Plotting geographic data from geojson files using Python

Plotting geographic data from geojson files using Python

Hi folks,

I’m writing today about plotting geojson files with Matplotlib’s Basemap.  In a previous post I laid out how to plot shapefiles using Basemap.

geojson is an open file format for representing geographical data based on java script notation.  They are composed of points, lines, and polygons or ‘multiple’ (e.g. multipolygons composed of several polygons), with accompanying properties.  The basic structure is one of names and vales, where names are always strings and values may be strings, objects, arrays, or logical literal.

The geojson structure we will be considering here is a collection of features, where each feature contains a geometry and properties.  Each geojson feature must contain properties and geometry.  Properties could be things like country name, country code, state, etc.  The geometry must contain a type (point, line, polygons, etc.) and coordinates (likely an array of lat-long). Below is an excerpt of a geojson file specifying Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs) within the various GCAM regions.

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },

"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "id": 1, "properties": { "ID": 1.000000, "GRIDCODE": 11913.000000, "CTRYCODE": 119.000000, "CTRYNAME": "Russian Fed", "AEZ": 13.000000, "GCAM_ID": "Russian Fed-13" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 99.5, 78.5 ], [ 98.33203125, 78.735787391662598 ], [ 98.85723876953125, 79.66796875 ], [ 99.901641845703125, 79.308036804199219 ], [ 99.5, 78.5 ] ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "id": 2, "properties": { "ID": 2.000000, "GRIDCODE": 11913.000000, "CTRYCODE": 119.000000, "CTRYNAME": "Russian Fed", "AEZ": 13.000000, "GCAM_ID": "Russian Fed-13" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 104.5, 78.0 ], [ 104.0, 78.0 ], [ 99.5, 78.0 ], [ 99.5, 78.5 ], [ 100.2957763671875, 78.704218864440918 ], [ 102.13778686523437, 79.477890968322754 ], [ 104.83050537109375, 78.786871910095215 ], [ 104.5, 78.0 ] ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "id": 3, "properties": { "ID": 3.000000, "GRIDCODE": 2713.000000, "CTRYCODE": 27.000000, "CTRYNAME": "Canada", "AEZ": 13.000000, "GCAM_ID": "Canada-13" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -99.5, 77.5 ], [ -100.50860595703125, 77.896504402160645 ], [ -101.76053619384766, 77.711499214172363 ], [ -104.68202209472656, 78.563323974609375 ], [ -105.71781158447266, 79.692866325378418 ], [ -99.067413330078125, 78.600395202636719 ], [ -99.5, 77.5 ] ] ] ] } }

Now that we have some understanding of the geojson structure, plotting the information therein should be as straightforward as traversing that structure and tying geometries to data.  We do the former using the geojson python package and the latter using pretty basic python manipulation.  To do the actual plotting, we’ll use PolygonPatches from the descartes library and recycle most of the code from my previous post.

We start by importing the necessary libraries and then open the geojson file.

import geojson
from descartes import PolygonPatch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np

with open("aez-w-greenland.geojson") as json_file:
    json_data = geojson.load(json_file)

We then define a MatplotLib Figure, and generate a Basemap object as a ‘canvas’ to draw the geojson geometries on.

ax = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)).add_subplot(111)#fig.gca()

m = Basemap(projection='robin', lon_0=0,resolution='c')
m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white', zorder=-1)
m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90.,91.,30.), labels=[1,0,0,1], dashes=[1,1], linewidth=0.25, color='0.5',fontsize=14)
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0., 360., 60.), labels=[1,0,0,1], dashes=[1,1], linewidth=0.25, color='0.5',fontsize=14)
m.drawcoastlines(color='0.6', linewidth=1)

Next, we iterate over the nested features in this file and pull out the coordinate list defining each feature’s geometry (line 2).  In lines 4-5 we also pull out the feature’s name and AEZ, which I can tie to GCAM data.

for i in range(2799):
    coordlist = json_data.features[i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
    if i < 2796:
        name = json_data.features[i]['properties']['CTRYNAME']
        aez =  json_data.features[i]['properties']['AEZ']

    for j in range(len(coordlist)):
        for k in range(len(coordlist[j])):

    poly = {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":coordlist}#coordlist
    ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(poly, fc=[0,0.5,0], ec=[0,0.3,0], zorder=0.2 ))


Line 9 is used to convert the coordinate list from lat/long units to meters.  Depending on what projection you’re working in and what units your inputs are in, you may or may not need to do this step.

