Sankey diagrams for USGS gauge data in python(?)

This post was inspired by the Sankey diagram in Figure 1 of this pre-print led by Dave Gold:Exploring the Spatially Compounding Multi-sectoral Drought Vulnerabilities in Colorado’s West Slope River Basins” (Gold, Reed & Gupta, In Review) which features a Sankey diagram of flow contributions to Lake Powell. I like the figure, and thought I’d make an effort to produce similar diagrams using USGS gauge data.

Sankey diagrams show data flows between different source and target destinations. Lot’s of people use them to visualize their personal/business cashflows. It’s an obvious visualization option for streamflows.

To explain the “(?)” in my title: When I started this, I’d realized quickly that I to choose one of two popular plotting packages: matplotlib or plotly.

I am a frequent matplotlib user and definitely appreciate the level of control in the figure generation process. However, it can sometimes be more time- and line-intensive designing highly customized figures using matplotlib. On the other hand, in my experience, plotly tools can often produce appealing graphics with less code. I am also drawn to the fact that the plotly graphics are interactive objects rather than static figures.

I decided to go with plotly to try something new. If you want to hear my complaints and thoughts on use context, you can skip to the conclusions below.

In the sections below, I provide some code which will:

  • Define a network of USGS gauge stations to include in the plot
  • Retrieve data from USGS gauge stations
  • Create a Sankey diagram using plotly showing streamflows across the network

Here, I focus on the Rio Grande river upstream of Albuquerque, NM. However you can plot a different streamflow network by modifying the dictionary of upstream nodes defining the network.

Plotting a Sankey streamflow network with plotly

The code used here requires both plotly and the pygeohydro package (for USGS data retrieval).

from pygeohydro import NWIS
import plotly.graph_objects as go

With that out of the way, we can get started.

Defining the flow network & data retrieval

I start by defining a dictionary called upstream_stations which defines the relationships between different gauges of interest.

This dictionary contains pairs of the form: {"GAUGE_ID" : ["LIST_OF", "UPSTREAM", "GAUGE_IDs"]}

If there is no upstream site, then include an empty list. For the Rio Grande network, this looks like:

# define relationships between each gauge and upstream sites
upstream_stations = {
    '08329918' : ['08319000', '08328950'], 
    '08319000' : ['08317400', '08317200'],
    '08328950' : [],
    '08317200' : [],
    '08317400' : ['08313000'],
    '08313000' : ['08290000', '08279500'],
    '08287000' : [],
    '08279500' : [],
    '08290000' : ['08287000', '08289000'],
    '08289000' : [],

# Get list of all stations from upstream_stations
all_stations = list(upstream_stations.keys())
for station, upstream in upstream_stations.items():
    all_stations += upstream
all_stations = list(set(all_stations))

Notice that I also made a list containing all the stations IDs. I use the pygeohydro package from the HyRiver suite of tools to get retrieve the gauge station data (Chegini, Li, & Leung, 2021). I often cite this package, and have written about it in a past post (“Efficient hydroclimatic data accessing with HyRiver for Python”).

Using the list of all_stations, I use the following code to pull daily streamflow data for each site from 2015-2020 (or some other specified dates):

def get_usgs_gauge_data(stations, dates):
    Get streamflow data from USGS gauge stations using NWIS.
    nwis = NWIS()
    df = nwis.get_streamflow(stations, dates, mmd=False)
    # get rid of USGS- in columns
    df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('USGS-', '')
    return df

# Get USGS flows
flows = get_usgs_gauge_data(all_stations, ('2015-01-01', '2020-12-31'))

For the Sankey diagram, we need a single flow value for each station. In this case I calculate an average of the annual total flows at each station:

# Get annual mean flows
agg_flows = flows.resample('Y').sum().agg('mean')

Creating the Sankey figure

At it’s core, a Sankey diagram is a visualization of a weighted network (also referred to as a graph) defined by:

  • Nodes
  • Links (aka Edges)
  • Weights

In our case, the nodes are the USGS gauge stations, the links are the connections between upstream and downstream gauges, and the weights are the average volumes of water flowing from one gauge to the next.

Each link is defined by a source and target node and a value. This is where the upstream_stations dictionary comes in. In the code block below, I set up the nodes and links, looping through upstream_stations to define all of the source-target relationships:

## Deinfe nodes and links
# Nodes are station IDs
nodes = all_stations
node_indices = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(nodes)}

# make links based on upstream-downstream relationships
links = {
    'source': [],
    'target': [],
    'value': [],

# loop through upstream_stations dict
for station, upstream_list in upstream_stations.items():
    for stn in upstream_list:
        if stn in agg_flows and station in agg_flows:

Lastly, I define some node labels and assign colors to each node. In this case, I want to make the nodes black if they represent reservoir releases (gauges at reservoir outlets) or blue if they are simple gauge stations.

labels = {
    '08329918' : 'Rio Grande at Alameda', 
    '08319000' : 'San Felipe Gauge',
    '08328950' : 'Jemez Canyon Reservoir',
    '08317200' : 'Santa Fe River',
    '08317400' : 'Cochiti Reservoir',
    '08313000' : 'Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge',
    '08287000' : 'Abiquiu Reservoir',
    '08279500' : 'Rio Grande',
    '08290000' : 'Rio Chama',
    '08289000' : 'Rio Ojo Caliente',

# Create nodes labels and colors lists
node_labels = [labels[node] for node in nodes]
node_colors = ['black' if 'Reservoir' in label else 'dodgerblue' for label in node_labels]

Finally, the function to generate the figure:

def create_sankey_diagram(node_labels, links, node_colors, 
                          size=(2000, 700)):
    Create a Sankey diagram of using Plotly.
    node_labels : list
        List of node labels.
    links : dict
        Dictionary with keys 'source', 'target', and 'value'.
    node_colors : list
        List of node colors.
    orientation : str
        Orientation of the diagram, 'h' for horizontal and 'v' for vertical.
    sankey_fig : plotly.graph_objects.Figure
        Plotly figure object.
    sankey_fig = go.Figure(go.Sankey(
            line=dict(color='dodgerblue', width=0.5),
        title_text="Rio Grande Streamflow ",
    return sankey_fig

There are some options for manipulating this figure script to better suit your needs. Specifically you may want to modify:

  • pad=70 : this is the horizontal spacing between nodes
  • thickness=45 : this is the thickness of the node elements

With our pre-prepped data from above, we can use the function like so:

sankey_fig = create_sankey_diagram(node_labels, 
								   orientation='v', size=(1000, 1200))

And here we have it:

I’d say it looks… okay. And admittedly this is the appearance after manipulating the node placement using the interactive interface.

It’s a squished vertically (which can be improved by making it a much taller figure). However my biggest issue is with the text being difficult to read.

Changing the orientation to horizontal (orientation='h') results in a slightly better looking figure. Which makes sense, since the Sankey diagram is often shown horizontal. However, this does not preserve the relationship to the actual North-South flow direction in the Rio Grande, so I don’t like it as much.


To answer the question posed by the title, “Sankey diagrams for USGS gauge data in python(?)”: Yes, sometimes. And sometimes something else.

Plotly complaints: While working on this post, I developed a few complaints with the plotly Sankey tools. Specifically:

  • It appears that the label text coloring cannot be modified. I don’t like the white edgecolor/blur effect, but could not get rid of this.
  • The font is very difficult to read… I had to make the text size very large for it to be reasonably legible.
  • You can only assign a single node thickness. I had wanted to make the reservoirs thick, and shrink the size of the gauge station nodes. However, it seems this cannot be done.
  • The diagrams appear low-resolution and I don’t see a way to save a high res version.

Ultimately, the plotly tools are very restrictive in the design of the graphic. However, this is a tradeoff in order to get the benefit of interactive graphics.

Plotly praise: The plotly Sankey tools have some advantages, specifically:

  • The plots are interactive
  • Plots can be saved as HTML and embedded in websites

These advantages make the plotly tools good for anyone who might want to have a dynamic and maybe frequently updated dashboard on a site.

On the other hand, if I wanted to prepare a publication-quality figure, where I had absolute control of the design elements, I’d likely turn to matplotlib. That way it could be saved as an SVG and further manipulated in a vector art program link Inkscape or Illustrator.

Thanks for reading!


Chegini, T., Li, H. Y., & Leung, L. R. (2021). HyRiver: Hydroclimate data retriever. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(66), 3175.


Introduction to Bayesian Regression using PyMC


Fans of this blog will know that uncertainty is often a focus for our group. When approaching uncertainty, Bayesian methods might be of interest since they explicitly provide uncertainty estimates during the modeling process.

PyMC is the best tool I have come across for Bayesian modeling in Python; this post gives a super brief introduction to this toolkit.

Introduction to PyMC

PyMC, described in their own words:
“… is a probabilistic programming library for Python that allows users to build Bayesian models with a simple Python API and fit them using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.”

In my opinion, the best part of PyMC is the flexibility and breadth of model design features. The space of different model configurations is massive. It allows you to make models ranging from simple linear regressions (shown here), to more complex hierarchical models, copulas, gaussian processes, and more.

Regardless of your model formulation, PyMC let’s you generate posterior estimates of model parameter distributions. These parameter distributions reflect the uncertainty in the model, and can propagate uncertainty into your final predictions.

The posterior estimates of model parameters are generated using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. A detailed overview of MCMC is outside the scope of this post (maybe in a later post…).

In the simplest terms, MCMC is a method for estimating posterior parameter distributions for a Bayesian model. It generates a sequence of samples from the parameter space (which can be huge and complex), where the probability of each sample is proportional to its likelihood given the observed data. By collecting enough samples, MCMC generates an approximation of the posterior distribution, providing insights into the probable values of the model parameters along with their uncertainties. This is key when the models are very complex and the posterior cannot be directly defined.

The PyMC example gallery has lots of cool stuff to get you inspired, with examples that go far and beyond the simple linear regression case.


When writing drafting this post, I wanted to include a demonstration which is (a) simple enough to cover in a brief post, and (b) relatively easy for others to replicate. I settled on the simple linear regression model described below, since this was able to be done using readily retrievable CAMELS data.

The example attempts to predict mean streamflow as a linear function of basin catchment area (both in log space). As you’ll see, it’s not the worst model, but its far from a good model; there is a lot of uncertainty!


For a description of the CAMELS dataset, see Addor, Newman, Mizukami and Clark (2017).

