Introducing the GRRIEn Analysis Framework: Defining standards for reproducible and robust supervised learning of earth surface processes at large spatial scales

I’m very excited to write this blogpost to highlight the GRRIEn framework that was developed in part by Dr. Elizabeth Carter at Syracuse University, along with collaborators Carolynne Hultquist and Tao Wen. I first saw Liz present the GRRIEn framework at the Frontiers in Hydrology conference last year and I knew it was a framework that I wanted to eventually demo on the blog. The associated manuscript (now published here) that introduces the GRRIEn (Generalizable, Reproducible, Robust, and Interpreted Environmental) framework is a cheat sheet of best management practices to extract generalizable insight on environmental systems using supervised learning of global environmental observations (EOs; satellites and coupled earth systems models), including standards for reproducible data engineering, robust model training, and domain-specialist interpreted model diagnostics (Carter et al., 2023).

In short, this is a paper that I wish existed when I first started diving into data science and machine learning in graduate school. If you are a student/have a student who is new to statistics, data science, and machine learning for environmental applications, I highly recommend this paper as the single most useful one-stop shop read. Below, I will introduce a bit about Liz and her group, the steps of the framework, and include some of the awesome ways that Liz has incorporated GRRIEn into her classes.

The CHaRTS Lab

Dr. Carter is based at Syracuse University and runs the Climate Hazards Research Team Syracuse (CHaRTS). CHaRTS uses proxy observations of the hydrologic cycle from satellites, photographs, and earth systems models to support fair and stable management of water resources and hydroclimatic risk in the twenty-first century. I talked to Liz about creating the GRRIEn framework and the results that she has seen in the classroom.

Why did you decide to create GRRIen?

“GRRIEn was created as a teaching tool for my graduate class, Environmental Data Science (EDS). EDS was intended to equip students with the computation tools they would need to use global earth observations for thesis/dissertation research. Some of my students have an interest in spatial statistics and machine learning, but most of them are domain specialists who want to use global earth observations to learn more about very specific environmental processes. The GRRIEn method was created for these students, the domain specialists. The goal is to reduce barriers to accessing insight from global earth observations associated with computational methods and advanced statistical techniques. For example, many students struggle to find and process spatial data. In EDS, they adopt a standard reproducible computational pipeline in the form of a GitHub repository for accessing raw data and creation of an analysis-ready dataset. For students who have limited statistical skills, I teach a few simple model-agnostic tools to diagnose and control for feature and observation dependence in multivariate observational spatiotemporal datasets. Most importantly, I teach methods in model interpretation. We need domain specialists to evaluate whether data-driven models are a physically plausible representation of environmental processes if we want to use global earth observations for knowledge discovery.”

What kind of results have you seen as you incorporate GRRIen in the classroom?

“My favorite part of EDS is seeing students going from never having written a line of code to processing massive volumes of data. Because so much of the process has been constrained by the GRRIEn method, students can really spread their wings in terms of application. For the past three years, I’ve had several students take their EDS project to conferences like AGU, or submit it for publication.”

Overview of the GRRIEn Framework

As the volume of earth observations from satellites, global models, and the environmental IoT continues to grow, so does the potential of these observations to help scientists discover trends and patterns in environmental systems at large spatial scales. Because many emerging global datasets are too large to store and process on personal computers, and because of scale-dependent qualities of spatial processes that can reduce the robustness of traditional statistical methods, domain specialists need targeted and accessible exposure to skills in reproducible scientific computing and spatial statistics to allow the use of global observations from satellites, earth systems models, and the environmental IoT to generalize insights from in-situ field observations across unsampled times and locations. The GRRIEn framework (which stands for generalizable, robust, reproducible, and interpretable environmental analytic framework) was developed for this purpose (Carter al., 2023). Below are the four key components of the framework, but please refer to the manuscript for full descriptions and examples. 

Generalizable: How well do your experimental results from a sample extend to the population as a whole?

Three common sources of global gridded earth observations (EOs) include active satellite remote sensing data, such as synthetic aperture radar imagery (left), passive satellite remote sensing data, including optical and passive microwave imagery (center), and gridded outputs from global coupled earth system models (right).

A primary motivation to generate global EOs is to allow scientists to translate insight from our limited field measurements to unsampled times and locations to improve the generalizability of our earth systems theories. As global EOs are (approximately) spatiotemporally continuous observations, the overall objective of GRRIEn analysis is to train a supervised learning algorithm that can predict an environmental process using globally available EOs as input data. This algorithm can be used to generalize insights from direct observations of an environmental process sampled experimentally or in-situ across unlabeled times or locations where global EOs are available (i.e. through interpolation, extrapolation, and diagnostic modeling)

Robust: Do your statistics show good performance on data drawn from a wide range of probability and joint probability distributions?

In order for your model to generalize well, you must quantify and account for scale-dependent multicollinearity and spatial/temporal dependence in your data. For example, multicollinearity occurs when one or more predictor variables are linearly related to each other. It is a problem for prediction and inference because the accuracy of predictions depends on the exact structure of multicollinearity that was present in the training dataset being present in the prediction dataset. Since it is associated with model instability in most machine learning and some deep learning applications, it also impacts diagnostic modeling; the model is less likely to interpret the system in a physically plausible way, and small changes in training data can lead to big changes in model weights and parameters.

Furthermore, correlation structure tends to be dynamic in space and time. The figure below shows an example of correlation structure between summertime air temperature and precipitation from 1950-2000 (left) and projected from 2050-2100 (right). One can see that the correlation between air temperature and precipitation will change for many locations in the US under climate change. This suggests that statistical models trained using temperature and precipitation under 20th century conditions will not make robust estimates in the 21st century.

Pearson’s correlation coefficient [scaled between -1 and 1, color bar (Benesty et al.
2009)] between bias-corrected statistically downscaled Climate Model Intercomparison
Project 5 ensemble mean monthly precipitation and daily max temperature. Historical
observations 1950-1999 (left) and moderate emissions forecast (RCP 4.5) for 2050-2099 (right) both indicate spatiotemporal variability collinearity between summertime maximum temperature and precipitation. Covariance of meteorological variables is a signature of local climate. As local climates shift due to global warming, so will the local covariability of meteorological variables (right). This generates complexity for predicting environmental process response to meteorological variables under climate change (Taylor et al. 2012)

We can’t expect to collect a sample of future covariability structure because these conditions haven’t happened yet. So how do we address these issues? The manuscript summarizes a great checklist of steps to make sure your model development is robust to both dependent features and observations.  

Checklist for robust data engineering and model development with dependent
features (left) and observations (right) in spatiotemporal systems.

Reproducible: Can other scientists understand and replicate your analysis and yield the same results?

The best way to facilitate this is to create a clear repository structure which contains a README, a container image that has specified versions of all packages that are used, and code that facilitates both the download of larger geospatial datasets that can’t be stored in a repository and code to reproduce analyses and figures.

In Liz’s Environmental Data Science class at Syracuse (CEE 609), she has her students complete a semester long project where every piece of the project is documented in a GRRIEn repository structure (see here for a great example). By the end of the semester, she noted that her students have a written paper, fully documented workflow, and a populated repository that often has served as a basis for a journal publication for students in her research group. 

Interpretable: Do your model parameters reflect a physically plausible diagnosis of the system?

The most important step to ensuring that your model will make the right predictions in different contexts is to make sure those predictions are happening for the right reason: have your model weights and parameters diagnosed the importance of your predictors, and their relationship to the environmental process that serves as your predictand, in a physically plausible way? The authors suggest forming a set of interpretable hypotheses before modeling that denotes the data that you are using and the relationships you expect to find and then utilizing local and global interpretation methods to confirm or reject the original hypotheses.   


I think the GRRIEn framework is a really great tool for young researchers embarking on data science and machine learning projects. If you are a newer faculty that is interested in incorporating some of these concepts into your class, Liz has made “Code Sprints” from her class available here. There are Jupyter Notebooks on working with Python, raster data, vector data, regressions, autocorrelation, and multicollinearity. Be sure to keep up with the work coming out of the CHaRTS lab on Twitter here!

Find the paper here:

Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions (or, What Gives Life to a Living eBook?)

Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions (or, What Gives Life to a Living eBook?)

Last month we introduced our free eBook Addressing Uncertainty in MultiSector Dynamics Research. Did you know that, to date, we have published 74 revisions? Without an automated release and deployment process, this would have been very tedious! But, with the help of GitHub Actions, every small edit, minor clarification, or major improvement can go live within moments of merging the code. Read on to learn how the eBook team leverages GitHub Actions for CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery).