The final lines are used to add the polygon to the figure, and to make the face color of each polygon green and the border dark green. Which generates the figure:


To get a bit more fancy, we could tie the data to a colormap and then link that to the facecolor of the polygons.  For instance, the following figure shows the improvement in maize yields over the next century in the shared socio-economic pathway 1 (SSP 1), relative to a reference scenario (SSP 2).


Saving d3.parcoords to SVG

d3.parcoords is a great library for making interactive parallel coordinate plots. A major issue, however, is that it is pain to get the resulting plots into a format suitable for publication. In this blog post, I will show how we can turn a d3.parcoords plot into an SVG document, which we can save locally. SVG is an XML based format for vector graphics, so it is ideal for publications.

This blog post is an example of how to get the SVG data. It is however far from complete, and there might be better ways of achieving some of the steps. Any comments or suggestions on how to improve the code are welcome. I wrote this while learning javascript, without any prior experience with respect to web technology.

First, how is a d3.parcoords plot structured? It is composed of five elements: 4 HTML5 canvas layers, and a single SVG layer. the SVG layer contains the axis for each dimension. The 4 canvas layers are marks, highlight, brushed, and foreground. I am not sure what the function is of the first two, but brushed contains the lines that are selected through brushing, while foreground contains all the remaining lines.

In order to export a d3.parcoords figure as pure svg, we need to somehow replace the HTML canvas with something that has the same interface, but generates SVG instead. Luckily there are several javascript libraries that do this. See for an overview. In this example, I am using , which is a recent library that still appears to be maintained.

The basic idea is the following:

  • replace the normal HTML5 canvas.context for each layer with the one from canvas2svg, and render the plot
  • extract the axis svg
  • extract the SVG from the 5 canvas layers, and combine the 5 layers into a single svg document
  • save it
  • reset the canvas

To make this work, we are depending on several javascript libraries in addition to the default dependencies of d3.parcoords. These are

Replace canvas.context

In order to replace the canvas.context for each layer, we iterate over the names of the layers. d3.parcoords saves the contexts in an internal object, indexed by name. We keep track of the old context for each layer, because this makes restoring a lot easier at the end. We instantiate the C2S context (the class provided by canvas2svg), by specifying the width and height of the plot. In this case, I have hardcoded them for simplicity, but it would be better to extract them from the HTML or CSS.

const layerNames = ["marks", "highlight", "brushed", "foreground"];

const oldLayers = {};
let oldLayerContext;
let newLayerContext;
let layerName;
for (let i=0; i<canvasLayers.length; i++){
    layerName = layerNames[i];

    oldLayerContext = pc0.ctx[layerName]; //pc0 is the d3.parcoords plot
    newLayerContext = new C2S(720, 200); 

    oldLayers[layerName] = oldLayerContext;
    pc0.ctx[layerName] = newLayerContext;

Extract the Axis svg

Getting the axis svg is straightforward. We select the svg element in the dom, serialise it to a string and next use jQuery to create a nice XML document out of the string.

const svgAxis = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString('svg').node());
const axisXmlDocument = $.parseXML(svgAxis);

The only problem with this approach is that the SVG does not contain the style information, which is provided in the CSS. So, we need to inline this information. To do so, I created two helper functions. The first helper function allows us to set an attribute on elements that have the same tag. The second does the same, but based on class name.

// helper function for saving svg
function setAttributeByTag(xmlDocument, tagName, attribute, value){
    const paths = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
    for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        paths[i].setAttribute(attribute, value);

// helper function for saving svg
function setAttributeByClass(xmlDocument, className, attribute, value){
    const paths = xmlDocument.getElementsByClassName(className);
    for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        paths[i].setAttribute(attribute, value);

We can now  use  these helper functions to inline some CSS information. Note that this is an incomplete subset of all the CSS information used by d3.parcoords. A future extension would be to extract all the d3.parcoord style information from the CSS and inline it.

setAttributeByTag(axisXmlDocument, "axis", "fill", "none");
setAttributeByTag(axisXmlDocument, "path", "stroke", "#222");
setAttributeByTag(axisXmlDocument, "line", "stroke", "#222");
setAttributeByClass(axisXmlDocument, "background", "fill", "none");

