Parameter estimation of Hidden Markov Models using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method in Julia

I recently completed a course Final Project in which I attempted to implement a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) parameterized using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. In this post, I will briefly introduce HMM models as well as the MCMC method. I will then walk you through an exercise implementing a HMM in the Julia programming language and share some preliminary results from my exploration in combining both these methods. All the code found in this exercise can be located in this GitHub repository.

Note: The exercise in this post will require some familiarity with Julia. For a quick introduction to this relatively recent newcomer to the programming languages scene, please refer to Peter Storm’s blog post here.

Hidden Markov Models

A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a statistical tool used to model different types of time series data ranging from signal processing, hydrology, financial statistics, speech recognition, and econometrics (Rabiner, 1990; Rydén, 2008), where the underlying process is assumed to be Markovian. Specifically, it has been found to be effectively at modeling systems with long-term persistence, where past events have effects on current and future events at a multi-year scale (Akintug and Rasmussen, 2005; Bracken et al., 2014). Recent studies have also found that it is possible to use HMMs to model the dynamics of streamflow, where the HMM state space represents the different hydrological conditions (e.g. dry vs. wet) and the observation space represents the streamflow data (Hadjimichael et al., 2020; 2020a). These synthetic streamflows are computationally generated with the aid of packages such as hmmlearn in Python and HMMBase in Julia. An example implementation of hmmlearn can be found in Julie Quinn’s blog post here. She also wrote the prequel to the implementation post, where she dives into the background of HMMs and applying Expectation-Maximization (EM) to parameterize the model.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo

The EM approach of parameterizing HMMs reflects a frequentist approach that assumes the existence of one “true” value for each HMM parameter. In this exercise, I will instead use a Bayesian approach via the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to generate and randomly sample potential parameter (model prior) values from a Markov chain, which are statistical models that approximate Markovian time series. In these time series, the probability of being in any given state st at current time t is dependent only on states prior to st. Using the MCMC approach, a Markov Chain is constructed for each HMM parameter such that its stationary distribution (distribution of the parameters at equilibrium) is the distribution of its associated model posterior (the likelihood of a model structure after, or a posteriori, obtaining system observed data). The model priors (assumed model structure prior to having any knowledge about the system) are randomly sampled from their respective chains — hence the term “Monte Carlo”. These samples are then used to estimate the statistical properties of the distribution of each parameter.

Overall, MCMC is a powerful method to estimate the statistical properties of high-dimensional problems with many parameters. Nonetheless, it is beholden to its own set of limitations that include high computational expense and the inability to guarantee convergence. Figure 1 below summarize some of the benefits and drawbacks of using MCMC parameterization:

Figure 1: The pros and cons of using MCMC parameterization.

Setting up the parameters

In this exercise, I will be using the HMM to approximate the statistical properties of streamflow data found in the annualQ.csv file previously used also by Rohini in her post on creating HMMs to generate synthetic streamflow series and by the MSD UC Ebook HMM training Jupyter Notebook. This streamflow time series originated from a USGS outlet gauge in the Upper Colorado River Basin. It records 105 years’ worth of streamflow from 1909 and 2013 (inclusive). It was previously found that it was best described using two states (wet and dry; Bracken et al, 2014). In this exercise, I also assume that this time series is best approximated by a first-order HMM where the state at current time t (st) is only affected by the state at the timestep immediately prior to it (st-1).

In this exercise, I will be using MCMC to parameterize the following HMM parameters:

The initial state distribution a for wet (1)
and dry (2) states
The transition matrix A from a wet (1) to
a dry (2) state
The probability distributions for the vector
of observations x for a given state where
Wet: 1 and Dry: 2
Table 1: Summary of all HMM parameters to be adjusted using the MCMC approach.

From Table 1 above:

  • P(ai) is the initial state probability for state i
  • P(Aij) is the transition probability from state i to state j
  • μi and σi are the mean and standard deviation for the vector of streamflow observations x for a given state i

Now that the dataset and model parameters have been introduced, we will proceed with demonstrating the code required to implement the HMM model with MCMC parameterization.

