as predictors. These linear models are embedded in a log-likelihood function that is maximized (i.e. MLE) against the residuals to yield the optimal set of coefficients for each of the linear models.

With a fitted model, the generation of a new residual at each timestep t is therefore a random draw from the SEP with parameters (mu=0, sigmat, betat, xit) modified by the residual at t-1 (epsilont-1) via the lag-1 coefficient (phit).

Figure 6: Conceptual diagram of hybrid SWM construction.

Hybrid SWM: Simulation

The DRM is the core uncertainty modeling component of the hybrid SWM.  Given a timeseries of state-variables from the hydrologic model for any scenario, the DRM simulation is implemented first, as described in the previous section. Subsequently, the error-correction model is implemented in ‘predict’ mode with the timeseries of random residuals from the DRM step. Because the error-correction model includes lag-1:3 terms, it must be implemented sequentially using errors generated at the previous 3 timesteps. The conclusion of these two simulation steps yields a timeseries of randomly generated, state-variable dependent errors that can be added to the hydrologic model simulation to produce a single SWM simulations. Repeating this procedure many times will produce an ensemble of SWM simulations.

Final thoughts

Hopefully this discussion of the hybrid SWM approach has given you some appreciation for the nuanced differences between SWMs and SSM/SSGs, the challenges in constructing an adequate uncertainty model for an SWM, and the novel approach developed here in utilizing state-variable information to infer properties of the predictive uncertainty. The hybrid SWM approach shows a lot of potential for extracting key attributes of the predictive errors, even under unprecedented forcing scenarios. It decouples the task of inferring predictive uncertainty from features of the data like temporal seasonality (e.g. day of year) that may be poor predictors under climate change. When linked with stochastic weather generation (see Rohini’s post and Nasser’s post), SWMs can be part of a powerful bottom-up framework to understand the implications of climate change on water resources systems. Keep an eye out for the forthcoming paper and check out the training noted above on implementation of the model.


Brodeur, Z., Wi, S., Shabestanipour, G., Lamontagne, J., & Steinschneider, S. (2024). A Hybrid, Non‐Stationary Stochastic Watershed Model (SWM) for Uncertain Hydrologic Simulations Under Climate Change. Water Resources Research, 60(5), e2023WR035042.

Montanari, A., & Koutsoyiannis, D. (2014). Modeling and mitigating natural hazards: Stationarity is immortal! Water Resources Research, 50, 9748–9756. 2014WR016092

Shabestanipour, G., Brodeur, Z., Farmer, W. H., Steinschneider, S., Vogel, R. M., & Lamontagne, J. R. (2023). Stochastic Watershed Model Ensembles for Long-Range Planning : Verification and Validation. Water Resources Research, 59.

Vogel, R. M. (2017). Stochastic watershed models for hydrologic risk management. Water Security, 1, 28–35.

Rodionov’s Regime Shift Detection Algorithm and the “Epic Pluvial” in the Delaware Basin

In their 2013 publication, Pederson et al. try to answer the question posed by the title: Is an Epic Pluvial Masking the Water Insecurity of the Greater New York City Region?

To help answer this question, they first reconstruct 472 years of Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) for the region, created using tree-ring chronologies, and show that study the hydroclimate patterns over the historic record. The reconstructed PDSI, along with measured meteorological data dating back to 1895 are used to assess trends the region’s hydroclimate.

Their analysis shows that the upper Delaware River Basin (source of NYC drinking water) has experienced a prolonged wet period since the early 1970s, and that the water availability experienced between 1970 until the time of writing may not be representative of what is “normal” in the context of the past 400 years.

This works supports the findings of Seager et al. (2012) who also identified the post-1960s “Epic Pluvial”, and also compared the observational data with temperature-forced global climate models to show that the wet regime is plausibly explained by internal atmospheric variability of the region. Lehner and Deser (2023) define internal variability as “fluctuations that arise intrinsically in a non-linear dynamical system, even when that system is closed.”

The first figure in Pederson et al. (2013; below) visualizes this shift toward a wetter regime, starting in 1970, along with a second wetter-regime shift again in 2003. The orange line in the figure shows the average precipitation of the wet-regime detected in 1970, which was detected using the sequential algorithm for testing climate regime shifts proposed by Rodionov (2004).

When I saw this figure, several of my own questions came to mind:

  • Has the wet-regime continued after 2011 (end of study period)?
  • This regime shift was detected in precipitation, will it also be detected in streamflow data?

Post Overview

In this post, I present Rodionov’s regime shift detection algorithm, and use it to assess streamflow regime shifts in the upper Delaware River Basin (DRB) from 1904 through the present.

A Python implementation of the algorithm, the streamflow data studied here, and a Jupyter Notebook used to run the following analysis is all available here: Rodionov_regime_shifts

Rodionov’s Algorithm

The mathematical details of the algorithm are best described by Rodionov (2004), and it would not be advantageous for me to replicate those here, but I encourage you to read the formal description in combination with the descriptions here.

Below, I provide both a verbal explanation of the process along with the Python implementation here:

Rodionov’s algorithm in words

Step 1: Set parameters (l & p)

In Rodionov’s sequential regime algorithm, the first step is to specify the expected minimum length of a regime (denoted as l) and a required statistical significance level (p) used to test regime differences.

Additionally, the average variance of all periods of length l in the data record is calculated, and each regime is assumed to have the average variance.

Step 2: Determine statistically significant deviation values

The algorithm defines the threshold for identifying potential new regimes based on how different a value needs to be from the mean of the current regime for it to be considered a potential regime shift.

This difference depends on a Student’s t-test value, the minimum regime length, average variance, and the user-specified significance level (p).

Step 3: Calculate initial regime statistics

Assume that the initial regime is the first l days, specified in Step 1.

The mean of this initial regime is calculated, and upper and lower significance bounds are established using the difference value obtained in Step 2. Upper and lower bounds are equal to the mean plus/minus the significant difference value.

Step 4: Identifying potential regime shift points

One-by-one test each subsequent value in the series to tested to determine if it exceeds the upper or lower bounds established for the current regime distribution.

If the value is inside the bounds of the current regime, then re-calculate the current regime mean including the new point, and move on to the next day.

If a value is outside the bounds of the current regime, then consider that point as a potential regime shift (Step 5).

Step 5: Testing a potential regime shift

Once a potential regime shift is detected, adopt a null hypothesis that the new regime has a mean equal to the statistically significant boundary value of the previous regime distribution that was exceeded.

The regime shift hypothesis is then assessed by calculating the Regime Shift Index (RSI), which is a cumulative measure of exceedances beyond the prior regime’s significance value. The cumulative sum of exceedances over the minimum regime length (l) defines the RSI for the potential regime shift point.

Step 6: Rejecting potential regime shifts

If RSI <0 at any point within the l-periods after the initial shift period, then the new-regime hypothesis is rejected.

When the potential shift is rejected, the mean of the prior regime is modified to incorporate the potential shift point into the distribution, and the analysis continues by returning to Step 4 to search for additional potential regime shifts.

Step 7: Accepting regime shifts

If RSI>0 after accumulating over the minimum regime length (l), then the new regime R2 is identified as significant.

Once the new regime is adopted, the mean of the new regime is calculated for the first l periods of R2, and new significance bounds are calculated using the significant difference value from Step 2.

The regime-shift-search is continued, starting on the first day of the new regime R2 (Return to Step 4.)

Notably, by resuming the search at the start of R2, regimes can be shorter than the specified minimum length l, and re-assessing the values in R2 lessens the impact of making assumptions about l.

Rodionov’s algorithm in code

The Python implementation, rodionov_regimes(), thus follows:

def rodionov_regimes(data, l, p):
    """Implements Rodionov's (2004) regime shift detection algorithm:
    Rodionov, S. N. (2004). A sequential algorithm for testing climate regime shifts.
    Geophysical Research Letters, 31(9).

        data (array): Timeseries array of std values
        l (int): The assumed minimum regime length
        p (float): The singificance probability to use when assessing shifts

        list, list: Two lists: The regime-shift indices, the RSI values

    # Step 1: Set the cut-off length l of the regimes
    # l: Number of years for each regime
    # p: Probability level for significance
    n = len(data)
    regime_shift_indices = []
    rsi = np.zeros(n)
	# Step 2: Determine the difference diff for statistically significant mean values
	t_stat = np.abs(t_test.ppf(p, (2*l-2)))
	avg_var = np.mean([np.var(data[i:(i+l)]) for i in range(n-l)])	
	diff = t_stat * np.sqrt(2 * avg_var / l)

	# Step 3: Calculate initial mean for regime R1
    r1 = np.mean(data[:l])
    r1_lower = r1 - diff
    r1_upper = r1 + diff

    i = l + 1
    while i < n:
        # Step 4: Check if the value exceeds the range of R1 ± diff
        if data[i] < r1_lower or data[i] > r1_upper:
            j = i
            # Estimate the mean of regime 2 as the upper bound of r1 distribution
            test_r2 = r1_lower if data[i] < r1_lower else r1_upper

            # Step 5: Calculate regime shift index (RSI) across next l-window
            for k in range(j + 1, min(j + l,n)):
                if data[j] > r1:
                    rsi[j] += (data[k] - test_r2)/(avg_var*l)
                elif data[j] < r1:
                    rsi[j] += (test_r2 - data[k])/(avg_var*l)

                # Step 6: Test for a regime shift at year j
                if rsi[j] < 0:
                    rsi[j] = 0

            # Step 7: Confirm significant regime shift at year j
            if rsi[j] > 0:
                r2 = np.mean(data[j:min(j+l,n)])
                r1 = r2
                r1_lower = r1 - diff
                r1_upper = r1 + diff

            i = j + 1
            # Recalculate average for R1 to include the new value
            r1 = ((l - 1) * r1 + data[i]) / l
        i += 1
    return regime_shift_indices, rsi

Usage in the DRB: Detecting streamflow regime shift

Now it is time to try and answer the questions posed earlier:

  • Has the wet-regime identified by Pederson et al. (2013) continued after 2011?
  • This regime shift was detected in precipitation, will it also be detected in streamflow data?

See the Rodionov_DRB_regime_demo.ipynb to see how the following results are generated.

Streamflow data

In choosing streamflow data for this study, I looked for a USGS gauge that (A) is in or downstream of the upper DRB region considered by Pederson et al. (2013), and (B) has a long record.

I settled on USGS-01434000 which is located on the Delaware River near the middle of the basin, and has daily streamflow data dating back to 1904! I pulled all flow data from 1904 to July, 2023 (present).

Before using Rodionov’s algorithm I standardized the flow data by removing seasonality (remove monthly means) and log-transforming the deviations from seasonal means.

Lastly, I take the annual mean of standardized flow values.

Application of Rodionov’s algorithm

Running the rodionov_regimes() function is as easy as passing a 1D timeseries array, along with the l and p parameters.

shift_indices, rsi_values = rodionov_regimes(Z.values.flatten(), l= 10, p= 0.005)

The shift_indices contains a list of the array indices where a statistically-significant regime shift was detected. The rsi_values contains the RSI for each year in the timeseries, and will be 0 whenever there is no regime shift.

If the lists are empty, then there were no statistically significant regimes detected; consider lowering your statistical confidence requirements (increase p) and try again.

In this study, I start by searching for regimes with an assumed minimum length of 10 years (l= 10) and significance level of p= 0.005.

Streamflow regime shifts in the DRB

Running Rodionov’s algorithm on the standardized streamflow data reveals a significant regime shift toward wetter conditions in 2003:

Notably, the 1970s regime shift reported by Pederson et al. (2013) is not detected in the streamflow timeseries, under the initial parameterization. However, the authors also identified the 2003 regime shift toward wetter conditions, and the 2003 shift was the only shift they detected when analyzing summer precipitation (see lower timeseries in the Pederson figure earlier in this post).

The regime shifts found using the Rodionov algorithm is sensitive to the l and parameterization, and it may be that Pederson et al. (2013) used a different parameterization (I didn’t see it detailed in the publication). Although, in hydrology is often very difficult to decide on a definitive timescale for hydrologic processes that are highly unpredictable, like wet/dry regimes.

Rather than specifying a single assumed minimum regime length, I re-ran the Rodionov algorithm using every regime length between 5 and 35.

The figure below shows all of the different regimes determined to be significant across the range of different regime lengths. I also added a measure of Found Frequency (lower row) which indicates how often a specific year contained a significant regime shift across the 30 instances of the search.