Extract the SVG from each layer

We now  have an XML document to which we can add the SVG data of each of our layers. In order to keep track of the structure of the SVG, I have chosen to first create a new group node, and subsequently add each layer to this new group as a child. To make sure that this group is positioned correctly, I clone the main group node of the axis svg, remove it’s children, and insert this new node at the top of the XML document.

const oldNode = axisXmlDocument.getElementsByTagName('g')[0];
const newNode = oldNode.cloneNode(true);
while (newNode.hasChildNodes()){
axisXmlDocument.documentElement.insertBefore(newNode, oldNode);

There is some trickery involved in what I am doing here. SVG groups are rendered on top of each other, in the order in which they appear in the XML document. It appears that one can provide a z-order as well according to the SVG 2.0 specification, but I have not pursued that direction here. By adding the newly created node to the top, I ensure that the axis information is at the end of the XML document, and thus always on top of all the other layers. For the same reason, I have also deliberately sorted the canvas layer names.

Now  that we have a new node, we can iterate over our canvas layers and extract the svg data from them. Next, we parse the xml string to turn it into an XML document. We have to overwrite a transform attribute that is used when working on a retina screen, this matters for a html canvas but not for svg. For convenience, I also add the layer name as a class attribute, so in our SVG, we can easily spot each of the canvas layers. The XML document for a given layer contains two main nodes. The first node contains the defs tag, which we don’t need. The second node contains the actual SVG data, which is what we do need.

let svgLines;
let xmlDocument;
for (let i=0; i<layerNames.length; i++){
    // get svg for layer
    layerName = layerNames[i];
    svgLines = pc0.ctx[layerName].getSerializedSvg(true);
    xmlDocument = $.parseXML(svgLines);

    // scale is set to 2,2 on retina screens, this is relevant for canvas
    // not for svg, so we explicitly overwrite it
    xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("g")[0].setAttribute("transform", "scale(1,1)");

    // for convenience add the name of the layer to the group as class
    xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("g")[0].setAttribute("class", layerName);

    // add the group to the node
    // each layers has 2 nodes, a defs node and the actual svg
    // we can safely ignore the defs node

Save it

We have all our SVG data in the xml document. All that is left is to turn this back into a string, format the string properly, turn it into a blob, and save it. We can achieve this in three lines.

// turn merged xml document into string
// we also beautify the string, but this is optional
const merged = vkbeautify.xml(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(axisXmlDocument.documentElement));

// turn the string into a blob and use FileSaver.js to enable saving it
const blob = new Blob([merged], {type:"application/svg+xml"});
saveAs(blob, "parcoords.svg");

Reset context

We now  have saver our SVG file locally, but we have to still put back our old canvas context’s. We have stored these, so we can simply loop over the layer names and put back the old context. In principle, this last step might not be necessary, but I work on machines with a retina screen and ran into scaling issues when trying to use C2s context’s outside of the save function.

// we are done extracting the SVG information so
// put the original canvas contexts back
for (let i=0; i<layerNames.length; i++){
    pc0.ctx[layerNames[i]] = oldLayers[layerNames[i]]

Putting it all together

I have a repo on github with the full code including dependencies etc: .

The code shown in this blog is not complete. For example, brushed plots will not display nice and require some post processing of the SVG.

For those that are more familiar with D3.parcoords, note how the coloring of the lines is dependent on which axis you select. I have connected the color to a click event on the axis to make this possible.

Rhodium – Open Source Python Library for (MO)RDM

Last year Dave Hadka introduced OpenMORDM (Hadka et al., 2015), an open source R package for Multi-Objective Robust Decision Making (Kasprzyk et al., 2013). If you liked the capabilities of OpenMORM but prefer coding in Python, you’ll be happy to hear Dave has also written an open source Python library for robust decision making (RDM) (Lempert et al., 2003), including multi-objective robust decision making (MORDM): Rhodium.

Rhodium is part of Project Platypus, which also contains Python libraries for multi-objective optimization (Platypus), a standalone version of the Patient Rule Induction method (PRIM) algorithm (Friedman and Fisher, 1999) implemented in Jan Kwakkel’s EMA Workbench, and a cross-language automation tool for running models (Executioner). Rhodium uses functions from both Platypus and PRIM, as I will briefly show here, but Jazmin will describe Platypus in more detail in a future blog post.

