Python Profiling with line_profiler

The line_profiler can be used to see the amount of time taken to execute each line in a function of your code. I think this is an important tool that can be used to reduce the runtime of a code. Simple command “pip install line_profiler” shall install the package or “conda install line_profiler” to install into an existing conda environment.

I shall present the usage of this line_profiler tool for a randomly generated data to calculate supply to demand ratio for releases from a reservoir. Demand or target supply is defined for day of the water year. The following code first defines the calculation for day of water year, generates random data for demand and supply, and two functions are defined for different methods of calculation of ratio of supply to demand. Include the line @profile before the function definition line to get the profile of execution of each line in the function.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from line_profiler import profile

#function to caluclate day of water year
def get_dowy(date):
water_year_start = pd.Timestamp(year=date.year, month=10, day=1)
if date < water_year_start:
water_year_start = pd.Timestamp(year=date.year - 1, month=10, day=1)
return (date - water_year_start).days + 1

# Generate random data for demand for each day of water year
data = {
'Median_Demand': np.random.randint(0, 1000, 367),

# Create dataframe
df_demand = pd.DataFrame(data)

## Generate random data for supply from years 2001 to 2010 and also define corresponding day of water year
date_range = pd.date_range(start='2001-10-01', end='2091-09-30', freq='D')
data = {
'dowy': [get_dowy(date) for date in date_range],
'Supply': np.random.uniform(0, 2500, len(date_range))
# Create dataframe
df_supply = pd.DataFrame(data, index=date_range)

@profile #define before the function for profiling
def calc_supply_demand_1(df,df_median):
ratio = pd.DataFrame()
medians_dict = df_demand['Median_Demand'].to_dict()
demand = df_supply['dowy'].map(medians_dict)
supply = df_supply['Supply']
ratio = supply.resample('AS-OCT').sum() / demand.resample('AS-OCT').sum()
return ratio

def calc_supply_demand_2(df,df_median):
ratio = pd.DataFrame()
medians_dict = df_demand['Median_Demand'].to_dict()
demand = pd.Series([df_demand['Median_Demand'][i] for i in df.dowy], index=df.index)
supply = df_supply['Supply']
ratio = supply.resample('AS-OCT').sum() / demand.resample('AS-OCT').sum()
return ratio

ratio1 = calc_supply_demand_1(df_supply, df_demand)
ratio2 = calc_supply_demand_2(df_supply,df_demand)

Running just the code wouldn’t output anything related to line_profiler. To enable profiling, run the script as follows (this sets the environment variable LINE_PROFILE=1)


The above line generates three output files as profile_output.txt, profile_output_.txt, and profile_output.lprof and stdout is as follows:

Timer unit: 1e-09 s

0.04 seconds - /directory/ - calc_supply_demand_1
2.43 seconds - /directory/ - calc_supply_demand_2
Wrote profile results to profile_output.txt
Wrote profile results to profile_output_2024-03-29T192919.txt
Wrote profile results to profile_output.lprof
To view details run:
python -m line_profiler -rtmz profile_output.lprof

On executing the line “python -m line_profiler -rtmz profile_output.lprof”, the following is printed.

Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 0.0393394 s
File: /directory/
Function: calc_supply_demand_1 at line 30

Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
30 @profile
31 def calc_supply_demand_1(df,df_median):
32 1 2716.4 2716.4 6.9 ratio = pd.DataFrame()
33 1 1365.2 1365.2 3.5 medians_dict = df_demand['Median_Demand'].to_dict()
34 1 3795.6 3795.6 9.6 demand = df_supply['dowy'].map(medians_dict)
35 1 209.7 209.7 0.5 supply = df_supply['Supply']
36 1 31252.0 31252.0 79.4 ratio = supply.resample('AS-OCT').sum() / demand.resample('AS-OCT').sum()
37 1 0.5 0.5 0.0 return ratio

Total time: 2.43446 s
File: /directory/
Function: calc_supply_demand_2 at line 39

Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
39 @profile
40 def calc_supply_demand_2(df,df_median):
41 1 1365.1 1365.1 0.1 ratio = pd.DataFrame()
42 1 697.5 697.5 0.0 medians_dict = df_demand['Median_Demand'].to_dict()
43 1 2411800.5 2e+06 99.1 demand = pd.Series([df_demand['Median_Demand'][i] for i in df.dowy], index=df.index)
44 1 53.9 53.9 0.0 supply = df_supply['Supply']
45 1 20547.0 20547.0 0.8 ratio = supply.resample('AS-OCT').sum() / demand.resample('AS-OCT').sum()
46 1 0.6 0.6 0.0 return ratio

0.04 seconds - /directory/ - calc_supply_demand_1
2.43 seconds - /directory/ - calc_supply_demand_2

The result shows line number, number of hits (number of times the line is executed; hits increase when executed in a for loop), total time, time per hit, percentage of time and the line contents. The above result implies that for the first function, 79.4% of time was used to execute ratio, whereas for the second function 99.1% is used in execution of demand. ratio1 and ratio2 are the two exact same outputs where demand is defined in different ways in both the functions. We also see that time taken to execute calc_supply_demand_1 function is 0.04 seconds and calc_supply_demand_2 is 2.43 seconds. Using this I could reduce the runtime by 61 times (2.43/0.04) identifying that demand calculation takes 99.1% of time in calc_supply_demand_2 function using line_profiler. Another method is using cprofile (details are in this blog post). cprofile gives more detailed information.
