MORDM VIII: Characterizing the effects of deep uncertainty

In the previous post, we defined robustness using the satisficing metric where (1) reliability should be at least 98%, (2) restriction frequency should be not more than 10% and (3) worst-case cost of drought mitigation action should not be more than 10% of annual net volumetric income. To calculate the robustness of these set of actions (portfolios) against the effects of challenging states of the world (SOWs) on the initial set of actions, we once again re-simulated them to discover how they fail.

In this penultimate post, we will perform simple sensitivity analysis across the average performance of all sixty-nine portfolios of actions to understand which uncertainties control the performance of each utility (Raleigh, Durham and Cary) and the regions across all uncertain SOWs.

Calculating average performance across 100 DU SOWs

First, we create a new folder to hold the output of the next few post-processing steps. Navigate to the WaterPaths/ folder and create a folder called post_processing. Now, let’s calculate the average performance of each of the sixty-nine initial portfolios across the 100 DU SOWs that we previously simulated them over. The code for this can be found in the post_processing_code folder under file and should look like this:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon April 26 2022 11:12

@author: Lillian Bei Jia Lau
Organizes output objectives by mean across RDMs and across solutions

import numpy as np

obj_names = ['REL_C', 'RF_C', 'INF_NPC_C', 'PFC_C', 'WCC_C', \
        'REL_D', 'RF_D', 'INF_NPC_D', 'PFC_D', 'WCC_D', \
        'REL_R', 'RF_R', 'INF_NPC_R', 'PFC_R', 'WCC_R', \
        'REL_reg', 'RF_reg', 'INF_NPC_reg', 'PFC_reg', 'WCC_reg']

Performs regional minimax
def minimax(N_SOLNS, objs):
    for i in range(N_SOLNS):
        for j in range(5):
            if j == 0:
                objs[i,15] = np.min([objs[i,0],objs[i,5], objs[i,10]])
                objs[i, (j+15)] = np.max([objs[i,j],objs[i,j+5], objs[i,j+10]])
    return objs

Calculates the mean performance acorss all SOWs
def mean_performance_across_rdms(objs_by_rdm_dir, N_RDMS, N_SOLNS):
    objs_matrix = np.zeros((N_SOLNS,20,N_RDMS), dtype='float')
    objs_means = np.zeros((N_SOLNS,20), dtype='float')

    for i in range(N_RDMS):
        filepathname = objs_by_rdm_dir + str(i) + '_sols0_to_' + str(N_SOLNS) + '.csv'
        objs_file = np.loadtxt(filepathname, delimiter=",")
        objs_matrix[:,:15,i] = objs_file

        objs_file_wRegional = minimax(N_SOLNS, objs_matrix[:,:,i])

        objs_matrix[:,:,i] = objs_file_wRegional

        array_has_nan = np.isnan(np.mean(objs_matrix[:,3,i]))
        if(array_has_nan == True):
            print('NaN found at RDM ', str(i))

    for n in range(N_SOLNS):
        for n_objs in range(20):
            objs_means[n,n_objs] = np.mean(objs_matrix[n,n_objs,:])

    return objs_means

Calculates the mean performance acorss all SOWs
def mean_performance_across_solns(objs_by_rdm_dir, N_RDMS, N_SOLNS):
    objs_matrix = np.zeros((N_SOLNS,20,N_RDMS), dtype='float')
    objs_means = np.zeros((N_RDMS,20), dtype='float')

    for i in range(N_RDMS):
        filepathname = objs_by_rdm_dir + str(i) + '_sols0_to_' + str(N_SOLNS) + '.csv'
        objs_file = np.loadtxt(filepathname, delimiter=",")
        objs_matrix[:,:15,i] = objs_file
        objs_file_wRegional = minimax(N_SOLNS, objs_matrix[:,:,i])

        objs_matrix[:,:,i] = objs_file_wRegional

        array_has_nan = np.isnan(np.mean(objs_matrix[:,3,i]))
        if(array_has_nan == True):
            print('NaN found at RDM ', str(i))

    for n in range(N_RDMS):
        for n_objs in range(20):
            objs_means[n,n_objs] = np.mean(objs_matrix[:,n_objs,n])

    return objs_means

# change number of solutions available depending on the number of solutions
# that you identified
N_SOLNS = 69
N_RDMS = 100

# change the filepaths
objs_by_rdm_dir = '/yourFilePath/WaterPaths/output/Objectives_RDM'
objs_og_dir = '/yourFilePath/WaterPaths/'

fileoutpath = '/yourFilePath/WaterPaths/post_processing/'

fileoutpath_byRDMs = fileoutpath + 'meanObjs_acrossRDM.csv'
fileoutpath_bySoln = fileoutpath + 'meanObjs_acrossSoln.csv'

# should have shape (N_SOLNS, 20)
objs_byRDM = mean_performance_across_rdms(objs_by_rdm_dir, N_RDMS, N_SOLNS)
# should have shape (N_RDMS, 20)
objs_bySoln = mean_performance_across_solns(objs_by_rdm_dir, N_RDMS, N_SOLNS)

np.savetxt(fileoutpath_byRDMs, objs_byRDM, delimiter=",")
np.savetxt(fileoutpath_bySoln, objs_bySoln, delimiter=",")

This will output two .csv files: meanObjs_acrossRDM.csv contains the average performance of each of the sixty-nine objectives evaluated over 100 DU SOWs, while meanObjs_acrossSoln.csv contains the average performance of all solutions within one SOW. Take some time to understand this difference, as this will be important when performing sensitivity analysis and scenario discovery.

Calculate the robustness of each portfolio to deep uncertainty

Now, let’s identify how each of these solutions perform under a set of more challenging SOWs. Within post_processing_code/, identify the file called It should look like this:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon April 26 2022 11:12

@author: Lillian Bei Jia Lau

Calculates the fraction of RDMs over which each perturbed version of the solution meets all four satisficing criteria
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

obj_names = ['REL_C', 'RF_C', 'INF_NPC_C', 'PFC_C', 'WCC_C', \
        'REL_D', 'RF_D', 'INF_NPC_D', 'PFC_D', 'WCC_D', \
        'REL_R', 'RF_R', 'INF_NPC_R', 'PFC_R', 'WCC_R', \
        'REL_reg', 'RF_reg', 'INF_NPC_reg', 'PFC_reg', 'WCC_reg']

utilities = ['Cary', 'Durham', 'Raleigh', 'Regional']

Performs regional minimax
def minimax(N_SOLNS, objs):
    for i in range(N_SOLNS):
        for j in range(5):
            if j == 0:
                objs[i,15] = np.min([objs[i,0],objs[i,5], objs[i,10]])
                objs[i, (j+15)] = np.max([objs[i,j],objs[i,j+5], objs[i,j+10]])
    return objs

