Figure Library Part 2 – Visualizations Supporting Synthetic Streamflow Diagnostics


This is the second post in a series which was started by Dave last week and seeks to make a library of plotting functions for common visualization tasks. In this post, I share some plotting functions I have developed for synthetic streamflow diagnostic visualizations.

A thorough review of synthetic streamflow verification is outside the scope of this post, but in short we want to verify that the synthetic timeseries have statistical properties similar to the historic streamflow. Additionally, we want to see that the synthetic timeseries reflect the range of internal variability present in the basin by showing that a large synthetic ensemble envelopes the limited historic observations.

The following functions can be used to compare the following properties of historic and synthetic streamflow:

  • Flow magnitude
  • Non-exceedance probabilities (flow duration curves)
  • Autocorrelation
  • Spatial correlation across locations

Diagnostic plotting functions

  • plot_flow_ranges()
    • Range and median of flow values in historic and synthetic flow timeseries.
  • plot_fdc_ranges()
    • The range of annual flow duration curves (FDCs) for historic and synthetic streamflow timeseries.
  • plot_autocorrelation()
    • Comparison of historic and synthetic autocorrelation across a range of lag values.
  • plot_spatial_correlation()
    • Heatmap visualizations of Pearson correlation between different flow locations in the historic data and a single synthetic realization.

These functions are designed to accept historic (Qh) and synthetic (Qs) data with the following properties:

  • Qh : A pd.Series containing a single historic streamflow timeseries. The index of this data must be type pd.DatetimeIndex.
  • Qs : A pd.DataFrame containing many synthetic streamflow timeseries. The columns should each contain a single synthetic realization and the index must be type pd.DatetimeIndex. The column names do not matter.

Additionally, each function (excluding plot_fdc_ranges()) has a timestep keyword argument which changes the temporal scale of the flow being considered. Options are ‘daily’, ‘weekly’, or ‘monthly’, and the pandas.groupby() function is used to aggregate data accordingly to allow for comparison of statistics at different temporal scales. The default is ‘daily’.

Streamflow data

The historic data used in this example is taken from the Delaware River Basin. Specifically, streamflow data from the USGS gauge at Lordville, NY, on the upper portion of the Delaware River is used.

The synthetic streamflow was generated using the Kirsch-Nowak [1, 2] synthetic streamflow generator. For more detail on this generator, see Julie’s post here: Open Source Streamflow Generator Part 1.

I created 100 synthetic realizations of 30-year, daily streamflow timeseries at the Lordville gauge.

The historic and synthetic streamflow timeseries are assumed to start at the same date. Most of the plotting functions below do not explicitly consider the date associated with the timeseries, however comparisons between flow statistics across some range of time assume that the timeseries are aligned for the same dates.

Flow magnitude range

This first plot simply shows the range (max, min) and median of flows for both historic and synthetic datasets.

def plot_flow_ranges(Qh, Qs, 
                     timestep = 'daily',
                     units = 'cms', y_scale = 'log',
                     savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                     figsize = (7,5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],
                     title_addon = ""):
    """Plots the range of flow for historic and syntehtic streamflows for a specific timestep scale.
        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        units (str, optional): Streamflow units, for axis label. Defaults to 'cms'.
        y_scale (str, optional): Scale of the y-axis. Defaults to 'log'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        title_addon (str, optional): Text to be added to the end of the title. Defaults to "".

    # Assert formatting matches expected
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    # Handle conditional datetime formatting
    if timestep == 'daily':
        h_grouper = Qh.index.dayofyear
        s_grouper = Qs.index.dayofyear
        x_lab = 'Day of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
    elif timestep == 'monthly':
        h_grouper = Qh.index.month
        s_grouper = Qs.index.month
        x_lab = 'Month of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        h_grouper = pd.Index(Qh.index.isocalendar().week, dtype = int)
        s_grouper = pd.Index(Qs.index.isocalendar().week, dtype = int)
        x_lab = 'Week of the Year (Jan-Dec)'
        print('Invalid timestep input. Options: "daily", "monthly", "weekly".')