From the above analysis, we can see:

  1. Identified regimes are variable in duration, and magnitude depending on the specified minimum regime length.
  2. Despite the variability, the 2003 shift toward a wetter regime is identified as being statistically significant in 29/30 of the searches!


To answer the questions that motivated this post:

  • Has the wet-regime identified by Pederson et al. (2013) continued after 2011?

Yes! Based on the Rodionov algorithm, it seems clear that the period 2011-2023 continues to be classified as a significantly wet period.

  • This regime shift was detected in precipitation, will it also be detected in streamflow data?

Yes, kinda! Extension of the work by Pederson et al. (2013) to include streamflow does show that the wet regime is detected in the streamflow record, however it is not clear that the regime started in 1970. However, the 2003 shift is also reported by Pederson et al. (2013) and clearly detected in the streamflow timeseries.

Implications for water resource systems

The persistence of a prolonged wet regime has implications for the New York City water supply, as NYC depends on the upper Delaware River Basin, Catskills region as a major supply source, owning three major reservoirs in the region. Contextualizing the present hydroclimate, and understanding the potential variability on trends in water availability will be important to making informed decisions that lead to water supply reliability in an uncertain and potentially less-epic climate.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading!


Lehner, F., & Deser, C. (2023). Origin, importance, and predictive limits of internal climate variability. Environmental Research: Climate2(2), 023001.

Pederson, N., Bell, A. R., Cook, E. R., Lall, U., Devineni, N., Seager, R., … & Vranes, K. P. (2013). Is an epic pluvial masking the water insecurity of the greater New York City region?. Journal of Climate26(4), 1339-1354.

Rodionov, S. N. (2004). A sequential algorithm for testing climate regime shifts. Geophysical Research Letters31(9).

Seager, R., Pederson, N., Kushnir, Y., Nakamura, J., & Jurburg, S. (2012). The 1960s drought and the subsequent shift to a wetter climate in the Catskill Mountains region of the New York City watershed. Journal of Climate25(19), 6721-6742.

Figure Library Part 2 – Visualizations Supporting Synthetic Streamflow Diagnostics


This is the second post in a series which was started by Dave last week and seeks to make a library of plotting functions for common visualization tasks. In this post, I share some plotting functions I have developed for synthetic streamflow diagnostic visualizations.

A thorough review of synthetic streamflow verification is outside the scope of this post, but in short we want to verify that the synthetic timeseries have statistical properties similar to the historic streamflow. Additionally, we want to see that the synthetic timeseries reflect the range of internal variability present in the basin by showing that a large synthetic ensemble envelopes the limited historic observations.

The following functions can be used to compare the following properties of historic and synthetic streamflow:

  • Flow magnitude
  • Non-exceedance probabilities (flow duration curves)
  • Autocorrelation
  • Spatial correlation across locations

Diagnostic plotting functions

  • plot_flow_ranges()
    • Range and median of flow values in historic and synthetic flow timeseries.
  • plot_fdc_ranges()
    • The range of annual flow duration curves (FDCs) for historic and synthetic streamflow timeseries.
  • plot_autocorrelation()
    • Comparison of historic and synthetic autocorrelation across a range of lag values.
  • plot_spatial_correlation()
    • Heatmap visualizations of Pearson correlation between different flow locations in the historic data and a single synthetic realization.

These functions are designed to accept historic (Qh) and synthetic (Qs) data with the following properties:

  • Qh : A pd.Series containing a single historic streamflow timeseries. The index of this data must be type pd.DatetimeIndex.
  • Qs : A pd.DataFrame containing many synthetic streamflow timeseries. The columns should each contain a single synthetic realization and the index must be type pd.DatetimeIndex. The column names do not matter.

Additionally, each function (excluding plot_fdc_ranges()) has a timestep keyword argument which changes the temporal scale of the flow being considered. Options are ‘daily’, ‘weekly’, or ‘monthly’, and the pandas.groupby() function is used to aggregate data accordingly to allow for comparison of statistics at different temporal scales. The default is ‘daily’.

Streamflow data

The historic data used in this example is taken from the Delaware River Basin. Specifically, streamflow data from the USGS gauge at Lordville, NY, on the upper portion of the Delaware River is used.

The synthetic streamflow was generated using the Kirsch-Nowak [1, 2] synthetic streamflow generator. For more detail on this generator, see Julie’s post here: Open Source Streamflow Generator Part 1.

I created 100 synthetic realizations of 30-year, daily streamflow timeseries at the Lordville gauge.

The historic and synthetic streamflow timeseries are assumed to start at the same date. Most of the plotting functions below do not explicitly consider the date associated with the timeseries, however comparisons between flow statistics across some range of time assume that the timeseries are aligned for the same dates.

Flow magnitude range

This first plot simply shows the range (max, min) and median of flows for both historic and synthetic datasets.

def plot_flow_ranges(Qh, Qs, 
                     timestep = 'daily',
                     units = 'cms', y_scale = 'log',
                     savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                     figsize = (7,5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],
                     title_addon = ""):
    """Plots the range of flow for historic and syntehtic streamflows for a specific timestep scale.
        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        units (str, optional): Streamflow units, for axis label. Defaults to 'cms'.
        y_scale (str, optional): Scale of the y-axis. Defaults to 'log'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        title_addon (str, optional): Text to be added to the end of the title. Defaults to "".

    # Assert formatting matches expected
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    # Handle conditional datetime formatting
    if timestep == 'daily':
        h_grouper = Qh.index.dayofyear
        s_grouper = Qs.index.dayofyear
        x_lab = 'Day of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
    elif timestep == 'monthly':
        h_grouper = Qh.index.month
        s_grouper = Qs.index.month
        x_lab = 'Month of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        h_grouper = pd.Index(Qh.index.isocalendar().week, dtype = int)
        s_grouper = pd.Index(Qs.index.isocalendar().week, dtype = int)
        x_lab = 'Week of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
        print('Invalid timestep input. Options: "daily", "monthly", "weekly".')

    # Find flow ranges
    s_max = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).max().max(axis=1)
    s_min = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).min().min(axis=1)
    s_median = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).median().median(axis=1)
    h_max = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).max()
    h_min = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).min()
    h_median = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).median()
    ## Plotting  
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = figsize, dpi=150)
    xs = h_max.index
    ax.fill_between(xs, s_min, s_max, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Range', alpha = 0.5)
    ax.plot(xs, s_median, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Median')
    ax.fill_between(xs, h_min, h_max, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Range', alpha = 0.3)
    ax.plot(xs, h_median, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Median')
    ax.set_ylabel(f'{timestep.capitalize()} Flow ({units})', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_xlabel(x_lab, fontsize=12)
    ax.legend(ncols = 2, fontsize = 10, bbox_to_anchor = (0, -.5, 1.0, 0.2), loc = 'upper center')    
    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    ax.set_title(f'{timestep.capitalize()} Streamflow Ranges\nHistoric & Synthetic Timeseries at One Location\n{title_addon}')
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/flow_ranges_{timestep}.png', dpi = 150)

Assuming I have loaded a pd.DataFrame named Qs which contains synthetic timeseries in each column, and a single historic timeseries Qh, I can quickly plot daily (or weekly or monthly) flow ranges using:

# Useage
plot_flow_ranges(Qh, Qs, timestep='daily')

This figure provides a lot of useful information about our synthetic ensemble:

  • The synthetic ensembles envelope the limited historic values, and include more extreme high and low flows
  • The seasonal trends in the synthetics align with the historic
  • The median of the synthetic ensemble aligns very closely with the median of the historic data.

Flow duration curve ranges

The plot_fdc_ranges() function will calculate an FDC for each year of the historic and synthetic data, and plot the ranges that these FDCs take. It will also "total" FDCs calculated for the entirety of the historic or synthetic records.

def plot_fdc_ranges(Qh, Qs, 
                    units = 'cms', y_scale = 'log',
                    savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                    figsize = (5,5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],                   
                    title_addon = ""):
    """Plots the range and aggregate flow duration curves for historic and synthetic streamflows.
        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        units (str, optional): Streamflow units, for axis label. Defaults to 'cms'.
        y_scale (str, optional): Scale of the y-axis. Defaults to 'log'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        title_addon (str, optional): Text to be added to the end of the title. Defaults to "".
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qs) == pd.DataFrame), 'Synthetic streamflow should be type pd.DataFrame.'
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    # Calculate FDCs for total period and each realization
    nonexceedance = np.linspace(0.0001, 0.9999, 50)
    s_total_fdc = np.quantile(Qs.values.flatten(), nonexceedance)
    h_total_fdc = np.quantile(Qh.values.flatten(), nonexceedance) 
    s_fdc_max = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    s_fdc_min = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    h_fdc_max = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    h_fdc_min = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)

    annual_synthetics = Qs.groupby(Qs.index.year)
    annual_historic = Qh.groupby(Qh.index.year)

    for i, quant in enumerate(nonexceedance):
            s_fdc_max[i] = annual_synthetics.quantile(quant).max().max()
            s_fdc_min[i] = annual_synthetics.quantile(quant).min().min()
            h_fdc_max[i] = annual_historic.quantile(quant).max()
            h_fdc_min[i] = annual_historic.quantile(quant).min()
    ## Plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=200)
    #for quant in syn_fdc_quants:
    ax.fill_between(nonexceedance, s_fdc_min, s_fdc_max, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Annual FDC Range', alpha = 0.5)
    ax.fill_between(nonexceedance, h_fdc_min, h_fdc_max, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Annual FDC Range', alpha = 0.3)

    ax.plot(nonexceedance, s_total_fdc, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Total FDC', alpha = 1)
    ax.plot(nonexceedance, h_total_fdc, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Total FDC', alpha = 1, linewidth = 2)

    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    ax.set_ylabel(f'Flow ({units})')
    ax.set_xlabel('Non-Exceedance Probability')
    ax.legend(fontsize= 10)
    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    plt.title(f'Flow Duration Curve Ranges\nHistoric & Synthetic Streamflow\n{title_addon}')
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/flow_duration_curves_{title_addon}.png', dpi=200)

## Usage
plot_fdc_ranges(Qh, Qs)

Similar to the flow range plot above, we see that the synthetic ensemble is nicely enveloping the historic data; there are synthetic instances where the extreme flows in a particular year are more extreme than historic observations. However, the FDC of the total synthetic ensemble (if all synthetics were combined) is almost exactly equal to the total historic FDC.


Hydrologic systems are known to have memory, or correlation between streamflow at different points in time. We want to make sure that our synthetic streamflow timeseries have similar memory or autocorrelation.

The plot_autocorrelation() function will calculate autocorrelation for the historic record, and each synthetic realization for a range of different lag values. In addition to the required Qh and Qs arguments this function requires lag_range which should be a list or array of lag values to be considered.

def plot_autocorrelation(Qh, Qs, lag_range, 
                         timestep = 'daily',
                         savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                         figsize=(7, 5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],
                         alpha = 0.3):
    """Plot autocorrelation of historic and synthetic flow over some range of lags.

        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        lag_range (iterable): A list or range of lag values to be used for autocorrelation calculation.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        alpha (float, optional): The opacity of synthetic data. Defaults to 0.3.
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qs) == pd.DataFrame), 'Synthetic streamflow should be type pd.DataFrame.'
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    if timestep == 'monthly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('MS').sum()
        Qs = Qs.resample('MS').sum()
        time_label = 'months'
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        Qs = Qs.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        time_label = f'weeks'
    elif timestep == 'daily':
        time_label = f'days'
    # Calculate autocorrelations
    autocorr_h = np.zeros(len(lag_range))
    confidence_autocorr_h = np.zeros((2, len(lag_range)))
    for i, lag in enumerate(lag_range):
        h_corr = pearsonr(Qh.values[:-lag], Qh.values[lag:])
        autocorr_h[i] = h_corr[0]
        confidence_autocorr_h[0,i] = h_corr[0] - h_corr.confidence_interval().low
        confidence_autocorr_h[1,i] = h_corr.confidence_interval().high - h_corr[0]
    autocorr_s = np.zeros((Qs.shape[1], len(lag_range)))
    for i, realization in enumerate(Qs.columns):
        autocorr_s[i] = [pearsonr(Qs[realization].values[:-lag], Qs[realization].values[lag:])[0] for lag in lag_range]

    ## Plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=200)

    # Plot autocorrelation for each synthetic timeseries
    for i, realization in enumerate(Qs.columns):
        if i == 0:
            ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], alpha=1, color = colors[1], label=f'Synthetic Realization')
            ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], color = colors[1], alpha=alpha, zorder = 1)
        ax.scatter(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], alpha=alpha, color = 'orange', zorder = 2)

    # Plot autocorrelation for the historic timeseries
    ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_h, color=colors[0], linewidth=2, label='Historic', zorder = 3)
    ax.scatter(lag_range, autocorr_h, color=colors[0], zorder = 4)
    ax.errorbar(lag_range, autocorr_h, yerr=confidence_autocorr_h, 
                color='black', capsize=4, alpha=0.75, label ='Historic 95% CI')

    # Set labels and title
    ax.set_xlabel(f'Lag ({time_label})', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel('Autocorrelation (Pearson)', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_title('Autocorrelation Comparison\nHistoric Timeseries vs. Synthetic Ensemble', fontsize=14)

    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.95, bottom=0.12, top=0.92)

    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/autocorrelation_plot_{timestep}.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

Let’s visualize the autocorrelation of daily streamflow for a maximum of 100-day lag.