For each rdm, identify if the perturbed solution version x satisfies the satisficing criteria
def satisficing(df_objs):
    for i in range(4):
        df_objs['satisficing_C'] = (df_objs['REL_C'] >= 0.98).astype(int) *\
                                    (df_objs['WCC_C'] <= 0.10).astype(int) *\
                                    (df_objs['RF_C'] <= 0.10).astype(int)

        df_objs['satisficing_D'] = (df_objs['REL_D'] >= 0.98).astype(int) *\
                                    (df_objs['WCC_D'] <= 0.10).astype(int) *\
                                    (df_objs['RF_D'] <= 0.10).astype(int)

        df_objs['satisficing_R'] = (df_objs['REL_R'] >= 0.98).astype(int) *\
                                    (df_objs['WCC_R'] <= 0.10).astype(int) *\
                                    (df_objs['RF_R'] <= 0.10).astype(int)

    df_objs['satisficing_reg'] = np.max(df_objs.iloc[:, 20:23])
    return df_objs

def calc_robustness(objs_by_rdm_dir, N_RDMS, N_SOLNS):

    # matrix structure: (N_SOLNS, N_OBJS, N_RDMS)
    objs_matrix = np.zeros((N_SOLNS,20,N_RDMS), dtype='float')

    satisficing_matrix = np.zeros((N_SOLNS,4,N_RDMS), dtype='float')
    solution_robustness = np.zeros((N_SOLNS,4), dtype='float')

    for i in range(N_RDMS):
        # get one perturbed instance's behavior over all RDMs
        filepathname = objs_by_rdm_dir + str(i) + '_sols0_to_' + str(N_SOLNS) + '.csv'

        objs_file = np.loadtxt(filepathname, delimiter=",")

        objs_matrix[:,:15,i] = objs_file

        objs_file_wRegional = minimax(N_SOLNS, objs_matrix[:,:,i])

        objs_matrix[:,:,i] = objs_file_wRegional

        # NaN check
        array_has_nan = np.isnan(np.mean(objs_matrix[:,3,i]))
        if(array_has_nan == True):
            print('NaN found at RDM ', str(i))

    # for the perturbed instances
    for r in range(N_RDMS):

        df_curr_rdm = pd.DataFrame(objs_matrix[:, :, r], columns = obj_names)

        df_curr_rdm = satisficing(df_curr_rdm)
        satisficing_matrix[:N_SOLNS,:,r] = df_curr_rdm.iloc[:,20:24]

    for n in range(N_SOLNS):
        solution_robustness[n,0] = np.sum(satisficing_matrix[n,0,:])/N_RDMS
        solution_robustness[n,1] = np.sum(satisficing_matrix[n,1,:])/N_RDMS
        solution_robustness[n,2] = np.sum(satisficing_matrix[n,2,:])/N_RDMS

    solution_robustness[:,3] = np.min(solution_robustness[:,:3], axis=1)

    return solution_robustness

Change number of solutions available depending on the number of solutions
that you identified and the number of SOWs that you are evaluating them over.
N_RDMS = 100
N_SOLNS = 69

objs_by_rdm_dir = '/scratch/lbl59/blog/WaterPaths/output/Objectives_RDM'

fileoutpath_robustness = '/scratch/lbl59/blog/WaterPaths/post_processing/' + \
    'robustness_' + str(N_RDMS) + '_SOWs.csv'

robustness = calc_robustness(objs_by_rdm_dir, N_RDMS, N_SOLNS)

np.savetxt(fileoutpath_robustness, robustness, delimiter=",")

When you run this script from the terminal, you should have a .csv file called ‘robustness_100_SOWs.csv‘ appear in your post_processing/ folder. Now, let’s get onto some sensitivity analysis!

Delta moment-independent sensitivity analysis

The Delta moment-independent (DMI) method (Borgonovo, 2007) is sensitivity analysis method that compares the entire probability distribution of both input and output parameters to estimate the sensitivity of the output to a specific input parameter. It is one of many global sensitivity analysis methods, which in itself is one of two main categories of sensitivity analysis that enables the assessment of the degree to which uncertainty in model inputs map to the degree of uncertainty in model output. For purposes of this test case, the DMI is preferable as it does not rely on any one statistical moment (variance, mean and skew) to describe the dependence of model output to its input parameters. It is also time-sensitive, reflecting the current state of knowledge within the system, which philosophically pairs well with our use of the ROF triggers. More information on alternative global sensitivity methods can be found here.

Within the context of our test case, we will be using the DMI method to identify uncertainties in our decision variables that most strongly influence our performance over the 100 DU SOWs. To perform DMI sensitivity analysis, first navigate to the post_processing/ folder. Within the folder, create two sub-folders called delta_output_DV/ and delta_output_DUF/. This is where all your DMI output will be stored. Next, locate the file within the post_processing_code/ folder. The code should look similar to the script provided below:

import sys
from SALib.analyze import delta
from SALib.util import read_param_file
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Finds the upper and lower bounds of input parameters
def find_bounds(input_file):
    bounds = np.zeros((input_file.shape[1],2), dtype=float)
    for i in range(input_file.shape[1]):
        bounds[i,0] = min(input_file[:,i])
        bounds[i,1] = max(input_file[:,i])

    return bounds
Performs delta moment-independent sensitivity analysis
def delta_sensitivity(dec_vars, measured_outcomes, names, mo_names, bounds, rdm, mode):
    X = dec_vars
    Y = measured_outcomes

    problem = {
        'num_vars': int(dec_vars.shape[1]),
        'names': names,
        'bounds': bounds

    for i in range(measured_outcomes.shape[1]):
        mo_label = mo_names[i]
        if i == 2 and mode == 'objs':
          filename = '../post_processing/delta_output_' + rdm + '/S1_' + mo_label + '.csv'
          S1 = delta.analyze(problem, X, Y[mo_label].values, num_resamples=10, conf_level=0.95, print_to_console=False)
        numpy_S1 = np.array(S1["S1"])
        fileout = pd.DataFrame([names, numpy_S1], index = None, columns = None)
        fileout.to_csv(filename, sep=",")

0 - Name all file headers and compSol to be analyzed
obj_names = ['REL_C', 'RF_C', 'INF_NPC_C', 'PFC_C', 'WCC_C', \
        'REL_D', 'RF_D', 'INF_NPC_D', 'PFC_D', 'WCC_D', \
        'REL_R', 'RF_R', 'INF_NPC_R', 'PFC_R', 'WCC_R', \
        'REL_reg', 'RF_reg', 'INF_NPC_reg', 'PFC_reg', 'WCC_reg']

dv_names = ['RT_C', 'RT_D', 'RT_R', 'TT_D', 'TT_R', 'LMA_C', 'LMA_D', 'LMA_R',\
            'RC_C', 'RC_D', 'RC_R', 'IT_C', 'IT_D', 'IT_R', 'IP_C', 'IP_D', \
            'IP_R', 'INF_C', 'INF_D', 'INF_R']

rdm_headers_dmp = ['Cary restr. eff', 'Durham restr. eff', 'Raleigh restr. eff']
rdm_headers_utilities = ['Demand growth\nmultiplier', 'Bond term\nmultiplier', \
                        'Bond interest\nrate multiplier', 'Infrastructure interest\nrate multiplier']
rdm_headers_ws = ['Streamflow amp', 'SCR PT', 'SCR CT', 'NRR PT', 'NRR CT', 'CR Low PT', 'CR Low CT',\
                  'CR High PT', 'CR High CT', 'WR1 PT', 'WR1 CT', 'WR2 PT', 'WR2 CT',\
                  'DR PT', 'DR CT', 'FR PT', 'FR CT']