GitHub Workflow

A reliable CI/CD strategy depends on a robust code review process⁠—continuously delivering bugs and typos will not impress anyone! There are many acceptable workflows; the best one to use will depend on team composition and codebase. In our case, a feature branching workflow suffices:

Feature Branching Workflow

The feature branching workflow consists of a main code branch representing published assets. New features or bug fixes require authors to create a new branch from main, implement their changes, and then submit a pull request back into main. A pull request is a formal code review process that gives other authors a chance to provide feedback on the proposed changes. Once consensus has been reached, the feature branch is merged into the main branch, kicking off the CI/CD process.


While the code review process is designed to catch content and conceptual errors, subtle process and system based errors can often slip through the cracks. Thus the first step in the CI/CD process should be running a suite of automated tests that span a range of systems, behaviors, and any known pain points. The depth and breadth of these tests should be sufficient to ensure an adequate degree of publication readiness without being overly burdensome to maintain. The test suite can grow over time!

For the eBook, our tests simply ensure that the Python dependencies install correctly on Linux, Mac, and Windows containers, that the supporting code can be imported on these systems without error, and that the HTML and PDF versions of the publication generate successfully. If any tests fail, the publication process is cancelled and the authors are notified with details of the failure.

This test, release, and publication process is orchestrated by GitHub Actions. Read on to learn more!

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions are available to any project hosted in GitHub—totally free for public repositories, and free to a limited extent for private repositories. An Action can be defined as a unit of work performed using a virtual machine in response to an event. In GitHub, Actions are defined using YAML files places into the .github/workflows directory of a repository. YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a concise, human-readable syntax for conveying semi-structured data. The minimal content of a GitHub Action includes a name, one or more event triggers, and one or more jobs. A job consists of a name, one or more virtual machine targets, and one or more steps. For example, the eBook test Action looks like this:

name: Test
    branches: [ main ]
      runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
          os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
        - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - name: Set up Python
          uses: actions/setup-python@master
            python-version: 3.9
        - name: Install dependencies
          run: |
            python -m pip install --upgrade pip
            pip install -r requirements.txt
        - name: Run tests
          run: |
            pip install pytest

There is a lot going on here, so let’s take it step by step!

name: Test
    branches: [ main ]

This snippet gives our Action a name, and specifies that it should trigger on updates to the main branch of the repository.

      runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
          os: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest ]

This snippet defines a job within our “Test” Action named “test”, and then uses special syntax to declare that the job should be run on three different virtual machines: the latest Ubuntu Linux, macOS, and Windows containers. Running the tests on multiple operating systems helps catch bugs with system-specific dependencies.

        - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - name: Set up Python
          uses: actions/setup-python@master
            python-version: 3.9
        - name: Install dependencies
          run: |
            python -m pip install --upgrade pip
            pip install -r requirements.txt
        - name: Run tests
          run: |
            pip install pytest

This snippet outlines the actual units of work within the job; each “-” separates a unique task. The uses syntax is special in that it allows one to leverage tasks written by others hosted in the GitHub Actions Marketplace. The actions/checkout@v2 task clones the repository onto the virtual machine, and the actions/setup-python@master task installs and configures the specified Python version. The final two steps use the run directive to invoke custom code, in this case installing Python dependencies and running the Python test suites.


Once the tests successfully pass, it’s time to publish! Since the eBook is essentially a web app, GitHub Pages is the perfect deployment platform. Pages hosts the content of a branch as a website, and is free for public repositories.

If you followed along with the previous eBook post, you learned about the Python, Sphinx, and Restructured Text workflow for compiling the eBook content into a polished product. Let’s create a GitHub Action to compile the eBook and deploy it to GitHub Pages! Here’s the full YAML file:

name: Deploy
    branches: [ main ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.9'
      - name: Install latex dependencies
        run: sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y texlive latexmk texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended ghostscript
      - name: Update pip and install python dependencies
        working-directory: 'docs/'
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install -r requirements.txt
      - name: Build html and pdf ebook
        working-directory: 'docs/'
        run: |
          make html latexpdf --keep-going LATEXMKOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" || true
          make latexpdf --keep-going LATEXMKOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" || true
          make latexpdf --keep-going LATEXMKOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" || true
        continue-on-error: true
      - name: Get current datetime in ISO format
        id: date
        run: echo "::set-output name=date::$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%d')"
      - name: Create GitHub release
        id: gh_release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          files: docs/build/latex/addressinguncertaintyinmultisectordynamicsresearch.pdf
          tag_name: ${{ }}v${{ github.run_number }}
      - name: Commit the compiled files
        run: |
          cd docs/build/html
          git init
          git add -A
          git config --local ""
          git config --local "GitHub Action"
          git commit -m 'deploy' -a || true
      - name: Push changes to gh-pages
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
          branch: gh-pages
          directory: docs/build/html
          force: true
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

A lot to unpack here! Let’s take it step by step. As before, we start by naming the Action, triggering it on updates to the main branch, declaring that it should run only on an ubuntu-latest virtual machine, checking out out the code, and setting up Python. Then we get into the new job steps:

      - name: Install latex dependencies
        run: sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y texlive latexmk texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended ghostscript

This step installs all the operating system dependencies needed to support the Latex syntax and compilation to PDF. There was some trial and error involved in getting this right, but once correct it should be pretty stable.

      - name: Build html and pdf ebook
        working-directory: 'docs/'
        run: |
          make html latexpdf --keep-going LATEXMKOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" || true
          make latexpdf --keep-going LATEXMKOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" || true
          make latexpdf --keep-going LATEXMKOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" || true
        continue-on-error: true

This step runs the Sphinx makefile to compile the HTML and PDF versions of the eBook. The verbosity and repetitiveness of these commands works around some unusual oddities of the Latex and PDF compilation. --keep-going LATEXMKOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" prevents the command from waiting for user input. || true and the repeated make latexpdf lines allow the PDF engine to fully resolve all the references in the restructured text files; otherwise the PDF file would be incomplete and garbled (this one stumped us for awhile!).

      - name: Get current datetime in ISO format
        id: date
        run: echo "::set-output name=date::$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%d')"
      - name: Create GitHub release
        id: gh_release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          files: docs/build/latex/addressinguncertaintyinmultisectordynamicsresearch.pdf
          tag_name: ${{ }}v${{ github.run_number }}

To make it easier to chronologically place our eBook releases, we wanted to include a date stamp in our version tags. The first step above assigns the date to a variable. The second step above creates and tags an official GitHub release (using the date and an auto-incrementing run number), and includes the PDF version of the eBook as an asset attached to the release.

      - name: Commit the compiled files
        run: |
          cd docs/build/html
          git init
          git add -A
          git config --local ""
          git config --local "GitHub Action"
          git commit -m 'deploy' -a || true
      - name: Push changes to gh-pages
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
          branch: gh-pages
          directory: docs/build/html
          force: true
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

These two steps cause the GitHub Actions user to commit the compiled HTML files and force push them to the gh-pages branch of our repository, using a secret token. This is a common “hack” to enable publishing only the desired web assets and not the entire repository. Never force push to other shared code branches!

Action Status

Check the status of the CI/CD pipeline using the Actions tab of the GitHub repository. Successful Actions show a check mark, in progress Actions show a spinner, and failed Actions show an X. Clicking into a particular Action will show more details, log messages, and error traces if relevant.

The GitHub Actions Tab

Slack Integration

To take our workflow to the next level (and to avoid the need to read even more email 😅 ), we added the GitHub app to our eBook Slack channel. This adds a bot that can subscribe to GitHub repositories and report on activity; for instance: new issues, new pull requests, and new releases. We can then discuss and iterate inline in Slack, without having to jump to other apps or sites.

GitHub Slack Integration

To add the GitHub bot to a channel, right click on the channel name, select “Open channel details”, and navigate to the “Integrations” tab. From here, you can choose “Add apps” and search for GitHub. Once added, type a bot command such as /github subscribe [repository name] to start receiving notifications in the channel. The bot can also be used to open and close issues!


Using the GitHub Actions workflow to automate the testing and publication of our eBook enabled our team to focus more on the content and quality of release rather than stumbling over the intricacies of the publication process. CI/CD has been a powerful tool in software communities, but can greatly benefit researchers and academics as well. We hope our learnings presented above will speed you along in your own workflows!

PyCharm and Git for productive multi-project workflows

I wanted to write this blogpost because I’ve seen great improvements to my workflow when I transitioned to this system and thought others might benefit also. My everyday research tasks require the following:

  • a Python development environment on my local machine
  • management of project-specific dependencies
  • version control my changes
  • execution on some high-performance computing resource.