## Usage
plot_autocorrelation(Qh, Qs, lag_range=range(1,100, 5), timestep='daily') 

Spatial Correlation

The plot_spatial_correlation() function generates a heatmap visualization of the Pearson correlation matrix for streamflow at different locations in both the historic and synthetic datasets.

The plot_spatial_correlation() function is different from the other three functions shown above, since it requires a set of timeseries data for multiple different locations.

Rather than providing a set of many different realizations for a single site we need to provide a single realization of synthetics across all sites of interest, with a timeseries for each site in each column. This new input is Qs_i, and must the same columns as Qh (they both must contain a timeseries for each location.

def plot_correlation(Qh, Qs_i,
                        timestep = 'daily',
                        savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                        figsize = (8,4), color_map = 'BuPu',
                        cbar_on = True):
    """Plots the side-by-side heatmaps of flow correlation between sites for historic and synthetic multi-site data.
        Qh (pd.DataFrame): Historic daily streamflow timeseries at many different locations. The columns of Qh and Qs_i must match, and index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. The columns of Qh and Qs_i must match, and index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        color_map (str, optional): The colormap used for the heatmaps. Defaults to 'BuPu.
        cbar_on (bool, optional): Indictor if the colorbar should be shown or not. Defaults to True.
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qh) == type(Qs_i) and (type(Qh) == pd.DataFrame)), 'Both inputs Qh and Qs_i should be pd.DataFrames.'
    assert(np.mean(Qh.columns == Qs_i.columns) == 1.0), 'Historic and synthetic data should have same columns.'
    if timestep == 'monthly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('MS').sum()
        Qs_i = Qs_i.resample('MS').sum()
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        Qs_i = Qs_i.resample('W-SUN').sum()
    ## Plotting
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=figsize, dpi = 250)
    # Heatmap of historic correlation
    h_correlation = np.corrcoef(Qh.values.transpose())
    sns.heatmap(h_correlation, ax = ax1, 
                square = True, annot = False,
                xticklabels = 5, yticklabels = 5, 
                cmap = color_map, cbar = False, vmin = 0, vmax = 1)

    # Synthetic correlation
    s_correlation = np.corrcoef(Qs_i.values.transpose())
    sns.heatmap(s_correlation, ax = ax2,
                square = True, annot = False,
                xticklabels = 5, yticklabels = 5, 
                cmap = color_map, cbar = False, vmin = 0, vmax = 1)
    for axi in (ax1, ax2):
    ax1.set(xlabel = 'Site i', ylabel = 'Site j', title = 'Historic Streamflow')
    ax2.set(xlabel = 'Site i', ylabel = 'Site j', title = 'Synthetic Realization')
    title_string = f'Pearson correlation across different streamflow locations\n{timestep.capitalize()} timescale\n'
    # Adjust the layout to make room for the colorbar
    if cbar_on:
        plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 0.9, 0.85])
        cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.1, 0.02, 0.6])  # [left, bottom, width, height]
        cbar = fig.colorbar(ax1.collections[0], cax=cbar_ax)
        cbar.set_label("Pearson Correlation")
    plt.suptitle(title_string, fontsize = 12)
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/spatial_correlation_comparison_{timestep}.png', dpi = 250)

To use this function, I need to load a different pd.DataFrame containing synthetic timeseries at all of my study locations.

## Usage
single_synthetic_all_sites = pd.read_csv('synthetic_streamflow_single_realization_all_sites.csv', sep=',', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)

plot_correlation(Qh_all_sites, single_synthetic_all_sites, timestep='weekly')

Across the different streamflow sites, we see that the synthetic timeseries do a decent job at preserving spatial correlation, although correlation is decreased for sites which are not strongly correlated in the historic record.


I hope these functions save you some time in your own work, and allow you expand your synthetic diagnostic considerations.


[1] Kirsch, B. R., Characklis, G. W., & Zeff, H. B. (2013). Evaluating the impact of alternative hydro-climate scenarios on transfer agreements: Practical improvement for generating synthetic streamflows. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management139(4), 396-406.

[2] Nowak, K., Prairie, J., Rajagopalan, B., & Lall, U. (2010). A nonparametric stochastic approach for multisite disaggregation of annual to daily streamflow. Water Resources Research46(8).

The Building Blocks of Time Series Analysis (plus a demo!)

Recently I’ve been learning to view the world in frequencies and amplitudes instead of time and magnitudes, also known as Fourier-domain time series analysis. It’s become a rather popular method in the field of water supply planning, with applications in forecasting demand and water quality control. While this post will not delve into advanced applications, we will walk through some fundamental time series concepts to ease you into the Fourier Domain. I will then demonstrate how time series analysis can be used to identify long- and short-term trends in inflow data.

Important frequencies

When reviewing time series analysis, there are three fundamental frequencies to remember:

  1. The sampling frequency, f_{s} is the frequency at which data for a time series is collected. It is equivalent to the inverse of the time difference between two consecutive data points, \frac{1}{\delta t}. It has units of Hertz (Hz). Higher values of f_{s} indicate a higher number of data points recorded per second, which means better data resolution.
  2. The Nyquist frequency, f_{Ny} is equal to \frac{1}{2} f_{s}. As a rule of thumb, you should sample your time series at a frequency f < f_{Ny}, as sampling at a higher frequencies will result in the time series signals overlapping. This is a phenomenon called aliasing, where the sampled points do not sufficiently represent the input signal, resulting in higher frequencies being incorrectly observed at lower frequencies (Ellis, 2012)
  3. The cutoff frequency, f_{cut}. The value of f_{cut} defines the signal frequency that passes through or is stopped by a filter. This is a nice segue into the next section:


Filtering does exactly what its name implies it does. It allows certain signal frequencies to pass through, filtering out the rest. There are three main types of filters:

  1. Low-pass filter: A low-pass filter eliminates all frequencies above f_{cut}, allowing lower frequencies to pass through. It behaves like a smoothing operator and works well for signal noise reduction.
  2. High-pass filter: Unlike the low-pass filter, the high-pass filter eliminates all frequencies below f_{cut}. This is a useful filter when you have discontinuous data, as high-pass filtering a signal maintains its discontinuities and does not artificially smooth it over.
  3. Band-pass filter: This filter has both the properties of a low- and high-pass filter. It eliminates all frequencies that do not lie within a range of frequencies.


The core idea behind windowing is that is is possible to obtain more detailed insight into your signal’s properties by dividing it into ‘windows’ of time. Windowing is useful to reduce artifacts in a signal caused by periodic extension, and the distinction between signal and noise becomes unclear. For particularly noisy signals, windowing can also be useful to amplify the signal-to-noise ratio, thereby making it easier to distinguish between the actual signal and white noise. This is possible as the large ‘main lobe’ of the window (both in the time and frequency domain), amplifies the lower-frequency, higher-amplitude signal, but dampens the higher-frequency, lower-amplitude noise.

Figure 1: The Blackman-Harris windowing function.


There is a key issue when analyzing a time series in the Fourier domain, and vice versa – there is no way (as of right now) to view when or where a specific frequency occurs, or which frequencies dominate at any specific time. A spectrogram (or the Short-Time Fourier Transform, STFT) of a signal address this issue by consolidating three types of information into one visualization:

  1. The frequencies inherent to the signal
  2. How the frequencies change over time
  3. The relative strength of the frequencies (the frequency content or “power” of the frequency).

It allows us to view changes in the signal across both time and frequency, overcoming the limitation of only being applicable to stationary time series. However, it still applies a fixed window size, as we will see in a little bit, and cannot fully capture all the different frequencies that characterize a signal. Here, using wavelets is useful. Please refer to Rohini’s post on using wavelets on ENSO El Niño data here if you’re interested! On that note, let’s see how we can bring it all in with a quick demonstration!

Demonstrating basic time series analysis methods on an inflow timeseries

This demonstration will use MATLAB, and we begin by first loading and plotting a time series of weekly inflow data. Feel free to replace the inflow file with any time series you have on hand!

% Read in and plot inflows of Jordan Lake in the Research Triangle

inflows_jl = readmatrix('jordan_lake_inflows.csv');
inflows_jl = inflows_jl(1,:);

% define sampling rate, Nyquist frequency, number of samples, sampling period, and frequency series
fs_inflow = 1/(7*24*3600);  
N = length(inflows_jl);
delta_t = 1/fs_inflow;
freqseries_inflow = (1/(N*delta_t))*(0:(N-1));
fNy = fs_inflow/2;

%% Plot the inflow time series
plot(inflows_jl, 'Color','#104E8B');
grid on
xlabel('Time (weeks)');
ylabel('Inflow (MGD)');
xlim([0 5200]); ylim([0 15e4]);
title('Jordan Lake inflow timeseries');

The output figure should look similar to this:

Figure 2: Jordan Lake weekly inflow time series over 95 years.

Next, we Fourier Transform the inflow time series using the MATLAB fft() function, then convert it’s amplitude to decibels by first applying the abs() function, and then the mag2db() function to the output of the Fourier Transform.

%% Perform and plot the FFT of inflow
fft_jl = abs(fft(inflows_jl));

loglog(freqseries_inflow, mag2db(fft_jl), '-ko', 'Color','#104E8B', 'MarkerSize',2);
grid on
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
ylabel('Amplitude (dB)');
title("FFT of Jordan Lake");

This returns the following plot:

Figure 3: The inflow time series in the Fourier domain.

Note the large spikes in Figure 3. Those indicate frequencies that result in large inflow events. In this blog post, we will focus on the two leftmost spikes: the four-year cycle and the annual cycle, shown below. These cycles were identified by first converting their frequencies into seconds, and then into weeks and years.

Figure 4: The inflow time series in the Fourier domain with the 4-year and annual cycle indicated.

We also want to confirm that these frequencies characterize the time series. To verify this, we apply a low-pass Butterworth filter:

%% Number of weeks in a year
num_weeks = 52.1429;

% Record the low-pass cutoff frequencies 
fcut1_jl = 8.40951e-9;
years1_jl = conv2weeks(1/fcut1_jl)/num_weeks;  

fcut2_jl = 3.16974e-8;
years2_jl = conv2weeks(1/fcut2_jl)/num_weeks;

% Set up the filters and apply to the inflow time series
[b1_fl, a1_fl] = butter(6,fcut1_fl/(fs_inflow/2));
inflows_filtered_fl1 = filter(b1_fl, a1_fl, inflows_jl);

[b2_fl, a2_fl] = butter(6,fcut2_fl/(fs_inflow/2));
inflows_filtered_fl2 = filter(b2_fl, a2_fl, inflows_jl);

%% Plot the filtered inflow time series 
plot(inflows_jl, 'Color','#104E8B',  'DisplayName', 'Original', 'LineWidth',2);
xlim([0 5200]);
ylim([0 15e4]);
xlabel('Time (Years)');
ylabel('Inflows (MGD)');
title('Jordan Lake 4-year cycle')
hold on
plot(inflows_filtered_jl1,'Color','#D88037', 'MarkerSize',2, 'DisplayName', '4-year cycle', 'LineWidth',2);
hold off
ticklocations = 0:520:5112;
ticklabels = string(ticklocations);
ticklabels(mod(ticklocations, 520) ~= 0) = "";
xticklabels({'0', '10', '20', '30', '40', '50', '60', '70', '80', '90'});

% Plot their Fourier counterparts
fft_win1_jl = abs(fft(inflows_filtered_jl1));

loglog(freq_series(1:length(fft_jl)),fft_jl, 'Color','#104E8B', 'DisplayName','Original');
legend({'Original','4-year cycle'},'Location','southeast');
title("Low-pass filter (f_{cut}=", string(fcut1_jl));
xlabel("Frequency (Hz)");
hold on
loglog(freq_series(1:length(fft_win1_jl)),fft_win1_jl, 'Color','#D88037','DisplayName','4-year cycle');
hold off

Replacing inflows_filtered_jl1 and fft_win1_jl (the 4-year cycle) with that of the annual cycle will result in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: The filtered inflow time series in both the time and Fourier domains.