I pulled all of the national CAMELS data using the pygeohydro package from HyRiver which I have previously recommended on this blog. This is a convenient single-line code to get all the data:

import pygeohydro as gh

### Load camels data
camels_basins, camels_qobs = gh.get_camels()

The camels_basins variable is a dataframe with the different catchment attributes, and the camels_qobs is a xarray.Dataset. In this case we will only be using the camels_basins data.

The CAMELS data spans the continental US, but I want to focus on a specific region (since hydrologic patterns will be regional). Before going further, I filter the data to keep only sites in the Northeaster US:

# filter by mean long lat of geometry: NE US
camels_basins['mean_long'] = camels_basins.geometry.centroid.x
camels_basins['mean_lat'] = camels_basins.geometry.centroid.y
camels_basins = camels_basins[(camels_basins['mean_long'] > -80) & (camels_basins['mean_long'] < -70)]
camels_basins = camels_basins[(camels_basins['mean_lat'] > 35) & (camels_basins['mean_lat'] < 45)]

I also convert the mean flow data (q_mean) units from mm/day to cubic meters per day:

# convert q_mean from mm/day to m3/s
camels_basins['q_mean_cms'] = camels_basins['q_mean'] * (1e-3) *(camels_basins['area_gages2']*1000**2) * (1/(60*60*24)) 

And this is all the data we need for this crude model!

Bayesian linear model

The simple linear regression model (hello my old friend):

Normally you might assume that there is a single, best value corresponding to each of the model parameters (alpha and beta). This is considered a Frequentist perspective and is a common approach. In these cases, the best parameters can be estimated by minimizing the errors corresponding to a particular set of parameters (see least squares, for example.

However, we could take a different approach and assume that the parameters (intercept and slope) are random variables themselves, and have some corresponding distribution. This would constitute a Bayesian perspective.

Keeping with simplicity in this example, I will assume that the intercept and slope each come from a normal distribution with a mean and variance such that:

When it comes time to make inferences or predictions using our model, we can create a large number of predictions by sampling different parameter values from these distributions. Consequently, we will end up with a distribution of uncertain predictions.

PyMC implementation

I recommend you see the PyMC installation guide to help you get set up.

NOTE: The MCMC sampler used by PyMC is written in C and will be SIGNIFICANTLY faster if you provide have access to GCC compiler and specify the it’s directory using the the following:

import pymc as pm

import os
os.environ["THEANO_FLAGS"] = "gcc__cxxflags=-C:\mingw-w64\mingw64\bin"

You will get a warning if you don’t have this properly set up.

Now, onto the demo!

I start by retrieving our X and Y data from the CAMELS dataset we created above:

# Pull out X and Y of interest
x_ftr= 'area_gages2'
y_ftr = 'q_mean_cms'
xs = camels_basins[x_ftr] 
ys = camels_basins[y_ftr]

# Take log-transform 
xs = np.log(xs)
ys = np.log(ys)

At a glance, we see there is a reasonable linear relationship when working in the log space:

Two of the key features when building a model are:

  • The random variable distribution constructions
  • The deterministic model formulation

There are lots of different distributions available, and each one simply takes a name and set of parameter values as inputs. For example, the normal distribution defining our intercept parameter is:

alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=intercept_prior, sigma=10)

The value of the parameter priors that you specify when construction the model may have a big impact depending on the complexity of your model. For simple models you may get away with having uninformative priors (e.g., setting mu=0), however if you have some initial guesses then that can help with getting reliable convergence.

In this case, I used a simple least squares estimate of the linear regression as the parameter priors:

slope_prior, intercept_prior = np.polyfit(xs.values.flatten(), ys.values.flatten(), 1)

Once we have our random variables defined, then we will need to formulate the deterministic element of our model prediction. This is the functional relationship between the input, parameters, and output. For our linear regression model, this is simply:

y_mu = alpha + beta * xs

In the case of our Bayesian regression, this can be thought of as the mean of the regression outputs. The final estimates are going to be distributed around the y_mu with the uncertainty resulting from the combinations of our different random variables.

Putting it all together now:

### PyMC linear model
with pm.Model() as model:
    # Priors
    alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=intercept_prior, sigma=10)
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=slope_prior, sigma=10)
    sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=1)

    # mean/expected value of the model
    mu = alpha + beta * xs

    # likelihood
    y = pm.Normal('y', mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=ys)

    # sample from the posterior
    trace = pm.sample(2000, cores=6)

With our model constructed, we can use the pm.sample() function to begin the MCMC sampling process and estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters. Note that this process can be very computationally intensive for complex models! (Definitely make sure you have the GCC set up correctly if you plan on needing to sample complex models.)

Using the sampled parameter values, we can create posterior estimates of the predictions (log mean flow) using the posterior parameter distributions:

## Generate posterior predictive samples
ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, model=model)

Let’s go ahead and plot the range of the posterior distribution, to visualize the uncertainty in the model estimates:

### Plot the posterior predictive interval
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8,4))

# log space
az.plot_hdi(xs, ppc['posterior_predictive']['y'], 
            color='cornflowerblue', ax=ax[0], hdi_prob=0.9)
ax[0].scatter(xs, ys, alpha=0.6, s=20, color='k')
ax[0].set_xlabel('Log ' + x_ftr)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Log Mean Flow (m3/s)')

# original dim space
az.plot_hdi(np.exp(xs), np.exp(ppc['posterior_predictive']['y']), 
            color='cornflowerblue', ax=ax[1], hdi_prob=0.9)
ax[1].scatter(np.exp(xs), np.exp(ys), alpha=0.6, s=20, color='k')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Mean Flow (m3/s)')
plt.suptitle('90% Posterior Prediction Interval', fontsize=14)

And there we have it! The figure on the left shows the data and posterior prediction range in log-space, while the figure on the right is in non-log space.

As mentioned earlier, it’s not the best model (wayyy to much uncertainty in the large-basin mean flow estimates), but at least we have the benefit of knowing the uncertainty distribution since we took the Bayesian approach!

That’s all for now; this post was really meant to bring PyMC to your attention. Maybe you have a use case or will be more likely to consider Bayesian approaches in the future.

If you have other Bayesian/probabilistic programming tools that you like, please do comment below. PyMC is one (good) option, but I’m sure other people have their own favorites for different reasons.

PyMC resources:


Addor, N., Newman, A. J., Mizukami, N. and Clark, M. P. The CAMELS data set: catchment attributes and meteorology for large-sample studies, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 5293–5313, doi:10.5194/hess-21-5293-2017, 2017.

12 Years of WaterProgramming: A Retrospective on >500 Blog Posts

Just over 12 years ago, on January 9th 2012, the first WaterProgramming post was published. It was written by Joe Kasprzyk who is now an Associate Professor at CU Boulder, but at the time was a graduate student in the Reed Research Group. The post reads, in it’s entirety:


This blog shares tips for writing programs and running jobs associated with using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) for water resources engineering.  It will be informal, with posts on a number of topics by a number of folks.

Since that first post, there have been 538 posts on the WaterProgramming blog!

Since that time, the content and style of posts has naturally evolved alongside the groups research foci and training needs. As we transition into a new year, I wanted to take the opportunity to look back and study the 12 years of activity on the WaterProgramming blog.

In preparing for this post, I have downloaded the entirety of the WaterProgramming blog archive and performed some fun analysis to look more closely at what has been made over the years.

To those of you who are regular readers of the blog, thank you for the continued interest! To those who may be less familiar, I hope this post helps to give you a bigger-picture of what goes on in this niche corner of the internet.

New tools to support the blog, and our top posts of all time

Before going any further, I want to point out a few new tools we have developed to support the blog content and anyone who is interested in our training activities. Given the number of posts on this site, it may be difficult to navigate the different posts and topics.

To make learning with the blog easier, we created the Reed Group Lab Manual (which was highlighted in Andrew’s blog post last fall) that includes:

Now, to kick us off, I want to highlight our five most-popular blog posts to-date. The top five posts of all time, based on total views are:

  1. PyCharm as a Python IDE for Generating UML Diagrams by Tom Wild
  2. Converting Latex to MS Word docx (almost perfectly) by Bernardo Trindade
  3. A quick example code to write data to a csv file in C++ by David Gold
  4. Types of Errors in Numerical Methods by Rohini Gupta
  5. Running a Python script using Excel macros by Lillian Lau

Post length over time

Perhaps one of the most obvious changes which has taken place over the last 12 years is the change in average blog post length. The figure below shows the length of each individual post (blue) with the annual average post length overlaid (yellow).

At the start of it’s life, WaterProgramming posts could be characterized as bite-sized tips-and-tricks which were often 200-500 words in length. In the first year along, there were more than 80 WaterProgramming posts!

In more recent years, the style of post has evolved to be quite a bit longer often coming in at 500-1500 words. Consequently, the posting frequency has been reduced (see figure below) and we have stabilized to an average of ~40 posts per year (with there being 35 posts in 2023).

Our most common topics

While the original Welcome! post emphasized our focus on “writing programs and running jobs associated with using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms” there has been a large variety of different posts since then.

Here, I took a look at all of the blog post titles over the years, and have identified the most frequent words (see figure below).

Looking at this plot, one thing stands out very clearly: we like working with Python! The most-frequent words reflect the “WaterProgramming” title and are: Python, Data, Analysis, Borg, Code.

However, I also want to highlight the frequency with which our posts provide some sort of demonstration and/or training activity which is a focus for our group. This focus on reproducibility and open-science is shown by the fact that some of the other most-frequent title words include:

  • Training
  • Interactive
  • Example

Another theme revealed here is that we aim to keep the content accessible across audiences, with titles frequently including the words “introduction”, “basic”, and “simple”.

And lastly, I will employ a highly sophisticated (/s) data visualization technique to help illustrate the key WaterProgramming themes in a more appealing way: the word cloud.

Conclusion and Thank You

As I was getting established in the Reed Research Group, I personally found the WaterProgramming blog to be a priceless resource. Now, I am very glad to able to contribute to this site, be part of the community, and support others in their learning.

I want to close out with a big THANK YOU to all of the contributors over the years. You all rock. In the table below I want to acknowledge anyone and everyone who has contributed to this blog in this past, along with a link to their top blog post. The majority of these folks have moved on from the Reed Group (or were external contributors) who are off doing great work; the table below does not include their impressive titles or accolades.