Implementing the streamflow HMM with using MCMC parameterization

Before begin, I recommend downloading and installing Julia 1.8.5. Please find the Windows and Mac 64-bit installer here. Once Julia is set up, we can download and install all required packages. In Julia, this can be done as follows:

# make sure all required packages are installed
import Pkg

Once this is done, we can load all the required packages. In Julia, this is done using the using key word, which can be thought of as the Python import parallel. Note that I placed a semicolon after the using CSV line. This is to prevent the automatic printing of output messages that Julia automatically displays when loading packages.

# load all packages
using Random
using CSVFiles # load CSV data
using DataFrames # data storage and presentation
using Plots # plotting library
using StatsPlots # statistical plotting
using Distributions # statistical distribution interface
using Turing # probabilistic programming and MCMC
using Optim # optimization library
using StatsBase
using LaTeXStrings
using HMMBase
using DelimitedFiles
using CSV;

Now, let’s load the data and identify the number of years and number of states inherent to time streamflow time series.

# load data
# source:
Q = CSV.File("annualQ.csv", header=[:Inflow]) |> DataFrame
Q = Q[2:end,:]
Q[!,:Inflow] = parse.(Float64, Q[!, :Inflow])
Q[!, :Year] = 1909:2013;
Q[!, :logQ] = log.(Q[!, :Inflow]);

# Assume first-order HMM where only the immediate prior step influences the next step
n_states = 2
logQ = Q[!,:logQ];
n_years = size(logQ)[1];

Next, we should set a random seed to ensure that our following results are consistent. This is because the package that we are using in this exercise called “Distributions” performs random sampling. Without setting the seed (shown below), the outcomes of the exercise may be wildly different each time the MCMC parameterization algorithm is run.

# Set the random seed

Next, we define the HMM model with MCMC sampling. The sampling is performed using methods and syntax built into the Turing.jl package. In the code below, also note lines 32 to 38. Within those lines, the observations’ states are enforced where observations with log-streamflows below the input mean are assigned to a dry state, while the opposite is implemented for log-streamflows above the wet state. This step is important to prevent mode collapse, where the HMM model cannot distinguish between the wet and dry state distributions due to the random sampling of the MCMC parameterization.

@model function HMM_mcmc(logQ, n_states, n_years)
    # Source:
    # Prompt example: Please suggest how you would parameterize Hidden Markov Model with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method 
    # Uses the Turing.jl package in Julia. The input to this model will be an inflow timeseries with two hidden states.
    mean_logQ = mean(logQ)

    # Define the prior distributions for the parameters
    μ₁ ~ Normal(15.7, 0.25)   # wet state   
    μ₂ ~ Normal(15.2, 0.25)   # dry state
    σ₁ ~ truncated(Normal(0.24, 0.1), 0, Inf)
    σ₂ ~ truncated(Normal(0.24, 0.1), 0, Inf)
    a11 ~ Dirichlet(ones(n_states))
    A ~ filldist(Dirichlet(ones(n_states)), n_states)
    s = tzeros(Int, n_years)   # Define the vector of hidden states

    # Define intial state probability distribution
    a = [a11[1], 1-a11[1]]   # [wet state, dry state]

    # Define the observation distributions 
    B = [Normal(μ₁, σ₁), Normal(μ₂, σ₂)]

    # Sample the initial hidden state and observation variables
    s[1] ~ Categorical(a)

    # Loop over time steps and sample the hidden+observed variables 
    for t in 2:n_years
        s[t] ~ Categorical(A[:,s[t-1]])
    for t in 1:n_years
        logQ[t] ~ B[s[t]]