duf_names = ['Cary restr. eff', 'Durham restr. eff', 'Raleigh restr. eff', 'Demand growth\nmultiplier',\
             'Bond term\nmultiplier', 'Bond interest\nrate multiplier', 'Infrastructure interest\nrate multiplier',\
             'Streamflow amp\nmultiplier', 'SCR PT\nmultiplier', 'SCR CT\nmultiplier', 'NRR PT\nmultiplier',\
             'NRR CT\nmultiplier', 'CR Low PT\nmultiplier', 'CR Low CT\nmultiplier', 'CR High PT\nmultiplier',\
             'CR High CT\nmultiplier', 'WR1 PT\nmultiplier', 'WR1 CT\nmultiplier', 'WR2 PT\nmultiplier',\
             'WR2 CT\nmultiplier', 'DR PT\nmultiplier', 'DR CT\nmultiplier', 'FR PT\nmultiplier', 'FR CT\nmultiplier',\
             'DR PT\nmultiplier', 'DR CT\nmultiplier', 'FR PT\nmultiplier', 'FR CT\nmultiplier']

utilities = ['Cary', 'Durham', 'Raleigh', 'Regional']

N_RDMS = 100
N_SOLNS = 69

1 - Load DU factor files and DV files
# change to your own filepath
rdm_factors_directory = '/yourFilePath/WaterPaths/TestFiles/'
rdm_dmp_filename = rdm_factors_directory + 'rdm_dmp_test_problem_reeval.csv'
rdm_utilities_filename = rdm_factors_directory + 'rdm_utilities_test_problem_reeval.csv'
rdm_watersources_filename = rdm_factors_directory + 'rdm_water_sources_test_problem_reeval.csv'

rdm_dmp = pd.read_csv(rdm_dmp_filename, sep=",", names=rdm_headers_dmp)
rdm_utilities = pd.read_csv(rdm_utilities_filename, sep=",", names=rdm_headers_utilities)
rdm_ws_all = np.loadtxt(rdm_watersources_filename, delimiter=",")
rdm_ws = pd.DataFrame(rdm_ws_all[:,:17], columns=rdm_headers_ws)

dufs = pd.concat([rdm_dmp, rdm_utilities, rdm_ws], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
duf_numpy = dufs.to_numpy()

# change to your own filepath
dv_directory = '/yourFilePath/WaterPaths/'
dv_filename = dv_directory + 'NC_dvs_all_noheader.csv'
dvs = np.loadtxt(dv_filename, delimiter=",")

2 - Get bounds for DU factors and DVs
duf_bounds = find_bounds(duf_numpy)
dv_bounds = find_bounds(dvs)

3 - Load robustness file and objectives file
# change to your own filepath
main_dir = '/yourFilePath/WaterPaths/post_processing/'

robustness_filename = main_dir + 'robustness_100_SOWs.csv'
robustness_arr = np.loadtxt(robustness_filename, delimiter=",")
robustness_df = pd.DataFrame(robustness_arr, columns=utilities)

objs_mean_rdm_filename = main_dir + 'meanObjs_acrossRDM.csv'
objs_mean_rdm_arr = np.loadtxt(objs_mean_rdm_filename, delimiter=",")
objs_mean_rdm_df = pd.DataFrame(objs_mean_rdm_arr, columns=obj_names)

objs_mean_soln_filename = main_dir + 'meanObjs_acrossSoln.csv'
objs_mean_soln_arr = np.loadtxt(objs_mean_soln_filename, delimiter=",")
objs_mean_soln_df = pd.DataFrame(objs_mean_soln_arr, columns=obj_names)

# to change  depending on whether DV or DUF is being analyzed
dec_vars = dvs
measured_outcomes = objs_mean_rdm_df
names = dv_names
mo_names = obj_names
bounds = dv_bounds
rdm = 'DV'
mode = 'objs'

delta_sensitivity(dec_vars, measured_outcomes, names, mo_names, bounds, rdm, mode)

The code above identifies the sensitivity of the average values of all sixty-nine performance objective sets over all 100 deeply-uncertain SOWs to the decision variables. This is why we use the meanObjs_acrossRDM.csv file – this file contains sixty-nine mean values of the performance objectives, where each set of performance objectives inversely maps to their corresponding portfolio of actions.

To identify the sensitivity of performance objectives to the DU factors, change lines 121 to 127 to the following:

# to change  depending on whether DV or DUF is being analyzed
dec_vars = duf_numpy[:100,:]
measured_outcomes = objs_mean_soln_df
names = duf_names
mo_names = obj_names
bounds = duf_bounds[:100,:]
rdm = 'DUF'
mode = 'objs'

The code above identifies the sensitivity of the average values of all twenty performance objectives over each of the sixty-nine different portfolios to the set of deeply uncertain hydroclimatic and demand scenarios. This is why we use the meanObjs_acrossSoln.csv file – this file contains one hundred mean values of the performance objectives, where each set of performance objectives inversely maps to their corresponding DU SOW.

Great job so far! Now let’s visualize the sensitivity of our output to our input parameters using heatmaps. Before being able to visualize each utility’s performance sensitivity, we must first organize the sensitivity indices of the decision variables into a file containing the indices over all objectives for each utility. The script does this. Simply change the value of mode on line 11 to ‘DUF‘ to gather the indices for the DU factors.

Created on Tue April 26 2022 16:12

@author: Lillian Bei Jia Lau

Gathers the delta sensitivity indices into files per utility
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

mode = 'DV'
main_dir = '/yourFilePath/WaterPaths/post_processing/delta_output_' + mode + '/'
utilities = ['_C', '_D', '_R', '_reg']
objs = ['REL', 'RF', 'INF_NPC', 'PFC', 'WCC']
utilities_full = ['Cary', 'Durham', 'Raleigh', 'Regional']

dv_names = ['RT_C', 'RT_D', 'RT_R', 'TT_D', 'TT_R', 'LMA_C', 'LMA_D', 'LMA_R',\
            'RC_C', 'RC_D', 'RC_R', 'IT_C', 'IT_D', 'IT_R', 'IP_C', 'IP_D', \
            'IP_R', 'INF_C', 'INF_D', 'INF_R']

duf_names = ['Cary restr. eff', 'Durham restr. eff', 'Raleigh restr. eff', 'Demand growth\nmultiplier',\
             'Bond term\nmultiplier', 'Bond interest\nrate multiplier', 'Infrastructure interest\nrate multiplier',\
             'Streamflow amp\nmultiplier', 'SCR PT\nmultiplier', 'SCR CT\nmultiplier', 'NRR PT\nmultiplier',\
             'NRR CT\nmultiplier', 'CR Low PT\nmultiplier', 'CR Low CT\nmultiplier', 'CR High PT\nmultiplier',\
             'CR High CT\nmultiplier', 'WR1 PT\nmultiplier', 'WR1 CT\nmultiplier', 'WR2 PT\nmultiplier',\
             'WR2 CT\nmultiplier', 'DR PT\nmultiplier', 'DR CT\nmultiplier', 'FR PT\nmultiplier', 'FR CT\nmultiplier',\
             'DR PT\nmultiplier', 'DR CT\nmultiplier', 'FR PT\nmultiplier', 'FR CT\nmultiplier']