As previously mentioned, the low-pass filter effectively attenuated all frequencies higher than their respective f_{cut} values. These frequencies identified in Figures 3 and 4 can also be said to characterize this inflow time series as the peaks of their filtered counterparts align with that of the original time series.

Next, we construct a spectrogram for this inflow time series. Here, we will use the Blackman-Harris window, which is a window that has a relatively wide main lobe and small side lobes. This enables it to amplify frequencies that more significantly characterize inflow, while suppressing less-significant ones. This window can be generated using the MATLAB blackmanharris() function, as shown below:

%% Define window size
Noverlap1_jl = N1_jl/2;   % 4-year cycle
Noverlap2_jl = N2_jl/2;   % Annual cycle

% Generate window
win1_jl = blackmanharris(N1_jl, 'periodic');  % 4-year cycle
win2_jl = blackmanharris(N2_jl, 'periodic');  % Annual cycle

Finally, we are ready to apply the spectrogram() function to generate the spectrogram for this inflow time series! In the code below, we set up the necessary values and generate the figure:

%% Define overlap size
Noverlap1_jl = N1_jl/2;  % 4-year cycle
Noverlap2_jl = N2_jl/2;  % Annual cycle

%% Plot inflow spectrogram for annual sampling (Jordan Lake)
spectrogram(inflows_jl, win1_jl, Noverlap1_jl, N1_jl, fs_inflow, 'yaxis');
title('Jordan Lake 4-year cycle (Blackman-Harris)');

By replacing the values associated with the 4-year cycle with that of the annual cycle in the above code, the following figures can be generated:

Figure 6: Spectrograms generated using the 4-year and annual window respectively.

In Figure 6, the darker blue indicates more powerful fluctuations (high-inflow events). However, their low frequency implies that, in this time series, such event are fairly rare. On the other hand, a lighter blue to yellow indicates inflow events of higher frequencies, but are less powerful. While they occur more frequently, they do not influence the signals in the time series significantly. We can also see from these two figures, that, in the long- and mid-term, both low and high frequency events become less powerful, implying a decrease in inflow, even more rare rainfall events that historically result in large inflows.


In this post, I first introduced a few basic concepts and methods related to time series analysis and the Fourier Domain. Next, we applied these concepts to the simple analysis of an inflow time series using MATLAB. Nevertheless, this post and its contents barely scratch the surface of Fourier Transforms and time series analysis as a whole. I hope this gave you a flavor of what these tools enable you to do, and hope that it piqued your interest into exploring this topic further!

QPPQ Method for Streamflow Prediction at Ungauged Sites – Python Demo

Streamflow Predictions in Ungauged Basins

Predicting streamflow at ungauged locations is a classic problem in hydrology which has motivated significant research over the last several decades (Hrachowitz, Markus, et al., 2013).

There are numerous different methods for performing predictions in ungauged basins, but here I focus on the common QPPQ method.

Below, I describe the method and further down I provide a walkthrough demonstration of QPPQ streamflow prediction in Python.

The supporting code can be found on my GitHub here: QPPQ_Streamflow_Prediction_Tutorial.

QPPQ-Method for Streamflow Prediction

Fennessey (1994) introduced the QPPQ method for streamflow estimation at ungauged locations.

The QPPQ method is commonly used and encouraged by the USGS, and is described at length in their publication Estimation of Daily Mean Streamflow for Ungaged Stream locations… (2016).

QPPQ consists of four key steps:

  1. Estimating an FDC for the target catchment of interest, \hat{FDC}_{pred}.
  2. Identify K donor locations, nearest to the target point.
  3. Transferring the timeseries of nonexceedance probabilities (\mathbf{P}) from the donor site(s) to the target.
  4. Using estimated FDC for the target to map the donated nonexceedance timeseries, \mathbf{P} back to streamflow.

To limit the scope of this tutorial, let’s assume that an estimate of the FDC at the target site, \hat{FDC}_{pred}, has already been determined through some other statistical or observational study.

Then the QPPQ method can be described more formally. Given an ungauged location with an estimated FDC, \hat{FDC}{pred}, and set of observed streamflow timeseries \mathbf{q_i} at K neighboring sites, such that:

Q_{obs} = [\mathbf{q_1}, \mathbf{q_2}, ..., \mathbf{q_k}]

With corresponding K FDCs at the observation locations:

FDC = [FDC_1, FDC_2, ..., FDC_k]

The FDCs are used to convert the observed streamflow timeseries, \mathbf{q_{obs, i}}, to non-exceedance probability timeseries, \mathbf{p_{obs, i}}.

\displaystyle FDC_i : \mathbf{q_{i}} \to \mathbf{p_i}

We can then perform a weighted-aggregation of the non-exceedance probability timeseries to estimate the non-exceedance timeseries at the ungauged location. It is most common to apply an inverse-squared-distance weight to each observed timeseries such that:

\mathbf{p_{pred}} = \sum^k (\mathbf{p_i}w_i)

Where w_i = 1 / d_i^2 where d_i is the distance from the observation i to the ungauged location, and \sum^k w_i = 1.

Finally, the estimated FDC at the ungauged location, \hat{FDC}_{pred} is used to convert the non-exceedance timeseries to streamflow timeseries:

\hat{FDC}_{pred} : \mathbf{p}_{pred} \to \mathbf{q}_{pred}

Looking at this formulation, and the sequence of transformations that take place, I hope it is clear why the method is rightfully called the QPPQ method.

This method is summarized well by the following graphic, taken from the USGS Report on the topic:

In the following section, I step through an implementation of this method in Python.


All Python scripts used in this tutorial can be found in my GitHub repository: QPPQ_Streamflow_Prediction_Tutorial.

In order run the scripts in this tutorial yourself, you will need to have installed the a few Python libraries, listed in requirements.txt. Running pip install -r requirements.txt from the command line, while inside a local copy of the directory will install all of these packages.

Data retrieval

I collected USGS streamflow data from N gages using the HyRiver suite for Python.

If you would like to learn more about hydro-environmental data acquisition in Python, check out my old post on Efficient hydroclimatic data accessing with HyRiver for Python.

The script used to retrieve the data is available here. If you would like to experiment with this method in other regions, you can change the region variable on line 21, which specifies the corners of a bounding-box within which gage data will be retrieved:

# Specify time-range and region of interest
dates = ("2000-01-01", "2010-12-31")
region = (-108.0, 38.0, -105.0, 40.0)

Above, I specify a region West of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Running the, I found 73 USGS gage locations (blue circles).

Fig: Locations of USGS gages used in this demo.

QPPQ Model

The file contains the method outlined above, defined as the StreamflowGenerator class object.

The StreamflowGenerator has four key methods (or functions):

class StreamflowGenerator():
    def __init__(self, args):  
	def get_knn(self):
	def calculate_nep(self):
	def interpolate_fdc(self):
	def predict_streamflow(self):
		return predicted_flow

The method get_knn finds the $k$ observation, gage locations nearest to the prediction location, and stores the distances to these observation locations (self.knn_distances) and the indices associated with these locations (self.knn_indices).

    def get_knn(self):
        """Find distances and indices of the K nearest gage locations."""
        distances = np.zeros((self.n_observations))
        for i in range(self.n_observations):
            distances[i] = geodesic(self.prediction_location, self.observation_locations[i,:]).kilometers
        self.knn_indices = np.argsort(distances, axis = 0)[0:self.K].flatten()
        self.knn_distances = np.sort(distances, axis = 0)[0:self.K].flatten()

The next method, calculate_nep, calculates the NEP of a flow at an observation location at time t, or P(Q \leq q_t)_{i}.

    def calculate_nep(self, KNN_Q, Q_t):
        "Finds the NEP at time t based on historic observatons."
        # Get historic FDC
        fdc = np.quantile(KNN_Q, self.fdc_neps, axis = 1).T
        # Find nearest FDC value
        nearest_quantile = np.argsort(abs(fdc - Q_t), axis = 1)[:,0]
        nep = self.fdc_neps[nearest_quantile]
        return nep	

The interpolate_fdc performs a linear interpolate of the discrete FDC, and estimates flow for some given NEP.

    def interpolate_fdc(self, nep, fdc):
        "Performs linear interpolation of discrete FDC at a NEP."
        tol = 0.0000001
        if nep == 0:
            nep = np.array(tol)
        sq_diff = (self.fdc_neps - nep)**2

        # Index of nearest discrete NEP
        ind = np.argmin(sq_diff)

        # Handle edge-cases
        if nep <= self.fdc_neps[0]:
            return fdc[0]
        elif nep >= self.fdc_neps[-1]:
            return fdc[-1]

        if self.fdc_neps[ind] <= nep:
            flow_range = fdc[ind:ind+2]
            nep_range = self.fdc_neps[ind:ind+2]
            flow_range = fdc[ind-1:ind+1]
            nep_range = self.fdc_neps[ind-1:ind+1]

        slope = (flow_range[1] - flow_range[0])/(nep_range[1] - nep_range[0])
        flow = flow_range[0] + slope*(nep_range[1] - nep)
        return flow

Finally, predict_streamflow(self, *args) combines these other methods and performs the full QPPQ prediction.

    def predict_streamflow(self, args):
        "Run the QPPQ prediction method for a single locations."
        self.prediction_location = args['prediction_location']
        self.prediction_fdc = args['prediction_fdc']
        self.fdc_quantiles = args['fdc_quantiles']
        self.n_predictions = self.prediction_location.shape[0]

        ### Find nearest K observations
        knn_flows = self.historic_flows[self.knn_indices, :]

        ### Calculate weights as inverse square distance
        self.wts = 1/self.knn_distances**2

        # Normalize weights
        self.norm_wts = self.wts/np.sum(self.wts)

        ### Create timeseries of NEP at observation locations
        self.observed_neps = np.zeros_like(knn_flows)
        for t in range(self.T):
            self.observed_neps[:,t] = self.calculate_nep(knn_flows, knn_flows[:,t:t+1])

        ### Calculate predicted NEP timeseries using weights
        self.predicted_nep = np.zeros((self.n_predictions, self.T))
        for t in range(self.T):
            self.predicted_nep[:,t] = np.sum(self.observed_neps[:,t:t+1].T * self.norm_wts)

        ### Convert NEP timeseries to flow timeseries
        self.predicted_flow = np.zeros_like(self.predicted_nep)
        for t in range(self.T):
            nep_t = self.predicted_nep[0,:][t]
            self.predicted_flow[0,t] = self.interpolate_fdc(nep_t, self.prediction_fdc)

        return self.predicted_flow

The predict_streamflow method is the only function called directly by the user. While get_knn, calculate_nep, and interpolate_fdc are all used by predict_streamflow.

Generate streamflow predictions

The script runs the model and produces predictions at a test site. First, the data generated by is loaded:

import numpy as np
from QPPQ import StreamflowGenerator

### Load Data
gage_locations = np.loadtxt('./data/observed_gage_locations.csv', delimiter = ',')
observed_flows = np.loadtxt('./data/observed_streamflow.csv', delimiter = ',')

The FDCs at each site are estimated at 200 discrete quantiles:

fdc_quantiles = np.linspace(0,1,200)
observed_fdc = np.quantile(observed_flows, fdc_quantiles, axis =1).T

A random test site is selected, and removed from the observation data:

# Select a test site and remove it from observations
test_site = np.random.randint(0, gage_locations.shape[0])

# Store test site
test_location = gage_locations[test_site,:]
test_flow = observed_flows[test_site, :]
test_site_fdc = observed_fdc[test_site, :]

# Remove test site from observations
gage_locations = np.delete(gage_locations, test_site, axis = 0)
observed_flows = np.delete(observed_flows, test_site, axis = 0)

When initializing the StreamflowGenerator, we must provide an array of gage location data (longitude, latitude), historic streamflow data at each gage, and the K number of nearest neighbors to include in the timeseries aggregation.