Dave provides an ipython notebook file with clear instructions on how to use Rhodium, with the lake problem given as an example. To give another example, I will walk through the fish game. The fish game is a chaotic predator-prey system in which the population of fish, x, and their predators, y, are co-dependent. Predator-prey systems are typically modeled by the classic Lotka-Volterra equations:

1) \frac{dx}{dt} = \alpha x - \beta x y

2) \frac{dy}{dt} = \delta x y - \gamma y_t

where α is the growth rate of the prey (fish), β is the rate of predation on the prey, δ is the growth rate of the predator, and γ is the death rate of the predator. This model assumes exponential growth of the prey, x, and exponential death of the predator. Based on a classroom exercise given at RAND, I modify the Lotka-Volterra model of the prey population for logistic growth (see the competitive Lotka-Volterra equations):

3) \frac{dx}{dt} = \alpha x - r x^2 - \beta x y

Discretizing equations 1 and 3 yields:

4) x_{t+1} = (\alpha + 1)x_t (1 - \frac{r}{\alpha + 1} x_t) - \beta x_t y_t and

5) y_{t+1} = (1 - \gamma)y_t + \delta x_t y_t

RAND simplifies equation 4 by letting a = α + 1, r/(α + 1) = 1 and β = 1, and simplifies equation 5 by letting b = 1/δ and γ = 1. This yields the following equations:

6) x_{t+1} = \alpha  x_t(1-x_t) - x_t y_t,

7) y_{t+1} = \frac{x_t y_t}{b}.

In this formulation, the parameter a controls the growth rate of the fish and b controls the growth rate of the predators. The growth rate of the predators is dependent on the temperature, which is increasing due to climate change according to the following equation:

8) C \frac{dT}{dt} = (F_0 + Ft) - \frac{T}{S}

where C is the heat capacity, assumed to be 50 W/m2/K/yr, F0 is the initial value of radiative forcing, assumed to be 1.0 W/m2, F is the rate of change of radiative forcing, S is the climate sensitivity in units of K/(W/m2), and T is the temperature increase from equilibrium, initialized at 0. The dependence of b on the temperature increase is given by:

9) b = \text{max} \Bigg( b_0 e^{-0.3T},0.25 \Bigg).

The parameters a, b, F, and S could all be considered deeply uncertain, but for this example I will use (unrealistically optimistic) values of F = 0 and S = 0.5 and assume possible ranges for a and b0 of 1.5 < a < 4 and 0.25 < b0 < 0.67. Within these bounds, different combinations of a and b parameters can lead to point attractors, strange attractors, or collapse of the predator population.

The goal of the game is to design a strategy for harvesting some number of fish, z, at each time step assuming that only the fish population can be observed, not the prey. The population of the fish then becomes:

10) x_{t+1} = \alpha x_t(1-x_t) - x_t y_t - z_t

For this example, I assume the user employs a strategy of harvesting some weighted average of the fish population in the previous two time steps:

11) z_t = \begin{cases}  \text{min} \Bigg( \alpha\beta x_t + \alpha(1-\beta)x_{t-1},x_{t} \Bigg),  t \geq 2\\  \alpha\beta x_t, t = 1  \end{cases}

where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ β ≤ 1. The user is assumed to have two objectives: 1) to maximize the net present value of their total harvest over T time steps, and 2) to minimize the standard deviation of their harvests over T time steps:

12) Maximize: NPV = \sum^T_{t=1} 1.05^{-t} z_t

13) Minimize: s_z = \sqrt{\frac{1}{T-1} \sum^T_{t=1} (z_t - \bar{z})^2}.

As illustrated in the figure below, depending on the values of a and b0, the optimal Pareto sets for each “future” (each with initial populations of x0 = 0.48 and y0 = 0.26) can have very different shapes and attainable values.