My local machine runs on Mac OS, but everything I show here should be directly translatable to Windows or other operating systems. My setup is the following:

  • Anaconda – to manage my Python environments and packages
  • PyCharm – the Python development environment
  • Git(Hub) – for version control

These are the steps I follow every time I start a new project:

  1. Create an empty repository on GitHub
  2. Clone the empty repository on my local machine
  3. Open PyCharm and select the directory of the repository I just created

When it opens, the PyCharm project will be empty and will have a default Python interpreter associated with it. What I do is I create a separate Conda environment for each of my projects, so there’s a clean separation between the packages used by each.

4. Create python environment specific to this project, by going to Preferences and selecting your current project. There, you can define your project’s (Python) interpreter. Clicking on it just shows the default Python 2.7 interpreter, which we would like to change.

As you can see, I have a separate Conda environment for each of my projects, so I manage packages and dependencies for each one.

Here I create a new environment for my new project.

5. Manage packages needed. There’s two ways for this: either through PyCharm or through Anaconda. Through PyCharm, you can use the same page to install, uninstall or update packages as needed.

Through Anaconda, you can use the Navigator, which also allows you to customize several other things about your environment, like which applications you’d like to work with.

6. Set up version control and use code on other computing resources. PyCharm has Git features integrated (overviewed already in this blog here and here) and creating a project the way I showed also ensures that PyCharm knows which repository you’re working with, without you having to set it manually. I use the built-in PyCharm functionality to commit my changes to my repository, but you can also do it through the Terminal or other means.

7. Set up project on computing resources. To do so, you need two main components. A clone of your repository in the cluster you’re working on and an environment .yml file (I explain what this is and how to generate it with one command here), listing all your environment’s dependencies. Create a virtual environment for the project in the cluster and pull any updates from your local machine.

This is more or less all I do. I have virtual environments for each of my projects both locally and on the clusters I am working on and use PyCharm and Git to manage all the dependencies and versions. I have been using this setup for the past 5-6 months and I have seen a lot of improvements in my organization and productivity, so hopefully others will find it helpful also.

From MATLAB to Julia: Insights from Translating an Opensource Kirsch-Nowak Streamflow Generator to Julia

A quick look into translating code: speed comparisons, practicality, and comments

As I am becoming more and more familiar with Julia—an open-source programming language—I’ve been attracted to translate code to not only run it on an opensource and free language but also to test its performance. Since Julia was made to be an open source language made to handle matrix operations efficiently (when compared to other high-level opensource languages), finding a problem to utilize these performance advantages only makes sense.

As with any new language, understanding how well it performs relative to the other potential tools in your toolbox is vital. As such, I decided to use a problem that is easily scalable and can be directly compare the performances of MATLAB and Julia—the Kirsch-Nowak synthetic stationary streamflow generator.

So, in an effort to sharpen my understanding of the Kirsch-Nowak synthetic stationary streamflow generator created by Matteo GiulianiJon Herman and Julianne Quinn, I decided to take on this project of converting from this generator from MATLAB. This specific generator takes in historical streamflow data from multiple sites (while assuming stationarity) and returns a synthetically generated daily timeseries of streamflow. For a great background on synthetic streamflow generation, please refer to this post by Jon Lamontagne.

Model Description

The example is borrowed from Julie’s code utilizes data from the Susquehanna River flows (cfs) at both Marietta (USGS station 01576000) and Muddy Run along with lateral inflows (cfs) between Marietta and Conowingo Damn (1932-2001). Additionally, evaporation rates (in/day) over the Conowingo and Muddy Run Dams (from an OASIS model simulation) utilized. The generator developed by Kirsch et al. (2013) utilizes a Cholesky decomposition to create a monthly synthetic record which preserves the autocorrelation structure of the historical data. The method proposed by Nowak et al. (2010) is then used to disaggregate to daily flows (using a historical month +/- 7 days). A full description of the methods can be found at this link.

Comparing Julia and MATLAB

Comparison of Performance between Julia and MATLAB

To compare the speeds of each language, I adapted the MATLAB code into Julia (shown here) on as nearly of equal basis as possible. I attempted to keep the loops, data structures, and function formulation as similar as possible, even calling similar libraries for any given function. julia_matlab_streamflow

When examining the performance between Julia (solid lines) and MATLAB (dashed lines), there is only one instance where MATLAB(x) outperformed Julia(+)—in the 10-realization, 1000-year simulation shown in the yellow dots in the upper left. Needless to say, Julia easily outperformed MATLAB in all other situations and required only 53% of the time on average (all simulations considered equal). However, Julia was much proportionally faster at lower dimensions of years (17-35% of the time required) than MATLAB. This is likely because I did not handle arrays optimally—the code could likely be sped up even more.

Considerations for Speeding Up Code

Row- Versus Column-Major Array Architecture

It is worth knowing how a specific language processes its arrays/matrices. MATLAB and Julia are both column-major languages, meaning the sequential indexes and memory paths are grouped by descending down row by row through a column then going through the next column. On the other hand, Numpy in Python specifically uses row-major architecture. The Wikipedia article on this is brief but well worthwhile for understanding these quirks.

This is especially notable because ensuring that proper indexing and looping methods are followed can substantially speed up code. In fact, it is likely that the reason Julia slowed down significantly on a 10-realization 1000-year simulation when compared to both its previous performances and MATLAB because of how the arrays were looped through. As a direct example shown below, when exponentiating through a [20000, 20000] array row-by-row took approximately 47.7 seconds while doing the same operation column-by-column only took 12.7 seconds.


Dealing with Arrays

Simply put, arrays and matrices in Julia are a pain compared to MATLAB. As an example of the bad and the ugly, unlike in MATLAB where you can directly declare any size array you wish to work with, you must first create an array and then fill the array with individual array in Julia. This is shown below where an array of arrays is initialized below.  However, once an array is established, Julia is extremely fast in loops, so dealing with filling a previously established array makes for a much faster experience.

# initialize output
qq = Array{Array}(undef, num_sites) #(4, 100, 1200)

for i = 1:num_sites
     qq[i] = Array{Float64}(undef, nR, nY * 12)

Once the plus side  when creating arrays, Julia is extremely powerful in its ability to assign variable types to the components of a given array. This can drastically speed up your code during the day. Shown below, it is easy to the range of declarations and assignments being made to populate the array. There’s an easy example of declaring an array with zeros, and another where we’re populating an array using slices of another. Note the indexing structure for Qd_cg in the second loop–it is not technically a 3-D array but rather a 2-D array nested within a 1-D array–showing the issues mentioned prior.

delta = zeros(n_totals)
for i = 1:n_totals
     for j = 1:n_sites
          delta[i] += (Qtotals[month][j][i] - Z[j]) ^ 2

q_ = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, num_realizations[k], 365 * num_years[k])
for i = 1: Nsites
     # put into array of [realizations, 365*num_yrs]
     for j = 1: num_realizations[k]
          q_[j, :] = Qd_cg[j][:, i]'

Code Profiling: Order of Experiments

An interesting observation I’ve noticed is that Julia’s first run on a given block of code is substantially slower than every other attempt. Thus, it is likely worthwhile to run a smaller-scale array through to initialize the code if there are plans to move on to substantially more expensive operations (i.e. scaling up).

In the example below, we can see that the second iteration of the same exact code was over 10% faster when calling it a second time. However, when running the code without the function wrapper (in the original timed runs), the code was 10% faster (177 seconds) than the second sequential run shown below. This points to the importance of profiling and experimenting with sections of your code.


Basic profiling tools are directly built into Julia, as shown in the Julia profiling documentation. This can be visualized easily using the ProfileView library. The Juno IDE (standard with Julia Pro) allegedly has a good built-in profile as well. However, it should be expected that most any IDE should do the trick (links to IDEs can be found here).

Syntax and Library Depreciation

While Julia is very similar in its structure and language to MATLAB, much of the similar language has depreciated as Julia has been rapidly upgraded. Notably, Julia released V1.0 in late 2018 and recently released V1.1, moving further away from similarities in function names. Thus, this stands as a lesson for individuals wishing to translate all of their code between these languages. I found a useful website that assists in translating general syntax, but many of the functions have depreciated. However, as someone who didn’t have any experience with MATLAB but was vaguely familiar with Julia, this was a godsend for learning differences in coding styles.