s1_dv_cary = np.zeros((len(objs), len(dv_names)), dtype=float)
s1_dv_durham = np.zeros((len(objs), len(dv_names)), dtype=float)
s1_dv_raleigh = np.zeros((len(objs), len(dv_names)), dtype=float)
s1_dv_regional = np.zeros((len(objs), len(dv_names)), dtype=float)

s1_dv_dict = {
    '_C': s1_dv_cary,
    '_D': s1_dv_durham,
    '_R': s1_dv_raleigh,
    '_reg': s1_dv_regional

s1_duf_cary = np.zeros((len(objs), len(duf_names)), dtype=float)
s1_duf_durham = np.zeros((len(objs), len(duf_names)), dtype=float)
s1_duf_raleigh = np.zeros((len(objs), len(duf_names)), dtype=float)
s1_duf_regional = np.zeros((len(objs), len(duf_names)), dtype=float)

s1_duf_dict = {
    '_C': s1_duf_cary,
    '_D': s1_duf_durham,
    '_R': s1_duf_raleigh,
    '_reg': s1_duf_regional

for i in range(len(utilities)):
    s1_util = []
    hdrs = []
    if mode == 'DV':
        s1_util = s1_dv_dict[utilities[i]]
        hdrs = dv_names
    elif mode == 'DUF':
        s1_util = s1_duf_dict[utilities[i]]
        hdrs = duf_names

    for j in range(len(objs)):
        curr_file = main_dir + 'S1_' + objs[j] + utilities[i] + '.csv'
        s1_util[j, :] = pd.read_csv(curr_file, sep=',', skiprows=2, header=None).iloc[0,1:]

    s1_util_df = pd.DataFrame(s1_util, columns=hdrs)
    out_filepath = main_dir + utilities_full[i] + '.csv'

    s1_util_df.to_csv(out_filepath, sep=',', index=False)

Now, let’s plot our heatmaps! The code to do so can be found in, and should look similar to the code provided below:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid


# change depending on compromise solution and whether its sensitivity to DUF or DVs
mode = 'DUF'
rot = 90    # if DV use 0; if DUF use 45
main_dir = '/YourFilePath/WaterPaths/post_processing/delta_output_' + mode + '/'
c_filepath = main_dir + 'Cary.csv'
d_filepath = main_dir + 'Durham.csv'
r_filepath = main_dir + 'Raleigh.csv'
reg_filepath = main_dir + 'Regional.csv'

cary = pd.read_csv(c_filepath, index_col=False, header=0)
durham = pd.read_csv(d_filepath, index_col=False, header=0)
raleigh = pd.read_csv(r_filepath, index_col=False, header=0)
regional = pd.read_csv(reg_filepath, index_col=False, header=0)

savefig_dir = '/YourFilePath/WaterPaths/post_processing/'
savefig_name = savefig_dir + 'dmi_heatmap_' + mode + '.svg'

grid_kws = {"height_ratios": (0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, .02), "hspace": 0.5}
f, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, cbar_ax) = plt.subplots(5, figsize=(15, 20), gridspec_kw=grid_kws)
plt.subplots_adjust(top = 0.95, bottom = 0.05,
            hspace = 0, wspace = 0.05)

y_objs=['REL', 'RF', 'INPC', 'PFC', 'WCC']

x_dvs=['$RT_{C}$', '$RT_{D}$', '$RT_{R}$', '$TT_{D}$', '$TT_{R}$', '$LM_{C}$', '$LM_{D}$', '$LM_{R}$',\
                '$RC_{C}$', '$RC_{D}$', '$RC_{R}$', '$IT_{C}$', '$IT_{D}$', '$IT_{R}$', '$IP_{C}$', \
                '$IP_{D}$', '$IP_{R}$','$INF_{C}$', '$INF_{D}$', '$INF_{R}$']
x_dufs = ['Cary\nrestr. eff', 'Durham\nrestr. eff', 'Raleigh\nrestr. eff', 'Dem. growth\nmultiplier',\
             'Bond term\nmultiplier', 'Bond interest\nrate multiplier', 'Infra. interest\nrate multiplier',\
             'Streamflow amp\nmultiplier', 'SCR PT\nmultiplier', 'SCR CT\nmultiplier', 'NRR PT\nmultiplier',\
             'NRR CT\nmultiplier', 'CR Low PT\nmultiplier', 'CR Low CT\nmultiplier', 'CR High PT\nmultiplier',\
             'CR High CT\nmultiplier', 'WR1 PT\nmultiplier', 'WR1 CT\nmultiplier', 'WR2 PT\nmultiplier',\
             'WR2 CT\nmultiplier', 'DR PT\nmultiplier', 'DR CT\nmultiplier', 'FR PT\nmultiplier', 'FR CT\nmultiplier',\
             'DR PT\nmultiplier', 'DR CT\nmultiplier', 'FR PT\nmultiplier', 'FR CT\nmultiplier']

x_labs = []
if mode == 'DV':
    x_labs = x_dvs
elif mode == 'DUF':
    x_labs = x_dufs

plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=1)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=3)
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=5)
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=14)

#ax1 = fig.add_subplot(411)
sns.heatmap(cary, linewidths=.05, cmap="YlOrBr", xticklabels=[],
    yticklabels=y_objs, ax=ax1, cbar=False)
ax1.set_yticklabels(y_objs, rotation=0)

#ax2 = fig.add_subplot(412)
sns.heatmap(durham, linewidths=.05, cmap="YlOrBr", xticklabels=[],
    yticklabels=y_objs, ax=ax2, cbar=False)
ax2.set_yticklabels(y_objs, rotation=0)

#ax3 = fig.add_subplot(413)
sns.heatmap(raleigh, linewidths=.05, cmap="YlOrBr", xticklabels=[],
    yticklabels=y_objs, ax=ax3, cbar=False)
ax3.set_yticklabels(y_objs, rotation=0)

#ax4 = fig.add_subplot(414, fontsize=10)
ax4 = sns.heatmap(regional, linewidths=.05, cmap="YlOrBr", xticklabels=x_labs,
    yticklabels=y_objs, ax=ax4, cbar=True, cbar_ax=cbar_ax,
    cbar_kws={'orientation': 'horizontal'})     # change depending on whether analyzing DUF or DV
ax4.set_xticklabels(x_labs, rotation=rot, fontsize=10)
ax4.set_yticklabels(y_objs, rotation=0)


Running this for the sensitivity to decision variables and DU factors will generate the following images:

Sensitivity of performance objectives to decision variables.

In the figure above, the color of each box represents the sensitivity of a performance objective (y-axis) to a specific decision variable (x-axis). It is interesting to note that the restriction triggers (RT) of all utilities strongly influence each of their individual and regional reliability and restriction frequency. This indicates the potential for regional conflict, as possible errors is operating one utility’s restriction trigger may adversely affect other utilities’ reliabilities and ability to maintain full control over their own use of water-use restrictions. Furthermore, Raleigh’s performance is sensitive to more decision variables than its remaining two counterparts, with it’s worst-case cost (WCC) being affected most by Cary’s infrastructure investments. This observation highlights the importance of careful cooperation between a region’s member utilities to ensure that all partners play their part in maintaining both their own and their counterparts’ performance.