        # if the logQ is greater than the input mean, force the state to be a wet state
        if logQ[t] > mean_logQ
            s[t] ~ Categorical(A[:,1])
        # if the logQ is smaller than the input mean, force the state to be a dry state
        elseif logQ[t] < mean_logQ
            s[t] ~ Categorical(A[:,2])


We then have to run the model for at least 3,000 iterations before the sample values for each parameter converge to stable values. The code to perform this is as follows:

# run for 3000 iterations; usually enough
# run using >3 chains to double check convergence if desired
hmm_model = HMM_mcmc(logQ, n_states, n_years)
g = Gibbs(HMC(0.05, 10, :μ₁, :μ₂, :σ₁, :σ₂, :a11, :A), PG(10, :s))
chains = sample(hmm_model, g, MCMCThreads(), 3000, 1, drop_warmup=true)

To check for convergence, you can attempt to run plot(chains) to check for convergence, and corner(chains) to examine the parameters for dependencies. In this post, we will not discuss MCMC convergence in detail, but some things to look out for would be r_hat values in the output of the code shown above that are close to 1, as well as chains that are similar to each other. Refer to Table 2 and Figure 2 for some quick statistics that can be used as a baseline to determine if your model has converged.

Table 2: The mean converged values for some of the HMM parameters.
Figure 2: The mean converged values of the transition matrix components.

Now, let’s use the model to generate 1,000 samples of streamflow. First, we define the streamflow prediction function:

function predict_inflow(chain, logQ)
    μ₁ = Array(group(chain, :μ₁))
    μ₂ = Array(group(chain, :μ₂))
    σ₁ = Array(group(chain, :σ₁))
    σ₂ = Array(group(chain, :σ₂))
    a11 = Array(group(chain, "a11[1]"))
    a22 = Array(group(chain, "a11[2]"))
    A11 = Array(group(chain, "A[1,1]"))
    A12 = Array(group(chain, "A[1,2]"))
    A21 = Array(group(chain, "A[2,1]"))
    A22 = Array(group(chain, "A[2,2]"))

    n_samples = 1000
    μ1_sample = sample(μ₁, n_samples, replace=true);
    μ2_sample = sample(μ₂, n_samples, replace=true);
    σ1_sample = sample(σ₁, n_samples, replace=true);
    σ2_sample = sample(σ₂, n_samples, replace=true);
    a11_sample = sample(a11, n_samples, replace=true);
    a22_sample = sample(a22, n_samples, replace=true);
    A11_sample = sample(A11, n_samples, replace=true);
    A12_sample = sample(A12, n_samples, replace=true);
    A21_sample = sample(A21, n_samples, replace=true);
    A22_sample = sample(A22, n_samples, replace=true);
    Q_predict = zeros(length(logQ), n_samples)    
    #residuals_ar = zeros(length(temp_data), n_samples)
    s_matrix = zeros(length(logQ), n_samples)
    logQ_matrix = zeros(length(logQ), n_samples)
    meanQ = mean(logQ)
    for n = 1:n_samples 
        s_sample = tzeros(Int, n_years)
        Q_sample = zeros(n_years)

        μ1 = μ1_sample[n]
        μ2 = μ2_sample[n]
        σ1 = σ1_sample[n]
        σ2 = σ2_sample[n]
        a11 = a11_sample[n]
        a22 = a22_sample[n]
        A11 = A11_sample[n]
        A21 = 1 - A11_sample[n]
        A12 = 1 - A22_sample[n]
        A22 = A22_sample[n]
        A = [A11 A12; A21 A22]
        A = transpose(A)
        #a =  [1-a22, a22]
        a = [a11, 1-a11]
        B = [Normal(μ1, σ1), Normal(μ2, σ2)]