Future 1 2 3 4 5
a 1.75 1.75 3.75 3.75 2.75
b0 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.45


For this MORDM experiment, I first optimize to an assumed state of the world (SOW) in which a = 1.75 and b = 0.6. To do this, I first have to write a function that takes in the decision variables for the optimization problem as well as any potentially uncertain model parameters, and returns the objectives. Here the decision variables are represented by the vector ‘vars’, the uncertain parameters are passed at default values of a=1.75, b0 = 0.6, F = 0 and S = 0.5, and the returned objectives are NPVharvest and std_z.

import os
import math
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import brentq as root
from rhodium import *
from rhodium.config import RhodiumConfig
from platypus import MapEvaluator

RhodiumConfig.default_evaluator = MapEvaluator()

def fishGame(vars,
    a = 1.75, # rate of prey growth
    b0 = 0.6, # initial rate of predator growth
    F = 0, # rate of change of radiative forcing per unit time
    S = 0.5): # climate sensitivity)

    # Objectives are:
    # 1) maximize (average NPV of harvest) and 
    # 2) minimize (average standard deviation of harvest)
    # x = population of prey at time 0 to t
    # y = population of predator at time 0 to t
    # z = harvested prey at time 1 to t

    tSteps = 100
    x = np.zeros(tSteps+1)
    y = np.zeros(tSteps+1)
    z = np.zeros(tSteps)

    # initialize predator and prey populations
    x[0] = 0.48
    y[0] = 0.26

    # Initialize climate parameters
    F0 = 1
    C = 50
    T = 0
    b = max(b0*np.exp(-0.3*T),0.25)

    # find harvest at time t based on policy
    z[0] = harvest(x, 0, vars)

    #Initialize NPV of harvest
    NPVharvest = 0

    for t in range(tSteps):
        x[t+1] = max(a*x[t]*(1-x[t]) - x[t]*y[t] - z[t],0)
        y[t+1] = max(x[t]*y[t]/b,0)
        if t < tSteps-1:
            z[t+1] = harvest(x, t+1, vars)

        NPVharvest = NPVharvest + z[t]*(1+0.05)**(-(t+1))

        #Calculate next temperature and b values
        T = T + (F0 + F*(t+1) - (1/S)*T)/C
        b = max(b0*np.exp(-0.3*T),0.25)

        # Calculate minimization objectives
        std_z = np.std(z)

    return (NPVharvest, std_z)

def harvest(x, t, vars):
    if t > 0:
        harvest = min(vars[0]*vars[1]*x[t] + vars[0]*(1-vars[1])*x[t-1],x[t])
        harvest = vars[0]*vars[1]*x[t]

    return harvest

Next, the model class must be defined, as well as its parameters, objectives (or “responses”) and whether they need to be minimized or maximized, decision variables (or “levers”) and uncertainties.

model = Model(fishGame)

# define all parameters to the model that we will be studying
model.parameters = [Parameter("vars"), Parameter("a"), Parameter("b0"), Parameter("F"), Parameter("S")]

# define the model outputs
model.responses = [Response("NPVharvest", Response.MAXIMIZE), Response("std_z", Response.MINIMIZE)]

# some parameters are levers that we control via our policy
model.levers = [RealLever("vars", 0.0, 1.0, length=2)]

# some parameters are exogeneous uncertainties, and we want to better
# understand how these uncertainties impact our model and decision making
# process
model.uncertainties = [UniformUncertainty("a", 1.5, 4.0), UniformUncertainty("b0", 0.25, 0.67)]

The model can then be optimized using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) in Platypus, and the output written to a file. Here I use NSGA-II.

output = optimize(model, "NSGAII", 100)
with open("data.txt", "w") as f:
    json.dump(output, f)

The results can be easily visualized with simple commands. The Pareto sets can be plotted with ‘scatter2D’ or ‘scatter3D’, both of which allow brushing on one or more objective thresholds. Here I first brush on solutions with a NPV of harvest ≥ 1.0, and then add a condition that the standard deviation of harvest be ≤ 0.01.

# Use Seaborn settings for pretty plots

# Plot the points in 2D space
scatter2d(model, output)

# The optional interactive flag will show additional details of each point when
# hovering the mouse
# Most of Rhodiums's plotting functions accept an optional expr argument for
# classifying or highlighting points meeting some condition
scatter2d(model, output, x="NPVharvest", brush=Brush("NPVharvest >= 1.0"))

scatter2d(model, output, brush="NPVharvest >= 1.0 and std_z <= 0.01")

The above code creates the following images:


Rhodium can also plot Kernel density estimates of the solutions, or those attaining certain objective values.