    # Find flow ranges
    s_max = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).max().max(axis=1)
    s_min = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).min().min(axis=1)
    s_median = Qs.groupby(s_grouper).median().median(axis=1)
    h_max = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).max()
    h_min = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).min()
    h_median = Qh.groupby(h_grouper).median()
    ## Plotting  
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = figsize, dpi=150)
    xs = h_max.index
    ax.fill_between(xs, s_min, s_max, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Range', alpha = 0.5)
    ax.plot(xs, s_median, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Median')
    ax.fill_between(xs, h_min, h_max, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Range', alpha = 0.3)
    ax.plot(xs, h_median, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Median')
    ax.set_ylabel(f'{timestep.capitalize()} Flow ({units})', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_xlabel(x_lab, fontsize=12)
    ax.legend(ncols = 2, fontsize = 10, bbox_to_anchor = (0, -.5, 1.0, 0.2), loc = 'upper center')    
    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    ax.set_title(f'{timestep.capitalize()} Streamflow Ranges\nHistoric & Synthetic Timeseries at One Location\n{title_addon}')
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/flow_ranges_{timestep}.png', dpi = 150)

Assuming I have loaded a pd.DataFrame named Qs which contains synthetic timeseries in each column, and a single historic timeseries Qh, I can quickly plot daily (or weekly or monthly) flow ranges using:

# Useage
plot_flow_ranges(Qh, Qs, timestep='daily')

This figure provides a lot of useful information about our synthetic ensemble:

  • The synthetic ensembles envelope the limited historic values, and include more extreme high and low flows
  • The seasonal trends in the synthetics align with the historic
  • The median of the synthetic ensemble aligns very closely with the median of the historic data.

Flow duration curve ranges

The plot_fdc_ranges() function will calculate an FDC for each year of the historic and synthetic data, and plot the ranges that these FDCs take. It will also "total" FDCs calculated for the entirety of the historic or synthetic records.

def plot_fdc_ranges(Qh, Qs, 
                    units = 'cms', y_scale = 'log',
                    savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                    figsize = (5,5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],                   
                    title_addon = ""):
    """Plots the range and aggregate flow duration curves for historic and synthetic streamflows.
        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        units (str, optional): Streamflow units, for axis label. Defaults to 'cms'.
        y_scale (str, optional): Scale of the y-axis. Defaults to 'log'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        title_addon (str, optional): Text to be added to the end of the title. Defaults to "".
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qs) == pd.DataFrame), 'Synthetic streamflow should be type pd.DataFrame.'
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    # Calculate FDCs for total period and each realization
    nonexceedance = np.linspace(0.0001, 0.9999, 50)
    s_total_fdc = np.quantile(Qs.values.flatten(), nonexceedance)
    h_total_fdc = np.quantile(Qh.values.flatten(), nonexceedance) 
    s_fdc_max = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    s_fdc_min = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    h_fdc_max = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)
    h_fdc_min = np.zeros_like(nonexceedance)

    annual_synthetics = Qs.groupby(Qs.index.year)
    annual_historic = Qh.groupby(Qh.index.year)

    for i, quant in enumerate(nonexceedance):
            s_fdc_max[i] = annual_synthetics.quantile(quant).max().max()
            s_fdc_min[i] = annual_synthetics.quantile(quant).min().min()
            h_fdc_max[i] = annual_historic.quantile(quant).max()
            h_fdc_min[i] = annual_historic.quantile(quant).min()
    ## Plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=200)
    #for quant in syn_fdc_quants:
    ax.fill_between(nonexceedance, s_fdc_min, s_fdc_max, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Annual FDC Range', alpha = 0.5)
    ax.fill_between(nonexceedance, h_fdc_min, h_fdc_max, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Annual FDC Range', alpha = 0.3)

    ax.plot(nonexceedance, s_total_fdc, color = colors[1], label = 'Synthetic Total FDC', alpha = 1)
    ax.plot(nonexceedance, h_total_fdc, color = colors[0], label = 'Historic Total FDC', alpha = 1, linewidth = 2)

    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    ax.set_ylabel(f'Flow ({units})')
    ax.set_xlabel('Non-Exceedance Probability')
    ax.legend(fontsize= 10)
    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    plt.title(f'Flow Duration Curve Ranges\nHistoric & Synthetic Streamflow\n{title_addon}')
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/flow_duration_curves_{title_addon}.png', dpi=200)

## Usage
plot_fdc_ranges(Qh, Qs)

Similar to the flow range plot above, we see that the synthetic ensemble is nicely enveloping the historic data; there are synthetic instances where the extreme flows in a particular year are more extreme than historic observations. However, the FDC of the total synthetic ensemble (if all synthetics were combined) is almost exactly equal to the total historic FDC.


Hydrologic systems are known to have memory, or correlation between streamflow at different points in time. We want to make sure that our synthetic streamflow timeseries have similar memory or autocorrelation.

The plot_autocorrelation() function will calculate autocorrelation for the historic record, and each synthetic realization for a range of different lag values. In addition to the required Qh and Qs arguments this function requires lag_range which should be a list or array of lag values to be considered.

def plot_autocorrelation(Qh, Qs, lag_range, 
                         timestep = 'daily',
                         savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                         figsize=(7, 5), colors = ['black', 'orange'],
                         alpha = 0.3):
    """Plot autocorrelation of historic and synthetic flow over some range of lags.