Sensitivity of performance objectives to DU factors.

In this next figure, we observe that uncertainty in demand growth is the only DU factor that significantly drives changes in individual and regional performance. This finding can thus help utilities to focus on demand management programs, or formulate operations and management policies that enable them to more quickly adapt to changes in consumer and industrial demand growth.

Overall, in this post, we have performed a simple sensitivity analysis to identify uncertainties in the decision variables and DU factors that control regional and individual performance. All the code for processing the output data can be found in this GitHub repository here. In the next post, we will end the MORDM blogpost series by performing scenario discovery to map regions of success and failure as defined by our robustness metrics.


Borgonovo, E. (2007). A new uncertainty importance measure. Reliability Engineering &Amp; System Safety, 92(6), 771-784. doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2006.04.015

Herman, J. D., Reed, P. M., Zeff, H. B., & Characklis, G. W. (2015). How should robustness be defined for water systems planning under change? Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(10), 04015012. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000509

Reed, P.M., Hadjimichael, A., Malek, K., Karimi, T., Vernon, C.R., Srikrishnan, V., Gupta, R.S., Gold, D.F., Lee, B., Keller, K., Thurber, T.B, & Rice, J.S. (2022). Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research [Book]. Zenodo.

A step-by-step tutorial for scenario discovery with gradient boosted trees

Our recently published eBook, Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research, provides several interactive tutorials for hands on training in model diagnostics and uncertainty characterization. The purpose of this post is to expand upon these trainings by providing a tutorial demonstrating gradient boosted trees for scenario discovery. I’ll first provide some brief background on scenario discovery and gradient boosted trees, then demonstrate a Python implementation on a water supply planning problem. All code here is written in Python, but the workflow is model agnostic, and can be paired with simulation models in any language. I’ve included my code within the text below, but all code and data for this post can also be found in this git repository.

Scenario discovery gradient boosted trees

In water resources planning and management, decision makers are often faced with uncertainty about how their system will change in the future. Traditionally, planners have confronted this uncertainty by developing prespecified narrative scenarios, which reduce the multitude of possible future conditions into a small subset of important future states of the world (a prominent example is the ‘scenario matrix framework’ used to evaluate climate change (O’Neill et al., 2014)). While this approach provides intuitive appeal, it may increase system vulnerability if future conditions do not evolve as decision makers expect (for a detailed critique of scenario based planning see Reed et al., 2022). This vulnerability is especially apparent for systems facing deep uncertainty, where decision makers do not know or cannot agree upon the probability density functions of key system inputs (Kwakkel et al., 2016).

Scenario discovery (Groves and Lempert, 2007) is an exploratory modeling centered approach that seeks to discover consequential future scenarios using computational experiments rather than relying on prespecified information. To perform scenario discovery, decision makers first identify a set of relevant uncertainties and their plausible ranges. Next, an ensemble of these uncertainties is developed by sampling across parameter ranges. Candidate policies are then evaluated across this ensemble and machine learning or data mining algorithms are used to examine which combinations of uncertainties generate vulnerability in the system. These combinations can then be used to develop narrative scenarios to inform implementation and monitoring efforts or new policy development.

A core element of the scenario discovery process is the algorithm used to classify future states of the world. Popular algorithms include the PRIM, CART and logistic regression. Recently, gradient boosted trees have been applied as an alternative classificiation algorithm. Gradient boosted trees have advantages over other scenario discovery algorithms because they can easily capture nonlinear and non-differentiable boundaries in the uncertainty space (which are particularly prevalent in water supply planning problems that have discrete capacity expansion options), are highly resistant to overfitting and provide a clear means of ranking the importance of uncertain factors (Trindade et al., 2020). For a comprehensive overview of gradient boosted trees, see Bernardo’s post here.

Test case: the Sedento Valley

To demonstrate gradient boosted trees for scenario discovery we’ll use the Sedento Valley water supply planning test case (Trindade et al., 2020). In the Sedento Valley, three water utilities seek to discover cooperative water supply managment and infrastructure investment portfolios to meet several conflicting objectives in a system facing deep uncertainty. In this post, we’ll investigate how these deep uncertainties (which include demand growth, the efficacy of water use restrictions, financial variables and parameters governing infrastructure permitting and construction time) impact a utility’s ability to maintain three performance criteria: keeping reliability > 98%, restriction frequency < 20% and worst case cost less than 10% of annual revenue. For simplicity, we’ll focus on one regional water utility named Watertown.

Step 1: create a sample of deeply uncertain states of the world

To start the scenario discovery process, we generate an ensemble of deep uncertainties that represent future states of the world (SOWs). Here, we’ll use Latin Hypercube Sampling with an implementation I found in the Surrogate Modeling Toolbox.

import numpy as np
from smt.sampling_methods import LHS

This script will generate 1000 Latin Hypercube Samples (LHS)
of deeply uncertain system parameters for the Sedento Valley

# create an array storing the ranges of deeply uncertain parameters
DU_factor_limits = np.array([
    [0.9, 1.1], # Watertown restriction efficacy 
    [0.9, 1.1], # Dryville restriction efficacy
    [0.9, 1.1], # Fallsland restriction efficacy
    [0.5, 2.0], # Demand growth rate multiplier
    [1.0, 1.2], # Bond term
    [0.6, 1.0], # Bond interest rate
    [0.6, 1.4], # Discount rate
    [0.75, 1.5], # New River Reservoir permitting time
    [1.0, 1.2], # New River Reservoir construction time
    [0.75, 1.5], # College Rock Reservoir (low) permitting time
    [1.0, 1.2], # College Rock Reservoir (low) construction time
    [0.75, 1.5], # College Rock Reservoir (high) permitting time
    [1.0, 1.2], # College Rock Reseroir (high) construction time
    [0.75, 1.5], # Water Reuse permitting time
    [1.0, 1.2], # Water Reuse construction time
    [0.8, 1.2], # Inflow amplitude
    [0.2, 0.5], # Inflow frequency
    [-1.57, 1.57]]) # Inflow phase

# Use the smt package to set up the LHS sampling
sampling = LHS(xlimits=DU_factor_limits)

# We will create 1000 samples
num = 1000

# Create the actual sample
x = sampling(num)

# save to a csv file
np.savetxt('DU_factors.csv', x, delimiter=',')

Step 2: Evaluate performance across SOWs

Next, we’ll evaluate the performance of our policy across the LHS sample of DU factors. For the Sedento Valley test case, we use WaterPaths, an open-source simulation system for integrated water supply portfolio management and infrastructure investment planning (for more see Trindade et al., 2020). This step is not included in the git repository as it requires high-performance computing for this system, but results can be found in the “Model_output.csv” file. For simulation details, see Gold et al., 2022.

Step 3: Convert model output into a boolean array for classification

To perform classification, we need to convert the results of our simulations to a binary array classifying each SOW as a “success” or “failure” based on whether the policy met the performance criteria under the SOW. First, we define a small function to determine if an SOW meets a set of criteria, then we apply this function to our results. We also load the DU factor LHS sample.