For example, creating an identity matrix in MATLAB utilizes the function eye(size(R)) to create an nxn matrix the size of R. While this was initially the language used in Julia, this specific language was depreciated in V0.7. To get around this, either ‘I’ can be used to create a scalable identity matrix or Matrix{Float64}(I, size(R), size(R)) declare an identity matrix of size(R) by size(R) for a more foolproof and faster operation.

When declaring functions, I have found Julia to be relatively straightforward and Pythonic in its declarations. While I still look to insert colons at the ends of declarations while forgetting to add ‘end’ at the end of functions, loops, and more, the ease of creating, calling, and interacting with functions makes Julia very accessible.  Furthermore, its ability to interact with matrices in without special libraries (e.g. Numpy in Python) allows for more efficient coding without having to know specific library notation.

Debugging Drawbacks

One of the most significant drawbacks I run into when using Julia is the lack of clarity in generated error codes for common mistakes, such as adding extra brackets. For example, the following error code is generated in Python when adding an extra parenthesis at the end of an expression.3333

However, Julia produces the follow error for an identical mistake:


One simple solution to this is to simply upgrade my development environment from Jupyter Notebooks to a general IDE to more easily root out issues by running code line-by-line. However, I see the lack of clarity in showing where specific errors arise a significant drawback to development within Julia. However, as shown in the example below where an array has gone awry, an IDE (such as Atom shown below) can make troubleshooting and debugging a relative breeze.


Furthermore, when editing auxiliary functions in another file or module that was loaded as a library, Julia is not kind enough to simply reload and recompile the module; to get it to properly work in Atom, I had to shut down the Julia kernel then rerun the entirety of the code. Since Julia takes a bit to initially load and compile libraries and code, this slows down the debugging process substantially. There is a specific package (Revise) that exists to take care of this issue, but it is not standard and requires loading this specific library into your code.

GitHub Repositories: Streamflow Generators

PyMFGM: A parallelized Python version of the code, written by Bernardo Trindade

Kirsch-Nowak Stationary Generator in MATLAB: Developed by Matteo GiulianiJon Herman and Julianne Quinn

Kirsch-Nowak Stationary Generator in Julia: Please note that the results are not validated. However, you can easily access the Jupyter Notebook version to play around with the code in addition to running the code from your terminal using the main.jl script.

Full Kirsch-Nowak Streamflow Generator: Also developed by Matteo GiulianiJon Herman and Julianne Quinn and can handle rescaling flows for changes due to monsoons. I would highly suggest diving into this code alongside the relevant blog posts: Part 1 (explanation), Part 2 (validation).

Establishing an Effective Data Backup Strategy for Your Workstation

When determining your data management strategy for your workflow, considering a range of backup options for your data beyond just a single copy on your workstation or your external hard drive is paramount. Creating a seamless workspace that will easily transition between workstations and while maintaining durability and availability is easily achievable once you know what resources might be available and a general guideline.

General considerations for how you will be managing and sharing data is crucial, especially for collaborative projects when files must often be accessible in real time.

Considering how long you might need to retain data and how often you might need to access it will drastically change your approach to your storage strategy.

3-2-1 Data Backup Rule

If you walk away form this with nothing else, remember the 3-2-1 rule. The key to ensuring durability of your data—preventing loss due to hardware or software malfunction, fire, viruses, and institutional changes or uproars—is following the 3-2-1 Rule. Maintaining three or more copies on two or more different mediums (i.e. cloud and HDD) with at least one off-site copy.


An example of this would be to have a primary copy of your data on your desktop that is backed up continuously via Dropbox and nightly via an external hard drive. There are three copies of your data between your local workstation, external hard drive (HD), and Dropbox. By having your media saved on hard drive disks (HDDs) on your workstation and external HD in addition to ‘the cloud’ (Dropbox), you have accomplished spreading your data across exactly two different mediums. Lastly, since cloud storage is located on external servers connected via the internet, you have successfully maintained at least one off-site copy. Additionally, with a second external HD, you could create weekly/monthly/yearly backups and store this HD offsite.

Version Control Versus Data Backup

Maintaining a robust version control protocol does not ensure your data will be properly backed up and vice versa. Notably, you should not be relying on services such as GitHub to back up your data, only your code (and possibly very small datasets, i.e. <50 MB). However, you should still maintain an effective strategy for version control.

  • Code Version Control
  • Large File Version Control
    • GitHub is not the place to be storing and sharing large datasets, only the code to produce large datasets
    • Git Large File Storage (LFS) can be used for a Git-based version-control on large files

Data Storage: Compression

Compressing data reduces the amount of storage required (thereby reducing cost), but ensuring the data’s integrity is an extremely complex topic that is continuously changing. While standard compression techniques (e.g. .ZIP and HDF5) are generally effective at compression without issues, accessing such files requires additional steps before having the data in a usable format (i.e. decompressing the files is required).  It is common practice (and often a common courtesy) to compress files prior to sharing them, especially when emailed.

7-Zip is a great open-source tool for standard compression file types (.ZIP, .RAR) and has its own compression file type. Additionally, a couple of guides looking into using HDF5/zlib for NetCFD files are located here and here.

Creating Your Storage Strategy

To comply with the 3-2-1 strategy, you must actively choose where you wish to back up your files. In addition to pushing your code to GitHub, choosing how to best push your files to be backed up is necessary. However, you must consider any requirements you might have for your data handling:

My personal strategy costs approximately $120 per year. For my workstation on campus, I primarily utilize DropBox with a now-outdated version control history plugin that allows for me to access files one year after deletion. Additionally, I instantaneously sync these files to GoogleDrive (guide to syncing). Beyond these cloud services, I utilize an external HDD that backs up select directories nightly (refer below to my script that works with Windows 7).

It should be noted that Cornell could discontinue its contracts with Google so that unlimited storage on Google Drive is no longer available. Additionally, it is likely that Cornell students will lose access to Google Drive and Cornell Box upon graduation, rendering these options impractical for long-term or permanent storage.

  • Minimal Cost (Cornell Students)
    • Cornell Box
    • Google Drive
    • Local Storage
    • TheCube
  • Accessibility and Sharing
    • DropBox
    • Google Drive
    • Cornell Box (for sharing within Cornell, horrid for external sharing)
  • Minimal Local Computer Storage Availability
    Access Via Web Interface (Cloud Storage) or File Explorer

    • DropBox
    • Google Drive (using Google Stream)
    • Cornell Box
    • TheCube
    • External HDD
  • Reliable (accessibility through time)
    • Local Storage (especially an external HDD if you will be relocating)
    • Dropbox
    • TheCube
  • Always Locally Accessible
    • Local Storage (notably where you will be utilizing the data, e.g. keep data on TheCube if you plan to utilize it there)
    • DropBox (with all files saved locally)
    • Cornell Box (with all files saved locally)
  • Large Capacity (~2 TB total)
    • Use Cornell Box or Google Drive
  • Extremely Large Capacity (or unlimited file size)

Storage Option Details and Tradeoffs

Working with large datasets can be challenging to do between workstations, changing the problem from simply incorporating the files directly within your workflow to interacting with the files from afar (e.g. keeping and utilizing files on TheCube).

But on a personal computer level, the most significant differentiator between storage types is whether you can (almost) instantaneously update and access files across computers (cloud-based storage with desktop file access) or if manual/automated backups occur. I personally like to have a majority of my files easily accessible, so I utilize Dropbox and Google Drive to constantly update between computers. I also back up all of my files from my workstation to an external hard drive just to maintain an extra  layer of data protection in case something goes awry.