        Qh (pd.Series): Historic daily streamflow timeseries. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. Index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        lag_range (iterable): A list or range of lag values to be used for autocorrelation calculation.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        colors (list, optional): List of two colors for historic and synthetic data respectively. Defaults to ['black', 'orange'].
        alpha (float, optional): The opacity of synthetic data. Defaults to 0.3.
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qs) == pd.DataFrame), 'Synthetic streamflow should be type pd.DataFrame.'
    assert(type(Qh.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Historic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'
    assert(type(Qs.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex), 'Synthetic streamflow (Qh) should have pd.DatatimeIndex.'

    if timestep == 'monthly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('MS').sum()
        Qs = Qs.resample('MS').sum()
        time_label = 'months'
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        Qs = Qs.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        time_label = f'weeks'
    elif timestep == 'daily':
        time_label = f'days'
    # Calculate autocorrelations
    autocorr_h = np.zeros(len(lag_range))
    confidence_autocorr_h = np.zeros((2, len(lag_range)))
    for i, lag in enumerate(lag_range):
        h_corr = pearsonr(Qh.values[:-lag], Qh.values[lag:])
        autocorr_h[i] = h_corr[0]
        confidence_autocorr_h[0,i] = h_corr[0] - h_corr.confidence_interval().low
        confidence_autocorr_h[1,i] = h_corr.confidence_interval().high - h_corr[0]
    autocorr_s = np.zeros((Qs.shape[1], len(lag_range)))
    for i, realization in enumerate(Qs.columns):
        autocorr_s[i] = [pearsonr(Qs[realization].values[:-lag], Qs[realization].values[lag:])[0] for lag in lag_range]

    ## Plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=200)

    # Plot autocorrelation for each synthetic timeseries
    for i, realization in enumerate(Qs.columns):
        if i == 0:
            ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], alpha=1, color = colors[1], label=f'Synthetic Realization')
            ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], color = colors[1], alpha=alpha, zorder = 1)
        ax.scatter(lag_range, autocorr_s[i], alpha=alpha, color = 'orange', zorder = 2)

    # Plot autocorrelation for the historic timeseries
    ax.plot(lag_range, autocorr_h, color=colors[0], linewidth=2, label='Historic', zorder = 3)
    ax.scatter(lag_range, autocorr_h, color=colors[0], zorder = 4)
    ax.errorbar(lag_range, autocorr_h, yerr=confidence_autocorr_h, 
                color='black', capsize=4, alpha=0.75, label ='Historic 95% CI')

    # Set labels and title
    ax.set_xlabel(f'Lag ({time_label})', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel('Autocorrelation (Pearson)', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_title('Autocorrelation Comparison\nHistoric Timeseries vs. Synthetic Ensemble', fontsize=14)

    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.95, bottom=0.12, top=0.92)

    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/autocorrelation_plot_{timestep}.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

Let’s visualize the autocorrelation of daily streamflow for a maximum of 100-day lag.

## Usage
plot_autocorrelation(Qh, Qs, lag_range=range(1,100, 5), timestep='daily') 

Spatial Correlation

The plot_spatial_correlation() function generates a heatmap visualization of the Pearson correlation matrix for streamflow at different locations in both the historic and synthetic datasets.

The plot_spatial_correlation() function is different from the other three functions shown above, since it requires a set of timeseries data for multiple different locations.

Rather than providing a set of many different realizations for a single site we need to provide a single realization of synthetics across all sites of interest, with a timeseries for each site in each column. This new input is Qs_i, and must the same columns as Qh (they both must contain a timeseries for each location.

def plot_correlation(Qh, Qs_i,
                        timestep = 'daily',
                        savefig = False, fig_dir = '.',
                        figsize = (8,4), color_map = 'BuPu',
                        cbar_on = True):
    """Plots the side-by-side heatmaps of flow correlation between sites for historic and synthetic multi-site data.
        Qh (pd.DataFrame): Historic daily streamflow timeseries at many different locations. The columns of Qh and Qs_i must match, and index must be pd.DatetimeIndex. 
        Qs (pd.DataFrame): Synthetic daily streamflow timeseries realizations. Each column is a unique realization. The columns of Qh and Qs_i must match, and index must be pd.DatetimeIndex.
        timestep (str, optional): The timestep which data should be aggregated over. Defaults to 'daily'. Options are 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'.
        savefig (bool, optional): Allows for png to be saved to fig_dir. Defaults to False.
        fig_dir (str, optional): Location of saved figure output. Defaults to '.' (working directory).
        figsize (tuple, optional): The figure size. Defaults to (4,4).
        color_map (str, optional): The colormap used for the heatmaps. Defaults to 'BuPu.
        cbar_on (bool, optional): Indictor if the colorbar should be shown or not. Defaults to True.
    ## Assertions
    assert(type(Qh) == type(Qs_i) and (type(Qh) == pd.DataFrame)), 'Both inputs Qh and Qs_i should be pd.DataFrames.'
    assert(np.mean(Qh.columns == Qs_i.columns) == 1.0), 'Historic and synthetic data should have same columns.'
    if timestep == 'monthly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('MS').sum()
        Qs_i = Qs_i.resample('MS').sum()
    elif timestep == 'weekly':
        Qh = Qh.resample('W-SUN').sum()
        Qs_i = Qs_i.resample('W-SUN').sum()
    ## Plotting
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=figsize, dpi = 250)
    # Heatmap of historic correlation
    h_correlation = np.corrcoef(Qh.values.transpose())
    sns.heatmap(h_correlation, ax = ax1, 
                square = True, annot = False,
                xticklabels = 5, yticklabels = 5, 
                cmap = color_map, cbar = False, vmin = 0, vmax = 1)