In no particular order:

Joe KasprzykUsing a virtual machine to run 32-bit software on a modern PC
Jon HermanRunning Sobol Sensitivity Analysis using SALib
Julie QuinnFitting Hidden Markov Models Part II: Sample Python Script
Jazmin ZatarainVisualization strategies for multidimensional data
Bernardo TrindadeConverting Latex to MS Word docx (almost perfectly)
Keyvan MalekTaylor Diagram
David GoldMake LaTeX easier with custom commands
Rohini GuptaTypes of Errors in Numerical Methods
Lillian LauRunning a Python script using Excel macros
Antonia HadjimichaelNondimensionalization of differential equations – an example using the Lotka-Volterra system of equations
Andrew HamiltonBivariate choropleth maps
Tom WildPyCharm as a Python IDE for Generating UML Diagrams
Trevor AmestoyMarkdown -Based Scientific and Computational Note Taking with Obsidian
Jon LamontagnePlotting geographic data from geojson files using Python
Tina KarimiParallel processing with R on Windows
Jared SmithPackages for Hydrological Data Retrieval and Statistical Analysis
William RasemanMultivariate Distances: Mahalanobis vs. Euclidean
Jan KwakkelScenario Discovery in Python
Andrew DirksRemote terminal environment using VS Code for Windows and Mac
David HadkaIntroduction to OpenMORDM
Travis ThurberContinuous Deployment with GitHub Actions (or, What Gives Life to a Living eBook?)
Peter StormLaunching Jupyter Notebook Using an Icon/Shortcut in the Current Working Directory Folder
Calvin WealtonCustom Plotting Symbols in R
Anaya GangadharVisualizing large directed networks with ggraph in R
Josh KollatAeroVis Documentation
Tori WardCompiling shared libraries on Windows (32 bit and 64 bit systems)
Charles RougeEvaluating and visualizing sampling quality
Sara AlalamIntroduction to Borg Operators Part 1: Simplex Crossover (SPX)
Gregory GarnerSurvival Function Plots in R
Veysel YildizHow ChatGPT Helped Me To Convert a MATLAB Toolbox to Python and Learn Python Coding
Michael LuoRuntime Visualization of MOEA with Platypus in Python
Ryan McKellyCommon PBS Batch Options
MattConverting an SVG to EPS
Nasser NajibiWeather Regime-Based Stochastic Weather Generation (Part 2/2)
Yu LiUse python cf and esgf-python-client package to interact with ESGF data portal
Ben LivnehInterpolating and resampling across projections and spatial resolutions with GDAL
Raffaele CestariLegacy Code Reborn: Wrapping C++ into MATLAB Simulink

An introduction to linear programming for reservoir operations (part 2) – Implementation with Pyomo


Previously, in Part 1 I used a very simple reservoir operations scenario to demonstrate some linear programming (LP) concepts.

After some feedback on my initial formulation I went back and revised the formulation to make sure that (1) both reservoir releases and storage levels are optimized simultaneously and (2) the LP handles decisions over multiple timesteps (1,…,N) during optimization. Definitely look back at Part 1 for more context.

The current LP formulation is as follows:

In this post, I show a simple implementation of this LP using the Pyomo package for solving optimization problems in Python.

I have shared the code used in this demo in a repository here: Reservoir-LP-Demo

Constructing the LP model with Pyomo

While Pyomo can help us construct the LP model, you will need access to a separate solver software in order to actually run the optimization. I don’t get into the details here on how to set up these solvers (see their specific installation instructions), but generally you will need this solver to be accessible on you PATH.

Two solvers that I have had good experience with are:

As always, it’s best to consult the Pyomo documentation for any questions you might have. Here, I highlight a few things that are needed for our implementation.

We start by importing the pyomo.environ module:

import pyomo.environ as pyo

From this module we will need to use the following classes to help build our model:

  • pyo.ConcreteModel()
  • pyo.RangeSet()
  • pyo.Var()
  • pyo.Objective()
  • pyo.Constraint()
  • pyo.SolverFactory()

The nice thing about using pyomo rather than trying to manage the LP matrices yourself is that you can specify objectives and constraints as functions.

For example, the objective function is defined as:

# Objective Function
def objective_rule(m):
    return -sum((eta_0 * m.R[t]) + (m.S[t]/S_max*100) for t in m.T)

And a constraint used to enforce the lower limit of the storage mass balance can defined as:

def S_balance_lower(m, t):
    if t == 0:
        return m.S[t] + m.R[t] <= initial_storage + I[t] - D[t]
    return m.S[t] + m.R[t] <= m.S[t-1] + I[t] - D[t]

Rather than picking the full implementation apart, I present the entire function below, and encourage you to compare the code implementation with the problem definition above.

def pyomo_lp_reservoir(N, S_min, S_max, R_min, R_max, 
                       eta_0, I, D,  

    # Model
    model = pyo.ConcreteModel()

    # Time range
    model.T = pyo.RangeSet(0, N-1)  

    # Decision Variables
    model.S = pyo.Var(model.T, bounds=(S_min, S_max))  # Storage
    model.R = pyo.Var(model.T, bounds=(R_min, R_max))  # Release

    # Objective Function
    def objective_rule(m):
        return -sum((eta_0 * m.R[t]) + (m.S[t]/S_max*100) for t in m.T)
    model.objective = pyo.Objective(rule=objective_rule, sense=pyo.minimize)

    # Constraints
    def S_balance_lower(m, t):
        if t == 0:
            return m.S[t] + m.R[t] <= initial_storage + I[t] - D[t]
        return m.S[t] + m.R[t] <= m.S[t-1] + I[t] - D[t]

    def S_balance_upper(m, t):
        if t == 0:
            return -(m.S[t] + m.R[t]) <= -(initial_storage + I[t] - D[t])
        return -(m.S[t] + m.R[t]) <= -(m.S[t-1] + I[t] - D[t])
    model.S_lower = pyo.Constraint(model.T, rule=S_balance_lower)
    model.S_upper = pyo.Constraint(model.T, rule=S_balance_upper)
    model.S_final = pyo.Constraint(expr=model.S[N-1] == initial_storage)

    # Solve
    solver = pyo.SolverFactory('scip')
    results = solver.solve(model)

    if results.solver.status == pyo.SolverStatus.ok:
        S_opt = np.array([pyo.value(model.S[t]) for t in model.T])
        R_opt = np.array([pyo.value(model.R[t]) for t in model.T])
        return S_opt, R_opt
        raise ValueError('Not able to solve.')

Note that in this implementation, pyomo will optimize all of the reservoir release and storage decisions simultaneously, returning the vectors of length N which prescribe the next N days of operations.


Now we are ready to use our LP reservoir simulator. In the code block below, I set some specifications for our operational constraints, generate fake inflow and demand timeseries, run the LP solver, and plot the simulated results:

# spcifications
N_t = 30
S_min = 2500
S_max = 5000
R_min = 10
R_max = 1000
eta = 1.2

# Generate simple inflow and demand data
I, D = generate_data(N_t, correlation_factor = -0.70,
                     inflow_mean=500, inflow_std=100,

# Run LP operation simulation
S_sim, R_sim = pyomo_lp_reservoir(N_t, S_min, S_max, R_min, R_max, eta, I, D, 

# Plot results
plot_simulated_reservoir(I, D,
                         R_sim, S_sim, 
                         S_max, eta=eta)

The operations are shown:

Under this LP formulation, with a perfect inflow forecast, the reservoir operates as a “run of river” with the release rates being very close to the inflow rate.

In practice, operators may need to limit the difference in release volume from day-to-day. I added an optional parameter (R_change_limit) which adds a constraint on the difference subsequent releases from between each day.

The operations, with the daily release change rate limited to 50 is shown below.


The way you formulate the an LP problem dictates the “optimal” decisions that you will generate. The purpose of these past two posts was to make some attempt at giving a practice demo of some basic LP concepts. I hope for some that it might be useful as a starting point.

An introduction to linear programming for reservoir operations (part 1)


If you were like me, you may have been provided an overview of linear programming (LP) methods but craved a more hands-of demonstration, as opposed to the abstract/generic mathematical formulation that is often presented in lectures. This post is for the hydrology enthusiasts out there who want to improve their linear programming understanding by stepping through a contextual example.

In this post, I provide a very brief intro to linear programming then go through the process of applying a linear programming approach to a simple hydroelectric reservoir problem focused on determining a release rate that will consider both storage targets and energy generation. In a later post, I will come back to show how the formulation generated here can be implemented within simulation code.


  • An introduction to linear programming
    • Formulating an LP
    • Solving LP problems: Simplex
    • Relevance for water resource managers
  • A toy reservoir demonstration
    • The problem formulation
      • Constraints
      • Objective
  • Conclusions and what’s next

An introduction to linear programming

Linear programming (LP) is a mathematical optimization technique for making decisions under constraints. The aim of an LP problem is to find the best outcome (either maximizing or minimizing) given a set of linear constraints and a linear objective function.

Formulating an LP

The quality of an LP solution is only as good as the formulation used to generate it.

An LP formulation consists of three main components:

1. Decision Variables: These are the variables that you have control over. The goal here is to find the specific decision variable values that produce optimal outcomes. There are two decision variables shown in the figure below, x1 and x2.

2. Constraints: These are the restrictions which limit what decisions are allowed. (For our reservoir problem, we will use constraints to make sure total mass is conserved, storage levels stay within limits, etc.) The constraints functions are required to be linear, and are expressed as inequality relationships.

3. Objective Function: This is the (single) metric used to measure outcome performance. This function is required to be linear and it’s value is denoted Z in the figure below, where it depends on two decision variables (x1, and x2).

In practice, the list of constraints on the system can get very large. Fortunately matrix operations can be used to solve these problems quickly, although this requires that the problem is formatted in “standard form” shown above. The standard form arranges the coefficient values for the constraints within matrices A and b.

Solving LP problems: keep it Simplex

Often the number of potential solutions that satisfy your constraints will be very large (infinitely large for continuous variables), and you will want to find the one solution in this region that maximizes/minimizes your objective of interest (the “optimal solution”).

The set of all potential solutions is referred to as the “feasible space” (see the graphic below), with the constraint functions forming the boundary edges of this region. Note that by changing the constraints, you are inherently changing the feasible space and thus are changing the set of solutions that you are or are not considering when solving the problem.

The fundamental theorem of linear programming states that the optimal solution for an LP problem will exist at one of corners (or a vertex) of the feasible space.