# First, define a function to check whether performance criteria are met
def check_criteria(objectives, crit_objs, crit_vals):
    Determines if an objective meets a given set of criteria for a set of SOWs

        objectives: np array of all objectives across a set of SOWs
        crit_objs: the column index of the objective in question
        crit_vals: an array containing [min, max] of the values 
        meets_criteria: an numpy array containing the SOWs that meet both min and max criteria

    # check max and min criteria for each objective
    meet_low = objectives[:, crit_objs] >= crit_vals[0]
    meet_high = objectives[:, crit_objs] <= crit_vals[1]

    # check if max and min criteria are met at the same time
    meets_criteria = np.hstack((meet_low, meet_high)).all(axis=1)

    return meets_criteria

##### Load data and pre-process #####

# load objectives and create input array of boolean values for SD input
Reeval_objectives = np.loadtxt('Model_output.csv', skiprows=1, delimiter=',')
REL = check_criteria(Reeval_objectives, [0], [.979, 1])
RF = check_criteria(Reeval_objectives, [1], [0, 0.10])
WCC = check_criteria(Reeval_objectives, [2], [0, 0.10])
SD_input = np.vstack((REL, RF, WCC)).SD_input(axis=0)

# load DU factors
DU_factors = np.loadtxt('DU_factors.csv', skiprows=1, delimiter=',')
DU_names = ['Watertown Rest. Eff.', 'Dryville Rest. Eff.', 'FSD_inputsland Rest. Eff.',
            'Demand Growth Rate', 'Bond Term', 'Bond Interest',
            'Discount Rate', 'NRR Perm', 'NRR Const', 'CRR L Perm',
            'CRR L Const.',	'CRR H Perm.', 'CRR H Const.', 'WR1 Perm.',
             'WR1 Const.', 'Inflows A', 'Inflows m','Inflows p']

Step 4: Fit a boosted trees classifier

After we’ve formatted the data, we’re ready to perform boosted trees classification. There are several packages for boosted trees in Python, here we’ll use the implementation from scikit-learn. We’ll use an ensemble of 200 trees with depth 3 and a learning rate of 0.1. These parameters need to be tuned for the individual problem, I found this nice post that goes into detail on parameter tuning.

##### Boosted Tree Classification #####

from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

# create a gradient boosted classifier object
gbc = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=200,

# fit the classifier, SD_input)

Step 5: Examine which DU factors have the most impact on performance criteria

Now we’re ready to examine the results of our classification. First, we’ll examine how important each DU factor is to the classification results generated by boosted trees. To rank the imporance of each DU factor, we examine the percentage decrease in impurity of the ensemble of trees that is associated with each factor. In plain english, this is a measure of how helpful each DU factor is to correctly classifying SOWs. This infromation is generated during the fit of the classifier above and is easily accessible as an attribute of our scikit-learn classifier.

For our example, one deep uncertainty, demand growth rate, clearly stands out as the most influential, as shown in the figure below. A second, the restriction efficacy for Watertown (the utility we’re focusing on), also stands out as a higher level of importance. All other DU factors have little impact on the classification in this case.

##### Factor Ranking #####

# Extract the feature importances
feature_importances = deepcopy(gbc.feature_importances_)

# rank the feature importances and plot
importances_sorted_idx = np.argsort(feature_importances)
sorted_names = [DU_names[i] for i in importances_sorted_idx]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
ax = fig.gca()
ax.barh(np.arange(len(feature_importances)), feature_importances[importances_sorted_idx])
ax.set_xlabel('Feature Importance')

Step 6: Create factor maps

Finally, we visualize the results of our classification through factor mapping. In the plot below, we show the uncertainty space projected onto the two most influential factors, demand growth rate and restriciton efficacy. Each point represents a sampled SOW, red points represent SOWs that resulted in failure, while white points represent SOWs that resulted in success. The color in the background shows the predicted regions of success and failure from the boosted trees classification.

Here we observe that high levels of demand growth are the primary source of vulnerability for the water utility. When restriction efficacy is lower than our estimate (multiplier < 1), the utility faces failures at demand growth levels of about 1.7 times the estimated values. When restriction effectiveness is at or above estimates, the acceptable scaling of demand growth raises to about 1.8.

Taken as a whole, these results provide valueable insights for decision makers. From our original 18 deep uncertainties, we have discovered that two are critical for the success of our water supply management policy. Further, we have defined thresholds within the uncertainty space that define scenarios that lead to failure. We can use this information to inform monitoring efforts for the water supply policy, or to inform a new problem formulation that tailors actions to mitigate these vulnerabilities.

##### Factor Mapping #####

# Select the top two factors discovered above
selected_factors = DU_factors[:, [3,0]]

# Fit a classifier using only these two factors
gbc_2_factors = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=200,
                                 max_depth=3), SD_input)

# plot prediction contours
x_data = selected_factors[:,0]
y_data = selected_factors[:,1]

x_min, x_max = (x_data.min(), x_data.max())
y_min, y_max = (y_data.min(), y_data.max())

# create a grid to makes predictions on
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max * 1.001, (x_max - x_min) / 100),
                        np.arange(y_min, y_max * 1.001, (y_max - y_min) / 100))
dummy_points = list(zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()))

z = gbc_2_factors.predict_proba(dummy_points)[:, 1]
z[z < 0] = 0.
z = z.reshape(xx.shape)

# plot the factor map        
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.gca()
ax.contourf(xx, yy, z, [0, 0.5, 1.], cmap='RdBu',
                alpha=.6, vmin=0.0, vmax=1)
ax.scatter(selected_factors[:,0], selected_factors[:,1],\
            c=SD_input, cmap='Reds_r', edgecolor='grey', 
            alpha=.6, s= 100, linewidth=.5)
ax.set_xlim([.5, 2])
ax.set_xlabel('Demand Growth Multiplier')
ax.set_ylabel('Restriction Eff. Multiplier')


Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., Gorelick, D. E., & Characklis, G. W. (2022). Power and Pathways: Exploring Robustness, Cooperative Stability, and Power Relationships in Regional Infrastructure Investment and Water Supply Management Portfolio Pathways. Earth’s Future, 10(2), e2021EF002472.

Groves, D. G., & Lempert, R. J. (2007). A new analytic method for finding policy-relevant scenarios. Global Environmental Change, 17(1), 73-85.

Kwakkel, J. H., Walker, W. E., & Haasnoot, M. (2016). Coping with the wickedness of public policy problems: approaches for decision making under deep uncertainty. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(3), 01816001.

O’Neill, B. C., Kriegler, E., Riahi, K., Ebi, K. L., Hallegatte, S., Carter, T. R., … & van Vuuren, D. P. (2014). A new scenario framework for climate change research: the concept of shared socioeconomic pathways. Climatic change, 122(3), 387-400.

Reed, P.M., Hadjimichael, A., Malek, K., Karimi, T., Vernon, C.R., Srikrishnan, V., Gupta, R.S., Gold, D.F., Lee, B., Keller, K., Thurber, T.B., & Rice, J.S. (2022). Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research [Book]. Zenodo.