I’ve set-up the StreamflowGenerator class to receive these inputs as a dictionary, such as:

# Specify model prediction_inputs
QPPQ_args = {'observed_locations' : gage_locations,
            'historic_flows' : observed_flows,
            'K' : 20}

# Intialize the model
QPPQ_model = StreamflowGenerator(QPPQ_args)

Similarly, the prediction arguments are provided as a dictionary to the predict_streamflow function:

# Specify the prediction arguments
prediction_args = {'prediction_location': test_location,
                    'prediction_fdc' : test_site_fdc,
                    'fdc_quantiles' : fdc_quantiles}
# Run the prediction
predicted_flow = QPPQ_model.predict_streamflow(prediction_args)

I made a function, plot_predicted_and_observed, which allows for a quick visual check of the predicted timeseries compared to the observed timeseries:

from plot_functions import plot_predicted_and_observed
plot_predicted_and_observed(predicted_flow, test_flow)

Which shows some nice quality predictions!

Fig: Comparison of observed streamflow and streamflow generated through QPPQ.

One benefit of working with the StreamflowGenerator as a Python class object is that we can retrieve the internal variables for further inspection.

For example, I can call QPPQ_model.knn_distances to retrieve the distances to the K nearest neighbors used to predict the flow at the ungauged location. In this case, the gages used to make the prediction above were located 4.44, 13.23,. 18.38,… kilometers away.

Caveat and Conclusion

It is worth highlighting one major caveat to this example, which is that the FDC used for the prediction site was perfectly known from the historic record. In most cases, the FDC will not be known when making predictions in ungauged basins. Rather, estimations of the FDC will need to be used, and thus the prediction quality shown above is somewhat of a ideal-case when performing a QPPQ in ungauged basins.

There are numerous methods for estimating FDCs at the ungauged site, including the Generalized Pareto distribution approximation proposed by Fennessey (1994) or, more recently, through the use of Neural Networks, as highlighted in Worland, et al. (2019).

Hopefully this tutorial helped to get you familiar with a foundational streamflow prediction method.


Fennessey, Neil Merrick. "A Hydro-Climatological Model of Daily Stream Flow for the Northeast United States." Order No. 9510802 Tufts University, 1994. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 21 Nov. 2022.

Hrachowitz, Markus, et al. "A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB)—a review." Hydrological sciences journal 58.6 (2013): 1198-1255.

Razavi, Tara, and Paulin Coulibaly. "Streamflow prediction in ungauged basins: review of regionalization methods." Journal of hydrologic engineering 18.8 (2013): 958-975.

Stuckey, M.H., 2016, Estimation of daily mean streamflow for ungaged stream locations in the Delaware River Basin, water years 1960–2010: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015–5157, 42 p.,

Worland, Scott C., et al. "Prediction and inference of flow duration curves using multioutput neural networks." Water Resources Research 55.8 (2019): 6850-6868.

Copula Coding Exercise

This Halloween, you may be scared by many things, but don’t let one of them be copulas. Dave Gold wrote an excellent post on the theory behind copulas and I’ll just build off of that post with a simple coding exercise. When I first heard about copulas, they sounded really relevant to helping me come up with a way to capture joint behavior across variables (which I then wanted to use to capture joint hydrologic behavior across watersheds). However, because I hadn’t learned about them formally in a class, I had a hard time translating what I was reading in dense statistics textbooks into practice and found myself blindly trying to use R packages and not making much progress. It was very helpful for me to start to wrap my head around copulas by just starting with coding a simple trivariate Gaussian copula from scratch. If copulas are new to you, hopefully this little exercise will be helpful to you as well.

Let’s pose a scenario that will help orient the reason why a copula will be helpful. Let’s imagine that we have historical daily full natural flow for three gauged locations in the Central Valley region of California: Don Pedro Reservoir, Millerton Lake, and New Melones Lake. Because these three locations are really important for water supply for the region, it’s helpful to identify the likelihood of joint flooding or drought tendencies across these basins. For this post, let’s focus on joint flooding.

First let’s fit distributions for each basin individually. I calculate the water year and create another column for that and then take the daily flow and determine the aggregate peak three-day flow for each year and each basin. Given the different residence times in each basin, a three-day aggregate flow can better capture concurrent events than using a one-day flow. Let’s term the flows in each basin [xt,1…xt,n] which is the 3-day peak annual flows in each of the n basins in year t.


#Read in annual observed flows 

#Calculate water year column

for (i in 1:dim(TLG_flows)[1]){
  if (TLG_flows$V2[i]==10|TLG_flows$V2[i]==11|TLG_flows$V2[i]==12){
  } else{


for (i in 1:dim(MIL_flows)[1]){
  if (MIL_flows$V2[i]==10|MIL_flows$V2[i]==11|MIL_flows$V2[i]==12){
  } else{


for (i in 1:dim(NML_flows)[1]){
  if (NML_flows$V2[i]==10|NML_flows$V2[i]==11|NML_flows$V2[i]==12){
  } else{

#Calculate 3-day total flow


for (i in 1:length(TLG_flows$V4)){
  if (i == 1){


for (i in 1:length(MIL_flows$V4)){
  if (i == 1){


for (i in 1:length(NML_flows$V4)){
  if (i == 1){

#Calculate peak annual flow
TLG_flow_peak_annual=aggregate(TLG_flows,by=list(TLG_flows$water_year),FUN=max,na.rm=TRUE, na.action=NULL)
MIL_flow_peak_annual=aggregate(MIL_flows,by=list(MIL_flows$water_year),FUN=max,na.rm=TRUE, na.action=NULL)
NML_flow_peak_annual=aggregate(NML_flows,by=list(NML_flows$water_year),FUN=max,na.rm=TRUE, na.action=NULL)

#Remove extra year (1986) from TLG

Next, we need to fit individual marginal distributions for each location. Since we are interested in capturing flood risk across the basins, a common marginal distribution to use is a Generalized Extreme Value distribution (GEV). We fit a different GEV distribution for each basin and from here, we create a bit of code to determine the peak three-day flows associated with a historical 10-year return period event.

#Determine level of a 10-year return period

getrlpoints <- function(fit){
  xp2 <- ppoints(fit$n, a = 0)
  ytmp <- datagrabber(fit)
  y <- c(ytmp[, 1])
  sdat <- sort(y)
  npy <- fit$npy
  u <- fit$threshold
  rlpoints.x <- -1/log(xp2)[sdat > u]/npy
  rlpoints.y <- sdat[sdat > u]
  rlpoints <- data.frame(rlpoints.x, rlpoints.y)

getcidf <- function(fit){
  rperiods = c(2,5,10,20,50,100,500,1000)
  bds <- ci(fit, return.period = rperiods)
  c1 <- as.numeric(bds[,1])
  c2 <- as.numeric(bds[,2])
  c3 <- as.numeric(bds[,3])
  ci_df <- data.frame(c1, c2, c3, rperiods)

gevfit_MIL <- fevd(MIL_flow_peak_annual$three_day)
rlpoints <- getrlpoints(gevfit_MIL)
ci_df <- getcidf(gevfit_MIL)

gevfit_NML <- fevd(NML_flow_peak_annual$three_day)
rlpoints <- getrlpoints(gevfit_NML)
ci_df <- getcidf(gevfit_NML)

gevfit_TLG <- fevd(TLG_flow_peak_annual$three_day)
rlpoints <- getrlpoints(gevfit_TLG)
ci_df <- getcidf(gevfit_TLG)

#These are the historical thresholds defined from the GEV fit to the three-day sum of the peak flows 

Now that we have our marginals fit, we need to use these in some way to fit a Gaussian copula. By definition, a copula is a multivariate cumulative distribution function for which the marginal probability distribution of each variable is uniform on the interval [0, 1]. So we need to transform our observations to be psuedo-uniform. To do so, we push the values of [xt,1…xt,n] through the inverse of the CDF of the respective fitted GEV function. These marginals are now uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. Let’s term these values now [ut,1…ut,n].

#Now we want to fit the copula on our historical flows. First create u's

u_TLG = pgev(TLG_flow_peak_annual$three_day, loc=gevfit_TLG$results$par[1], scale=gevfit_TLG$results$par[2], shape=gevfit_TLG$results$par[3],lower.tail = TRUE)
u_MIL = pgev(MIL_flow_peak_annual$three_day, loc=gevfit_MIL$results$par[1], scale=gevfit_MIL$results$par[2], shape=gevfit_MIL$results$par[3],lower.tail=TRUE)
u_NML = pgev(NML_flow_peak_annual$three_day, loc=gevfit_NML$results$par[1], scale=gevfit_NML$results$par[2], shape=gevfit_NML$results$par[3],lower.tail=TRUE)

#Let's also convert the thresholds to u's for each basin 
u_TLG_event = pgev(ten_yr_event_TLG, loc=gevfit_TLG$results$par[1], scale=gevfit_TLG$results$par[2], shape=gevfit_TLG$results$par[3], lower.tail = TRUE)
u_MIL_event = pgev(ten_yr_event_MIL, loc=gevfit_MIL$results$par[1], scale=gevfit_MIL$results$par[2], shape=gevfit_MIL$results$par[3],lower.tail=TRUE)
u_NML_event = pgev(ten_yr_event_NML, loc=gevfit_NML$results$par[1], scale=gevfit_NML$results$par[2], shape=gevfit_NML$results$par[3],lower.tail=TRUE)

Now we address the Gaussian part of the copula. Recall the following in Dave’s post:

Where Φ_R is the joint standard normal CDF with: 

mean and var

ρ_(i,j) is the correlation between random variables X_i and X_j.

Φ^-1 is the inverse standard normal CDF.

So we have our u vectors that we now need to push through an inverse standard normal distribution to get Z scores.

#Now takes these u's and push them through a standard normal to get Z scores 

#Let's do the same for the historical events

The last part that we need for our copula is a spearman rank correlation matrix that captures the structural relationship of the peak flows across the three basins.

cor_matrix=cor(cbind(Z_TLG,Z_MIL,Z_NML),method = "spearman")

Finally, we have all the components of our copula. What question can we ask now that we have this copula? How about “What is the likelihood of exceeding the historical 10-year event in each basin?”. We code up the following formula which expresses this exact likelihood. More details can be found in this very helpful book chapter:

We calculate this with the following line and we find an exceedance probability of 0.0564.

#Now calculate the probability of exceeding the historical threshold in all basins

exceedance=1-pnorm(Z_TLG_event)-pnorm(Z_MIL_event)-pnorm(Z_NML_event)+pmnorm(c(Z_TLG_event,Z_MIL_event),mean=rep(0,2),varcov = cor(cbind(Z_TLG,Z_MIL)))+pmnorm(c(Z_TLG_event,Z_NML_event),mean=rep(0,2),varcov = cor(cbind(Z_TLG,Z_NML)))+pmnorm(c(Z_MIL_event,Z_NML_event),mean=rep(0,2),varcov = cor(cbind(Z_MIL,Z_NML)))-pmnorm(c(Z_TLG_event,Z_MIL_event,Z_NML_event),mean=rep(0,3),varcov = cor(cbind(Z_TLG,Z_MIL,Z_NML)))

Now this intuitively makes sense because a 10-year event has a 10% or 0.1 probability of being exceeded in any given year. If you calculate a joint likelihood of exceedance of this event across multiple basins, then this event is even less likely, so our lower probability of 0.0564 tracks. Note that you can create synthetic realizations of correlated peak flows by simulating from from a multivariate normal distribution with a mean of 0 and the Spearman rank correlation matrix defined above. Hopefully this was a simple but helpful example to demonstrate the key components of the Gaussian copula. The script and corresponding datasets can be found in this repo.

Generating synthetic timeseries while preserving historic correlation: A case study for reservoir inflow and water demand


Robust water resource planning and management decisions rely upon the evaluation of alternative policies under a wide variety of plausible future scenarios. Often, despite the availability of historic records, non-stationarity and system uncertainty require the generation of synthetic datasets to be used in these analyses.

When creating synthetic timeseries data from historic records, it is important to replicate the statistical properties of the system while preserving the inherent stochasticity in the system. Along with replicating statistical autocorrelation, means, and variances it is important to replicate the correlation between variables present in the historic record.

Previous studies by Zeff et al. (2016) and Gold et al. (2022) have relied upon synthetic streamflow and water demand timeseries to inform infrastructure planning and management decisions in the “Research Triangle” region of North Carolina. The methods used for generating the synthetic streamflow data emphasized the preservation of autocorrelation, seasonal correlation, and cross-site correlation of the inflows. However, a comprehensive investigation into the preservation of correlation in the generated synthetic data has not been performed.