Recognizing this, George Dantzig proposed the Simplex algorithm which strategically moves between vertices on the boundary feasible region, testing for optimality until the best solution is identified.

A detailed review of the Simplex algorithm warrants it’s own blog post, and wont be explained here. Fortunately there are various open LP solvers. For example, one option in Python is scipy.optimize.linprog().

Relevance for water resource managers

Why should you keep read this post?

If you work in water resource systems, you will likely need to make decisions in highly constrained settings. In these cases, LP methods can be helpful. In fact there are many scenarios in water resource management in which LP methods can (and historically have) been useful. Some general application contexts include:

  • Resource allocation problems: LP can be used to allocate water efficiently among different users like agriculture, industry, and municipalities.
  • Operations optimization: LP can guide the operations decisions of water reservoirs, deciding on storage levels, releases, and energy production to maximize objectives like water availability or energy generation from hydropower (the topic of this demonstration below).

Toy Reservoir Demonstration: Problem Formulation

The following demo aims to provide a concrete example of applying linear programming (LP) in the realm of water resource management. We will focus on a very simple reservoir problem, which, despite its simplicity, captures the essence of many real-world challenges.

Imagine you are managing a small hydroelectric reservoir that provides water and energy to a nearby town. Your goal is to operate the reservoir, choosing how much water to release each day such that the (1) the water level stays near a specific target and (2) you maximize energy generation. Additionally, there is a legally mandated minimum flow requirement downstream to sustain local ecosystems

Here, I will translate this problem context into formal LP notation, then in a later post I will provide Python code to implement the LP decision making process within a simulation model.

Problem formulation

We want to translate our problem context into formal mathematical notation that will allow us to use an LP solver. In order to help us get there, I’ve outlines the following table with all the variables being considered here.

Decision variables

In this case the things we are controlling at the reservoir releases (Rt), and the storage level (St) at each timestep.


Constraints are the backbone of any LP problem, defining the feasible space which ultimately dictates the optimal solution. Without constraints, an LP problem would have infinite solutions, rendering it practically meaningless. Constraints are meant to represent any sort of physical limitations, legal requirements, or specific conditions that must be satisfied by your decision. In the context of water resource management, constraints could signify capacity limits of a reservoir, minimum environmental flow requirements, or regulatory water diversion limits.

  • Mass balance requirement:

Naturally you want to make sure that mass is conserved through the reservoir, by balancing all of the inflows, outflows and storage states, for each timestep (t):

Although we need to separate this into two separate inequalities in order to meet the “standard form” for an LP formulation. I am also going to move the decision variables (Rt and St) to the left side of the inequalities.

  • Storage limitations:

The most obvious constraints are that we don’t want the reservoir to overflow or runout of water. We do this by requiring the storage to be between some minimum (Smin) and maximum (Smax) values specified by the operator.

Again we need to separate this into two separate inequalities:

  • Maximum and minimum release limitations:

The last two constraints represent the physical limit of how much water can be discharged out of the reservoir at any given time (Rmax) and the minimum release requirement that is needed to maintain ecosystem quality downstream of the reservoir (Rmin).


The objective function in an LP represents your goals. In the case of our toy reservoir, we have two goals:

  1. Maximize water storage
  2. Maximize energy production.

Initially when I was setting this demonstration up, there was no hydroelectric component. However, I chose to add the energy generation because it introduces more complexity in the actions (as we will see). This is because the two objectives conflict with one another. When generating energy, the LP is encouraged to release a lot of water and maximize energy generation, however it must balance this with the goal of raising the storage to the target level. This tension between the two objectives makes for much more interesting decision dynamics.

1. Objective #1: Maximize storage

Since our reservoir managers want to make sure the Town’s water supply is reliable, they want to maximize the storage. This demo scenario assumes that flood is not a concern for this reservoir. We can define objective one simply as:

Again, we can replace the unknown value (St) with the mass-balance equation described above to generate a form of the objective function which includes the decision variable (Rt):

We can also drop the non-decision variables (all except Rt) since these cannot influence our solution:

2. Objective #2: Maximize energy generation:

Here I introduce a second component of the objective function associated with the amount of hydroelectric energy being generated by releases. Whereas the minimize-storage-deviation component of the objective function will encourage minimizing releases, the energy generation component of the objective function will incentivize maximizing releases to generate as much energy each day as possible.

I will define the energy generated during each timestep as:

(1+2). Aggregate minimization objective:
Lastly, LP problems are only able to solve for a single objective function. With that said, we need to aggregate the storage and energy generation objectives described above. In this case I take a simple sum of the two different objective scores. Of course this is not always appropriate, and the weighting should reflect the priorities of the decision makers and stakeholders.

In this case, this requires a priori specification of objective preferences, which will determine the solution to the optimization. In later posts I plan on showing an alternative method which allows for posterior interpretation of objective tradeoffs. But for now, we stay limited with the basic LP with equal objective weighting.

Also, we want to formulate the optimization as a minimization problem. Since we are trying to maximize both of our objectives, we will make them negative in the final objective function.

The final aggregate objective is calculated as the sum of objectives of the N days of operation:

Final formulation:

As we prepare to solve the LP problem, it is best to lay out the complete formulation in a way that will easily allow us to transform the information into the form needed for the solver:

Conclusions and what’s next

If you’ve made it this far, good on you, and I hope you found some benefit to the process of formulating a reservoir LP problem from scratch.

This post was meant to include simulated reservoir dynamics which implement the LP solutions in simulation. However, the post has grown quite long at this point and so I will save the code for another post. In the meantime, you may find it helpful to try to code the reservoir simulator yourself and try to identify some weaknesses with the proposed operational LP formulation.

Thanks for reading, and see you here next time where we will use this formulation to implement release decisions in a reservoir simulation.

An overview of the National Hydrologic Model

Over the past several months, I have been working with data from the US Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Hydrologic Model (NHM), a valuable resource that required some time to become familiar with. The goal of this post is to provide an overview of the NHM, incorporating as many links as possible, with the hope of encouraging others to utilize these resources and serving as a springboard for further investigation.

Why should you care about the NHM?

Water systems modelers are consistently in need of data. You might find that the specific streamflow data you seek does not exist, or perhaps you have some data but want to expand your training set. You may also wish to broaden your data to include not only streamflow but also estimates of various geophysical, hydrological, or environmental variables such as catchment area, vegetation classifications, and evapotranspiration.

The NHM can quench your data thirst by offering Continental US (CONUS) scale estimates of different geo-hydro-climatic variables synthesized from multiple datasets.

You can access these NHM datasets (simulated streamflow, land-cover parameter values, etc.) yourself through the ScienceBase website. However, it is first beneficial to understand the various components of the NHM infrastructure more broadly.


The National Hydrologic Model (NHM) infrastructure is designed with the goal…

“… to facilitate hydrologic model parameterization on the basis of datasets that characterize geology, soil, vegetation, contributing area, topography, growing season, snow dynamics, climate, solar radiation, and evapotranspiration across the CONUS.”

The NHM includes several different components

  1. The Geospatial Fabric
  2. Model input datasets
  3. Physical models used to simulate hydrologic processes

In this post, I will delve into each of these components, providing more information, and conclude by pointing out ways you can access the model outputs yourself.

The Geospatial Fabric

The geospatial fabric contains spatial data that serves as the skeletal structure of the NHM, facilitating the routing of modeled streamflow across across catchments. The image below shows the CONUS-scale geospatial fabric.

The geospatial fabric contains individual stream reaches (called “segments”), delineated sub-catchments (called “Hydrologic Response Units”, or HRUs), and many specific points of interest which correspond to USGS observational gauge locations.

The raw data for version 1.1 of the Geospatial Fabric can be found here.

The spatial data is largely drawn from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) which defines the high-resolution stream linkages and provides a unique identifier (called “ComID”) for each stream segment.

If you are looking to set up a workflow which uses NHM streamflow data, you will need to specify the ComID numbers for your locations of interest. You can then retrieve the data for each ComID location.

If you are doing this with Python, then I suggest you check out PyNHD package which I previously highlighted on this blog, and which can identify NHD ComID numbers based on coordinate points.

For more information on the geospatial fabric, you can see Bock et al. (2020).


The Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) is described by the USGS as being:

“a deterministic, distributed-parameter, physical process based modeling system developed to evaluate the response of various combinations of climate and land use on streamflow and general watershed hydrology.”

The PRMS simulates many different hydrologic processes such as snowmelt, infiltration, groundwater recharge, surface runoff, and finally streamflow. A conceptual representation of the PRMS, taken from Markstrom et al. (2015) shows the modeled relationships between these processes:

The input data for the PRMS is flexible, but requires some combination of precipitation, air temperature, and solar radiation timeseries. Historic Daymet data provide the climate forcings for the historic period, but future climate projections can also be used.

Additionally, the model requires a set of catchment-delineated parameter values which quantify things such as soil types, types of vegetation coverage, percentage of impervious surfaces, etc. These data can be provided by the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), or alternative land cover change scenarios can be used to assess the impact of land surface on hydrology.

The PRMS is thus able to provide a strong physical processes basis when coupled with the NHM. The combination of these two models is simply referred to as the NHM-PRMS.

You can access the user manual for the PRMS here, and a report describing the latest version (PRMS-IV) from Markstrom et al (2015) here.

Accessing NHM datasets

The NHM infrastructure is great in the sense that it is flexible and incorporates so many different datasets. However, this may introduce difficulty in running the models yourself (I have not attempted this, and don’t have guidance on that).

Fortunately, there are some datasets which have been shared by the USGS, and which conveniently provide various model outputs or calibrated parameters without the need to interact with the model directly.

You can access and explore available datasets from the NHM through the ScienceBase website.

A few notable datasets that you might be interest in using are:

NHM-PRMS simulated streamflow from 1980-2016

Here I want to highlight one of these datasets that I have the most experience working with, and which I believe may be the most interesting to the WaterProgramming crowd: the “Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS), 1980-2016, Daymet Version 3 calibration“.

This dataset contains daily streamflow values across CONUS for the period from 1980-2016, at each HRU and segment contained in the geospatial fabric, and is available through the link here.

Note: Given the scale of this dataset, the file is rather large (92 GB).