# Kernel density estimation plots show density contours for samples. By
# default, it will show the density of all sampled points
kdeplot(model, output, x="NPVharvest", y="std_z")

# Alternatively, we can show the density of all points meeting one or more
# conditions
kdeplot(model, output, x="NPVharvest", y="std_z", brush=["NPVharvest >= 1.0", "std_z <= 0.01"], alpha=0.8)


Scatterplots of all pairwise objective combinations can also be plotted, along with histograms of the marginal distribution of each objective illustrated in the pairwise scatterplots. These can also be brushed by objective thresholds specified by the user.

# Pairwise scatter plots shown 2D scatter plots for all outputs
pairs(model, output)

# We can also highlight points meeting one or more conditions
pairs(model, output, brush=["NPVharvest >= 1.0", "std_z <= 0.01"])

# Joint plots show a single pair of parameters in 2D, their distributions using
# histograms, and the Pearson correlation coefficient
joint(model, output, x="NPVharvest", y="std_z")


Finally, tradeoffs can also be viewed on parallel axes plots, which can also be brushed on user-specified objective values.

# A parallel coordinates plot to view interactions among responses
parallel_coordinates(model, output, colormap="rainbow", zorder="NPVharvest", brush=Brush("NPVharvest > 1.0"))


But the real advantage of Rhodium is not visualization but uncertainty analysis. First, PRIM can be used to identify “boxes” best describing solutions meeting user-specified criteria. I define solutions with a NPV of harvest ≥ 1.0 as profitable, and those below unprofitable.

# The remaining figures look better using Matplotlib's default settings

# We can manually construct policies for analysis. A policy is simply a Python
# dict storing key-value pairs, one for each lever.
#policy = {"vars" : [0.02]*2}

# Or select one of our optimization results
policy = output[8]

# construct a specific policy and evaluate it against 1000 states-of-the-world
SOWs = sample_lhs(model, 1000)
results = evaluate(model, update(SOWs, policy))
metric = ["Profitable" if v["NPVharvest"] >= 1.0 else "Unprofitable" for v in results]

# use PRIM to identify the key uncertainties if we require NPVharvest >= 1.0
p = Prim(results, metric, include=model.uncertainties.keys(), coi="Profitable")
box = p.find_box()

This will first show the smallest box with the greatest density but lowest coverage.


Clicking on “Back” will show the next largest box with slightly lower density but greater coverage, while “Next” moves in the opposite direction. In this case, since the smallest box is shown, “Next” moves full circle to the largest box with the lowest density, but greatest coverage, and clicking “Next” from this figure will start reducing the box size.


Classification And Regression Trees (CART; Breiman et al., 1984) can also be used to identify hierarchical conditional statements classifying successes and failures in meeting the user-specified criteria.

# use CART to identify the key uncertainties
c = Cart(results, metric, include=model.uncertainties.keys())


Finally, Dave has wrapped Rhodium around Jon Herman’s SALib for sensitivity analysis. Here’s an example of how to run the Method of Morris.

# Sensitivity analysis using Morris method
print(sa(model, "NPVharvest", policy=policy, method="morris", nsamples=1000, num_levels=4, grid_jump=2))


You can also create tornado and spider plots from one-at-a-time (OAT) sensitivity analysis.

# oat sensitivity
fig = oat(model, "NPVharvest",policy=policy,nsamples=1000)


Finally, you can visualize the output of Sobol sensitivity analysis with bar charts of the first and total order sensitivity indices, or as radial plots showing the interactions between parameters. In these plots the filled circles on each parameter represent their first order sensitivity, the open circles their total sensitivity, and the lines between them the second order indices of the connected parameters. You can even create groups of similar parameters with different colors for easier visual analysis.

Si = sa(model, "NPVharvest", policy=policy, method="sobol", nsamples=1000, calc_second_order=True)
fig1 = Si.plot()
fig2 = Si.plot_sobol(threshold=0.01)
fig3 = Si.plot_sobol(threshold=0.01,groups={"Prey Growth Parameters" : ["a"],
            "Predator Growth Parameters" : ["b0"]})


As you can see, Rhodium makes MORDM analysis very simple! Now if only we could reduce uncertainty…

Works Cited

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