    # Synthetic correlation
    s_correlation = np.corrcoef(Qs_i.values.transpose())
    sns.heatmap(s_correlation, ax = ax2,
                square = True, annot = False,
                xticklabels = 5, yticklabels = 5, 
                cmap = color_map, cbar = False, vmin = 0, vmax = 1)
    for axi in (ax1, ax2):
    ax1.set(xlabel = 'Site i', ylabel = 'Site j', title = 'Historic Streamflow')
    ax2.set(xlabel = 'Site i', ylabel = 'Site j', title = 'Synthetic Realization')
    title_string = f'Pearson correlation across different streamflow locations\n{timestep.capitalize()} timescale\n'
    # Adjust the layout to make room for the colorbar
    if cbar_on:
        plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 0.9, 0.85])
        cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.1, 0.02, 0.6])  # [left, bottom, width, height]
        cbar = fig.colorbar(ax1.collections[0], cax=cbar_ax)
        cbar.set_label("Pearson Correlation")
    plt.suptitle(title_string, fontsize = 12)
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(f'{fig_dir}/spatial_correlation_comparison_{timestep}.png', dpi = 250)

To use this function, I need to load a different pd.DataFrame containing synthetic timeseries at all of my study locations.

## Usage
single_synthetic_all_sites = pd.read_csv('synthetic_streamflow_single_realization_all_sites.csv', sep=',', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)

plot_correlation(Qh_all_sites, single_synthetic_all_sites, timestep='weekly')

Across the different streamflow sites, we see that the synthetic timeseries do a decent job at preserving spatial correlation, although correlation is decreased for sites which are not strongly correlated in the historic record.


I hope these functions save you some time in your own work, and allow you expand your synthetic diagnostic considerations.


[1] Kirsch, B. R., Characklis, G. W., & Zeff, H. B. (2013). Evaluating the impact of alternative hydro-climate scenarios on transfer agreements: Practical improvement for generating synthetic streamflows. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management139(4), 396-406.

[2] Nowak, K., Prairie, J., Rajagopalan, B., & Lall, U. (2010). A nonparametric stochastic approach for multisite disaggregation of annual to daily streamflow. Water Resources Research46(8).

Building the Reed Group Figure Library – Part 1 Visualizations Supporting MOEA Diagnostics

This summer, we are constructing a Reed Group Lab manual (release forthcoming) as a guide for new graduate students and a resource about our tools for folks outside the group. The manual will complement this blog by organizing information and providing training syllabi for our tools and methodologies. One element of the lab manual that I’m excited about is a Figure Library, a set gallery of starter code for common visualizations we use in the group. In this post, I’ll present the first set of visualizations that will be included in our Figure Libary. These visualizations support MOEA diagnostic experiments. For some background on MOEA diagnostics, see this set of posts.

The section below is a reproduction of the Jupyter Notebook that will be included in our Figure Libary.

MOEA Diagnostics

This page contains Python code to generate basic visualizations for the diagnostics evaluation of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). MOEA diagnostics are a systematic process of evaluating algorithmic performance. For background on MOEA diagnostics and an introductory tutorial, see this post. For MOEA diagnostics on water resources applications, see Reed et al., (2013), Zatarain et al., (2016), Zatarain et al., (2017) and Gupta et al., (2020).

# first load the relevant libraries
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import ScalarMappable
import matplotlib
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

Attainment Plots

MOEAs are stochastic tools that are initialize with random seeds (starting solutions) that may affect the quality of search results. To account for the inherent uncertainty in search we run multiple random seeds of an algorithm. Attainment plots are a helpful way of visualizing an algorithm’s performance across random seeds. Attainment plots show the distribution of a MOEA performance metric across seeds and highlight the maximum performance achieved by an algorithm.