  • Requirements for Data Storage
  • Local Storage: The Tried and True
    • Internal HDD
      • Installed on your desktop or laptop
      • Can most readily access data for constant use, making interactions with files the fastest
      • Likely the most at-risk version due to potential exposure to viruses in addition to nearly-constant uptime (and bumps for laptops)
      • Note that Solid State Drives (SSDs) do not have the same lifespan for the number of read/write as an HDD, leading to slowdowns or even failures if improperly managed. However, newer SSDs are less prone to these issues due to a combination of firmware and hardware advances.
      • A separate data drive (a secondary HDD that stores data and not the primary operating system) is useful for expanding easily-accessible space. However, it is not nearly as isolated as data contained within a user’s account on a computer and must be properly configured to ensure privacy of files
    • External Hard Drive Disk (HDD)
      • One-time cost ($50-200), depending on portability/size/speed
      • Can allow for off-line version of data to be stored, avoiding newly introduced viruses from preventing access or corrupting older versions (e.g. ransomware)—requires isolation from your workflow
      • May back up data instantaneously or as often as desired: general practice is to back up nightly or weekly
      • Software provided with external hard drives is generally less effective than self-generated scripts (e.g. Robocopy in Windows)
      • Unless properly encrypted, can be easily accessed by anyone with physical access
      • May be used without internet access, only requiring physical access
      • High quality (and priced) HDDs generally increase capacity and/or write/read speeds
    • Alternative Media Storage
      • Flash Thumb Drive
        • Don’t use these for data storage, only temporary transfer of files (e.g. for a presentation)
        • Likely to be lost
        • Likely to malfunction/break
      • Outdated Methods
        • DVD/Blu-Ray
        • Floppy Disks
        • Magnetic Tapes
      • M-Discs
        • Required a Blu-Ray or DVD reader/writer
        • Supposedly lasts multiple lifetimes
        • 375 GB for $67.50
  •  Dropbox
    • My experience is that Dropbox is the easiest cloud-storage solution to use
    • Free Version includes 2 GB of space without bells and whistles
    • 1 TB storage for $99.00/year
    • Maximum file size of 20 GB
    • Effective (and standard) for filesharing
    • 30-day version history (extended version history for one year can be purchased for an additional $39.00/year)
    • Professional, larger plans with additional features (e.g. collaborative document management) also available
    • Can easily create collaborative folders, but storage counts against all individuals added (an issue if individuals are sharing large datasets)
    • Can interface with both a web interface and across as operating system desktops
    • Fast upload/download speeds
    • Previous version control can allow access to previous versions if ransomware becomes an issue
    • Supports two-factor authentication
    • Requires internet access for online storage/backup, but has offline access
  • Google Drive
    • My experience is that Google Drive is relatively straight forward
    • Unlimited data/email storage for Cornell students, staff, and faculty
    • Costs $9.99/mo for 1 TB
    • Maximum file size of 5 GB
    • Easy access to G Suite, which allows for real-time collaboration on browser-based documents
    • Likely to lose access to storage capabilities upon graduation
    • Google Drive is migrating over to Google Stream which stores less commonly used files online as opposed to on your hard drive
    • Google File Stream (used to sync files with desktop) requires a constant internet connection except for recently-used files
    • Previous version control can allow access to previous versions if ransomware becomes an issue
    • Supports two-factor authentication
    • Requires internet access for online storage/backup
  • Cornell Box
    • My experiences are that Cornell Box is not easy to use relative to other options
    • Unlimited storage space, 15 GB file-size limit
    • Free for Cornell students, staff, and faculty, but alumni lose access once graduating
    • Can only be used for university-related activities (e.g. classwork, research)
    • Sharable links for internal Cornell users; however, it is very intrusive to access files for external users (requires making an account)
    • Version history retains the 100 most recent versions for each file
    • Can connect with Google Docs
    • Previous version control can allow access to previous versions if ransomware becomes an issue
    • Supports two-factor authentication
    • Requires internet access for online storage/backup, but has offline access
  • TheCube

Long-Term (5+ Years) Data Storage

It should be noted that most local media types degrade through time. Utilizing the 3-2-1 strategy is most important for long-term storage (with an emphasis on multiple media types and off-site storage). Notably, even if stored offline and never used, external HDDs, CDs, and Blu-Ray disks can only be expected to last at most around five years. Other strategies, such as magnetic tapes (10 years) or floppy disks (10-20 year), may last longer, there is no truly permanent storage strategy (source of lifespans).

M-Discs are a write-once (i.e. read only, cannot be modified) storage strategy that is projected to last many lifetimes and up to 1,000 years. If you’re able to dust off an old Blu-Ray disk reader/writer, M-Discs are likely the best long-term data strategy that is likely to survive the test of time—making two copies stored in two locations is definitely worthwhile. However, the biggest drawback is that M-Discs are relatively difficult to access compared to plugging in an external HD.

Because of the range of lifespans and how cheap storage has become, I would recommend maintaining your old (and likely relatively small) data archives within your regular storage strategy which is likely to migrate between services through time.

For larger datasets that you are required to retain and would like to easily access, I would maintain them on at least two offline external hard drive stored in separate locations (e.g. at home and your office) while occasionally (i.e. every six months) checking the health of the hard drives in perpetuity and replacing them as required.

Relying only on cloud storage for long-term storage is not recommended due to the possibility of companies closing their doors or simply deactivating your account. However, they can be used as an additional layer of protection in addition to having physical copies (i.e. external HD, M-Discs).

Windows 7 Robocopy Code

The script I use for backing up specific directories from my workstation (Windows 7) to an external HD is shown below. To set up my hard drive, I first formatted it to a format compatible with multiple operating systems using this guide. Note that your maximum file size and operating system requirements require different formats. Following this, I used the following guide to implement a nightly backup of all of my data while keeping a log on my C: drive. Note that I have only new files and versions of files copied over, ensuring that the back up does not take ages.

@echo off
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4\Desktop F:\Backups\Desktop /E /XA:H /W:0 /R:3 /REG > C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy E:\Dropbox F:\Backups\Dropbox /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4\Downloads F:\Backups\Downloads /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4\Documents F:\Backups\Documents /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy C:\Users\pqs4 F:\Backups\UserProfile /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log
robocopy E:\Program Files\Zotero F:\Backups\Zotero /E /XA:SH /W:0 /R:3 /REG /XJ >> C:\externalbackup.log

Open Source Streamflow Generator Part II: Validation

This is the second part of a two-part blog post on an open source synthetic streamflow generator written by Matteo Giuliani, Jon Herman and me, which combines the methods of Kirsch et al. (2013) and Nowak et al. (2010) to generate correlated synthetic hydrologic variables at multiple sites. Part I showed how to use the MATLAB code in the subdirectory /stationary_generator to generate synthetic hydrology, while this post shows how to use the Python code in the subdirectory /validation to statistically validate the synthetic data.

The goal of any synthetic streamflow generator is to produce a time series of synthetic hydrologic variables that expand upon those in the historical record while reproducing their statistics. The /validation subdirectory of our repository provides Python plotting functions to visually and statistically compare the historical and synthetic hydrologic data. The function plots the range of the flow duration (probability of exceedance) curves for each hydrologic variable across all historical and synthetic years. Lines 96-100 should be modified for your specific application. You may also have to modify line 60 to change the dimensions of the subplots in your figure. It’s currently set to plot a 2 x 2 figure for the four LSRB hydrologic variables. provides a visual, not statistical, analysis of the generator’s performance. An example plot from this function for the synthetic data generated for the Lower Susquehanna River Basin (LSRB) as described in Part I is shown below. These probability of exceedance curves were generated from 1000 years of synthetic hydrologic variables. Figure 1 indicates that the synthetic time series are successfully expanding upon the historical observations, as the synthetic hydrologic variables include more extreme high and low values. The synthetic hydrologic variables also appear unbiased, as this expansion is relatively equal in both directions. Finally, the synthetic probability of exceedance curves also follow the same shape as the historical, indicating that they reproduce the within-year distribution of daily values.

Figure 1

To more formally confirm that the synthetic hydrologic variables are unbiased and follow the same distribution as the historical, we can test whether or not the synthetic median and variance of real-space monthly values are statistically different from the historical using the function This function is currently set up to perform this analysis for the flows at Marietta, but the site being plotted can be changed on line 76. The results of these tests for Marietta are shown in Figure 2. This figure was generated from a 100-member ensemble of synthetic series of length 100 years, and a bootstrapped ensemble of historical years of the same size and length. Panel a shows boxplots of the real-space historical and synthetic monthly flows, while panels b and c show boxplots of their means and standard deviations, respectively. Because the real-space flows are not normally distributed, the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test and Levene’s test were used to test whether or not the synthetic monthly medians and variances were statistically different from the historical. The p-values associated with these tests are shown in Figures 2d and 2e, respectively. None of the synthetic medians or variances are statistically different from the historical at a significance level of 0.05.

Figure 2

In addition to verifying that the synthetic generator reproduces the first two moments of the historical monthly hydrologic variables, we can also verify that it reproduces both the historical autocorrelation and cross-site correlation at monthly and daily time steps using the functions and, respectively. The autocorrelation function is again set to perform the analysis on Marietta flows, but the site can be changed on line 39. The spatial correlation function performs the analysis for all site pairs, with site names listed on line 75.

The results of these analyses are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Figures 3a and 3b show the autocorrelation function of historical and synthetic real-space flows at Marietta for up to 12 lags of monthly flows (panel a) and 30 lags of daily flows (panel b). Also shown are 95% confidence intervals on the historical autocorrelations at each lag. The range of autocorrelations generated by the synthetic series expands upon that observed in the historical while remaining within the 95% confidence intervals for all months, suggesting that the historical monthly autocorrelation is well-preserved. On a daily time step, most simulated autocorrelations fall within the 95% confidence intervals for lags up to 10 days, and those falling outside do not represent significant biases.