        # Sample the initial hidden state and observation variables
        s_sample[1] = rand(Categorical(a))

        # Loop over time steps and sample the hidden+observed variables 
        for t in 2:n_years
            s_sample[t] = rand(Categorical(A[s_sample[t-1], :]))
        for t in 1:n_years
            Q_sample[t] = rand(B[s_sample[t]])
            if Q_sample[t] < meanQ
                s_sample[t] = 1
            elseif Q_sample[t] > meanQ
                s_sample[t] = 2

        s_matrix[:, n] = s_sample
        Q_predict[:, n] = Q_sample

    return s_matrix, Q_predict


From this function, we obtain the state and log-inflow matrix with dimensions 105 × 1000 each.

s_matrix, logQ_predict = predict_inflow(chains, logQ) 

We randomly select a timeseries out of the 1,000 timeseries output by the prediction function and plot the wet and dry states identified:

# create the dry and wet masks
q = Q[!,:Inflow]
y = Q[!,:Year]

# select a random sample timeseries to plot
idx = 7
Q_wet_mcmc = q[s_matrix[:,idx] .== 1]
Q_dry_mcmc = q[s_matrix[:,idx] .== 2]

y_wet_mcmc = y[s_matrix[:,idx] .== 1]
y_dry_mcmc = y[s_matrix[:,idx] .== 2];

# plot the figure
plot(y, Q.Inflow, c=:grey, label="Inflow", xlabel="Year", ylabel="Annual inflow (cubic ft/yr)")
scatter!(y_dry_mcmc, Q_dry_mcmc, c=:salmon, label="Dry state (MCMC)", xlabel="Year", ylabel="Annual inflow (cubic ft/yr)")
scatter!(y_wet_mcmc, Q_wet_mcmc, c=:lightblue, label="Wet state (MCMC)", xlabel="Year", ylabel="Annual inflow (cubic ft/yr)")

The output figure should look similar to this:

Figure 2: Wet (pink) and dry (blue) states identified within the streamflow timeseries.

From this figure, we can see that the HMM can identify streamflow extreme as wet and dry states (albeit with some inconsistencies) where historically high streamflows are identified as a “wet state” and low streamflows are correspondingly identified as “dry”.

To make sure that the model can distinguish the observation distributions for wet and dry states, we plot their probability distribution functions. Before we plot anything, though, let’s define a function that will help us plot the distributions themselves. For this function, we first need to load the LinearAlgebra package.

# load the LinearAlgebra package 
using LinearAlgebra

# function to plot the distribution of the wet and dry states 
function plot_dist(Q, μ, σ, A)
    evals, evecs = eigen(A).values, eigen(A).vectors
    one_eval = argmin(abs.(evals.-1))
    π = evecs[:, one_eval] / sum(evecs[:, one_eval])

    x_0 = LinRange(μ[1] - 4*σ[1], μ[1] + 4*σ[1], 10000)
    norm0 = Normal(μ[1], σ[1])
    fx_0 = π[1].*pdf.(norm0, x_0)
    x_1 = LinRange(μ[2] - 4*σ[2], μ[2] + 4*σ[2], 10000)
    norm1 = Normal(μ[2], σ[2])
    fx_1 = π[2].*pdf.(norm1, x_1)
    x = LinRange(μ[1] - 4*σ[1], μ[2] + 4*σ[2], 10000)
    fx = π[1].*pdf.(norm0, x) .+ π[2].*pdf.(norm1, x)
    #fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 8))

    b = range(μ[1] - 4*σ[1], μ[2] + 4*σ[2], length=100)
    histogram(log.(Q), c=:lightgrey, normalize=:pdf, label="Log-Inflow")
    plot!(x_0, fx_0, c=:red, linewidth=3, label="Dry State Distr", xlabel="x", ylabel="P(x)")
    plot!(x_1, fx_1, c=:blue, linewidth=2, label="Wet State Distr")
    plot!(x, fx, c=:black, linewidth=2, label="Combined State Distr")

Great! Now let’s use this function to plot the distributions themselves.