In the code below, four hypothetical algorithms are compared after running 20 random seeds each. The color of each bar represents the percentage of random seeds that achieve a given hypervolume, and the white points represent the best hypervolume achieved by each algorithm.

def attainment_plot(performance_file, metric):
    Creates an attainment plot comparing the performance of multiple algorithms across random seeds

    :param performance_file:            the path to a file containing performance metrics from diagnostic evaluation.
                                        the first row is assumed to be titles describing each algorithm

    :param metric:                      the name of the metric being plotted

    # load data
    performance_data = np.loadtxt(performance_file, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)

    # create a figure and get the axis object
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # add a row of zeros
    performance_data = np.vstack((performance_data, np.ones(len(performance_data[0,:]))))

    # sort the hypervolume of each algorithm across all seeds from largest to smallest
    for i in range(len(performance_data[0,:])):
        performance_data[:,i] = np.sort(performance_data[:, i])[::-1]

    # plot a bar with the hypervolume achieved by each seed
    # start with 1 (full red), then highest, 2nd highest, etc.
    cmap = matplotlib.colormaps['RdBu'] # a color map for the plot
    for j in range(len(performance_data)):
        bar_color = (j)/len(performance_data) # color of the bar being plotted
        pcolor = cmap(bar_color) # pull color from colormap[0,:])), performance_data[j,:], color=pcolor, alpha=1) # plot the seed

    # plot a the best hypervolume achieved by each Algorithm
    ax.scatter(np.arange(len(performance_data[0,:])), performance_data[1,:], color='w')

    # create a color bar
    sm = ScalarMappable(cmap= cmap)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(sm)
    cbar.set_label('Probability of Attainment')

    # format the plot
    title_df = pd.read_csv(performance_file)
    ax.set_ylabel(metric +'\nPreference $\longrightarrow$')

#Example Usage
attainment_plot('HV_20_Seeds.csv', 'Relative Hypervolume')

Control Maps

Many MOEAs have complex parameterizations that may impact their ability to solve challenging multiobjective problems. Control maps are one way we can visualize how an algorithm’s performance varies across different parameterizations. Control maps are usually two dimensional projections of sampled parameters, with each axis on the map representing a different parameter. The algorithm’s performance at different parameter combinations is shown as the color on the map. An advantage of some high quality algorithms such as the Borg MOEA is that they are relatively insensitive to their parameterization, and their performance is mainly controlled by the number of function evaluations (NFEs) performed.

In the example below, the control map shows an algorithm that is sensitive to both the NFEs and intial population size, indicating that users must be careful of their parameterization when using this algorithm.

def control_plot(control_data, parameter_1, parameter_2):
    Creates a two dimensional control plot for MOEA performance across many parameterizations

    :param control_data:                the path to a csv file with performance data aranged as an nxn where n is the number of parameter samples
    :param parameter_1                  the name of the parameter being plotted on the horizontal axis
    :param parameter_2                  the name of the parameter being plotted on the vertical axis

    metrics = np.loadtxt(control_data, delimiter=',')
    filtered_metrics = gaussian_filter(metrics, sigma=5)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdYlBu')

    im = ax.imshow(filtered_metrics, cmap=cmap)
    ax.set_title('Control Map')

    # create a color bar
    sm = ScalarMappable(cmap= cmap)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(sm)
    cbar.set_label('Relative Hypervolume')

control_plot('Control_data.csv', 'Initial Population Size ($10^1$)', 'NFE ($10^3$)')

Runtime Dynamics

Another important way can compare algorithms is by visualizing the runtime dynamics, which reveals how algorithms perform during the search. We do this by tracking performance metrics during the search and plotting the performance against the NFEs. In the chart below, I plot the performance of two algorithms on a hypothetical test problem. Here the max and min across seeds are plotted as a shaded region, and the mean performance is plotted as a solid line for each algorithm.

import seaborn as sns
runtime_1 = np.loadtxt('Alg1_runtime.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
runtime_1 = np.vstack((np.zeros(21), runtime_1))

maxes_1 = runtime_1[:,1:].max(axis=1)
mins_1 = runtime_1[:,1:].min(axis=1)
means_1 = runtime_1[:,1:].mean(axis=1)

runtime_2 = np.loadtxt('Alg2_runtime.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
runtime_2 = np.vstack((np.zeros(21), runtime_2))

maxes_2 = runtime_2[:,1:].max(axis=1)
mins_2 = runtime_2[:,1:].min(axis=1)
means_2 = runtime_2[:,1:].mean(axis=1)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.fill_between(runtime_1[:,0], mins_1, maxes_1, alpha=.3, color='lightcoral')
ax.plot(runtime_1[:,0], means_1, color='firebrick')
ax.fill_between(runtime_2[:,0], mins_2, maxes_2, alpha=.3, color='darkorchid')
ax.plot(runtime_2[:,0], means_2, color='darkviolet')

ax.set_xlabel('NFE (10^3)')
ax.set_ylabel('Relative Hypervolume')
ax.set_title('Runtime Dynamics')