Here I want to show how easy in can be to access the streamflow timeseries from this dataset. Assuming that you have downloaded full NHM-PRMS dataset file, for the fully observed-calibrated and Muskingum routing simulation (byHRU_musk_obs.tar), you can extract the segment streamflow timeseries using just a few lines of Python code:

## Example of how to extract streamflow data from NHM-PRMS
import tarfile
import netCDF4 as nc
import pandas as pd

# Open file and extract just segment outflow
tar ='your_data_directory/byHRU_musk_obs.tar')
tar.extract('seg_outflow', path= './extracted/')

# Open the extracted netCDF
segment_outflow = nc.Dataset(f'./extracted/')

# Store values and segment IDs
vals = segment_outflow['seg_outflow'][:]
segment_ids = segment_outflow['segment'][:]

# Make a dataframe
segment_outflow_df = pd.DataFrame(vals, columns = segment_ids)

At this point, segment_outflow_df will contain data from all of CONUS, and you will likely want to choose a subset of this data using the ComID numbers for each segment; I’ll have to leave that part up to you!

I hope this post helped to shine some light on this great resource, and encourages you to consider leveraging the NHM in your own work. As always, thanks for reading!


  1. Bock, A.E, Santiago,M., Wieczorek, M.E., Foks, S.S., Norton, P.A., and Lombard, M.A., 2020, Geospatial Fabric for National Hydrologic Modeling, version 1.1 (ver. 3.0, November 2021): U.S. Geological Survey data release,
  2. Regan, R.S., Markstrom, S.L., Hay, L.E., Viger, R.J., Norton, P.A., Driscoll, J.M., LaFontaine, J.H., 2018, Description of the National Hydrologic Model for use with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap B9, 38 p.,
  3. Leavesley, G. H. (1984). Precipitation-runoff modeling system: User’s manual (Vol. 83, No. 4238). US Department of the Interior.
  4. Markstrom, S. L., Regan, R. S., Hay, L. E., Viger, R. J., Webb, R. M., Payn, R. A., & LaFontaine, J. H. (2015). PRMS-IV, the precipitation-runoff modeling system, version 4. US Geological Survey Techniques and Methods6, B7.
  5. Hay, L.E., and LaFontaine, J.H., 2020, Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS),1980-2016, Daymet Version 3 calibration: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Figure Library Part 2 – Visualizations Supporting Synthetic Streamflow Diagnostics


This is the second post in a series which was started by Dave last week and seeks to make a library of plotting functions for common visualization tasks. In this post, I share some plotting functions I have developed for synthetic streamflow diagnostic visualizations.

A thorough review of synthetic streamflow verification is outside the scope of this post, but in short we want to verify that the synthetic timeseries have statistical properties similar to the historic streamflow. Additionally, we want to see that the synthetic timeseries reflect the range of internal variability present in the basin by showing that a large synthetic ensemble envelopes the limited historic observations.

The following functions can be used to compare the following properties of historic and synthetic streamflow:

  • Flow magnitude
  • Non-exceedance probabilities (flow duration curves)
  • Autocorrelation
  • Spatial correlation across locations

Diagnostic plotting functions

  • plot_flow_ranges()
    • Range and median of flow values in historic and synthetic flow timeseries.
  • plot_fdc_ranges()
    • The range of annual flow duration curves (FDCs) for historic and synthetic streamflow timeseries.
  • plot_autocorrelation()
    • Comparison of historic and synthetic autocorrelation across a range of lag values.
  • plot_spatial_correlation()
    • Heatmap visualizations of Pearson correlation between different flow locations in the historic data and a single synthetic realization.

These functions are designed to accept historic (Qh) and synthetic (Qs) data with the following properties:

  • Qh : A pd.Series containing a single historic streamflow timeseries. The index of this data must be type pd.DatetimeIndex.
  • Qs : A pd.DataFrame containing many synthetic streamflow timeseries. The columns should each contain a single synthetic realization and the index must be type pd.DatetimeIndex. The column names do not matter.

Additionally, each function (excluding plot_fdc_ranges()) has a timestep keyword argument which changes the temporal scale of the flow being considered. Options are ‘daily’, ‘weekly’, or ‘monthly’, and the pandas.groupby() function is used to aggregate data accordingly to allow for comparison of statistics at different temporal scales. The default is ‘daily’.

Streamflow data

The historic data used in this example is taken from the Delaware River Basin. Specifically, streamflow data from the USGS gauge at Lordville, NY, on the upper portion of the Delaware River is used.

The synthetic streamflow was generated using the Kirsch-Nowak [1, 2] synthetic streamflow generator. For more detail on this generator, see Julie’s post here: Open Source Streamflow Generator Part 1.

I created 100 synthetic realizations of 30-year, daily streamflow timeseries at the Lordville gauge.

The historic and synthetic streamflow timeseries are assumed to start at the same date. Most of the plotting functions below do not explicitly consider the date associated with the timeseries, however comparisons between flow statistics across some range of time assume that the timeseries are aligned for the same dates.

Flow magnitude range

This first plot simply shows the range (max, min) and median of flows for both historic and synthetic datasets.

def plot_flow_ranges(Qh, Qs, 
                     timestep = 'daily',
                     units = 'cms', y_scale = 'log',
                     savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                     figsize = (7,5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],
                     title_addon = ""):
    """Plots the range of flow for historic and syntehtic streamflows for a specific timestep scale.
        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        units (str, optional): Streamflow units, for axis label. Defaults to 'cms'.
        y_scale (str, optional): Scale of the y-axis. Defaults to 'log'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        title_addon (str, optional): Text to be added to the end of the title. Defaults to "".

    # Assert formatting matches expected
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    # Handle conditional datetime formatting
    if timestep == 'daily':
        h_grouper = Qh.index.dayofyear
        s_grouper = Qs.index.dayofyear
        x_lab = 'Day of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
    elif timestep == 'monthly':
        h_grouper = Qh.index.month
        s_grouper = Qs.index.month
        x_lab = 'Month of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        h_grouper = pd.Index(Qh.index.isocalendar().week, dtype = int)
        s_grouper = pd.Index(Qs.index.isocalendar().week, dtype = int)
        x_lab = 'Week of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
        print('Invalid timestep input. Options: "daily", "monthly", "weekly".')

    # Find flow ranges
    s_max = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).max().max(axis=1)
    s_min = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).min().min(axis=1)
    s_median = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).median().median(axis=1)
    h_max = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).max()
    h_min = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).min()
    h_median = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).median()
    ## Plotting  
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = figsize, dpi=150)
    xs = h_max.index
    ax.fill_between(xs, s_min, s_max, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Range', alpha = 0.5)
    ax.plot(xs, s_median, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Median')
    ax.fill_between(xs, h_min, h_max, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Range', alpha = 0.3)
    ax.plot(xs, h_median, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Median')
    ax.set_ylabel(f'{timestep.capitalize()} Flow ({units})', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_xlabel(x_lab, fontsize=12)
    ax.legend(ncols = 2, fontsize = 10, bbox_to_anchor = (0, -.5, 1.0, 0.2), loc = 'upper center')    
    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    ax.set_title(f'{timestep.capitalize()} Streamflow Ranges\nHistoric & Synthetic Timeseries at One Location\n{title_addon}')
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/flow_ranges_{timestep}.png', dpi = 150)

Assuming I have loaded a pd.DataFrame named Qs which contains synthetic timeseries in each column, and a single historic timeseries Qh, I can quickly plot daily (or weekly or monthly) flow ranges using:

# Useage
plot_flow_ranges(Qh, Qs, timestep='daily')

This figure provides a lot of useful information about our synthetic ensemble:

  • The synthetic ensembles envelope the limited historic values, and include more extreme high and low flows
  • The seasonal trends in the synthetics align with the historic
  • The median of the synthetic ensemble aligns very closely with the median of the historic data.

Flow duration curve ranges

The plot_fdc_ranges() function will calculate an FDC for each year of the historic and synthetic data, and plot the ranges that these FDCs take. It will also "total" FDCs calculated for the entirety of the historic or synthetic records.

def plot_fdc_ranges(Qh, Qs, 
                    units = 'cms', y_scale = 'log',
                    savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                    figsize = (5,5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],                   
                    title_addon = ""):
    """Plots the range and aggregate flow duration curves for historic and synthetic streamflows.
        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        units (str, optional): Streamflow units, for axis label. Defaults to 'cms'.
        y_scale (str, optional): Scale of the y-axis. Defaults to 'log'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        title_addon (str, optional): Text to be added to the end of the title. Defaults to "".
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qs) == pd.DataFrame), 'Synthetic streamflow should be type pd.DataFrame.'
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    # Calculate FDCs for total period and each realization
    nonexceedance = np.linspace(0.0001, 0.9999, 50)
    s_total_fdc = np.quantile(Qs.values.flatten(), nonexceedance)
    h_total_fdc = np.quantile(Qh.values.flatten(), nonexceedance) 
    s_fdc_max = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    s_fdc_min = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    h_fdc_max = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    h_fdc_min = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)

    annual_synthetics = Qs.groupby(Qs.index.year)
    annual_historic = Qh.groupby(Qh.index.year)

    for i, quant in enumerate(nonexceedance):
            s_fdc_max[i] = annual_synthetics.quantile(quant).max().max()
            s_fdc_min[i] = annual_synthetics.quantile(quant).min().min()
            h_fdc_max[i] = annual_historic.quantile(quant).max()
            h_fdc_min[i] = annual_historic.quantile(quant).min()
    ## Plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=200)
    #for quant in syn_fdc_quants:
    ax.fill_between(nonexceedance, s_fdc_min, s_fdc_max, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Annual FDC Range', alpha = 0.5)
    ax.fill_between(nonexceedance, h_fdc_min, h_fdc_max, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Annual FDC Range', alpha = 0.3)

    ax.plot(nonexceedance, s_total_fdc, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Total FDC', alpha = 1)
    ax.plot(nonexceedance, h_total_fdc, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Total FDC', alpha = 1, linewidth = 2)

    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    ax.set_ylabel(f'Flow ({units})')
    ax.set_xlabel('Non-Exceedance Probability')
    ax.legend(fontsize= 10)
    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    plt.title(f'Flow Duration Curve Ranges\nHistoric & Synthetic Streamflow\n{title_addon}')
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/flow_duration_curves_{title_addon}.png', dpi=200)

## Usage
plot_fdc_ranges(Qh, Qs)

Similar to the flow range plot above, we see that the synthetic ensemble is nicely enveloping the historic data; there are synthetic instances where the extreme flows in a particular year are more extreme than historic observations. However, the FDC of the total synthetic ensemble (if all synthetics were combined) is almost exactly equal to the total historic FDC.