Figure 3

Figures 4a and 4b show boxplots of the cross-site correlation in monthly (panel a) and daily (panel b) real-space hydrologic variables for all pairwise combinations of sites. The synthetic generator greatly expands upon the range of cross-site correlations observed in the historical record, both above and below. Table 1 lists which sites are included in each numbered pair of Figure 4. Wilcoxon rank sum tests (panels c and d) for differences in median monthly and daily correlations indicate that pairwise correlations are statistically different (α=0.5) between the synthetic and historical series at a monthly time step for site pairs 1, 2, 5 and 6, and at a daily time step for site pairs 1 and 2. However, biases for these site pairs appear small in panels a and b. In summary, Figures 1-4 indicate that the streamflow generator is reasonably reproducing historical statistics, while also expanding on the observed record.

Figure 4

Table 1

Pair Number Sites
1 Marietta and Muddy Run
2 Marietta and Lateral Inflows
3 Marietta and Evaporation
4 Muddy Run and Lateral Inflows
5 Muddy Run and Evaporation
6 Lateral Inflows and Evaporation



Open Source Streamflow Generator Part I: Synthetic Generation

This post describes how to use the Kirsch-Nowak synthetic streamflow generator to generate synthetic streamflow ensembles for water systems analysis. As Jon Lamontagne discussed in his introduction to synthetic streamflow generation, generating synthetic hydrology for water systems models allows us to stress-test alternative management plans under stochastic realizations outside of those observed in the historical record. These realizations may be generated assuming stationary or non-stationary models. In a few recent papers from our group applied to the Red River and Lower Susquehanna River Basins (Giuliani et al., 2017; Quinn et al., 2017; Zatarain Salazar et al., 2017), we’ve generated stationary streamflow ensembles by combining methods from Kirsch et al. (2013) and Nowak et al. (2010). We use the method of Kirsch et al. (2013) to generate flows on a monthly time step and the method of Nowak et al. (2010) to disaggregate these monthly flows to a daily time step. The code for this streamflow generator, written by Matteo Giuliani, Jon Herman and me, is now available on Github. Here I’ll walk through how to use the MATLAB code in the subdirectory /stationary_generator to generate correlated synthetic hydrology at multiple sites, and in Part II I’ll show how to use the Python code in the subdirectory /validation to statistically validate the synthetic hydrology. As an example, I’ll use the Lower Susquehanna River Basin (LSRB).

A schematic of the LSRB, reproduced from Giuliani et al. (2014) is provided below. The system consists of two reservoirs: Conowingo and Muddy Run. For the system model, we generate synthetic hydrology upstream of the Conowingo Dam at the Marietta gauge (USGS station 01576000), as well as lateral inflows between Marietta and Conowingo, inflows to Muddy Run and evaporation rates over Conowingo and Muddy Run dams. The historical hydrology on which the synthetic hydrologic model is based consists of the historical record at the Marietta gauge from 1932-2001 and simulated flows and evaporation rates at all other sites over the same time frame generated by an OASIS system model. The historical data for the system can be found here.

The first step to use the synthetic generator is to format the historical data into an nD × nS matrix, where nD is the number of days of historical data with leap days removed and nS is the number of sites, or hydrologic variables. An example of how to format the Susquehanna data is provided in clean_data.m. Once the data has been reformatted, the synthetic generation can be performed by running script_example.m (with modifications for your application). Note that in the LSRB, the evaporation rates over the two reservoirs are identical, so we remove one of those columns from the historical data (line 37) for the synthetic generation. We also transform the historical evaporation with an exponential transformation (line 42) since the code assumes log-normally distributed hydrologic data, while evaporation in this region is more normally distributed. After the synthetic hydrology is generated, the synthetic evaporation rates are back-transformed with a log-transformation on line 60. While such modifications allow for additional hydrologic data beyond streamflows to be generated, for simplicity I will refer to all synthetic variables as “streamflows” for the remainder of this post. In addition to these modifications, you should also specify the number of realizations, nR, you would like to generate (line 52), the number of years, nY, to simulate in each realization (line 53) and a string with the dimensions nR × nY for naming the output file.

The actual synthetic generation is performed on line 58 of script_example.m which calls combined_generator.m. This function first generates monthly streamflows at all sites on line 10 where it calls monthly_main.m, which in turn calls monthly_gen.m to perform the monthly generation for the user-specified number of realizations. To understand the monthly generation, we denote the set of historical streamflows as \mathbf{Q_H}\in \mathbb{R}^{N_H\times T} and the set of synthetic streamflows as \mathbf{Q_S}\in \mathbb{R}^{N_S\times T}, where N_H and N_S are the number of years in the historical and synthetic records, respectively, and T is the number of time steps per year. Here T=12 for 12 months. For the synthetic generation, the streamflows in \mathbf{Q_H} are log-transformed to yield the matrix Y_{H_{i,j}}=\ln(Q_{H_{i,j}}), where i and j are the year and month of the historical record, respectively. The streamflows in \mathbf{Y_H} are then standardized to form the matrix \mathbf{Z_H}\in \mathbb{R}^{N_H\times T} according to equation 1:

1) Z_{H_{i,j}} = \frac{Y_{H_{i,j}}-\hat{\mu_j}}{\hat{\sigma_j}}

where \hat{\mu_j} and \hat{\sigma_j} are the sample mean and sample standard deviation of the j-th month’s log-transformed streamflows, respectively. These variables follow a standard normal distribution: Z_{H_{i,j}}\sim\mathcal{N}(0,1).

For each site, we generate standard normal synthetic streamflows that reproduce the statistics of \mathbf{Z_H} by first creating a matrix \mathbf{C}\in \mathbb{R}^{N_S\times T} of randomly sampled standard normal streamflows from \mathbf{Z_H}. This is done by formulating a random matrix \mathbf{M}\in \mathbb{R}^{N_S\times T} whose elements are independently sampled integers from (1,2,...,N_H). Each element of \mathbf{C} is then assigned the value C_{i,j}=Z_{H_{(M_{i,j}),j}}, i.e. the elements in each column of \mathbf{C} are randomly sampled standard normal streamflows from the same column (month) of \mathbf{Z_H}. In order to preserve the historical cross-site correlation, the same matrix \mathbf{M} is used to generate \mathbf{C} for each site.

Because of the random sampling used to populate \mathbf{C}, an additional step is needed to generate auto-correlated standard normal synthetic streamflows, \mathbf{Z_S}. Denoting the historical autocorrelation \mathbf{P_H}=corr(\mathbf{Z_H}), where corr(\mathbf{Z_H}) is the historical correlation between standardized streamflows in months i and j (columns of \mathbf{Z_H}), an upper right triangular matrix, \mathbf{U}, can be found using Cholesky decomposition (chol_corr.m) such that \mathbf{P_H}=\mathbf{U^\intercal U}. \mathbf{Z_S} is then generated as \mathbf{Z_S}=\mathbf{CU}. Finally, for each site, the auto-correlated synthetic standard normal streamflows \mathbf{Z_S} are converted back to log-space streamflows \mathbf{Y_S} according to Y_{S_{i,j}}=\hat{\mu_j}+Z_{S_{i,j}}\hat{\sigma_j}. These are then transformed back to real-space streamflows \mathbf{Q_S} according to Q_{S_{i,j}}=exp(Y_{S_{i,j}}).

While this method reproduces the within-year log-space autocorrelation, it does not preserve year to-year correlation, i.e. concatenating rows of \mathbf{Q_S} to yield a vector of length N_S\times T will yield discontinuities in the autocorrelation from month 12 of one year to month 1 of the next. To resolve this issue, Kirsch et al. (2013) repeat the method described above with a historical matrix \mathbf{Q_H'}\in \mathbb{R}^{N_{H-1}\times T}, where each row i of \mathbf{Q_H'} contains historical data from month 7 of year i to month 6 of year i+1, removing the first and last 6 months of streamflows from the historical record. \mathbf{U'} is then generated from \mathbf{Q_H'} in the same way as \mathbf{U} is generated from \mathbf{Q_H}, while \mathbf{C'} is generated from \mathbf{C} in the same way as \mathbf{Q_H'} is generated from \mathbf{Q_H}. As before, \mathbf{Z_S'} is then calculated as \mathbf{Z_S'}=\mathbf{C'U'}. Concatenating the last 6 columns of \mathbf{Z_S'} (months 1-6) beginning from row 1 and the last 6 columns of \mathbf{Z_S} (months 7-12) beginning from row 2 yields a set of synthetic standard normal streamflows that preserve correlation between the last month of the year and the first month of the following year. As before, these are then de-standardized and back-transformed to real space.