Trindade, B. C., Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., Zeff, H. B., & Characklis, G. W. (2020). Water pathways: An open source stochastic simulation system for integrated water supply portfolio management and infrastructure investment planning. Environmental Modelling & Software, 132, 104772.

Checkpointing and restoring runs with the Borg MOEA


Simulation-optimization is an increasingly popular tool in many engineering fields. As the name implies, simulation-optimization requires two major components: a simulation model of the system we want to optimize (e.g., a water supply system) and an algorithm for iteratively tuning the decision levers within the system to optimize the simulated performance. For example, Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs), such as the Borg MOEA, have been successfully employed across a variety of challenging stochastic multi-objective simulation-optimization problems in water resources and other fields. However, simulation-optimization can require millions of iterative simulation trials in order to adequately explore the decision and uncertainty spaces, especially under multi-objective framings. Given the ever-increasing size and complexity of simulation models, this can become a significant computational challenge.

Running the MOEA in parallel on high-performance computing clusters can greatly alleviate this challenge, but not eliminate it. For example, in my last blog post on hybrid parallelization of the Borg MOEA, I gave the example of optimizing infrastructure investments using a simulation model that takes 10 minutes to run a 30-year realization. Let’s assume we run 48 Monte Carlo realizations per function evaluation (FE) to account for natural hydrologic variability. Even using the maximum job size of 128 nodes on the Stampede2 supercomputer, with 48 CPU each, we will only be about to complete ~20,000 FEs per 24 hours of wall clock. To complete 100,000 FE, a relatively low target compared to other similarly-complex studies, the MOEA will need to run for ~5 days. This raises a major problem: many computing clusters have strict wall clock limits. On Stampede2, for example, each submission can run for a maximum of 48 hours. As a result, we would be limited to ~40,000 FE for a single Stampede2 run, which may be insufficient based on the difficulty of the problem.

Fortunately, the Borg MOEA’s “checkpointing” and “restoring” functionalities allow us to circumvent this issue. Checkpointing is the process of saving “snapshots” of the MOEA’s internal state at regular intervals, and restoring is the act of reading a snapshot into memory at the beginning of a run and continuing the optimization from that starting point. This allows us to effectively split a 5-day optimization into three sequential submissions, in order to comply with a 2-day wall clock limit. This functionality can also be helpful for iteratively assessing convergence, since we don’t necessarily know a priori how many FE will need to be run.

In this blog post, I will demonstrate the use of checkpointing and restoring with the Borg MOEA using a less computationally-demanding example: the Python-based DPS Lake Problem. However, the methods and results described here should be applicable to much larger experiments such as the one described above. See my last blog post and references therein for more details on the Python implementation of the DPS Lake Problem.


For this post, I ran the following short proof of concept: first I ran five random seeds of the Borg MOEA for 5 minutes each. Each seed was assigned 2 nodes (16 CPU each) on the Cube cluster at Cornell. Each seed completed approximately 6100 FE in this first round. Next, I ran a second round in which each seed began from the 6100-FE checkpoint and ran for another 5 minutes. All code for this post, along with instructions for downloading the correct branch of the Borg MOEA, can be found in this GitHub repository.

Setting up checkpointing only takes a few extra lines of code in the file “”. First, we need to define the baseline file name used to store the checkpoint files:

newCheckpointFileBase = 'results/checkpoints/seed' + str(seed) 

Within the simulation, checkpoints will be made at regular intervals. The checkpoint file names will automatically have the FE appended; for example, the checkpoint for seed 5 after 6100 FE is written to “results/checkpoints/seed5_nfe6100.checkpoint”. The write frequency for both checkpoints and runtime metrics can be changed based on the “runtimeFrequency” parameter in “”.

We can also provide a previous checkpoint to read in at the beginning of the run:

if maxEvalsPrevious > 0:
    oldCheckpointFile = 'results/checkpoints/seed' + str(seed) + '_nfe' + str(maxEvalsPrevious) + '.checkpoint'

where “maxEvalsPrevious” is the number of FE for the prior checkpoint that we want to read in. This parameter is input in “”. The previous checkpoint file must be placed in the “checkpoints” folder prior to runtime.

We provide both checkpoint file names to the Borg MOEA, along with other important parameters such as the maximum number of evaluations.

result = borg.solveMPI(maxEvaluations=maxEvals, runtime=runtimeFile, frequency=runtimeFreq, newCheckpointFileBase=newCheckpointFileBase, oldCheckpointFile=oldCheckpointFile, evaluationFile=evaluationFile)

The Python wrapper for the Borg MOEA will use this command to initialize and run the MOEA across all available nodes. For more details on the implementation of the experiment, see the GitHub repository above.

The checkpoint file

So what information is saved in the checkpoint file? This file includes all internal state variables needed to initialize a new instance of the Borg MOEA that begins where the previous run left off. As an example, I will highlight select information from “seed5_nfe6100.checkpoint”, the last checkpoint file (at 6100 FE) for seed 5 after the first round.

First, the file lists basic problem formulation information such as the number of objectives, the decision variable bounds, and the epsilon dominance parameters:

Version: 108000
Number of Variables: 6
Number of Objectives: 4
Number of Constraints: 1
Lower Bounds: -2 0 0 -2 0 0
Upper Bounds: 2 2 1 2 2 1
Epsilons: 0.01 0.01 0.0001 0.0001
Number of Operators: 6

Next, it lists current values for several parameters which evolve over the course of the optimization, such as the selection probabilities for the six recombination operators, the number of times the algorithm has triggered a “restart” due to stalled progress, and the number of solutions in the population:

Operator Selection Probabilities: 0.93103448275862066 0.0086206896551724137 0.017241379310344827 0.025862068965517241 0.0086206896551724137 0.0086206896551724137
Number of Evaluations: 6100
Tournament Size: 3
Window Size: 200
Number of Restarts: 0
Population Size: 196
Population Capacity: 196

The file then lists each of the 196 solutions currently stored in the population:

 0.52276605276517329 1.1277550312248441 0.57174902357263913 -0.053873968914707165 1.5491763609435476 0.68045375364276195 -0.2810269062318374 0.18479149938317199 -1 -1 0 0
 0.27892075855585108 0.45130064043648516 0.77550656566943632 0.31799415686665755 1.0881848609123497 0.60273027430733062 -0.25193459430454329 0.16022123986158276 -0.98989898989898994 -1 0 0

Each line in this section represents a different solution; the numbers represent the 6 decision variables, 4 objectives, and 1 constraints for this problem, as well as the index of the operator used to create each solution.

Similarly, the file lists the current archive, which is the subset of 64 solutions from the larger population that are non-dominated:

Archive Size: 64
 0.65953806401594717 1.3878689423124047 0.5978484500419472 0.15387554544946802 1.1931240566680981 0.62731909408989983 -0.32254774259834024 0.21682247784367689 -1 -1 0 0
 0.28214763078942073 0.44992540083980864 0.77495402511037126 0.1548097106329358 1.0881858398758053 0.6850068814635788 -0.2456560390454271 0.15760082516545762 -0.98989898989898994 -1 0 0

The checkpointing file then lists several parameters associated with the most recently used recombination operators:

Number of Improvements: 194
Recency List Size: 50
Recency List Position: 47
Recency List: 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

We see that after 6100 FE, the algorithm is almost exclusively using the operator with index 0; this is consistent with operator 0’s 93% selection probability listed earlier in the file.