Multiobjective trade-offs

Finally, we can visualize the implications of algorithmic performance by plotting the Pareto approximate sets across multiple objectives. An important tool for high-dimensional problems is the parallel axis plot. For an introduction to parallel axis plots, see this post. Pandas has a simple tool for making these plots that are useful for data with multiple categories (for example, different algorithms).

from pandas.plotting import parallel_coordinates

objs = pd.read_csv('objs_data.csv')
fig, ax =plt.subplots()
parallel_coordinates(objs, 'Algorithm', linewidth=3, alpha=.8, ax=ax, color = ('#556270', '#4ECDC4'))
ax.set_ylabel('Objective Value\n(Preference $\longrightarrow$)')
ax.set_title('Approximate Pareto Sets')


Gupta, R. S., Hamilton, A. L., Reed, P. M., & Characklis, G. W. (2020). Can modern multi-objective evolutionary algorithms discover high-dimensional financial risk portfolio tradeoffs for snow-dominated water-energy systems?. Advances in water resources, 145, 103718.

Reed, P. M., Hadka, D., Herman, J. D., Kasprzyk, J. R., & Kollat, J. B. (2013). Evolutionary multiobjective optimization in water resources: The past, present, and future. Advances in water resources, 51, 438-456.

Salazar, J. Z., Reed, P. M., Herman, J. D., Giuliani, M., & Castelletti, A. (2016). A diagnostic assessment of evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective surface water reservoir control. Advances in water resources, 92, 172-185.

Salazar, J. Z., Reed, P. M., Quinn, J. D., Giuliani, M., & Castelletti, A. (2017). Balancing exploration, uncertainty and computational demands in many objective reservoir optimization. Advances in water resources, 109, 196-210.

The Colorado River Basin: Exploring its Past, Present, and Future Management

I. Introduction

Figure 1. Aerial view of the Colorado River passing through the Grand Canyon in Arizona (McBride) [18]

The Colorado River Basin (CRB) covers a drainage area of 246,000 square miles across California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming and Arizona. Studies have estimated that the basin provides $1.4 trillion of economic revenue per year, 16 million jobs across 7 states, water to 40 million people, and irrigation to approximately 5.5 million acres of agricultural land. For states such as New Mexico and Nevada, it represents more than two thirds of their annual GDP (65% and 87%, respectively). [1]

On August 21, 2021, the U.S. federal government declared its first-ever water cuts in the basin, due to the ongoing megadrought. The basin is estimated to be filled to 35% of its full capacity and has suffered a 20% decrease in inflow in the last century. [2] Rising temperatures caused in part by climate change have dried up the water supply of the basin, with certain areas experiencing more than double the global average temperature. Hotter temperatures have had three notable impacts on the drying of the basin: accelerated evaporation and snowpack melting, drying up soil before runoff reaches reservoirs, and increased wildfires which cause erosion of sediment into the basin. 

The CRB finds itself at a critical juncture; as the population and demand in the area continues to grow, the water supply is only diminishing. Ideally, the basin should provide for municipal, agricultural, tribal, recreational and wildlife needs. Thus, appropriate water management policies will be foundational to the efficacy of water distribution in these critical times. 

II. Brief History

Representatives from the seven Colorado River states negotiated and signed the Colorado River Compact on November 9th, 1922, and a century later, this compact still defines much of the management strategies of the CRB. The compact divided the basin into Upper and Lower sections and provided a framework for the distribution of water [3]. At the time of the signing, it was estimated that the annual flow of the basin was 16.4 million acre-feet (maf/y). Accordingly, the right to 7.5 maf/y of water was split between each portion of the basin. A more accurate estimate of total flow adjusted this to 13.5 maf/y with fluctuations between 4.4 maf/y to 22 maf/y [3]. State-specific allocations were defined in 1928 as part of the Boulder Canyon Act for the Lower Basin, and in 1948 for the Upper Basin in the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact [4]. Figure 2 displays water distribution on a state basis in million-acre feet/year.

The system of water allocation, which is still in place today, dates back to 1876 when the Colorado Constitution put into place the Doctrine of Prior Appropriation. The core of the doctrine enforces that water rights can only be obtained for beneficial use. These rights can be bought, sold, inherited, and relocated. The doctrine gives owners of the land near the water, equal rights of use. This system regulates the uses of surface and tributary groundwater on a basis of priority. The highest priority are senior water rights holders. This group are those that have had the rights for the longest time and are typically best positioned in times of drought. Contrastingly, junior water rights holders are those that have obtained their water rights more recently and tend to be those whose supply is curtailed first in times of drought. This system is often described as “first-in-time, first-in-right” [5]. However, a key criticism of this doctrine is that it fails to encompass beneficial uses of water, which are particularly important when water is scarce.