Given the critical influence of both reservoir inflow and water demand in the success of water resource decisions, it is important that potential interactions between these timeseries are not ignored.

In this post, I present methods for producing synthetic demand timeseries conditional upon synthetic streamflow data. I also present an analysis of the correlation in both the historic and synthetic timeseries.

A GitHub repository containing all of the necessary code and data can be accessed here.

Case Study: Reservoir Inflow and Water Demand

This post studies the correlation between reservoir inflow and water demand at one site in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina, and assesses the preservation of this correlation in synthetic timeseries generated using two different methods: an empirical joint probability distribution sampling scheme, and a conditional expectation sampling scheme.


Synthetic data was generated using historic reservoir inflow and water demand data from a shared 18-year period, at weekly timesteps. Demand data is reported as the unit water demand, in order to remove the influence of growing population demands. Unit water demand corresponds to the fraction of the average annual water demand observed in that week; i.e., a unit water demand of 1.2 suggests that water demand was 120% of the annual average during that week. Working with unit demand allows for the synthetic data to be scaled according to projected changes in water demand for a site.

Notably, all of the synthetic generation techniques presented below are performed using weekly-standardized inflow and demand data. This is necessary to remove the seasonality in both variables. If not standardized, measurement of the correlation will be dominated by this seasonal correlation. Measurement of the correlation between the standardized data thus accounts for shared deviances from the seasonal mean in both data. In each case, historic seasonality, as described by the weekly means and variances, is re-applied to the standardized synthetic data after it is generated.

Synthetic Streamflow Generation

Synthetic inflow was generated using the modified Fractional Gaussian Noise (mFGN) method described by Kirsch et al. (2013). The mFGN method is specifically intended to preserve both seasonal correlation, intra-annual autocorrelation, and inter-annual autocorrelation. The primary modification of the mFGN compared to the traditional Fractional Gaussian Noise method is a matrix manipulation technique which allows for the generation of longer timeseries, whereas the traditional technique was limited to timeseries of roughly 100-time steps (McLeod and Hipel, 1978; Kirsch et al., 2013).

Professor Julie Quinn wrote a wonderful blog post describing the mFGN synthetic streamflow generator in her 2017 post, Open Source Streamflow Generator Part 1: Synthetic Generation. For the sake of limiting redundancy on this blog, I will omit the details of the streamflow generation in this post, and refer you to the linked post above. My own version of the mFGN synthetic generator is included in the repository for this post, and can be found here.

Synthetic Demand Generation

Synthetic demand data is generated after the synthetic streamflow and is conditional upon the corresponding weekly synthetic streamflow. Here, two alternative synthetic demand generation methods are considered:

  1. An empirical joint probability distribution sampling method
  2. A conditional expectation sampling method

Joint Probability Distribution Sampling Method

The first method relies upon the construction of an empirical joint inflow-demand probability density function (PDF) using historic data. The synthetic streamflow is then used to perform a conditional sampling of demand from the PDF.

The joint PDF is constructed using the weekly standardized demand and weekly standardized log-inflow. Historic values are then assigned to one of sixteen bins within each inflow or demand PDF, ranging from -4.0 to 4.0 at 0.5 increments. The result is a 16 by 16 matrix joint PDF. A joint cumulative density function (CDF) is then generated from the PDF.

For some synthetic inflow timeseries, the synthetic log-inflow is standardized using historic inflow mean and standard deviations. The corresponding inflow-bin from the marginal inflow PDF is identified. A random number is randomly selected from a uniform distribution ranging from zero to the number of observations in that inflow-bin. The demand-CDF bin number corresponding to the value of the random sample is identified. The variance of the demand value is then determined to be the value corresponding to that bin along the discretized PDF range, from -4.0 to 4.0. Additionally, some statistical noise is added to the sampled standard demand by taking a random sample from a normal distribution, N(0, 0.5).

Admittedly, this process is difficult to translate into words. With that in mind, I recommend the curious reader take a look at the procedure in the code included in the repository.

Lastly, for each synthetic standard demand, d_{s_{i,j}}, the historic weekly demand mean, \mu_{D_j}, and standard deviation, \sigma_{D_j}, are applied to convert to a synthetic unit demand, D_{s_{i,j}}.

D_{s_{i,j}} = d_{s_{i,j}} \sigma_{D_j} + \mu_{D_j}

Additionally, the above process is season-specific: PDFs and CDFs are independently constructed for the irrigation and non-irrigation seasons. When sampling the synthetic demand, samples are drawn from the corresponding distribution according to the week in the synthetic timeseries.

Conditional Expectation Sampling Method

The second method does not rely upon an empirical joint PDF, but rather uses the correlation between standardized inflow and demand data to calculate demand expectation and variance conditional upon the corresponding synthetic streamflow and the correlation between historic observations. The conditional expectation of demand, E[D|Q_{s_i}], given a specific synthetic streamflow, Q_{s_i}, is:

E[D|Q_{s_i}] = E[D] + \rho \frac{\sigma_Q}{\sigma_D} (Q_i - \mu_Q)

Where \rho is the Pearson correlation coefficient of the weekly standardized historic inflow and demand data. Since the data is standardized, ( E[d] = 0 and \sigma_z = \sigma_d = 1) the above form of the equation simplifies to:

E[d|Z_{s_i}] = \rho (Z_{s_i})

Where d is standard synthetic demand and Z_{s_i} is the standard synthetic streamflow for the i^{th} week. The variance of the standard demand conditional upon the standard streamflow is then:

Var(d|Z_{s_i}) = \sigma_d^2(1 - \rho^2) = (1 - \rho^2)

The weekly standard demand, d_{s_i}, is then randomly sampled from a normal distribution centered around the conditional expectation with standard deviation equal to the square root of the conditional variance.

d_{s_i} \approx N(E[d|Z_{s_i}], Var(d|Z_{s_i})^{1/2})

As in the previous method, this method is performed according to whether the week is within the irrigation season or not. The correlation values used in the calculation of expected value and variance are calculated for both irrigated and non-irrigated seasons and applied respective of the week.

As in the first method, the standard synthetic demand is converted to a unit demand, and seasonality is reintroduced, using the weekly means and standard deviations of the historic demand:

D_{s_{i,j}} = d_{s_{i,j}} \sigma_{D_j} + \mu_{D_j}


Historic Correlation Patterns

It is worthwhile to first consider the correlation pattern between stream inflow and demand in the historic record.

Figure 1: Correlation patterns between inflow and demand across weeks, for the historic record.

The correlation patterns between inflow and demand found in this analysis support the initial hypothesis that inflow and demand are correlated with one another. More specifically, there is a strong negative correlation between inflow and demand week to week (along the diagonal in the above figure). Contextually, this makes sense; low reservoir inflow correspond to generally dryer climatic conditions. When considering that agriculture accounts for a substantial contribution to demand in the region, it is understandable that demand will be high during dry periods, when are farmers require more reservoir supply to irrigate their crops. During wet periods, they depend less upon the reservoir supply.

Interestingly, there appears to be some type of lag-correlation, between variables across different weeks (dark coloring on the off-diagonals in the matrix). For example, there exists strong negative correlation between the inflow during week 15 with the demands in weeks 15, 16, 17 and 18. This may be indicative of persistence in climatic conditions which influence demand for several subsequent weeks.

Synthetic Streamflow Results

Figure 2: Comparison of the range of flow duration curves for the historic record (hist. = 81), and the synthetic streamflow data (nsyn = 50) generated using the mFGN method.

Consideration of the above flow duration curves reveal that the synthetic streamflow generated through the mFGN method exceedance probabilities are in close alignment with the historic record. While it should not be assumed that future hydrologic conditions will follow historic trends (Milly et al., 2008), the focus of this analysis is the replication of historic patterns. This result confirms previous studies by Mandelbrot and Wallis (1968) that the FGN method is capable of capturing flood and drought patterns from the historic record.

Synthetic Demand Results

Figure 3: Comparison of the ranges in unit demands in the historic record  (hist = 18) and the synthetic demand record (nsyn = 50) generated using both the joint PMF sampling method and the conditional expectation method.

The above figure shows a comparison of the ranges in unit demand data between historic and synthetic data sets. Like the synthetic streamflow data, these figures reveal that both demand generation techniques are producing timeseries that align closely with historic patterns. The joint probability sampling method does appear to produce consistently higher unit demands than the historic record, but this discrepancy is not significant enough to disregard the method, and may be corrected with some tweaking of the PDF-sampling scheme.

Synthetic Correlation Patterns

Now that we know both synthetic inflow and demand data resemble historic ranges, it is important to consider how correlation is replicated in those variables.

Figure 4: Correlation patterns between inflow and demand across weeks for both synthetic data generated using both the joint probability and conditional expectation methods.

Take a second to compare the historic correlation patterns in Figure 1 with the correlation in the synthetic data shown in Figure 4. The methods are working!

As in the historic data, the synthetic data contain strong negative correlations between inflow and demand week-to-week (along the diagonal).

Visualizing the joint distributions of the standardized data provides more insight into the correlation of the data. The Pearson correlation coefficients for each aggregated data set are shown in the upper right of each scatter plot, and in the table below.

Figure 5: Joint distributions for historic standardized inflow and demand using the full set of annual weekly observations (a) and irrigation-season data (b). Pearson correlation coefficients are included in the upper right of each plot.
Data TypeAnnual
Pearson Correlation
Irrigation Season
Pearson Correlation
Synthetic: Joint PDF Method-0.35-0.54
Synthetic: Conditional Expectation Method-0.38-0.48
Table 1: Pearson correlation coefficients for the historic data and the synthetic data sets, for the entire annual period and the irrigation seasons.

One concern with this result is that the correlation is actually too strong in the synthetic data. For both methods, the Pearson Correlation coefficient is greater in the synthetic data than it is in the historic data.

This may be due to the fact that correlation is highly variable throughout the year in the historic record, but the methods used here only separate the year into two seasons – non-irrigation and irrigation seasons. Aggregated across these seasons, the historic correlations are negative. However, there exist weeks (e.g., during the winter months) when weekly correlations are 0 or even positive. Imposing the aggregated negative-correlation to every week during the generation process may be the cause of the overly-negative correlation in the synthetic timeseries.

It may be possible to produce synthetic data with better preservation of historic correlations by performing the same demand generation methods but with more than two seasons.


When generating synthetic timeseries, it is important to replicate the historic means and variances of the data, but also to capture the correlation that exist between variables. Interactions between exogenous variables can have critical implications for policy outcomes.

For example, when evaluating water resource policies, strong negative correlation between demand and inflow can constitute a compounding risk (Simpson et al., 2021), where the risk associated with low streamflow during a drought is then compounded by high demand at the same time.

Here, I’ve shared two different methods of producing correlated synthetic timeseries which do well in preserving historic correlation patterns. Additionally, I’ve tried to demonstrate different analyses and visualizations that can be used to verify this preservation. While demonstrated using inflow and demand data, the methods described in this post can be applied to a variety of different timeseries variables.

Lastly, I want to thank David Gold and David Gorelick for sharing their data and insight on this project. I also want to give a shout out to Professor Scott Steinschneider whose Multivariate Environmental Statistics class at Cornell motivated this work, and who fielded questions along the way.

Happy programming!


Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., Gorelick, D. E., & Characklis, G. W. (2022). Power and Pathways: Exploring Robustness, Cooperative Stability, and Power Relationships in Regional Infrastructure Investment and Water Supply Management Portfolio Pathways. Earth’s Future10(2), e2021EF002472.

Kirsch, B. R., Characklis, G. W., & Zeff, H. B. (2013). Evaluating the impact of alternative hydro-climate scenarios on transfer agreements: Practical improvement for generating synthetic streamflows. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 139(4), 396-406.

Lettenmaier, D. P., Leytham, K. M., Palmer, R. N., Lund, J. R., & Burges, S. J. (1987). Strategies for coping with drought: Part 2, Planning techniques and reliability assessment (No. EPRI-P-5201). Washington Univ., Seattle (USA). Dept. of Civil Engineering; Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA (USA).

Mandelbrot, B. B., & Wallis, J. R. (1968). Noah, Joseph, and operational hydrology. Water resources research, 4(5), 909-918.

McLeod, A. I., & Hipel, K. W. (1978). Preservation of the rescaled adjusted range: 1. A reassessment of the Hurst Phenomenon. Water Resources Research14(3), 491-508.

Simpson, N. P., Mach, K. J., Constable, A., Hess, J., Hogarth, R., Howden, M., … & Trisos, C. H. (2021). A framework for complex climate change risk assessment. One Earth4(4), 489-501.