Hydrologic systems are known to have memory, or correlation between streamflow at different points in time. We want to make sure that our synthetic streamflow timeseries have similar memory or autocorrelation.

The plot_autocorrelation() function will calculate autocorrelation for the historic record, and each synthetic realization for a range of different lag values. In addition to the required Qh and Qs arguments this function requires lag_range which should be a list or array of lag values to be considered.

def plot_autocorrelation(Qh, Qs, lag_range, 
                         timestep = 'daily',
                         savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                         figsize=(7, 5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],
                         alpha = 0.3):
    """Plot autocorrelation of historic and synthetic flow over some range of lags.

        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        lag_range (iterable): A list or range of lag values to be used for autocorrelation calculation.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        alpha (float, optional): The opacity of synthetic data. Defaults to 0.3.
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qs) == pd.DataFrame), 'Synthetic streamflow should be type pd.DataFrame.'
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    if timestep == 'monthly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('MS').sum()
        Qs = Qs.resample('MS').sum()
        time_label = 'months'
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        Qs = Qs.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        time_label = f'weeks'
    elif timestep == 'daily':
        time_label = f'days'
    # Calculate autocorrelations
    autocorr_h = np.zeros(len(lag_range))
    confidence_autocorr_h = np.zeros((2, len(lag_range)))
    for i, lag in enumerate(lag_range):
        h_corr = pearsonr(Qh.values[:-lag], Qh.values[lag:])
        autocorr_h[i] = h_corr[0]
        confidence_autocorr_h[0,i] = h_corr[0] - h_corr.confidence_interval().low
        confidence_autocorr_h[1,i] = h_corr.confidence_interval().high - h_corr[0]
    autocorr_s = np.zeros((Qs.shape[1], len(lag_range)))
    for i, realization in enumerate(Qs.columns):
        autocorr_s[i] = [pearsonr(Qs[realization].values[:-lag], Qs[realization].values[lag:])[0] for lag in lag_range]

    ## Plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=200)

    # Plot autocorrelation for each synthetic timeseries
    for i, realization in enumerate(Qs.columns):
        if i == 0:
            ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], alpha=1, color = colors[1], label=f'Synthetic Realization')
            ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], color = colors[1], alpha=alpha, zorder = 1)
        ax.scatter(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], alpha=alpha, color = 'orange', zorder = 2)

    # Plot autocorrelation for the historic timeseries
    ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_h, color=colors[0], linewidth=2, label='Historic', zorder = 3)
    ax.scatter(lag_range, autocorr_h, color=colors[0], zorder = 4)
    ax.errorbar(lag_range, autocorr_h, yerr=confidence_autocorr_h, 
                color='black', capsize=4, alpha=0.75, label ='Historic 95% CI')

    # Set labels and title
    ax.set_xlabel(f'Lag ({time_label})', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel('Autocorrelation (Pearson)', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_title('Autocorrelation Comparison\nHistoric Timeseries vs. Synthetic Ensemble', fontsize=14)

    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.95, bottom=0.12, top=0.92)

    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/autocorrelation_plot_{timestep}.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

Let’s visualize the autocorrelation of daily streamflow for a maximum of 100-day lag.

## Usage
plot_autocorrelation(Qh, Qs, lag_range=range(1,100, 5), timestep='daily') 

Spatial Correlation

The plot_spatial_correlation() function generates a heatmap visualization of the Pearson correlation matrix for streamflow at different locations in both the historic and synthetic datasets.

The plot_spatial_correlation() function is different from the other three functions shown above, since it requires a set of timeseries data for multiple different locations.

Rather than providing a set of many different realizations for a single site we need to provide a single realization of synthetics across all sites of interest, with a timeseries for each site in each column. This new input is Qs_i, and must the same columns as Qh (they both must contain a timeseries for each location.

def plot_correlation(Qh, Qs_i,
                        timestep = 'daily',
                        savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                        figsize = (8,4), color_map = 'BuPu',
                        cbar_on = True):
    """Plots the side-by-side heatmaps of flow correlation between sites for historic and synthetic multi-site data.
        Qh (pd.DataFrame): Historic daily streamflow timeseries at many different locations. The columns of Qh and Qs_i must match, and index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. The columns of Qh and Qs_i must match, and index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        color_map (str, optional): The colormap used for the heatmaps. Defaults to 'BuPu.
        cbar_on (bool, optional): Indictor if the colorbar should be shown or not. Defaults to True.
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qh) == type(Qs_i) and (type(Qh) == pd.DataFrame)), 'Both inputs Qh and Qs_i should be pd.DataFrames.'
    assert(np.mean(Qh.columns == Qs_i.columns) == 1.0), 'Historic and synthetic data should have same columns.'
    if timestep == 'monthly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('MS').sum()
        Qs_i = Qs_i.resample('MS').sum()
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        Qs_i = Qs_i.resample('W-SUN').sum()
    ## Plotting
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=figsize, dpi = 250)
    # Heatmap of historic correlation
    h_correlation = np.corrcoef(Qh.values.transpose())
    sns.heatmap(h_correlation, ax = ax1, 
                square = True, annot = False,
                xticklabels = 5, yticklabels = 5, 
                cmap = color_map, cbar = False, vmin = 0, vmax = 1)

    # Synthetic correlation
    s_correlation = np.corrcoef(Qs_i.values.transpose())
    sns.heatmap(s_correlation, ax = ax2,
                square = True, annot = False,
                xticklabels = 5, yticklabels = 5, 
                cmap = color_map, cbar = False, vmin = 0, vmax = 1)
    for axi in (ax1, ax2):
    ax1.set(xlabel = 'Site i', ylabel = 'Site j', title = 'Historic Streamflow')
    ax2.set(xlabel = 'Site i', ylabel = 'Site j', title = 'Synthetic Realization')
    title_string = f'Pearson correlation across different streamflow locations\n{timestep.capitalize()} timescale\n'
    # Adjust the layout to make room for the colorbar
    if cbar_on:
        plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 0.9, 0.85])
        cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.1, 0.02, 0.6])  # [left, bottom, width, height]
        cbar = fig.colorbar(ax1.collections[0], cax=cbar_ax)
        cbar.set_label("Pearson Correlation")
    plt.suptitle(title_string, fontsize = 12)
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/spatial_correlation_comparison_{timestep}.png', dpi = 250)

To use this function, I need to load a different pd.DataFrame containing synthetic timeseries at all of my study locations.

## Usage
single_synthetic_all_sites = pd.read_csv('synthetic_streamflow_single_realization_all_sites.csv', sep=',', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)

plot_correlation(Qh_all_sites, single_synthetic_all_sites, timestep='weekly')

Across the different streamflow sites, we see that the synthetic timeseries do a decent job at preserving spatial correlation, although correlation is decreased for sites which are not strongly correlated in the historic record.


I hope these functions save you some time in your own work, and allow you expand your synthetic diagnostic considerations.


[1] Kirsch, B. R., Characklis, G. W., & Zeff, H. B. (2013). Evaluating the impact of alternative hydro-climate scenarios on transfer agreements: Practical improvement for generating synthetic streamflows. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management139(4), 396-406.

[2] Nowak, K., Prairie, J., Rajagopalan, B., & Lall, U. (2010). A nonparametric stochastic approach for multisite disaggregation of annual to daily streamflow. Water Resources Research46(8).

The Colorado River Basin: Exploring its Past, Present, and Future Management

I. Introduction

Figure 1. Aerial view of the Colorado River passing through the Grand Canyon in Arizona (McBride) [18]

The Colorado River Basin (CRB) covers a drainage area of 246,000 square miles across California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming and Arizona. Studies have estimated that the basin provides $1.4 trillion of economic revenue per year, 16 million jobs across 7 states, water to 40 million people, and irrigation to approximately 5.5 million acres of agricultural land. For states such as New Mexico and Nevada, it represents more than two thirds of their annual GDP (65% and 87%, respectively). [1]

On August 21, 2021, the U.S. federal government declared its first-ever water cuts in the basin, due to the ongoing megadrought. The basin is estimated to be filled to 35% of its full capacity and has suffered a 20% decrease in inflow in the last century. [2] Rising temperatures caused in part by climate change have dried up the water supply of the basin, with certain areas experiencing more than double the global average temperature. Hotter temperatures have had three notable impacts on the drying of the basin: accelerated evaporation and snowpack melting, drying up soil before runoff reaches reservoirs, and increased wildfires which cause erosion of sediment into the basin. 

The CRB finds itself at a critical juncture; as the population and demand in the area continues to grow, the water supply is only diminishing. Ideally, the basin should provide for municipal, agricultural, tribal, recreational and wildlife needs. Thus, appropriate water management policies will be foundational to the efficacy of water distribution in these critical times. 

II. Brief History

Representatives from the seven Colorado River states negotiated and signed the Colorado River Compact on November 9th, 1922, and a century later, this compact still defines much of the management strategies of the CRB. The compact divided the basin into Upper and Lower sections and provided a framework for the distribution of water [3]. At the time of the signing, it was estimated that the annual flow of the basin was 16.4 million acre-feet (maf/y). Accordingly, the right to 7.5 maf/y of water was split between each portion of the basin. A more accurate estimate of total flow adjusted this to 13.5 maf/y with fluctuations between 4.4 maf/y to 22 maf/y [3]. State-specific allocations were defined in 1928 as part of the Boulder Canyon Act for the Lower Basin, and in 1948 for the Upper Basin in the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact [4]. Figure 2 displays water distribution on a state basis in million-acre feet/year.

The system of water allocation, which is still in place today, dates back to 1876 when the Colorado Constitution put into place the Doctrine of Prior Appropriation. The core of the doctrine enforces that water rights can only be obtained for beneficial use. These rights can be bought, sold, inherited, and relocated. The doctrine gives owners of the land near the water, equal rights of use. This system regulates the uses of surface and tributary groundwater on a basis of priority. The highest priority are senior water rights holders. This group are those that have had the rights for the longest time and are typically best positioned in times of drought. Contrastingly, junior water rights holders are those that have obtained their water rights more recently and tend to be those whose supply is curtailed first in times of drought. This system is often described as “first-in-time, first-in-right” [5]. However, a key criticism of this doctrine is that it fails to encompass beneficial uses of water, which are particularly important when water is scarce.