Figure 3 summarizes the key historic moments of the Colorado River Basin from the Colorado Constitution in 1876 to the most recent 2023 negotiations. Some of the most notable events are the 1922 signing of the Colorado River Compact which created the foundation of division and apportionment of the water basin. Additionally, the construction of dams in the early to mid 20th century such as the Hoover Dam, Parker Dam, Glen Canyon, Flaming Gorge, Navajo and Curecanti have played an important role in determining water flow today. The formation of the Central Arizona Project in 1968, provided access to water for both agricultural lands and metropolitan areas such as the Maricopa, Pinal and Pima counties [6]. More recently, the critically low water levels of Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam have raised concerns about their ability to generate hydropower. In early 2023, the seven states that utilize the CRB met in hopes of reaching an agreement on how to deal with the current shortages but the proposal failed.

III. Key Players

Figure 4, highlights prominent key players in the Colorado River Basin who are frequently involved in negotiations and policy making.

IV. Current Situation

In January 2023, the states within the CRB failed to come to an agreement on an updated water consumption plan aimed to curbing the impacts of the megadrought. The proposed plan would require California to cut their water from 4.4 maf/y to 1 maf/y. The agreement, aimed at preventing Lake Powell and Mead from falling below the critical level for hydropower, proposed major water cuts for Southwestern states of California and Arizona and incorporated losses from evaporation into the cutbacks [7]. Although six states agreed on a plan to move forward, California rejected the major water cuts due to concerns related to agriculture and legal water rights status. The proposed cuts would primarily impact regions such as Imperial County which have senior rights to 3.1 maf/y and an agricultural revenue of $2.3 billion annually [8]. California proposed an alternative plan, which called for a 400,000 acre-foot reduction (for CA specifically), with additional reductions contingent upon the water level of Lake Mead in the future. While both plans are similar, the California plan is founded on waiting until the water level passes a critical threshold, while the plan from the other states is more preventative in nature [7].

Figure 5. Key Facts about the CRB

In more recent news, the Biden Administration just proposed a plan to evenly cut water allocations to California, Arizona and Nevada by approximately one-quarter. An intervention from the federal government on such a scale would be unprecedented in the history of the region. The options considered include: taking no action, making reductions based on senior water rights, or making equal reductions across the three states. Opting for the first option would likely result to a dead pool in Lake Mead and Powell, a term used to describe when the water levels fall too low to continue flowing downstream [12]. The second option would favor California, as it is one of the states which holds the most seniority in the basin particularly in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys of Southern CA [9]. Consequently, this decision would more severely impact Arizona and Nevada, which are important swing states for the President and have an important tribal presence. The final decision is anticipated to be made in the summer of 2023 [10]. 

In many parts of California and Colorado, this winter has been particularly heavy in rain and snow, making people hopeful that the river could be replenished. Scholars estimate that it would require 3 years of average snow with no water consumption to fully restore the Colorado River Basin reservoirs and 7 years under current consumption activity [11]. Unfortunately, the basin’s soil is extremely dry, which means that any excess water that comes from the snowpack is likely to be absorbed by the ground before it has a chance to reach rivers and streams. It is estimated that by the end of 2023 Lake Powell will be at 3,555 feet of elevation (roughly 32% capacity). When Lake Powell reaches 3,490 feet, the Glen Canyon Dam will be unable to produce hydroelectric power. At 3,370 feet, a dead pool will be reached.

V. Paths to a Sustainable Future

As water supply in the CRB continues to diminish, it has become increasingly crucial to find ways to minimize water loss of the system. One of the major contributor is through evaporation, which accounts for approximately 1.5 maf/y of loss. This loss is more than Utah’s allocation from the Colorado River.  In order to minimize evaporation loss, an ideal reservoir would be very deep and have small surface area. However, this is not the case for reservoirs like Lake Powell which loses approximately 0.86 maf/y (more than 6% of CRB annual flow) [13]. This raises the important question of how to best allocate the CRB water considering that some states experience more evaporation loss than others. According to research from CU Boulder, some possible solutions include covering the surface water with reflective materials, films of organic compounds, and lightweight shades. Additionally, relocating the reservoir water underground storage areas or aquifers could also serve to reduce evaporation [14]. 