Zeff, H. B., Herman, J. D., Reed, P. M., & Characklis, G. W. (2016). Cooperative drought adaptation: Integrating infrastructure development, conservation, and water transfers into adaptive policy pathways. Water Resources Research, 52(9), 7327-7346.

CNNs for Time Series Applications

This post is meant to be an introduction to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and how they can be applied to continuous prediction problems, such as time series predictions. CNNs have historically been utilized in image classification applications. At a high level, CNNs use small kernels (filters) that can slide over localized regions of an image and detect features from edges to faces, much in the same way as the visual cortex of a brain (Hubel and Wiesel, 1968). The basic concepts of a CNN were first introduced by Kunihiko Fukushima in 1980 and the first use of CNNs for image recognition were carried out by Yann LeCun in 1988. The major breakthrough for the algorithm didn’t happen until 2000 with the advent of GPUs and by 2015, CNNs were favored to win image recognition contests over other deep networks.

It is believed that recurrent style networks such as LSTMs are the most appropriate algorithms for time series prediction, but studies have been conducted that suggest that CNNs can perform equivalently (or better) and that appropriate filters can extract features that are coupled across variables and time while being computationally efficient to train (Bai et al., 2018, Rodrigues et al., 2021). Below, I’ll demonstrate some of the key characteristics of CNNs and how CNNs can be used for time series prediction problems.


Everything You Need to Know About Convolutional Neural Networks

Figure 1: CNN schematic for image classification (Sharma, 2018)

Figure 1 shows a schematic of a CNN’s architecture. The architecture is primarily comprised of a series of convolution and pooling layers followed by a fully connected network. In each convolution layer are kernel matrices that are convolved with the input into the convolution layer. It is up to the user to define the number of kernels and size of the kernels, but the weights in the kernel are learned using backpropagation. A bias is added to the output of the convolution layer and then passed through an activation function, such as ReLU function to yield feature maps. The feature maps are stacked in a cuboid of a depth that equals the number of filters. If the convolution layer is followed by a pooling layer, the feature maps are down-sampled to produce a lower dimensional representation of the feature maps. The output from the final pooling or convolutional layer is flattened and fed to the fully connected layers.

We will now look at the components of the architecture in more detail. To demonstrate how the convolutional layer works, we will use a toy example shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Convolution of a 3×3 kernel with the original image

Let’s say that our input is an image is represented as a 5×5 array and the filter is a 3×3 kernel that will be convolved with the image. The result is the array termed Conv1 which is just another array where each cell is the dot product between the filter and the 3×3 subsections of the image. The numbers in color represent the values that the filter is centered on. Note that the convolution operation will result in an output that is smaller than the input and can result in a loss of information around the boundaries of the image. Zero padding, which constitutes adding border of zeros around the input array, can be used to preserve the input size. The kernel matrices are the mechanisms by which the CNN is able to identify underlying patterns. Figure 3 shows examples of what successive output from convolution layers, or feature maps, can look like.

Figure 3: Convolutional layer output for a CNN trained to distinguish between cats and dogs (Dertat, 2017)

The filters in the first convolutional layer of a CNN retain most of the information of the image, particularly edges. The brightest colors represent the most active pixels. The feature maps tend to become more abstract or focused on specific features as you move deeper into the network (Dertat, 2017). For example, Block 3 seems to be tailored to distinguish eyes.

The other key type of layer is a pooling layer. A pooling layer is added after convolution to reduce dimensionality, which can both reduce computational time to train by reducing parameters but can also reduce the chances of overfitting. The most common type of pooling is max pooling which returns the max value in a NxN matrix pooling filter. This type of pooling retains the most active pixels in the feature map. As demonstrated in Figure 4, max pooling, using a 2×2 filter with a stride (or shift) of 2 pixels, reduces our Conv1 layer into a 2×2 lower dimensional matrix. One can also do average pooling instead of max pooling which would take the average of the values in each 2×2 subsection of the Conv1 layer.

Figure 4: Max pooling example

Application to Regression

CNNs are easiest to understand and visualize for image applications which provide a basis for thinking about how we can use CNNs in a regression or prediction application for time series. Let’s use a very simple example of a rainfall-runoff problem that uses daily precipitation and temperature to predict outflow in an ephemeral sub-basin within the Tuolumne Basin. Because the sub-basin features a creek that is ephemeral, this means that the creek can dry up across the simulation period and there can be extended periods of zero flow. This can make predictions in the basin very difficult. Here, we also implement a lag which allows us to consider the residence time of the basin and that precipitation/temperature from days before likely will contribute to predicting the outflow today. We use a lag of 18, meaning that we use the previous 18 values of precipitation and temperature to predict outflow. The CNN model is implemented within Keras in the code below.

#import modules

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.models import Sequential, load_model
from keras.layers import LSTM, Dense
from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv1D, Conv2D
from keras.layers.convolutional import MaxPooling2D
from keras.layers import Dropout, Activation, Flatten
from keras.optimizers import SGD
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
import seaborn as sns
import os

df_ge = pd.read_csv("Sub_0_daily.csv", index_col=0) 

#Check for nulls
print("checking if any null values are present\n", df_ge.isna().sum())

#Specify the training columns by their names
train_cols = ["Precipitation","Temperature"]
label_cols = ["Outflow"]

# This function normalizes the input data
def Normalization_Transform(x):
    x_mean=np.mean(x, axis=0)
    x_std= np.std(x, axis=0)
    xn = (x-x_mean)/x_std
    return xn, x_mean,x_std

# This function reverses the normalization 
def inverse_Normalization_Transform(xn, x_mean,x_std):
    xd = (xn*x_std)+x_mean
    return xd

# building timeseries data with given timesteps (lags)
def timeseries(X, Y, Y_actual, time_steps, out_steps):
    input_size_0 = X.shape[0] - time_steps
    input_size_1 = X.shape[1]
    X_values = np.zeros((input_size_0, time_steps, input_size_1))
    Y_values = np.zeros((input_size_0,))
    Y_values_actual = np.zeros((input_size_0,))
    for i in tqdm_notebook(range(input_size_0)):
        X_values[i] = X[i:time_steps+i]
        Y_values[i] = Y[time_steps+i-1, 0]
        Y_values_actual[i] = Y_actual[time_steps+i-1, 0]
    print("length of time-series i/o",X_values.shape,Y_values.shape)
    return X_values, Y_values, Y_values_actual

df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df_ge, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2, shuffle=False)
x_train = df_train.loc[:,train_cols].values
y_train = df_train.loc[:,label_cols].values
x_test = df_test.loc[:,train_cols].values
y_test = df_test.loc[:,label_cols].values    
#Normalizing training data
x_train_nor = xtrain_min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x_train)
y_train_nor = ytrain_min_max_scaler.fit_transform(y_train)

# Normalizing test data
x_test_nor = xtest_min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x_test)
y_test_nor = ytest_min_max_scaler.fit_transform(y_test)

# Saving actual train and test y_label to calculate mean square error later after training
y_train_actual = y_train
y_test_actual = y_test

#Building timeseries
X_Train, Y_Train, Y_train_actual = timeseries(x_train_nor, y_train_nor, y_train_actual, time_steps=18, out_steps=1)
X_Test, Y_Test, Y_test_actual = timeseries(x_test_nor, y_test_nor, y_test_actual, time_steps=18, out_steps=1)

#Define CNN model

def make_model(X_Train):
    input_layer = Input(shape=(X_Train.shape[1],X_Train.shape[2]))

    conv1 = Conv1D(filters=16, kernel_size=2, strides=1,
    conv2 = Conv1D(filters=32, kernel_size=3,strides = 1,
                          padding='same', activation='relu')(conv1)
    conv3 = Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3,strides = 1,
                          padding='same', activation='relu')(conv2)
    flatten = Flatten()(conv3)
    dense1 = Dense(1152, activation='relu')(flatten)
    dense2 = Dense(576, activation='relu')(dense1)
    output_layer = Dense(1, activation='linear')(dense2)
    return Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer)

model = make_model(X_Train)
model.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'mean_squared_error'), Y_Train, epochs=10)

#Prediction and inverting results 
ypred = model.predict(X_Test)
predict =inverse_Normalization_Transform(ypred,y_mean_train, y_std_train)

#Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7))


plt.title('Outflow Prediction (Precipitation+Temperature,Epochs=10, Lag=18 hours)')
plt.ylabel('Outflow (cfs)')
plt.legend(['Actual Values','Predicted Values'], loc='upper right')


Just as with any algorithm, we normalize the input data and split it into testing and training sets. The CNN model is implemented in Keras and consists of three convolutional layers with kernel sizes that are explicitly defined to extract patterns that are coupled across variables and time. A schematic of the setup is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Convolution layer setup for the Tuolumne case

Layer 1 uses a 1D convolutional layer with 16 filters of size 1×2 in order to extract features and interactions across the precipitation and temperature time series as demonstrated in the top left of Figure 5. The result of this is an output layer of 1x18x16. The second convolution layer uses 32, 3×1 filters which now will further capture temporal interactions down the output column vector. The third layer uses 64, 3×1 filters to capture more complex temporal trends which is convolved with the output from the Conv2 layer. Note that zero padding is added (padding =”same” in the code) to maintain the dimensions of the layers. The three convolutional layers are followed by a flattening layer and a three-layer dense network. The CNN was run 20 times and the results from the last iteration are shown in Figure 6. We also compare to an LSTM that has an equivalent 3-layer setup and that is also run 20 times. The actual outflow is shown in blue while predictions are shown in red.

Figure 6: CNN vs LSTM prediction

For all purposes, the visual comparison yields that CNNs and LSTMs work equivalently, though the CNN was considerably faster to train. Notably, the CNN does a better job of capturing the large extremes recorded on day 100 and day 900, while still capturing the dynamics of the lower flow regime. While these results are preliminary and largely un-optimized, the CNN shows the ability to outperform an LSTM for a style of problem that it is not technically designed for. Using the specialized kernels, the CNN learns the interactions (both across variables and temporally) without needing a mechanism specifically designed for memory, such as a cell state in an LSTM. Furthermore, CNNs can greatly take advantage of additional speedups from GPUs which doesn’t always produce large gain in efficiency for LSTM training. For now, we can at least conclude that CNNs are fast and promising alternatives to LSTMs that you may not have considered before. Future blog posts will dive more into the capabilities of CNNs in problems with more input variables and complex interactions, particularly if there seems to be a benefit from CNNs in resolving complex relationships that help to predict extremes.


Hubel, D. H., & Wiesel, T. N. (1968). Receptive fields and functional architecture of monkey striate cortex. The Journal of physiology195(1), 215-243.

Bai, S., Kolter, J. Z., & Koltun, V. (2018). An empirical evaluation of generic convolutional and recurrent networks for sequence modeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.01271.

Rodrigues, N. M., Batista, J. E., Trujillo, L., Duarte, B., Giacobini, M., Vanneschi, L., & Silva, S. (2021). Plotting time: On the usage of CNNs for time series classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04179.

Sharma, V. (2018).

Dertat, A. (2017).

MORDM Basics I: Synthetic Streamflow Generation

In this post, we will break down the key concepts underlying synthetic streamflow generation, and how it fits within the Many Objective Robust Decision Making (MORDM) framework (Kasprzyk, Nataraj et. al, 2012). This post is the first in a series on MORDM which will begin here: with generating and validating the data used in the framework. To provide some context as to what we are about to attempt, please refer to this post by Jon Herman.

What is synthetic streamflow generation?

Synthetic streamflow generation is a non-parametric, direct statistical approach used to generate synthetic streamflow timeseries from a reasonably long historical record. It is used when there is a need to diversify extreme event scenarios, such as flood and drought, or when we want to generate flows to reflect a shift in the hydrologic regime due to climate change. It is favored as it relies on a re-sampling of the historical record, preserving temporal correlation up to a certain degree, and results in a more realistic synthetic dataset. However, its dependence on a historical record also implies that this approach requires a relatively long historical inflow data. Jon Lamontagne’s post goes into further detail regarding this approach.

Why synthetic streamflow generation?