Once synthetic monthly flows have been generated, combined_generator.m then finds all historical total monthly flows to be used for disaggregation. When calculating all historical total monthly flows a window of +/- 7 days of the month being disaggregated is considered. That is, for January, combined_generator.m finds the total flow volumes in all consecutive 31-day periods within the window from 7 days before Jan 1st to 7 days after Jan 31st. For each month, all of the corresponding historical monthly totals are then passed to KNN_identification.m (line 76) along with the synthetic monthly total generated by monthly_main.mKNN_identification.m identifies the k nearest historical monthly totals to the synthetic monthly total based on Euclidean distance (equation 2):

2) d = \left[\sum^{M}_{m=1} \left({\left(q_{S}\right)}_{m} - {\left(q_{H}\right)}_{m}\right)^2\right]^{1/2}

where {(q_S)}_m is the real-space synthetic monthly flow generated at site m and {(q_H)}_m is the real-space historical monthly flow at site m. The k-nearest neighbors are then sorted from i=1 for the closest to i=k for the furthest, and probabilistically selected for proportionally scaling streamflows in disaggregation. KNN_identification.m uses the Kernel estimator given by Lall and Sharma (1996) to assign the probability p_n of selecting neighbor n (equation 3):

3) p_{n} = \frac{\frac{1}{n}}{\sum^{k}_{i=1} \frac{1}{i}}

Following Lall and Sharma (1996) and Nowak et al. (2010), we use k=\Big \lfloor N_H^{1/2} \Big \rceil. After a neighbor is selected, the final step in disaggregation is to proportionally scale all of the historical daily streamflows at site m from the selected neighbor so that they sum to the synthetically generated monthly total at site m. For example, if the first day of the month of the selected historical neighbor represented 5% of that month’s historical flow, the first day of the month of the synthetic series would represent 5% of that month’s synthetically-generated flow. The random neighbor selection is performed by KNN_sampling.m (called on line 80 of combined_generator.m), which also calculates the proportion matrix used to rescale the daily values at each site on line 83 of combined_generator.m. Finally, script_example.m writes the output of the synthetic streamflow generation to files in the subdirectory /validation. Part II shows how to use the Python code in this directory to statistically validate the synthetically generated hydrology, meaning ensure that it preserves the historical monthly and daily statistics, such as the mean, standard deviation, autocorrelation and spatial correlation.

Works Cited

Giuliani, M., Herman, J. D., Castelletti, A., & Reed, P. (2014). Many‐objective reservoir policy identification and refinement to reduce policy inertia and myopia in water management. Water resources research50(4), 3355-3377.

Giuliani, M., Quinn, J. D., Herman, J. D., Castelletti, A., & Reed, P. M. (2017). Scalable multiobjective control for large-scale water resources systems under uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology26(4), 1492-1499.

Kirsch, B. R., Characklis, G. W., & Zeff, H. B. (2012). Evaluating the impact of alternative hydro-climate scenarios on transfer agreements: Practical improvement for generating synthetic streamflows. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management139(4), 396-406.

Lall, U., & Sharma, A. (1996). A nearest neighbor bootstrap for resampling hydrologic time series. Water Resources Research32(3), 679-693.

Nowak, K., Prairie, J., Rajagopalan, B., & Lall, U. (2010). A nonparametric stochastic approach for multisite disaggregation of annual to daily streamflow. Water Resources Research46(8).

Quinn, J. D., Reed, P. M., Giuliani, M., & Castelletti, A. (2017). Rival framings: A framework for discovering how problem formulation uncertainties shape risk management trade‐offs in water resources systems. Water Resources Research53(8), 7208-7233.

Zatarain Salazar, J., Reed, P. M., Quinn, J. D., Giuliani, M., & Castelletti, A. (2017). Balancing exploration, uncertainty and computational demands in many objective reservoir optimization. Advances in water resources109, 196-210.

Algorithm Diagnostics Walkthrough using the Lake Problem as an example (Part 3 of 3: Metrics-based analysis of algorithm performance)

Now that you have your desired metrics based on part 2 of this series, it is possible to gain more insight into your algorithm performance. When I performed this analysis for the actual study, I used the, and files found in the Github repository as explained in the README. I later discovered it was possible to do this within the framework, so that option will be discussed here.

It is possible to calculate the hypervolume of a Pareto Approximate Front within the framework using the SetHypervolume class. For more information on the MOEAFramework classes, please see the following link (

I used the following command: (Note the change to version 2.3 because I reran this command today to check I remembered it correctly although it seems there is now a version 2.4. It is always best to use the newest version.)

java –cp MOEAFramework-2.3-Demo.jar org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.SetHypervolume myLake4ObjStoch.reference –e 0.01,0.01,0.0001,0.0001 myLake4ObjStoch.reference

This returns a hypervolume value between 0 and 1 that is useful for threshold calculations as shown below.

To calculate threshold attainments, use the Analysis class. Below is an example of performing attainment analysis within the framework instead of using  This approach generates a huge number of files, which are best understood when plotted, a subject for a future post.



seeds="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50"
percentiles="`seq 1 1 100`"
thresholds=(`seq 0.01 0.01 1.0`)

#compute averages across metrics
#echo "Computing averages across metrics..."
#for algorithm in ${algorithms}
# echo "Working on: " ${algorithm}
# java -classpath `cygpath -wp $CLASSPATH` org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.MetricFileStatistics --mode average --output $WORK/metrics/${algorithm}_${problem}.average $WORK/metrics/${algorithm}_${problem}_*.metrics
#echo "Done!"

#compute search control metrics (for best and attainment)
echo "Computing hypervolume search control metrics..."
for algorithm in ${algorithms}
 echo "Working on: " ${algorithm}
 for percentile in ${percentiles}
 java -classpath MOEAFramework-2.3-Demo.jar org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.Analysis --parameterFile ./${algorithm}_params.txt --parameters ./${algorithm}_Latin --metric 0 --threshold ${thresholds[$counter]} --hypervolume 0.7986 ./SOW6/metrics/average_replace_NaNs/${algorithm}_${problem}.average > ./test/Hypervolume_${percentile}_${algorithm}.txt
echo "Done!"

echo "Computing generational distance search control metrics..."
for algorithm in ${algorithms}
 echo "Working on: " ${algorithm}
 for percentile in ${percentiles}
 java -classpath MOEAFramework-2.3-Demo.jar org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.Analysis --parameterFile ./${algorithm}_params.txt --parameters ./${algorithm}_Latin --metric 1 --threshold ${thresholds[$counter]} ./SOW6/metrics/average_replace_NaNs/${algorithm}_${problem}.average > ./test/GenDist_${percentile}_${algorithm}.txt
echo "Done!"

echo "Computing additive epsilon indicator search control metrics..."
for algorithm in ${algorithms}
 echo "Working on: " ${algorithm}
 for percentile in ${percentiles}
 java -classpath MOEAFramework-2.3-Demo.jar org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.Analysis --parameterFile ./${algorithm}_params.txt --parameters ./${algorithm}_Latin --metric 4 --threshold ${thresholds[$counter]} ./SOW6/metrics/average_replace_NaNs/${algorithm}_${problem}.average > ./test/EpsInd_${percentile}_${algorithm}.txt
echo "Done!"

I did encounter some caveats while working through this process. Scripts for handling them and instructions are provided in the Diagnostic-Source README on Github. One caveat that is not covered there is increasing the speed of the hypervolume calculation. Please see Dave Hadka’s Hypervolume repository for more information (

Algorithm Diagnostics Walkthrough using the Lake Problem as an example (Part 2 of 3: Calculate metrics for Analysis) Tori Ward

This post continues from Part 1, which provided examples of using the MOEAFramework to generate Pareto approximate fronts for a comparative diagnostic study.

Once one has finished generating all of the approximate fronts and respective reference sets one hopes to analyze, metrics may be calculated within the MOEAFramework. I calculated metrics for both my local reference sets and all of my individual approximations of the Pareto front. The metrics for the individual approximations were averaged for each parameterization across all seeds to determine the expected performance for a single seed.