# get the model parameter value means
μ₁_mean = mean(chains, :μ₁)
μ₂_mean = mean(chains, :μ₂)
σ₁_mean = mean(chains, :σ₁)
σ₂_mean = mean(chains, :σ₂)
a11_mean = mean(chains, "a11[2]")
A11_mean = mean(chains, "A[1,1]")
A12_mean = mean(chains, "A[1,2]")
A21_mean = mean(chains, "A[2,1]")
A22_mean = mean(chains, "A[2,2]")

# obtained from model above
μ = [μ₂_mean, μ₁_mean]
σ = [σ₂_mean, σ₁_mean]
A_mcmc = [A11_mean 1-A11_mean; 1-A22_mean A22_mean]

# plot the distributions
plot_dist(Q[!,:Inflow], μ, σ, A_mcmc)

This code block will output the following figure:

Figure 3: The overall (black), wet (blue) and dry (red) streamflow probability distributions.

From Figure 3, we can observe that the dry state streamflow distribution is different from that of the wet state. The HMM model correctly estimates a lower mean for the dry state, and a higher one for the dry state. Based on visual analysis, the states have similar standard deviations, but this is likely an artifact of the prior parameterization of the initial HMM model that we set up earlier. The step we took earlier to force the wet/dry state distributions given a sampled log-streamflow value also likely prevented mode collapse and enabled the identification of two distinct distributions.

Now, let’s see if our HMM can be used to generate synthetic streamflow. We do this using the following lines of code:

# plot the FDC of the sampled inflow around the historical 
sampled_obs_mcmc = zeros(1000, n_years)
Q_predict_mcmc = transpose(logQ_predict)
for i in 1:1000
    sampled_obs_mcmc[i,:] = exp.(Q_predict_mcmc[i, :])
    sampled_obs_mcmc[i,:] = sort!(sampled_obs_mcmc[i, :], rev=true)

hist_obs = copy(Q[!,:Inflow])
hist_obs = sort!(hist_obs, rev=true)
probs = (1:n_years)/n_years

plot(probs, hist_obs, c=:grey, linewidth=2, label="Historical inflow",
    xlabel="Exceedance prob.", ylabel="Annual inflow (cubic ft/yr)")
for i in 1:1000
    if i == 1
        plot!(probs, sampled_obs_mcmc[i,:], c=:lightgreen, linewidth=2,
            label="Sampled inflow (MCMC)", xlabel="Exceedance prob.", ylabel="Annual inflow (cubic ft/yr)")

    plot!(probs, sampled_obs_mcmc[i,:], c=:lightgreen, linewidth=2, legend=false,
        xlabel="Exceedance prob.", ylabel="Annual inflow (cubic ft/yr)")

plot!(probs, hist_obs, c=:grey, linewidth=2, legend=false,
    xlabel="Exceedance prob.", ylabel="Annual inflow (cubic ft/yr)")

Once implemented, the following figure should be output:

Figure 4: The original historical streamflow timeseries (grey) and the synthetic streamflow generated by the HMM (green).

This demonstrates that the HMM model is capable of generating synthetic streamflow that approximates the statistical properties of the historical timeseries, while expanding upon the range of uncertainty in streamflow scenarios. This has implications for applications such as exploratory modeling of different streamflow scenarios, where such approaches can be used to generate a wetter- or dryer-than-historical streamflows.


While using MCMC to parameterize a HMM is a useful method to generate synthetic streamflow, one significant drawback is the long runtime and the large number of iterations that the MCMC algorithm takes to converge (Table 3).

Table 3: MCMC parameterization and runtime.

This is likely due to the HMM sampling setup. Notice that in lines 27 and 33-27 in the HMM_mcmc function: we are essentially fitting an additional probability distribution at each st essentially turning them into tunable parameters themselves. Since there are 105 elements in the streamflow timeseries, this introduces an additional 105 parameters for the MCMC to fit distributions to. This is the likely cause for the lengthy runtime. While we will not explore alternative HMM-MCMC parameterization approaches, more efficient alternatives definitely exist, and you are highly encouraged to check it out!