Figure 3 summarizes the key historic moments of the Colorado River Basin from the Colorado Constitution in 1876 to the most recent 2023 negotiations. Some of the most notable events are the 1922 signing of the Colorado River Compact which created the foundation of division and apportionment of the water basin. Additionally, the construction of dams in the early to mid 20th century such as the Hoover Dam, Parker Dam, Glen Canyon, Flaming Gorge, Navajo and Curecanti have played an important role in determining water flow today. The formation of the Central Arizona Project in 1968, provided access to water for both agricultural lands and metropolitan areas such as the Maricopa, Pinal and Pima counties [6]. More recently, the critically low water levels of Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam have raised concerns about their ability to generate hydropower. In early 2023, the seven states that utilize the CRB met in hopes of reaching an agreement on how to deal with the current shortages but the proposal failed.

III. Key Players

Figure 4, highlights prominent key players in the Colorado River Basin who are frequently involved in negotiations and policy making.

IV. Current Situation

In January 2023, the states within the CRB failed to come to an agreement on an updated water consumption plan aimed to curbing the impacts of the megadrought. The proposed plan would require California to cut their water from 4.4 maf/y to 1 maf/y. The agreement, aimed at preventing Lake Powell and Mead from falling below the critical level for hydropower, proposed major water cuts for Southwestern states of California and Arizona and incorporated losses from evaporation into the cutbacks [7]. Although six states agreed on a plan to move forward, California rejected the major water cuts due to concerns related to agriculture and legal water rights status. The proposed cuts would primarily impact regions such as Imperial County which have senior rights to 3.1 maf/y and an agricultural revenue of $2.3 billion annually [8]. California proposed an alternative plan, which called for a 400,000 acre-foot reduction (for CA specifically), with additional reductions contingent upon the water level of Lake Mead in the future. While both plans are similar, the California plan is founded on waiting until the water level passes a critical threshold, while the plan from the other states is more preventative in nature [7].

Figure 5. Key Facts about the CRB

In more recent news, the Biden Administration just proposed a plan to evenly cut water allocations to California, Arizona and Nevada by approximately one-quarter. An intervention from the federal government on such a scale would be unprecedented in the history of the region. The options considered include: taking no action, making reductions based on senior water rights, or making equal reductions across the three states. Opting for the first option would likely result to a dead pool in Lake Mead and Powell, a term used to describe when the water levels fall too low to continue flowing downstream [12]. The second option would favor California, as it is one of the states which holds the most seniority in the basin particularly in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys of Southern CA [9]. Consequently, this decision would more severely impact Arizona and Nevada, which are important swing states for the President and have an important tribal presence. The final decision is anticipated to be made in the summer of 2023 [10]. 

In many parts of California and Colorado, this winter has been particularly heavy in rain and snow, making people hopeful that the river could be replenished. Scholars estimate that it would require 3 years of average snow with no water consumption to fully restore the Colorado River Basin reservoirs and 7 years under current consumption activity [11]. Unfortunately, the basin’s soil is extremely dry, which means that any excess water that comes from the snowpack is likely to be absorbed by the ground before it has a chance to reach rivers and streams. It is estimated that by the end of 2023 Lake Powell will be at 3,555 feet of elevation (roughly 32% capacity). When Lake Powell reaches 3,490 feet, the Glen Canyon Dam will be unable to produce hydroelectric power. At 3,370 feet, a dead pool will be reached.

V. Paths to a Sustainable Future

As water supply in the CRB continues to diminish, it has become increasingly crucial to find ways to minimize water loss of the system. One of the major contributor is through evaporation, which accounts for approximately 1.5 maf/y of loss. This loss is more than Utah’s allocation from the Colorado River.  In order to minimize evaporation loss, an ideal reservoir would be very deep and have small surface area. However, this is not the case for reservoirs like Lake Powell which loses approximately 0.86 maf/y (more than 6% of CRB annual flow) [13]. This raises the important question of how to best allocate the CRB water considering that some states experience more evaporation loss than others. According to research from CU Boulder, some possible solutions include covering the surface water with reflective materials, films of organic compounds, and lightweight shades. Additionally, relocating the reservoir water underground storage areas or aquifers could also serve to reduce evaporation [14]. 

An alternative approach is cloud seeding. In early March of 2023, the Federal Government invested $2.4 million in cloud seeding for the CRB. Cloud seeding is a technique used to artificially induce more precipitation by injecting ice nuclei, silver iodide or other small crystals into subfreezing clouds. This promotes condensation of water around the nuclei and the formation of rain drops which are estimated to increase precipitation by 5-15% [15]. The grant will be used to fund new cloud seeding generators which can be operated remotely as well as aircrafts for silver iodide injections. While this is a significant investment, cloud seeding has been practiced for decades in the CRB. Indeed, it is estimated that Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming each spend over $1 million annually on cloud seeding and Utah has planned to increase its spendings to $14 million next year [16]. While the negative impacts of cloud seeding are still unclear, some scholars believe that they could cause silver toxicity because of the use of potentially harmful chemicals. Additionally, the wind can sometimes blow the seeded clouds to a different location [17]. Ultimately, cloud seeding does not solve the underlying obstacles of climate change or aridification in the region, but it may help alleviate some of the impact from the drought until a more sustainable alternative can be found. 

Work Cited

[1] “Economic Importance of the Colorado River.” The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy. Accessed December 1, 2021.

[2] Kann, Drew. “Climate Change Is Drying up the Colorado River, Putting Millions at Risk of ‘Severe Water Shortages’.” CNN. Cable News Network, February 22, 2020.

[3] Megdal, Sharon B. “Sharing Colorado River Water: History, Public Policy and the Colorado River Compact.” The University of Arizona: Water Resources Research Center , 1 Aug. 1997,;

[4] Water Education Foundation. (n.d.). Colorado River Compact. Water Education Foundation. Retrieved April 17, 2023, from,River%20Basin%20Compact%20of%201948.&nbsp;

[5] Hockaday, S, and K.J Ormerod. “Western Water Law: Understanding the Doctrine of Prior Appropriation: Extension.” University of Nevada, Reno , University of Nevada, Reno, 2020,,farming%2C%20ranching%20and%20agricultural%20uses.&text=A%20claim%20to%20water%20that%20is%20more%20recent%20than%20senior,municipal%2C%20environmental%20or%20recreational%20uses.&nbsp;

[6] State of the Rockies Project 2011-12 Research Team. “The Colorado River Basin: An Overview.” Colorado College, 2012. 

[7] Partlow, Joshua. “As the Colorado River Dries up, States Can’t Agree on Saving Water.” The Washington Post, The Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023,

[8] Bland, Alastair. “California, Other States Reach Impasse over Colorado River.” CalMatters, 1 Feb. 2023,;

[9] Hager, Alex. “Six States Agree on a Proposal for Colorado River Cutbacks, California Has a Counter.” KUNC, NPR, 1 Feb. 2023,

[10] Flavelle, Christopher. “Biden Administration Proposes Evenly Cutting Water Allotments from Colorado River.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 11 Apr. 2023,;

[11] Mullane, Shannon. “Colorado’s Healthy Snowpack Promises to Offer Some Relief for Strained Water Supplies.” The Colorado Sun, The Colorado Sun, 14 Mar. 2023,

[12]Tavernise, Sabrina, host. “7 States, 1 River and an Agonizing Choice.” The Daily, The New York Times, 31 Jan. 2023.

[13] “Lake Powell Reservoir: A Failed Solution.” Glen Canyon Institute, Glen Canyon Institute ,

[14] Blanken, Peter, et al. “Reservoir Evaporation a Big Challenge for Water Managers in West.” CU Boulder Today, 28 Dec. 2015,

[15] McDonough, Frank. “What Is Cloud Seeding?” DRI, Desert Research Institute, 19 Sept. 2022,

[16] Peterson, Brittany. “Feds Spend $2.4 Million on Cloud Seeding for Colorado River.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 17 Mar. 2023,

[17] Rinkesh. “Various Pros and Cons of Cloud Seeding.” Conserve Energy Future, Conserve Energy Future, 28 July 2022,

Work Cited for Photos

[18] McBride , P. (n.d.). The Colorado River winds through the Grand Canyon. photograph, Arizona.

[19] Kuhn, Eric, and John Fleck . “A Century Ago in Colorado River Compact Negotiations: Storage, Yes. but in the Compact?” Jfleck at Inkstain , 15 Nov. 2022,

[20] “A Project for the Ages.” Bechtel Corporate,

[21] Lane, Taylor. “Lake Mead through the Decades – Lake Mead in 1950 Photograph from United States National Park Service Photography Collection .” Journal, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 17 Aug. 2022,

[22] “1944: U.S. Mexico Water Treaty.” Know Your Water News , Central Arizona Project , 25 Oct. 2022,

[23] “Glen Canyon Unit – Arial View of the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell.” Bureau of Reclamation – Upper Colorado Region , Bureau of Reclemation ,

[24] “Reclamation and Arizona.” Reclamation, U.S Department of the Interior ,

[25] Ferris, Kathleen. “CAP: Tracking the Flow of Colorado River Water to Your City.” AMWUA, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association, 19 Oct. 2015,

Structuring a Python Project: Recommendations and a Template Example


The start of a new year is a good (albeit, relatively arbitrary) time to reassess aspects of your workflow.

I, like many people, taught myself Python by jumping into different projects. The consequence of this ad-hoc learning was that I did not learn some of the fundamentals until much later in my project development.

At the end of the Fall ’23 semester, I found myself spending a lot of time cleaning up repositories and modules that I had constructed in the preceding months. I ended up restructuring and reorganizing significant portions of the code base, implementing organizational practices that I had learned after it’s conception.

This post is intended to save the reader from making the same mistake. Here, I present a recommended structure for new Python projects, and discuss the main components. This is largely targeted at Python users who have not had a formal Python training, or who are working with their first significantly sized project.

I provide an example_python_project, hosted on GitHub, as a demonstration and to serve as a template for beginners.


  1. Recommended structure
  2. Example project repository
  3. Project components (with example project)
    1. Modules, packages,
    2. Executable
    3. README
    4. Documentation
    5. Tests
    6. Requirements
    7. LICENSE
  4. Conclusion

Recommended project structure

I’ll begin by presenting a recommended project structure. Further down, I provide some explanation and justification for this structure.

