Legacy Code Reborn: Wrapping C++ into MATLAB Simulink

Did you ever have the need to include legacy code in your own projects without rephrasing it into your new framework? In Matlab Simulink, there is a way to include C++ code within your system. This post will teach you how to fit legacy C++ code into your Simulink projects.

Let’s assume you have been given a C++ code in which neural networks are implemented and already trained (as an example, but this guide extends to any generic class/function). Let’s also assume that your goal is to include them within a larger control system. Recreating them from scratch and trying to translate the original code into Matlab could be an unwise choice, as the implementation error could be around the corner. The best solution is to include the neural networks directly as they are, wrapping them in a nice box. How to proceed?

To fully appreciate the following post, you should have a basic understanding of object-oriented programming, C++, and Matlab Simulink.

The one I will show you differs from the fastest solution you could think about. Indeed, there are easier ways to wrap your C++ code if it fulfills certain limitations declared in the C Function Block documentation. Still, this solution is the most complete you can think of! And always works.
Here below I recall the Matlab Simulink limitations from the official documentation.
The C Function block cannot be used to directly access all C++ classes. These types of classes are not supported:

  • Template classes
  •  Standard Template Library (STL) containers
  •  Classes with private constructors and destructors

If your code falls in one of the above cases, you should be interested in reading this post; otherwise, you can think about following the more straightforward way.

1. Installing the C++ compiler
To execute C++ code, you need a C++ compiler. If you already have one, skip this section. Otherwise, you have two possibilities, in both the cases, you will have a functioning C++ compiler on your device:

  1. Installing the standard open-source C++ compiler.
    In this case, I recommend MINGW (even if it is pretty old). You can install it simply by following the software installation guidelines.
  2. Installing MINGW as Matlab adds-on. 
    Another (even easier) possibility is installing MINGW directly from Matlab as a standard Matlab toolbox. 

To let Matlab know that you will need to compile C++ code, you need to specify (each time you execute the code) the following command in Matlab terminal: 

mex -setup C++

This, if the compiler has been correctly installed (in my case through Microsoft Visual Studio 2022), should prompt out:

MEX configured to use 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2022' for C++ language compilation.

or, if you installed through Matlab adds-on:

MEX configured to use 'MinGW64 Compiler (C++)' for C++ language compilation. 

2. The C Function Block

Here is where things start to be more challenging.
The starting point is understanding which Simulink block we are going to use to wrap around our C++ executed code. In this case, it is represented by the C Function Block.

The block has the following structure:

  • Output code: here is where you will generate your output. The following is a candidate example.
    output = predict(myNN,input1,input2);
    Here we invoke the predict method passing as arguments two possible inputs and returning the output (our hopefully prediction). The special guest is myNN. This is the key of the solution to the problem and represents an instance of the class of the object we are going to wrap.
  • Start code: here, you instantiate the myNN object. It is the equivalent of the constructor in the C++ class.
    myNN = createNN();
  • Terminate code: here is where you destroy your object (equivalent to the destructor).
  • Symbols: here, you declare your input, output and myNN object. You can specify names (input1,input2, myNN) and data types (int32,double…). Remark: it is fundamental that the type of the myNN object is VoidPointer. This depends on the fact that we are building a wrapper.

To conclude the inspection of the C Function block, we must look at the settings. Here we must specify all the source files (.cpp) and header files (.h) inside the corresponding sections. The files must be in the same folder of the Simulink file, unless you specify the directory in the corresponding field.

An important remarkthe settings are common for all the C Function blocks you will have inside the project. Thus, you can’t structure your application thinking that each C Function block can have separate and independent source files. For this reason, even if you need to instantiate multiple classes of different natures inside your scheme, in the end, you will need one unique wrapper (with corresponding .cpp and .h files).

3. Writing your C++ Wrapper

After exploring the C Function block, we are ready to start writing our wrapper. Let’s assume you have legacy code that implements your neural network in source/header files. What you must do is: 

  1. Write your NN class, whose methods will be invoked by the wrapper. 
  2. Write the wrapper.

3a. Writing the class

We will call the files uniqueNN.cpp/uniqueNN.h.

#include "uniqueNN.h"
#include "ann.h"
// include here all additional dependences

myNN::myNN() {

myNN::~myNN() {
    delete ANN;

double myNN::predict(double input1, double input2) {
// copy-paste here your legacy code

In this class, you can see constructor, destructor, and predict method. Inside that method, you would copy-paste your legacy code. In there, you can do whatever you want. Remark: you don’t need to fulfill the limitations of the C Function Block because this class will be invoked by a “protective layer” represented by our wrapper!

Suppose your system has multiple components, and a different network with a different structure represents each. You can still use the very same class and implement a corresponding method for each of your original networks to produce the corresponding network’s prediction. 

Clearly, you must specify all your needed files for executing your legacy code in source and header files. 

3b. Implementing the wrapper

#include "uniqueNN.h"
// include here all additional standard libraries 

// Neural Networks

void* createNN()
    return new myNN();

void deleteNN(void* obj)
    delete static_cast<myNN*>(obj);

double predict(void* obj, double input1, double input2)
    myNN* nn = static_cast<myNN*>(obj);
    return nn-> predict(input1, input2);

Here we have three methods. These are the ones we have seen in the C Function Block! They will be invoked by Simulink.

As you can see, we find again the constructor, the destructor, and the predict method. For the sake of conciseness, I suggest using the same name for the method implemented in the class and the method implemented in the wrapper, but it is not mandatory. Notice that you must pass as an argument for the predict method in the wrapper the void pointer (your class object you are instantiating, that is the one you declared in the C Function Block!).

Remark: as you might have imagined, for each method implemented in the class (that in our example represented one different legacy neural network), you should create one corresponding method in the wrapper.

A final remark: the wrapper needs only the header of your class (for us uniqueNN.h) (not all the ones from legacy code, so do not put them because it is redundant!)

Here below the quality of the reconstruction of the legacy code through the C++ wrapper. The small differences that you might experience are due to internal data type differences between the legacy code simulator and the new one, absolutely negligible.

The figure above shows that the predictions from the neural network are nearly identical for both the wrapper-based simulink and original C++ implementations.

That’s it! Thank you for reading and if you have further questions, please feel free to contact me, here is my LinkedIn profile!