Overall, we began this post with a quick introduction to HMM and MCMC sampling. We then compared the pros and cons of using the MCMC approach to parameterize a HMM. Once we understood its benefits and drawbacks, we formulated a HMM for a 105-year long timeseries of annual streamflow and examined the performance of the model by analyzing its converged parameter values, observation probability distributions, as well as its ability to detect wet/dry states in the historical time series. We also used the HMM to generate 1,000 synthetic streamflow scenarios. Finally, we diagnosed the cause for the long time to convergence of the MCMC sampling approach.

This brings us to the end of the post! I hope you now have a slightly better understanding of HMMs, how they can be parameterized using the MCMC approach, as well as issues you might run into when you implement the latter.

Happy coding!


Akintug, B., & Rasmussen, P. F. (2005). A Markov switching model for annual hydrologic time series. Water Resources Research, 41(9).

Bracken, C., Rajagopalan, B., & Zagona, E. (2014). A hidden markov model combined with climate indices for Multidecadal Streamflow Simulation. Water Resources Research, 50(10), 7836–7846.

Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J., & Reed, P. (2020). Advancing diagnostic model evaluation to better understand water shortage mechanisms in institutionally complex river basins. Water Resources Research, 56(10), e2020WR028079.

Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J., Wilson, E., Reed, P., Basdekas, L., Yates, D., & Garrison, M. (2020a). Defining robustness, vulnerabilities, and consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholder interests in institutionally complex river basins. Earth’s Future, 8(7), e2020EF001503.

Reed, P.M., Hadjimichael, A., Malek, K., Karimi, T., Vernon, C.R., Srikrishnan, V., Gupta, R.S., Gold, D.F., Lee, B., Keller, K., Thurber, T.B, & Rice, J.S. (2022). Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research [Book]. Zenodo.

Rabiner, L. R. (1990). A tutorial on Hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition. Readings in Speech Recognition, 267–296.

Rydén, T. (2008). Em versus markov chain Monte Carlo for estimation of Hidden Markov models: A computational perspective. Bayesian Analysis, 3(4).

Turek, D., de Valpine, P. and Paciorek, C.J. (2016) Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling for Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models, Available at:

Introducing Julia: A Fast and Modern Language

In this blog post, I am introducing Julia, a high-level open-source dynamic programming language. While it has taken root in finance, machine learning, life sciences, energy, optimization, and economic realms, it is certainly not common within the water programming realm. Through this post, I will give an overview of the features, pros, and cons of Julia before comparing its performance to Python. Following this, I give an overview of common Julia development environments as well as linking to additional resources.

Julia: What’s Going On?

Julia is a high-level open-source dynamic programming language built for scientific computing and data processing that is Pythonic in syntax to ensure accessibility while boosting computational efficiency.  It is parallelizable on high performance computing resources utilizing CPUs and GPUs, allowing for its use in large-scale experiments.

With Version 1.1.0 recently released, Julia now stands amongst the established and stable programming languages. As such, Julia can handle matrices with ease while performing at speeds nearly comparable to C and Fortran. It is comparable to Cython/Numba and faster than Numpy, Python, Matlab, and R. Note that further benchmarking is required on a project-specific basis due to the speed of individual packages/libraries, but a simple case is shown in the following section.

The biggest case for implementing Julia over C/C++/Fortran is its simplicity in writing and implementation. Its language is similar Python, allowing for not only list comprehension but also ‘sloppy’ dynamic variable type declarations and use. Julia has the ability to move between dynamic and static variable types. Furthermore, Julia allows users to create unique variable types, allowing for maximum flexibility while maintaining efficiency.

Installing and implementing packages from the start is nearly seamless, simply requiring the name of the package and an internet connection. Most packages and libraries are hosted on GitHub and are relatively straightforward to install with just a couple lines of code. On the same hand, distributing and contributing to the opensource community is straightforward. Furthermore, Julia can access Python modules with wrappers and C/Fortran functions without, making it a very versatile language. Likewise, it can easily be called from Python (PyJulia) to speed up otherwise cumbersome operations.