An important step in the MORDM framework is scenario discovery, which requires multiple realistic scenarios to predict future states of the world (Kasprzyk et. al., 2012). Depending solely on the historical dataset is insufficient; we need to generate multiple realizations of realistic synthetic scenarios to facilitate a comprehensive scenario discovery process. As an approach that uses a long historical record to generate synthetic data that has been found to preserve seasonal and annual correlation (Kirsch et. al., 2013; Herman et. al., 2016), this method provides us with a way to:

  1. Fully utilize a large historical dataset
  2. Stochastically generate multiple synthetic datasets while preserving temporal correlation
  3. Explore many alternative climate scenarios by changing the mean and the spread of the synthetic datasets

The basics of synthetic streamflow generation in action

To better illustrate the inner workings of synthetic streamflow generation, it is helpful to use a test case. In this post, the historical dataset is obtained from the Research Triangle Region in North Carolina. The Research Triangle region consists of four main utilities: Raleigh, Durham, Cary and the Orange County Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA). These utilities are receive their water supplies from four water sources: the Little River Reservoir, Lake Wheeler, Lake Benson, and the Jordan Lake (Figure 1), and historical streamflow data is obtained from ten different stream gauges located at each of these water sources. For the purpose of this example, we will be using 81 years’ worth of weekly streamflow data available here.

Figure 1: The Research Triangle region (Trindade et. al., 2019).

The statistical approach that drive synthetic streamflow generation is called the Kirsch Method (Kirsch et. al., 2013). In plain language, this method does the following:

  1. Converts the historical streamflows from real space to log space, and then standardize the log-space data.
  2. Bootstrap the log-space historical matrix to obtain an uncorrelated matrix of historical data.
  3. Obtain the correlation matrix of the historical dataset by performing Cholesky decomposition.
  4. Impose the historical correlation matrix upon the uncorrelated matrix obtained in (2) to generate a standardized synthetic dataset. This preserves seasonal correlation.
  5. De-standardize the synthetic data, and transform it back into real space.
  6. Repeat steps (1) to (5) with a historical dataset that is shifted forward by 6 months (26 weeks). This preserves year-to-year correlation.

This post by Julie Quinn delves deeper into the Kirsch Method’s theoretical steps. The function that executes these steps can be found in the stress_dynamic.m Matlab file, which in turn is executed by the wsc_main_rate.m file by setting the input variable p = 0 as shown on Line 27. Both these files are available on GitHub here.

However, this is simply where things get interesting. Prior to this, steps (1) to (6) would have simply generated a synthetic dataset based on only historical statistical characteristics as validated here in Julie’s second blog post on a similar topic. Out of the three motivations for using synthetic streamflow generation, the third one (exploration of multiple scenarios) has yet to be satisfied. This is a nice segue into out next topic:

Generating multiple scenarios using synthetic streamflow generation

The true power of synthetic streamflow generation lies in its ability to generate multiple climate (or in this case, streamflow) scenarios. This is done in stress_dynamic.m using three variables:

Input variableData type
pThe lowest x% of streamflows
nA vector where each element ni is the number of copies of the p-lowest streamflow years to be added to the bootstrapped historical dataset.
mA vector where each element mi is the number of copies of the (1-p)-highest streamflow years to be added to the bootstrapped historical dataset.
Table 1: The input variables to the stress_dynamic function.

These three variables bootstrap (increase the length of) the historical record while allow us to perturb the historical streamflow record streamflows to reflect an increase in frequency or severity of extreme events such as floods and droughts using the following equation:

new_hist_years = old_historical_years + [(p*old_historical_years)*ni ] + (old_hist_years – [(p*old_historical_years)mi])

The stress_dynamic.m file contains more explanation regarding this step.

This begs the question: how do we choose the value of p? This brings us to the topic of the standardized streamflow indicator (SSI6).

The SSI6 is the 6-month moving average of the standardized streamflows to determine the occurrence and severity of drought on the basis of duration and frequency (Herman et. al., 2016). Put simply, this method determines the occurrence of drought if the the value of the SSI6 < 0 continuously for at least 3 months, and SSI6 < -1 at least once during the 6-month interval. The periods and severity (or lack thereof) of drought can then be observed, enabling the decision on the length of both the n and m vectors (which correspond to the number of perturbation periods, or climate event periods). We will not go into further detail regarding this method, but there are two important points to be made:

  1. The SSI6 enables the determination of the frequency (likelihood) and severity of drought events in synthetic streamflow generation through the values contained in p, n and m.
  2. This approach can be used to generate flood events by exchanging the values between the n and m vectors.

A good example of point (2) is done in this test case, in which more-frequent and more-severe floods was simulated by ensuring that most of the values in m where larger than those of n. Please refer to Jon Herman’s 2016 paper titled ‘Synthetic drought scenario generation to support bottom-up water supply vulnerability assessments’ for further detail.

A brief conceptual letup

Now we have shown how synthetic streamflow generation satisfies all three factors motivating its use. We should have three output folders:

  • synthetic-data-stat: contains the synthetic streamflows based on the unperturbed historical dataset
  • synthetic-data-dyn: contains the synthetic streamflows based on the perturbed historical dataset

Comparing these two datasets, we can compare how increasing the likelihood and severity of floods has affected the resulting synthetic data.


To exhaustively compare the statistical characteristics of the synthetic streamflow data, we will perform two forms of validation: visual and statistical. This method of validation is based on Julie’s post here.

Visual validation

Done by generating flow duration curves (FDCs) . Figure 2 below compares the unperturbed (left) and perturbed (right) synthetic datasets.

Figure 2: (Above) The FDC of the unperturbed historical dataset (pink) and its resulting synthetic dataset (blue). (Below) The corresponsing perturbed historical and synthetic dataset.

The bottom plots in Figure 2 shows an increase in the volume of weekly flows, as well as an smaller return period, when the the historical streamflows were perturbed to reflect an increasing frequency and magnitude of flood events. Together with the upper plots in Figure 2, this visually demonstrates that the synthetic streamflow generation approach (1) faithfully reconstructs historical streamflow patterns, (2) increases the range of possible streamflow scenarios and (3) can model multiple extreme climate event scenarios by perturbing the historical dataset. The file to generate this Figure can be found in the file.

Statistical validation

The mean and standard deviation of the perturbed and unperturbed historical datasets are compared to show if the perturbation resulted in significant changes in the synthetic datasets. Ideally, the perturbed synthetic data would have higher means and similar standard deviations compared to the unperturbed synthetic data.

Figure 3: (Above) The unperturbed synthetic (blue) and historical (pink) streamflow datasets for each of the 10 gauges. (Below) The perturbed counterpart.

The mean and tails of the synthetic streamflow values of the bottom plots in Figure 3 show that the mean and maximum values of the synthetic flows are significantly higher than the unperturbed values. In addition, the spread of the standard deviations of the perturbed synthetic streamflows are similar to that of its unperturbed counterpart. This proves that synthetic streamflow generation can be used to synthetically change the occurrence and magnitude of extreme events while maintaining the periodicity and spread of the data. The file to generate Figure 3 can be found in

Synthetic streamflow generation and internal variability

The generation of multiple unperturbed realizations of synthetic streamflow is vital for characterizing the internal variability of a system., otherwise known as variability that arises from natural variations in the system (Lehner et. al., 2020). As internal variability is intrinsic to the system, its effects cannot be eliminated – but it can be moderated. By evaluating multiple realizations, we can determine the number of realizations at which the internal variability (quantified here by standard deviation as a function of the number of realizations) stabilizes. Using the synthetic streamflow data for the Jordan Lake, it is shown that more than 100 realizations are required for the standard deviation of the 25% highest streamflows across all years to stabilize (Figure 4). Knowing this, we can generate sufficient synthetic realizations to render the effects of internal variability insignificant.

Figure 4: The highest 25% of synthetic streamflows for the Jordan Lake gauge.

The file contains the code to generate the above figure.

How does this all fit within the context of MORDM?

So far, we have generated synthetic streamflow datasets and validated them. But how are these datasets used in the context of MORDM?

Synthetic streamflow generation lies within the domain of the second part of the MORDM framework as shown in Figure 5 above. Specifically, synthetic streamflow generation plays an important role in the design of experiments by preserving the effects of deeply uncertain factors that cause natural events. As MORDM requires multiple scenarios to reliably evaluate all possible futures, this approach enables the simulation of multiple scenarios, while concurrently increasing the severity or frequency of extreme events in increments set by the user. This will allow us to evaluate how coupled human-natural systems change over time given different scenarios, and their consequences towards the robustness of the system being evaluated (in this case, the Research Triangle).

Figure 4: The taxonomy of robustness frameworks. The bold-outlined segments highlight where MORDM fits within this taxonomy (Herman et. al., 2015).

Typically, this evaluation is performed in two main steps:

  1. Generation and evaluation of multiple realizations of unperturbed annual synthetic streamflow. The resulting synthetic data is used to generate the Pareto optimal set of policies. This step can help us understand how the system’s internal variability affects future decision-making by comparing it with the results in step (2).
  2. Generation and evaluation of multiple realizations of perturbed annual synthetic streamflow. These are the more extreme scenarios in which the previously-found Pareto-optimal policies will be evaluated against. This step assesses the robustness of the base state under deeply uncertain deviations caused by the perturbations in the synthetic data and other deeply uncertain factors.


Overall, synthetic streamflow generation is an approach that is highly applicable in the bottom-up analysis of a system. It preserves historical characteristics of a streamflow timeseries while providing the flexibility to modify the severity and frequency of extreme events in the face of climate change. It also allows the generation of multiple realizations, aiding in the characterization and understanding of a system’s internal variability, and a more exhaustive scenario discovery process.

This summarizes the basics of data generation for MORDM. In my next blog post, I will introduce risk-of-failure (ROF) triggers, their background, key concepts, and how they are applied within the MORDM framework.


Herman, J. D., Reed, P. M., Zeff, H. B., & Characklis, G. W. (2015). How should robustness be defined for water systems planning under change? Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(10), 04015012. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000509

Herman, J. D., Zeff, H. B., Lamontagne, J. R., Reed, P. M., & Characklis, G. W. (2016). Synthetic drought scenario generation to support bottom-up water supply vulnerability assessments. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(11), 04016050. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000701

Kasprzyk, J. R., Nataraj, S., Reed, P. M., & Lempert, R. J. (2013). Many objective robust decision making for complex environmental systems undergoing change. Environmental Modelling & Software, 42, 55-71. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.12.007

Kirsch, B. R., Characklis, G. W., & Zeff, H. B. (2013). Evaluating the impact of alternative hydro-climate scenarios on transfer agreements: Practical improvement for generating synthetic streamflows. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 139(4), 396-406. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000287

Mankin, J. S., Lehner, F., Coats, S., & McKinnon, K. A. (2020). The value of initial condition large ensembles to Robust Adaptation Decision‐Making. Earth’s Future, 8(10). doi:10.1029/2020ef001610

Trindade, B., Reed, P., Herman, J., Zeff, H., & Characklis, G. (2017). Reducing regional drought vulnerabilities and multi-city robustness conflicts using many-objective optimization under deep uncertainty. Advances in Water Resources, 104, 195-209. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.03.023

How to make horizon plots in Python

Horizon plots were invented about a decade ago to facilitate visual comparison between two time series. They are not intuitive to read right away, but they are great for comparing and presenting many sets of timeseries together. They can take advantage of a minimal design by avoiding titles and ticks on every axis and packing them close together to convey a bigger picture. The example below shows percent changes in the price of various food items in 25 years.

The way they are produced and read is by dividing the values along the y axis in bands based on ranges. The color of each band is given by a divergent color map. By collapsing the bands to the zero axis and layering the higher bands on top, one can create a time-varying heatmap of sorts.


I wasn’t able to find a script that could produce this in Python, besides some code in this github repository, that is about a decade old and cannot really run in Python 3. I cleaned it up and updated the scripts with some additional features. I also added example data comparing USGS streamflow data with model simulation data for the same locations for 38 years. The code can be found here and can be used with any two datasets that one would like to compare with as many points of comparison as needed (I used eight below, but the script can accept larger csv files with more or less comparison points, which will be detected automatically). The script handles the transformation of the data to uniform bands and produces the following figure, with every subplot comparing model output with observations at eight gauges, i.e. model prediction error. When the model is over predicting the area is colored blue, when the area is underpredicting, the area is colored red. Darker shades indicate further divergence from the zero axis. The script automatically uses three bands for both positive or negative divergence, but more can be added, as long as the user defines additional colors to be used.

Using this type of visualization for these data allows for time-varying comparisons of multiple locations in the same basin. The benefit of it is most exploited with many subplots that make up a bigger picture.

Future extensions in this repository will include code to accept more file types than csv, more flexibility in how the data is presented and options to select different colormaps when executing.