An alternative approach is cloud seeding. In early March of 2023, the Federal Government invested $2.4 million in cloud seeding for the CRB. Cloud seeding is a technique used to artificially induce more precipitation by injecting ice nuclei, silver iodide or other small crystals into subfreezing clouds. This promotes condensation of water around the nuclei and the formation of rain drops which are estimated to increase precipitation by 5-15% [15]. The grant will be used to fund new cloud seeding generators which can be operated remotely as well as aircrafts for silver iodide injections. While this is a significant investment, cloud seeding has been practiced for decades in the CRB. Indeed, it is estimated that Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming each spend over $1 million annually on cloud seeding and Utah has planned to increase its spendings to $14 million next year [16]. While the negative impacts of cloud seeding are still unclear, some scholars believe that they could cause silver toxicity because of the use of potentially harmful chemicals. Additionally, the wind can sometimes blow the seeded clouds to a different location [17]. Ultimately, cloud seeding does not solve the underlying obstacles of climate change or aridification in the region, but it may help alleviate some of the impact from the drought until a more sustainable alternative can be found. 

Work Cited

[1] “Economic Importance of the Colorado River.” The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy. Accessed December 1, 2021.

[2] Kann, Drew. “Climate Change Is Drying up the Colorado River, Putting Millions at Risk of ‘Severe Water Shortages’.” CNN. Cable News Network, February 22, 2020.

[3] Megdal, Sharon B. “Sharing Colorado River Water: History, Public Policy and the Colorado River Compact.” The University of Arizona: Water Resources Research Center , 1 Aug. 1997, 

[4] Water Education Foundation. (n.d.). Colorado River Compact. Water Education Foundation. Retrieved April 17, 2023, from,River%20Basin%20Compact%20of%201948. 

[5] Hockaday, S, and K.J Ormerod. “Western Water Law: Understanding the Doctrine of Prior Appropriation: Extension.” University of Nevada, Reno , University of Nevada, Reno, 2020,,farming%2C%20ranching%20and%20agricultural%20uses.&text=A%20claim%20to%20water%20that%20is%20more%20recent%20than%20senior,municipal%2C%20environmental%20or%20recreational%20uses. 

[6] State of the Rockies Project 2011-12 Research Team. “The Colorado River Basin: An Overview.” Colorado College, 2012. 

[7] Partlow, Joshua. “As the Colorado River Dries up, States Can’t Agree on Saving Water.” The Washington Post, The Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023,

[8] Bland, Alastair. “California, Other States Reach Impasse over Colorado River.” CalMatters, 1 Feb. 2023, 

[9] Hager, Alex. “Six States Agree on a Proposal for Colorado River Cutbacks, California Has a Counter.” KUNC, NPR, 1 Feb. 2023,

[10] Flavelle, Christopher. “Biden Administration Proposes Evenly Cutting Water Allotments from Colorado River.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 11 Apr. 2023, 

[11] Mullane, Shannon. “Colorado’s Healthy Snowpack Promises to Offer Some Relief for Strained Water Supplies.” The Colorado Sun, The Colorado Sun, 14 Mar. 2023,

[12]Tavernise, Sabrina, host. “7 States, 1 River and an Agonizing Choice.” The Daily, The New York Times, 31 Jan. 2023.

[13] “Lake Powell Reservoir: A Failed Solution.” Glen Canyon Institute, Glen Canyon Institute ,

[14] Blanken, Peter, et al. “Reservoir Evaporation a Big Challenge for Water Managers in West.” CU Boulder Today, 28 Dec. 2015,

[15] McDonough, Frank. “What Is Cloud Seeding?” DRI, Desert Research Institute, 19 Sept. 2022,

[16] Peterson, Brittany. “Feds Spend $2.4 Million on Cloud Seeding for Colorado River.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 17 Mar. 2023,

[17] Rinkesh. “Various Pros and Cons of Cloud Seeding.” Conserve Energy Future, Conserve Energy Future, 28 July 2022,

Work Cited for Photos

[18] McBride , P. (n.d.). The Colorado River winds through the Grand Canyon. photograph, Arizona.

[19] Kuhn, Eric, and John Fleck . “A Century Ago in Colorado River Compact Negotiations: Storage, Yes. but in the Compact?” Jfleck at Inkstain , 15 Nov. 2022,

[20] “A Project for the Ages.” Bechtel Corporate,

[21] Lane, Taylor. “Lake Mead through the Decades – Lake Mead in 1950 Photograph from United States National Park Service Photography Collection .” Journal, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 17 Aug. 2022,

[22] “1944: U.S. Mexico Water Treaty.” Know Your Water News , Central Arizona Project , 25 Oct. 2022,

[23] “Glen Canyon Unit – Arial View of the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell.” Bureau of Reclamation – Upper Colorado Region , Bureau of Reclemation ,

[24] “Reclamation and Arizona.” Reclamation, U.S Department of the Interior ,

[25] Ferris, Kathleen. “CAP: Tracking the Flow of Colorado River Water to Your City.” AMWUA, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association, 19 Oct. 2015,