Calculate Metrics

Local Reference Set Metrics



SEEDS=$(seq 1 ${NSEEDS})
JAVA_ARGS="-cp MOEAFramework-2.1-Demo.jar"
set -e

#PBS -N ${NAME}\n\
#PBS -l nodes=1\n\
#PBS -l walltime=96:00:00\n\
#PBS -o output/${NAME}\n\
#PBS -e error/${NAME}\n\
java ${JAVA_ARGS} \
org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.ResultFileEvaluator \
--b ${PROBLEM} --i ./SOW4/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}.reference \
--r ./SOW4/reference/${PROBLEM}.reference --o ./SOW4/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}.localref.metrics"
echo -e $PBS | qsub

Individual Set Metrics



SEEDS=$(seq 1 ${NSEEDS})
JAVA_ARGS="-cp MOEAFramework-2.1-Demo.jar"
set -e

for SEED in ${SEEDS}
#PBS -N ${NAME}\n\
#PBS -l nodes=1\n\
#PBS -l walltime=96:00:00\n\
#PBS -o output/${NAME}\n\
#PBS -e error/${NAME}\n\
java ${JAVA_ARGS} \
org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.ResultFileEvaluator \
--b ${PROBLEM} --i ./SOW4/sets/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}_${SEED}.set \
--r ./SOW4/reference/${PROBLEM}.reference --o ./SOW4/metrics/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}_${SEED}.metrics"
echo -e $PBS | qsub

Average Individual Set Metrics across seeds for each parameterization

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -N moeaevaluations
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=96:00:00



SEEDS=$(seq 1 ${NSEEDS})
JAVA_ARGS="-cp MOEAFramework-2.1-Demo.jar"
set -e

# Average the performance metrics across all seeds
echo -n "Averaging performance metrics for ${ALGORITHM}..."
java ${JAVA_ARGS} \
org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.SimpleStatistics \
-m average --ignore -o ./metrics/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}.average ./metrics/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}_*.metrics
echo "done."

At the end of this script, I also calculated the set contribution I mentioned earlier by including the following lines.

# Calculate set contribution
echo ""
echo "Set contribution:"
java ${JAVA_ARGS} org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.SetContribution \
-e 0.01,0.01,0.001,0.01 -r ./reference/${PROBLEM}.reference ./reference/*_${PROBLEM}.combined

Part 3 covers using the MOEAFramework for further analysis of these metrics.

Algorithm Diagnostics Walkthrough using the Lake Problem as an example (Part 1 of 3: Generate Pareto approximate fronts)

This three part series is an overview of the algorithm diagnostics I performed in my Lake Problem study with the hope that readers may apply the steps to any problem of interest. All of the source code for my study, including the scripts used for the diagnostics can be found at

The first step to using the MOEAFramework for comparative algorithm diagnostics was to create the simulation model on which I would be assessing algorithm performance. The Lake Problem was written in C++. The executable alone could be used for optimization with Borg and I created a java stub to connect the problem to the MOEAFramework. (  Additional information on this aspect of a comparative study can be found in examples 4 and 5 for the MOEAFramework ( and in Chapter 5 of the manual. I completed the study using version 2.1, which was the newest at the time. I used the all in one executable instead of the source code although I compiled my simulation code within the examples subfolder of the source code.

Once I had developed an appropriate simulation model to represent my problem, I could begin the diagnostic component of my study. I first chose algorithms of interest and determined the range of parameters from which I would like to sample. To determine parameter ranges, I consulted Table 1 of the 2013 AWR article by Reed et al.

Reed, P., et al. Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization in Water Resources: The Past, Present, and Future. (Editor Invited Submission to the 35th Anniversary Special Issue), Advances in Water Resources, 51:438-456, 2013.

Example parameter files and the ones I used for my study can be found at Once I had established parameter files for sampling, I found chapter 8 of the MOEAFramework manual to be incredibly useful.  Below I walk through the steps I took in generating approximations of the Pareto optimal front for my problem across multiple seeds, algorithms, and parameterizations.   All of the commands have been consolidated into the file on Github, but I had many separate files during my study, which will be separated into steps here. It may have been possible to automate the whole process, but I liked breaking it up into separate scripts to make sure I checked that the output made sense after each step.

Step 1: Generate Parameter Samples To generate parameter samples for each algorithm, I used the following code, which I kept in a file called I ran all .sh scripts using the general command sh

JAVA_ARGS="-cp MOEAFramework-2.1-Demo.jar"

# Generate the parameter samples
echo -n "Generating parameter samples..."
java ${JAVA_ARGS} \
org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.SampleGenerator \
--method ${METHOD} --n ${NSAMPLES} --p ${ALGORITHM}_params.txt \

Step 2: Optimize the problem using algorithms of interest This step had two parts: optimization with Borg and optimization with the MOEAFramework algorithms. To optimize using Borg, one needs to request Borg at This is the only step that needs to be completed outside of the MOEAFramework. I then used the following script to generate approximations to the Pareto front for all 500 samples and 50 random seeds. The –l and –u flags indicate upper and lower bounds for decision variable values. Fortunately, it should soon be possible to type one value and specify the number of variables with that bound instead of typing all 100 values as shown here.

#50 random seeds


SEEDS=$(seq 1 ${NSEEDS})

for SEED in ${SEEDS}
#PBS -N ${NAME}\n\
#PBS -l nodes=1\n\
#PBS -l walltime=96:00:00\n\
#PBS -o output/${NAME}\n\
#PBS -e error/${NAME}\n\
./BorgExec -v 100 -o 4 -c 1 \
-l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 \
-u 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1 \
-e 0.01,0.01,0.0001,0.0001 -p Borg_params.txt -i Borg_Latin -s ${SEED} -f ./sets/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}_${SEED}.set -- ./LakeProblem4obj_control "
echo -e $PBS | qsub

Optimization with the MOEAFramework allowed me to submit jobs for all remaining algorithms and seeds with one script as shown below. In my study, I actually submitted epsilon dominance algorithms (included –e flag) and point dominance algorithms (did not include –e flag) separately; however, it is my understanding that it would have been fine to submit jobs for all algorithms with the epsilon flag, especially since I converted all point dominance approximations to the Pareto front to epsilon dominance when generating reference sets.



SEEDS=$(seq 1 ${NSEEDS})
JAVA_ARGS="-cp MOEAFramework-2.1-Demo.jar"
set -e

for SEED in ${SEEDS}
#PBS -N ${NAME}\n\
#PBS -l nodes=1\n\
#PBS -l walltime=96:00:00\n\
#PBS -o output/${NAME}\n\
#PBS -e error/${NAME}\n\
java ${JAVA_ARGS}
org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.Evaluator -p
${ALGORITHM}_params.txt -i ${ALGORITHM}_Latin -b ${PROBLEM}
-a ${ALGORITHM} -e 0.01,0.01,0.0001,0.0001 -s ${SEED} -o ./sets/${NAME}.set"
echo -e $PBS | qsub


Step 3: Generate combined approximation set for each algorithm and Global reference set Next, I generated a reference set for each algorithm’s performance. This was useful as it made it easier to generate the global reference set for all algorithms across all seeds and parameterizations and it allowed me to calculate a percent contribution for each algorithm to the global reference set. Below is the script for the algorithm reference sets:



JAVA_ARGS="-cp MOEAFramework-2.1-Demo.jar"
set -e

# Generate the combined approximation sets for each algorithm
echo -n "Generating combined approximation set for
java ${JAVA_ARGS} \
org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.ResultFileMerger \
-b ${PROBLEM} -e 0.01,0.01,0.0001,0.0001 -o ./SOW4/reference/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}.combined \
echo "done."

In the same file, I added the following lines to generate the global reference set while running the same script.
# Generate the reference set from all combined approximation sets
echo -n "Generating reference set..."
java ${JAVA_ARGS} org.moeaframework.util.ReferenceSetMerger \
-e 0.01,0.01,0.0001,0.0001 -o ./SOW4/reference/${PROBLEM}.reference ./SOW4/reference/*_${PROBLEM}.combined > /dev/null
echo "done."

If one wants to keep the decision variables associated with the reference set solutions, it is possible to use org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.ResultFileMerger on all of the pertinent .set files.

A final option for reference sets is to generate local reference sets for each parameterization of each algorithm. This was done with the following script:


SEEDS=$(seq 1 ${NSEEDS})

# Evaluate all algorithms for all seeds
java -cp MOEAFramework-2.1-Demo.jar org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.ResultFileSeedMerger -d 4 -e 0.01,0.01,0.0001,0.0001 \
--output ./SOW4/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}.reference ./SOW4/objs/${ALGORITHM}_${PROBLEM}*.obj

Part 2 of this post walks through my calculation of metrics.