Finally, the checkpoint file closes with the current state of the random number generator:

RNG State Length: 624
RNG State: 2103772999 2815404811 3893540187 ...
RNG Index: 200
Next Gaussian: -0.13978937466755278
Have Next Gaussian: 0


So does it work? Figure 1 shows the convergence of the five seeds according to six different measures of quality for the evolving archive. Performance for all seeds is found to be continuous across the two rounds, suggesting that the checkpointing and restoring is working properly. Additionally, Figure 2 demonstrates the continuity of the auto-adaptive selection probabilities for the Borg MOEA’s different recombination operators.

Figure 1: Performance of 5 random seeds across 2 rounds, quantified by six different measures of approximate Pareto set quality.
Figure 2: Adaptive selection probabilities for the Borg MOEA’s six recombination operators.

The checkpointing process thus allows for continuity of learning across rounds: not only learning about which solutions are most successful (i.e., continuity of the population and archive), but also learning about which strategies for generating new candidate solutions are most successful (i.e., continuity of the recombination operator histories and probabilities). This capability allows for seamlessly sequencing separate “blocks” of function evaluations in situations where wall clock limits are limiting, or where the convergence behavior of the problem is not well understood a priori.

Using Python, Sphinx, and reStructuredText to Create a Book (and Introducing our eBook: Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research!)

We are pleased to announce that we have published our free eBook on Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research, a primer on uncertainty characterization methods for research on sustainability, climate, and human-natural systems:

This eBook is the product of years of collaboration across several teams that brings in perspectives from natural sciences, decision making under (deep) uncertainty, software engineering, statistics, and risk analysis. The breakdown of the book is as follows (summarized by Antonia Hadjimichael):

Chapter 1 uses the IM3 project as a living lab to encapsulate the challenges that emerge in bridging disciplines to make consequential model-based insights while acknowledging the tremendous array of uncertainties that shape them.

Chapter 2 helps the reader to better understand the importance of using diagnostic modeling and the diverse disciplinary perspectives that exist on how best to pursue consequential model-based insights.

Chapter 3 is a technical tools-focused primer for readers on the key elements of uncertainty characterization that includes ensemble-based design of experiments, quantitative methods for computing global sensitivities, and a summary of existing software packages.

Chapter 4 narrates for readers how and why the tools from the previous chapter can be applied in a range of tasks from diagnosing model performance to formal exploratory modeling methods for making consequential model-based discoveries.

The supplemental appendices provide a glossary, a brief summary of uncertainty quantification tools, and a suite of Jupyter notebook tutorials that provide hands-on training tied to the contents of Chapters 3 and 4.

A central theme of this eBook is that it is a living document that will be actively maintained through its GitHub repository. If you work on exploratory modeling, sustainability, management of human-natural systems, complex systems or adjacent areas we’d love your feedback on how the document could be improved! You can open an issue here.

Over the next few months, we will be posting more about the process of making a book and extending out some of the Jupyter Notebook coding exercises to get readers more comfortable with adjusting the source code for their own use. 

In this post, Chris Vernon and I will be discussing how you can create a similar style of eBook or documentation using Python and Sphinx. Subsequent posts will contain more information on how the book is hosted and managed in GitHub. Please note that this is a brief overview of some of the aspects of the eBook, but for full details, the source code is available here. You can find the sourcefiles for this tutorial in this repo and download the index.html file to click through the HTML page interactively.

Introduction to Sphinx

Sphinx is a tool written in Python that can facilitate the creation of a variety of documentation. Sphinx will translate a set of reStructuredText (reST) files that are linked in a hierarchy defined in an index file. First download and install Sphinx as follows (Note: the following pip commands assume that your version of pip is pointing to the instance of Python you want to use):

$pip install -U sphinx

To quickly set up a directory, execute the following from your terminal or command line while in your desired parent directory:


This will create a build and source directory along with a makefile (a Windows Batch File: make.bat), and within the source directory, you will find an index.rst file and a file called The index.rst file is termed the root documentation and houses the table of contents which organizes the structure of the document.

Changing the Theme

The default Sphinx theme is “alabaster” which has minimalist look. There are many other built-in themes and examples of documentation that use these themes can be found here. We are using an external theme for the book (found here) that has a sleek design and more of a “book feel”. To download this theme, simply execute the following in your terminal or command line:

$pip install sphinx-book-theme

Then change the theme which is located in

html_theme = ‘sphinx_book_theme’

Adding Content

To add content to our book, we need to write our text files using reStructuredText, which is the default plaintext markup language used by Sphinx. The syntax is similar to Latex and easy to pick up as you get used to it. We will first add front matter so that when the HTML page is accessed, the front of the book is not empty. We place the front matter in index.rst as follows using a “directive”. Directives begin with an explicit markup start (two periods and a space), followed by the directive type and two colons (collectively, the “directive marker”).  Here we use an epigraph directive to render a classic block quote.

Creating front matter

Let’s build our documentation to see what our book looks like so far. I use a terminal called Cygwin since I am working on a Windows computer and run the following:

$ sphinx-build source/ build/

I can then open the resulting index.html located in the build directory by dragging and dropping it into my favorite browser or simply double clicking the file. 

eBook homepage

Now let’s add more sections to my book. I’m going to create a preface, a single section of material, and a bibliography. I first create a text file in my source directory that I call preface.rst. I add text to this file as shown below.

Preface Content

Then I add a section to the index.rst file that tells Sphinx where the preface should be placed in the book through the toctree directive (“table of contents tree”). We customize the table of contents to contain multiple sections and thus adjust the default toctree using the raw directive.

Updated Table of Contents

Next we create a section of content. In this section, I will demonstrate paragraph text, citations, images, notes, and equations, which cover the gamut of what you’ll likely want to include in various parts of your book. Let’s first install the necessary extensions for the bibliography as follows:

$pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex

We then must add the extension into I also place the name of the file that contains my references.

Adding bibliography extensions and file names to

Below is an example of what refs.bib looks like along with the Bibliography file.

Biblography .rst file and associated Bibtex

R.Bibliography.rst and refs.bib must written in the source directory and R.Bibliography.rst should be referenced in the index.rst file as follows.

Updated Table of Contents

Now let’s start writing our section and then place the reference to it in our index.rst file as shown above. In this section, note the first line that denotes the reference to the section that is used in the index.rst file. We show how to place a figure in lines 14-20 and the syntax for in-text citations is shown in the figure caption.   

If we render the webpage (e.g., sphinx-build source/ build/) it looks like this:

Updated webpage

The bibliography has the one reference so far:

Bibliography as seen on the webpage

The last two components that I will demonstrate are equations and notes, which may come in handy for scientific communications. In order to write equations, we use the MathJax Sphinx extension which allows for the best display of math in HTML.

Updated extensions

In our same section, we add additional text to show the equation and note functionality.

Adding equations and notes

We can then render the webpage one last time.

Updated webpage

Well there you go, after completing this tutorial, you will create the foundations of a book. You can feel free to use these files as a base for your own project! Enjoy!