My example_python_project follows recommendations from Kenneth Reitz, co-author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Pythton (1), while also drawing from a similar demo-project, samplemod, by Navdeep Gill (2).

The project folder follows this structure:

├── sample_package/ 
│   ├── subpackage/ 
│   │   ├── 
│   │   └── 
│   ├── 
│   ├── 
│   └── 
├── docs/ 
│   └── 
├── tests/ 
│   ├── 
│   └── 
├── requirements.txt 

If you are just starting a project, it may seem unnecessary complex to begin with so much modularity. It may seem easier to open a .py file and start freewheeling. Here, I am trying to highlight the several reasons why it is important to take care when initially constructing a Python project. Some of these reasons include:

  1. Maintenance: A well-structured project makes it easier to understand the code, fix bugs, and add new features. This is especially important as the project grows in size and complexity.
  2. Collaboration: When working on a project with multiple developers, a clear structure makes it easier for everyone to understand how the code is organized and how different components interact with each other.
  3. Scalability: A well-structured project allows to scale up the codebase, adding new features and sub-components, without making the codebase hard to understand or maintain.
  4. Testing: A well-structured project makes it easier to write automated tests for the code. This helps to ensure that changes to the code do not break existing functionality.
  5. Distribution: A well-structured project makes it easier to distribute the code as a package. This allows others to easily install and use the code in their own projects.

Overall, taking the time to structure a Python project when starting can save a lot of time and heartache in the long run, by making the project easier to understand, maintain, and expand.

Example Project Repository

The repository containing this example project is available on GitHub here: example_python_project.

The project follows the recommended project structure above, and is designed to use modular functions from the module, helpers, and subpackage_module. It is intended to be a skeleton upon which you can build-up your own project.

If you would like to experiment with your own copy of the code, you can fork a copy of the repository, or Download a ZIP version.

Project overview

The project is a silly riddle program with no real usefulness other than forming the structure of the project. The bulk of the work is done in the main_module_function() which first prints a riddle on the screen, then iteratively uses the helper_function() and subpackage_function() to try and “solve” the riddle. Both of these functions simply return a random True/False, and are repeatedly called until the riddle is solved (when status == True).

Below is a visual representation of how the different functions are interacting. The green-box functions are contained within the main sample_package, while the blue-box function is stored in the subpackage.

The program can then be executed from a command line using the executable:

C:\<your-local-directory>\example_python_project> python

The output will first print out the riddle, then print statements indicating which functions are being used to “solve” the riddle. This is simply a means of demonstrating how the different functions are being activated, and not necessarily a recommended “Best Practice”.

A normal output should resemble something similar to the below, although there may be more or less print statements depending upon how many times it takes the random generator to produce a “True” solution:

Here is a riddle, maybe `sample_package` can help solve it:

   What runs but has no feet, roars but has no mouth?

Lets see if the helper can solve the riddle.
The helper_function is helping!
The helper could not solve it.
Maybe the subpackage_module can help.
The subpackage_function is being used now.
The subpackage solved it, the answer is "A River"!

Project components

Modules, packages,, oh my!

Before going any further, I want to take time to clarify some vocabulary which is helpful for understanding component interactions.

A module is simply a file ending in .py, which contains functions and or variables.

A package is a collection of modules (.py files) which relate to one another, and which contains an file.
Inclusion of a file (pronounced “dunder in-it”) within a folder will indicate to Python that the folder is a package. Often, the __init__ module is empty, however it can be used to import other modules, or functions which will then be stored in namespace, making it available for use later.

For example, in my sample_package/, I import all contents of the and

# Import the all functions from main and sub modules
from .module import *
from .subpackage.subpackage_module import *

This allows all of the functions stored within module to be callable from the primary sample_package directly, rather than specifying the various sub-structures needed to access various functions. For example, by including from .subpackage.subpackage_module import *, I able to run:

# IF __init__ imports all content from main and sub modules then you can do this:
import sample_package

Rather than requiring the following fully-nested call, which is necessary when the is empty:

# IF __init__ is EMPTY, then you need to do this:
import sample_package

Notably, an is not necessary to use modules and functions within a folder… however, customizing the imports present in the packages will provide increased customization to your projects use. As the project increases in complexity, strategic usage of imports within the __init__ can keep your main executable functions cleaner.


So, you’ve crafted a Python project with a sleek, modular package design. The next step is to setup a single file which will execute the package.

Inclusion of a single executable has the benefit of providing a single-entry point for other users who want to run the program without getting lost in the project.

In the example_python_project, this is done with

# Import the main package
import sample_package

def run():
    solved = sample_package.main_module_function()
    return solved

# Run the function if this is the main file executed
if __name__ == "__main__":

The program then can then be executed from a command line:

C:\<your-local-directory\example_python_project> python


The file is typically someone’s first encounter with your project. This is particularly true if the project is hosted on GitHub, where the is used as the home-page of a repository.

A file should include, at minimum, a brief description of the project, it’s purpose, and clear instructions on how to use the code.

Often, README files are written in Markdown, which includes simple text-formatting options. You can find a basic Markdown Cheat Sheet here. Although reStructuredText is often used, and even .txt files may be suitable.


Great code requires great documentation. Initializing a new project with a dedicated docs/ folder may help hold you accountable for documenting the code along the way.

For information on how to use Sphinx and reStructuredText to create clean webpage-based documentation, you can see Rohini Gupta’s post on Using Python, Sphinx, and reStructuredText to Create a Book (and Introducing our eBook: Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research!).


Bugs aren’t fun. They are even less fun when a code was bug-free yesterday but contains bugs today. Implementing automated tests in your project can help verify functionality throughout the development process and catch bugs when they may arise.

It is recommended to implement Unit Tests which verify individual components of the project. These tests should assert that function output properties align with expectations. As you develop your project in a modular way, you can go in and progressively add consecutive tests, then run all of the tests before sharing or pushing the project to others.

A standard Python instillation comes with the unittest package, which is intended to provide a framework for these tests. I provide an example test below, but deeper-dive into the unittest framework may require a dedicated future posts.

In the example_python_project, I include the to verify that the solution generated by main_module_function() is True using the unittest package:

import sample_package
import unittest

# Define a test suite targeting specific functionality
class BasicTestSuite(unittest.TestCase):
    """Basic test cases."""
    def test_that_riddle_is_solved(self):
        solved = sample_package.module.main_module_function()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running the basic_test module from the command line produce an “OK” if everything runs smoothly, otherwise will provide information regarding which tests are failing.

Ran 1 test in 0.004s

Currently, the example_python_project requires the basic_test module to be executed manually. To learn more about automating this process, you can see Andrew Dirck’s 2020 post: Automate unit testing with Github Actions for research codes.


The requirements.txt is a simple text file which lists the dependencies, or necessary packages that are required to run the code.

This can be particularly important if your code requires a specific version of a package, since the package verison can be specified in the requirements.txt. Specifying a particular package version (e.g., numpy==1.24.1) can improve the reliability of your code, since different versions of these packages may operate in different ways in the future.

Here is an example of what might be inside a requirements.txt, if the numpy and random packages are necessary:


Users can easily install all the packages listed in requirements.txt using the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


I’ll keep this section brief, since I am far from legally qualified to comment much on Licensing. However, general advice seems to suggest that if you are sharing code publicly, safest to include a license of some sort.

Inclusion of an open-source license allows other users to comfortably use and modify your code for their own purposes, allowing you to contribute and benefit the broader community. At the same time, protecting the original author from future liabilities associated with its use by others.

The GNU General Public License is the most common open-source license, however if you would like to know more about the different options, you can find some guidance here:


If you are an experienced Python user, there may not be anything new for you here but at the least I hope it serves as a reminder to take care in your project design this year.

Additionally, this is likely to be one part in a multi-part Introduction to Python series that I will be writing for future members of our research group. With that in mind, check back here later this spring for the subsequent parts if that interests you.

Best of luck!


(1) Reitz, K., & Schlusser, T. (2016). The Hitchhiker’s guide to Python: best practices for development. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”.
(2) Navdeep Gill. 2019. samplemod. (2023).

PyCharm and Git for productive multi-project workflows

I wanted to write this blogpost because I’ve seen great improvements to my workflow when I transitioned to this system and thought others might benefit also. My everyday research tasks require the following:

  • a Python development environment on my local machine
  • management of project-specific dependencies
  • version control my changes
  • execution on some high-performance computing resource.

My local machine runs on Mac OS, but everything I show here should be directly translatable to Windows or other operating systems. My setup is the following:

  • Anaconda – to manage my Python environments and packages
  • PyCharm – the Python development environment
  • Git(Hub) – for version control

These are the steps I follow every time I start a new project:

  1. Create an empty repository on GitHub
  2. Clone the empty repository on my local machine
  3. Open PyCharm and select the directory of the repository I just created

When it opens, the PyCharm project will be empty and will have a default Python interpreter associated with it. What I do is I create a separate Conda environment for each of my projects, so there’s a clean separation between the packages used by each.

4. Create python environment specific to this project, by going to Preferences and selecting your current project. There, you can define your project’s (Python) interpreter. Clicking on it just shows the default Python 2.7 interpreter, which we would like to change.

As you can see, I have a separate Conda environment for each of my projects, so I manage packages and dependencies for each one.

Here I create a new environment for my new project.

5. Manage packages needed. There’s two ways for this: either through PyCharm or through Anaconda. Through PyCharm, you can use the same page to install, uninstall or update packages as needed.

Through Anaconda, you can use the Navigator, which also allows you to customize several other things about your environment, like which applications you’d like to work with.

6. Set up version control and use code on other computing resources. PyCharm has Git features integrated (overviewed already in this blog here and here) and creating a project the way I showed also ensures that PyCharm knows which repository you’re working with, without you having to set it manually. I use the built-in PyCharm functionality to commit my changes to my repository, but you can also do it through the Terminal or other means.

7. Set up project on computing resources. To do so, you need two main components. A clone of your repository in the cluster you’re working on and an environment .yml file (I explain what this is and how to generate it with one command here), listing all your environment’s dependencies. Create a virtual environment for the project in the cluster and pull any updates from your local machine.

This is more or less all I do. I have virtual environments for each of my projects both locally and on the clusters I am working on and use PyCharm and Git to manage all the dependencies and versions. I have been using this setup for the past 5-6 months and I have seen a lot of improvements in my organization and productivity, so hopefully others will find it helpful also.