Julia has relatively straightforward profiling modules built in. Beyond being able to utilize Jupyter Notebook commands, Julia has a range of code diagnostic tools, such as a @Time command to inform the user of wall time and memory allocation for a function.

One of the most obvious downsides to Julia when compared to Python is the relatively small community. There is not nearly the base of documentation that I am accustomed to; nearly every issue imaginable in the Python world has been explored on Stack Overflow, Julia is much more limited. However, because much of its functionality is based on MATLAB, similar issues and their corresponding solutions bleed over.

Additional transition issues that may be encountered is that unlike Python, Julia’s indexing begins with 1. Furthermore, Julia uses column-major ordering (like Matlab, Fortran, and R) unlike Python and C (row-major ordering), making iterating column-by-column substantially faster. Thus, special care must be taken when switching between languages in addition to ensuring consistent strategies for speeding up code. Another substantial transition that may be required is that Julia is not directly object-oriented since objects do not directly have embedded methods; instead, a given object must be passed to a function to be modified.

Overall, I see Julia as having the potential to improve computational efficiency for computationally-intensive models without the need to learn a more complex language (e.g. Fortran or C/C++). Between its ease of integration between other common languages/libraries to its ability to properly utilize HPC CPU/GPU resources, Julia may be a useful tool to utilize alongside Python to create more efficient large-scale models.

Julia Allows for Faster Matrix Operations

As a simple test to compare scalability of Julia and Python, I computed the dot product of increasingly large matrices using the base Julia language and Numpy in Python (both running in Jupyter Notebooks on a Windows desktop). You can find the code at the following link on Github.


As you can see in the generated figure, Julia outperforms Python for large matrix applications, indicating that Julia is more efficient and may be worth using for larger and larger operations. If you have any suggestions on improving this code for comparison, please let me know; I am absolutely game for improvement.

Development Environments for Julia

The first and most obvious variables on what development environment is best is you, the user. If you’re wanting all the bells and whistles versus a simple text-editing environment, the range of products to fulfill you desires exists.

Juno—an extension to Atom—is the default IDE that is incorporated with JuliaPro, a pre-packaged version of Julia that includes a range of standard packages—Anaconda is the parallel in the Python world.

Jupyter Notebooks  are my go-to development environment for experimenting with code in both Python and Julia, especially for testing small sections of code.  Between being able to easily create visuals and examples inline with your code and combining code with Markdown, it allows for clean and interactive approach to sharing code or teaching. Note that installation generally requires IJulia but can allow for easy integration into already existing Jupyter workflows.

JetBrains IDEs (e.g. CLion, PyCharm) support a Julia plugin that supports a wide range of the same features JetBrains is known for. However, it is still in beta and is working to improve its formatter and debugging capabilities.

JuliaBox is an online web interface using Jupyter Notebooks for code development on a remote server, requiring no local installation of Julia. Whether you are in a classroom setting, wanting to write code on your phone, or are just wanting to experiment with parallel computing (or don’t have access to HPC resources), JuliaBox allows for a nearly seamless setup experience. However, note that this development environment limits each session to 90 minutes (up to 8 hours on a paid subscription) and requires a subscription to access any resources beyond 3 CPU cores. Note that you can access GPU instances with a paid subscription.

Julia Studio is a default IDE used by a range of users. It is a no-frills IDE based on Qt Creator, resulting in a clean look.

For anyone looking to use Visual Studio, you can install a VS Code extension.

Vim is not surprisingly available for Julia.  And if you’re feeling up the challenge, Emacs also has an interface.

Of course, you can just use a texteditor of your choice (e.g. Sublime Text with an extension) and simply run Julia from the terminal.

Julia Resources


Thanks to Dave Gold for his assistance in giving guidance for benchmarking and reminding me of the KISS principle.